Page:A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature, Volume 1 (1903).djvu/23

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אַבַּיִּי pr. n. m. Abbayi, 1) a renowned Babyl. Amora (original name נַחְמֵנִי). Keth. 65a; a. fr.—2) Oth. Amoraim of that name. Ib. 94a. Erub. 62a.

אַבָּיִי, v. אַבָּיָיה

אבייא Y. Succ. II, 53a, רב א׳ read אַבִּינָא.

אַבָּיָיה (אַבָּיִי) f. (contr. of אבעייה; בעי) prayer. בר א׳ reader, precentor. Y. Pes. V, 32c bot.—Y. Taan. III, end, 67a; Y. Sheb. I, 33b top אביי.

אביינוס, v. אֶבְגִּינוֹס.

אביך Y. Yeb. VII, 8a bot א׳ אשקלון, read אַוִּיר; comp. Y. Shebi. VI, 36c.

אֲבֵיל to mourn, v. אֲבֵל

אָבֵיל, אֲבֵילָא, v. אָבֵל, אֲבֵלָא a. אֶבְלָא.

אֲבֵילָה f. 1)=אֵבֶל mourning. Lam. R. introd., (R. Abbahu 4); v. אֲנִינָה.—2) fem. of אָבֵל II.

אֲבֵילוּ, אֲבֵילוּתָא ch.=next w. Targ. Lam. II, 5; v. אֶבְלוּ — M. Kat, 20b באפה נהוג א׳ in her (thy wife's) presence observe mourning (when she is in mourning).

אֲבֵילוּת f. (אבל) mourning time, mourning ceremonies. M. Kat. 20a sq. א׳ שבעה the mourning time is seven days. Ib. 24a אין א׳ בשבת no mourning ceremonies are to be observed on &c. Yeb. 43b א׳ חדשה recent (i. e. individual) mourning, in contrad. to א׳ ישנה mourning over Jerusalem. [Gen. R. s. 8 beg., some ed. אוביל—אבילות read אוכיל—אכילות],

אֲבֵילוּתָא, v. אֲבֵילוּ.

אֲבֵילִין pr. n. pl. Abelin, Abilena, a district of Peræa (v. Graetz, Gesch. d. Jud. II, 2, p. 457). Lev. R. s. 17; Pesik. Yayhi, p. 66a האכלון (corr. acc.); Pesik. R. s. XVIII (p. 88lb ed. Friedm.) אובלים; Ruth R. to I, 5 אבולין. Tosef. Zeb. II, 3 ed. Zuck. אֵבְלַיִים (Var. אובלים). Cmp. אִבּוּל a. אָבֵל pr. n. pl.

אַבִּימִי pr. n. m. Abbimi, 1) a disciple of Rabbah. Shebu. 28b; Y. Ned. II, 37b; Y. Shebu. III, 34d top—2) A. bar Tobi. Y. Naz. IX, beg., 57c.

אַבִּין pr. n. m. Abbin. Y. Bicc. II, beg., 64c, Rabbi A. Cmp. אַבּוּן; v. אַבְיוּ.

אַבִּינָא pr. n. m. Abbina, an Amora. Y. Pes. V, 32c.—Y. Ned. IV, beg. 38c (prob. Abbuna, as shortly before). [Y. Peah III, 17d bot. בינא prob. the same.]—רב א׳ contr. רַבִּינָא q. v.

אביסנא Sabb. 151b, v. אַכְסָן.

*אָבִיק m. (בוק, v. בקע; comp. אָפִיק) outlet, esp. a pot in the bath-tub to which a waste-pipe is attached. Mikv. VI, 10.

אֲבֵיק, v. אֲבַק

אֲבִיקָה pr. n. m. Abikah, a hero at the defence of Jerusalem. Pesik. R. s. 29—30, א׳ בן גבייתי (Yalk. Lam. 1001 אבוקא בן גבתרי).

אביקלוס, v. אֶבְקוֹלָס.

אַבִּיר. (b. h., אבר) strong, mighty, eminent (opp. קל light, of no influence); noble.—Pl. אַבִּירִים. R. Hash. 25b אביר שבא׳ the noblest of the nobility. Y. ib. II, 58b bot. אַבִּירֵי עולם (Babli ib. l. c. ; Koh. R. to I, 4 גדולי) the world's noblest sons. [Esth. R. to II, 4, v. אַבִּירָם.]

אבירודימוס, v. וַרְדִּימוֹס.

אֲבִירָם pr. n. m. (b. h.) Abiram. Esth. R. to II, 4 ר׳ יהוש׳ בר א׳ (some ed. אבירים, Midr. Sam. ch. XIII ברי דר׳ בירי).

אֲבִישְׁנָא, v. אַבְשׁוּנָא.

אַבְיַת, א׳ ישימון pr. n. pl. Abyath Y'shimon, usu. בֵּית י׳. Targ. Y. II, Num. XXI, 20.

אֶבְיָתָר (b. h.) pr. n. m. Ebyathar, an Amora. Git. 6b. Y. Ber. IX, 13a.

אָבַךְ (b. h., √אב, cmp. אבק; עב) to entangle. Hithp. הִתְאַבֵּךְ to blend (of whirling smoke columns). Pesik. R. s. 29—30.

*אַבָּכָא m. (Syr., P. Sm. 15; v. foreg., cmp. b. h. אָבַק) the fighter, whence large cock. Targ. Prov.XXX, 31; cmp. זַרְזִיר (Var. אַכָּבָא, Ms. אַבְּרָא).

אֲבָל (b. h.) 1) indeed, yes. Tosef. Erub. V (IV), 1 אמרו לו א׳ said they to him, yes (we admit). Erub. 30b top. Nid. 3b; a. e.—Gen. R. s. 91 לשון דרומית וכ׳ it is a South Palestine expression where ăbal means bram, v. בְּרַם.—2) but, however. Ber. VII, 1; a. v. fr.

אָבֵל I (b. h.) pr. n. pi. Abel, name of several towns; cmp. אֲבֵילִין. Erub. 87a ed. (Ms. M. בבל, corr. acc., Var. lect. v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note).

אָבֵל II (b. h., √אב, v. אבב; cmp. אפל); [dark, cmp. קֹדֵר], mourner, esp. during seven days after burial. M. Kat. 14b; a. v. fr. — Pl. אֲבֵלִים, אֲבֵילִים (אֲבֵילִין). Keth. 8b; v. בְּרָכָה. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39c bot. אֲבֵילֵי גויים mourners among gentiles; a. fr.—Fem. אֲבֵילָה, אֲבֵלָה. Y. Ber. IV, 8a; Y. Taan. II, 65c bot.

אָבֵל III (foreg.) to mourn. Hithpa. הִתְאַבֵּל, Nithpa. נִתְאַבֵּל to observe mourning ceremonies, to be bound to mourn, be an אָבֵל. M. Kat. 20b כל שמִתְאַבֵּל עליו מתא׳ עמו over whom one is bound to mourn, with him he must mourn, i. e. one must share in the mourning ceremonies of a relation at whose death he would have to observe mourning;, a. fr.—Tanḥ. Sh'mini, 1 נתא׳. Pesik. Sos p. 148b; a. fr.

אֲבֵל, אֲבֵיל ch. same. Targ. Lam. II, 8.

Ithpa. אִתְאַבֵּל (denom. of אֲבֵלָא) to mourn. Targ.