Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/186

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the main and sub-entrances into the Palace. Around the Palace, the present Dewan's Office, the Library and Vinodasala are the chief. The Town-hall in the south-east part of the town with the Dewan's lodgings opposite to it, and the Jubilee Rest-house near the Railway station are the noteworthy new constructions. But several others had been considerably repaired and improved during his time, as for instance, the Bara Bungalow near the local pond, and the several Bungalows at Palayamkota, Venganagaripalle and Ginkala-bavi, frequently resorted to for hunting. In leaving behind such excellent constructions he only followed the example of his father, whose interest in domestic arrangements was very keen.

One feature of his life is his love of hunting. He not only paid his seasonal visits to the forest, but even invited and entertained other Zemindars and big Officers in this game. It was in 1882 that at the request of that