Page:A Dictionary of the Biloxi and Ofo Languages.djvu/340

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[BULL. 47

done, atuˊti.

door, ĭtceˊpi.

dove, atcuˊta.

down, aˊùatchoⁿˊ.

dream, a, ạbaiyaⁿˊte.

dress, a, atheˊ.

drink, to, ạshoˊpi.

drown, to, aluˊthe.

drum, amạphoˊska.

drunken, wakheˊska.

dry, oˊsi.

duck, pⁿˊfạna.

dull, pⁿˊphi.

dung, aⁿˊkindĕ.

dust, ĭtchepiˊ.

dwell, nôˊñki.

ear, nashĕˊ.

earache, fhạˊkĭ.

earring, tcutạs.

eat, to, ti.

eclipse, an, naˊwu.

egret, white or American, oˊskha.

eight, pạˊtạnĭ.

elastic, la.

eleven, ĭftạptạⁿˊ.

enough, iⁿkheˊhi.

escalin, an, skaˊlo.

evil, aboˊfti.

eye, aⁿtoˊhi.

eyebrow, aⁿtoˊhi.

eyelash, aⁿtoˊhi.

eyelid, aⁿtoˊhi.

fall, to, atoˊnahĭ, uⁿthĕˊ.

fan, a, amiˊshu.

fan, to, amiˊshu.

far, nạˊto.

fast, eˊtcahua.

fat, itchiˊ.

father, athiˊ.

fear, to, ĭⁿfhiˊhi.

feather, ihiˊ.

fence, itcoⁿˊ.

fever, amiˊhuⁿ.

fight, a, kithĕˊ.

fight, to, kithĕˊ.

fin, soᵐˊpka.

find, to, aˊkde.

finger, itcaˊki.

fire, apheˊti.

fire, to, topi.

fireplace, apheˊti.

fish, ho.

fish, to, okhôˊñki.

fist, aphûˊska.

five, kifaⁿˊ.

flame, a, ayoˊti.

flat, pạˊdafi.

flea, tĕˊfka.

flesh, iⁿˊtco.

floor, atĭˊtcoka.

flour, anaphạˊsi.

flower, a, akĭktceˊhi.

fly, a, nôᵐphĕˊtka.

fly, to, leˊyi.

fog, abashiˊskᵃ.

fold, to, apheˊni.

foot, tcĭˊfhi.

forehead, iⁿtheˊ.

forenoon, lokatchoⁿˊ.

forget, to, afpĕˊni, okĭftheˊyi.

fork, ti.

forty, ĭftạptạⁿˊ/

four, toˊpa.

fragrant, nạphiˊhi.

fresh, nạksha.

friend, aktaˊtci.

frog, bull-, teˊmu.

frost, asheˊ.

frozen, aˊthahi.

full, ĭˊshi.

galaxy, the, oⁿˊtaskĕ.

gather, to, aˊktuwa.

ghost, iⁿˊtco, naⁿˊtci.

girl, ạstôⁿˊki.

give, to, ạkhu, oⁿˊtciku.

gizzard, akoˊcka.

glue, to, ktuwe.

go, to, te.

go and get, to, opneˊka, ,optĕ.

go back, to, atuˊnahi.

go in front or before, to, thoˊba.

go to bed, to, tcạˊftu.

God, ĭphi, itoˊ.

gold, amôⁿˊfi.

good, tceˊma.

grandfather, ĕtikôⁿˊso.

grandmother, ĭkoˊni.

grape, oⁿthoˊmofthuˊ.

grass, aˊkiska.

grasshopper, aˊtchạka.

grease, itchiˊ.

green, itchoˊhi.

greet, to, itcaˊmạsi.

grind, to, pasnạˊtka.