Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/187

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Zemindar he went on a hunting excursion to Kalahasti and the same year the Rajah of Kalahasti paid a return visit during the days of the local annual festival.

Public. — The public life of the Maharajah is very varied and illustrious. It may be divided into three heads in his relations with (1) the Local Government, (2) other Zemindars, and (3) the people.

(1) His dealings with the local Government may again be treated under two heads : Pre-war and War periods. His policy was at all times one of unswerving loyalty to the British Raj. With him patriotism and loyalty were synonymous, and he understood, better than any, that real welfare of India depended upon the British connection and support. Taking the Pre-war days ; in 1883, he invited the then Governor of Madras Sir Mount Stuart Elphinstone Grant Duff to Venkatagiri, and got him to lay the Foundation Stone of the Town-hall on the 22nd July. The place has