Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/242

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compelled to answer in the courts of judicature for all acts done by virtue of their offices contrary to the regulations of Government, and by which Zemindars or others may feel themselves injured and finally the greatest practicable degree of security has been extended to the native subject of the British Government by the establishment of the gradation of appeal from the Zillah Court to the Provincial Court, and from the Provincial Court to the Court of the Suddar Adawlat at the Presidency, and in the best resort from the Court of Suddar Adawlat to the Governor-General-in-Council of Bengal.

5. The permanent demand fixed by Sannad of your Zemindari is exclusive of the revenue derived from the manufacture and sale of salt and saltpetre, exclusive of the sayer or duties of every description, the entire administration of which the Government reserves for itself exclusive of the tax on the sale of spirituous liquors and intoxicating drugs, exclusive of