Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 2.djvu/51

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quins (Dec. 29, 65); 'Le Canard a trois bees' (Feb. 6, 69). Many of his pieces have been given in London, such as 'Terrible Hymen' at Covent Garden, Dec. 26, 66; 'The Two Harlequins' (by A'Beckett) at the Gaiety, Dec. 21, 68; and 'Le Canard,' also at the Gaiety, July 28, 71. This led to his composing an operetta in 3 acts to an English libretto by Mr. A. Thompson, called 'Cinderella the younger,' produced at the Gaiety Sept. 25, 71, and reproduced in Paris as 'Javotte' at the Theatre Lyrique, Dec. 22 following. [App. p.685 "'Le Chignon d'or,' Brussels, 1874; 'La bonne Aventure,' 1882; 'Le premier Baiser,' 1883."]

M. Jonas was professor of Solfeggio at the Conservatoire from 1847 to 66, and professor of Harmony for military bands from 1859 to 70. He is also director of the music at the Portuguese synagogue, in connection with which he published in 1854 a collection of Hebrew tunes. He has also been bandmaster of one of the legions of the Garde Nationale, and since the Exposition of 67 has organised the competitions of military bands at the Palais de l'industrie, whereby he has obtained many foreign decorations. Since 'Javotte,' M. Jonas has brought out no piece of importance.

[ G. ]

JONES, Edward, was born at a farm house called Henblas,—i. e. Old Mansion,—Llanderfel, Merionethshire, on Easter Sunday, 1752. His father taught him and another son to play on the Welsh harp, and other sons on bowed instruments, so that the family formed a complete string band. Edward soon attained to great proficiency on his instrument. About 1775 he came to London, and in 1783 was appointed bard to the Prince of Wales. In 1786 he published 'Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards, with a General History of the Bards and Druids, and a Dissertation on the Musical Instruments of the Aboriginal Britons'; a work of learning and research. Another edition appeared in 1794, and in 1802 a second volume of the work was issued under the title of 'The Bardic Museum.' Jones had prepared a third volume, a portion only of which was published at his death, the remainder being issued subsequently. The three volumes together contain 225 Welsh airs. Besides this, he compiled and edited 'Lyric Airs; consisting of Specimens of Greek, Albanian, Walachian, Turkish, Arabian, Persian, Chinese, and Moorish National Songs and Melodies; with … a few Explanatory Notes on the Figures and Movements of the Modern Greek Dances, and a short Dissertation on the Origin of the Ancient Greek Music,' 1804; 'The Minstrel's Serenades'; 'Terpsichore's Banquet, a Selection of Spanish, Maltese, Russian, Armenian, Hindostan, English, German, French and Swiss Airs'; 'The Musical Miscellany, chiefly selected from eminent composers'; 'Musical Remains of Handel, Bach, Abel, etc.'; 'Choice Collection of Italian Songs'; 'The Musical Portfolio, consisting of English, Scotch, Irish, and other favourite Airs'; 'Popular Cheshire Melodies'; 'Musical Trifles calculated for Beginners on the Harp'; and 'The Musical Bouquet, or Popular Songs and Ballads.' Besides his professional pursuits Jones filled a situation in the Office of Robes at St. James's Palace. He collected an extensive library of scarce and curious books, part of which, to the value of about £300, he sold in the latter part of his life, and the remainder was dispersed by auction after his death, realising about £800. He died, as he was born, on Easter Day, April 18, 1824.

[ W. H. H. ]

JONES, John, organist of the Middle Temple Nov. 24, 1749; of the Charterhouse (following Dr. Pepusch) July 2, 1753; and of St. Paul's Cathedral Dec. 25, 1755. He died, in possession of these three seats, Feb. 17, 1796. He published 'Sixty Chants Single and Double' (1785) in the vulgar florid taste of that time. One of these was sung at George III.'s state visit to S. Paul's April 23, 1789, and at many of the annual meetings of the Charity Children. At that of 1791 Haydn heard it, and noted it in his diary as follows (with a material improvement in the taste of the fourth line):

{ \time 4/4 \key e \major \relative b' { b1 gis2 e b1\fermata | gis'2. a4 b2 cis4 dis e2 fis \grace { e4 } dis1\fermata | e1 cis2 a fis1\fermata | dis'1 e2 cis4 fis e2 dis e1\fermata \bar "||" } }

'No music has for a long time affected me so much as this innocent and reverential strain.'

[ G. ]

JONES, Rev. William, known as 'Jones of Nayland,' born at Lowick, Northamptonshire, July 30, 1726, and educated at the Charter House and at University College, Oxford. He included music in his studies and became very proficient in it. In 1764 he was presented to the vicarage of Bethersden, Kent, and subsequently became Rector of Pluckley in the same county, which he exchanged for the Rectory of Paston, Northamptonshire. He is said to have been presented to the Perpetual Curacy of Nayland, Suffolk, in 1776, but his name does not occur in the registers until 1784. In Jan. 1784 he published 'A Treatise on the Art of Music,' which gained him considerable reputation. In March, 1789, he published by subscription his Op. ii, 'Ten Church Pieces for the Organ, with Four Anthems in score [a psalm tune[1] and a double chant], composed for the use of the Church of Nayland in Suffolk, and published for its benefit.' In 1798 he became Rector of Hollingbourne, Kent. He was the author of many theological, philosophical, and miscellaneous works. He died at Nayland, Jan. 6, 1800, and was buried in the vestry of the church on Jan. 14. A second edition of his Treatise on Music was published at Sudbury in 1827.

[ W. H. H. ]

JONES, Robert, Mus. Bac., a celebrated lutenist, published in 1601 'The First Booke of Ayres,'—one of the pieces in which, 'Farewell deere love' (alluded to by Shakspere in 'Twelfth Night'), is printed in score in J. S. Smith's 'Musica Antiqua,'— and 'The Second Booke of

  1. Now known as S. Stephen's.