Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/240

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3. In consideration of the relief which your finances will derive from the relinquishment of your military service and from the discontinuance of the expense to which you have on that account been liable, in consideration also of charging itself with the entire protection of the territories dependent on its power, the British Government has fixed your annual contribution including equivalent for military service and the established Peishcush for ever at the sum of star pagodas (1,11,058) one lakh eleven thousand and fifty-eight, which said amount shall never be liable to change under any circumstances, and is hereby accordingly declared to be the permanent annual demand of Government on your Zemindari.

4. Under the constitution erected by the British Government for the security, protection and prosperity, of its territories, regulations will be framed from time to time for the improvement of the condition of the