Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/241

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people, these regulations will be administered by independent judges and constituted courts of judicature governing their decisions by the laws only, the decrees of those courts will be founded on the regulations of Government printed, published and translated, for the information and security of its subjects, and on the institutes of the Hindu or Muhammadan Laws which are open to the enquiry of all persons, the proceedings of the Adawlat will be held in open courts, accessible to persons of every description, all parties, will be at liberty to attend to their own interests by their presence in the courts, during such proceedings or to employ their Vakils with such instructions regarding the mode of prosecutions or defence may appear to be most eligible to themselves, the sentences of the court will be pronounced in the same public manner and executed by civil authority without the interposition of military force. Collectors and other public servants of Government, will be