Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/100

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AT H was tried by a court-martial as a deserter, and sentenced to be shot; but he was reprieved, and S. a. p. in 1720. v. George, who was with his brother, the HarquessofTnlltbardiue, at Kintail, and was svoundod at the battle of Glenshiel. Going abroad, he was several years an officer iu the Sardinian servioe, hut obtaining a pardou, he returned home. Joining, in 1745, he was appointed lieut.-gen. of the Prince’s forces, acted as such at the battles of Preston, Falkirk, and Culloden, marched into England with them, and brought up the rear iu their retreat thonco. He was attain ted by parliament, but male his escapo, and was moat grarionsly received by the Chevalier at Rome. His lordship 555. Amelia, suly surviving child and boiress of James Murray, of Glencarse and Strowan, and S. in 1766, leaving three eons and two daus., yIn, 1 JouN, who succeeded as 3rd Duke of Atholc. 2 James, of Strnwau, 2. tuna. 3 George, of Pitkeathly, vice-admiral of the While, dsp. 1 Amelia, sa. 1st. to John, Olh,Lord Sinclair; and Sndly, to James Farquharson, of luvorcauld. 2 Charlotte, tl. nnos. s. Susan, m. to William, Earl of Aberdeen, The Duke of Atholc so. 2ndly, Mary, dan. of William, LordS Ross, by whom he had three other sons and a dan,, vie., r. John, of Banner Cross, en. York, SiP, for Porthshire, a general officer, who 5. 26 Slay, 1787, leaving an only dan., Mary, m. to Li’ut-Gen. William Foxiowe, who assn;ncd the surname of llnrray in 1782, and 5. 29 Aug. 3036. ci. Edward, whose son John, dean of Killaloe, m. Elizabeth, dan. of William Slurray, 4th Earl of Pnnmorc, and 5. in 1790, having had two dana. Is!. Frederick, ‘I. cam. s. Mary, sss. to James, 0th Earl of Findlater and Soafinid. His grace 5. 34 Nov. 1724, and was a. by his 3rd eon, JAMEs, 2nd duke, upon whom the family honours wore settled by parliasnent. His grace being maternal great- grandson of Jamea, 7th Earl of Derby, upon the demise of James, 29th earl of that line, without issue, claimed and was allowed, the Barony of Sirosope, which had been conferred sit. William, as. Mary-Anne, dan. of James Hodges, Esq., npon Lord Derby, by writ of summons, in 1629. The duke so. 1st, Jane, widow of James Launny, Req. of Hammemmith, and youngest dan. of Thomas Frederick, Eoq., eldest eon of Sir John Frederick, Dart., by whom he had a son and two dana., the youngest of whom, CaAaLnrrE, surviving her brother aod sister, succeeded, at the death of her father, to the barony of Strange, and the sovereignty of the Isle of Sian. Her ladyship so. her cousin, JOHN MURRAY, Eaq. , whoa, as 3rd Duke of Atboic. Tho duke m. 2ndly, Jean, dan. of John Brummond, Esq., hut by that lady had no issue. He 5. in 1784, wben the Scottish hononrs devolved spon his nepbsw, Jones MURnAY, as 3rd duke (revert to Lord George SlurKay, son of the 1st duke). His grace vs. Charlotte, only surviving child and heiress of James, his predecessor; and, in iv. Henry, 0. in 1767 ; so. in 1786, Eliza, dan. of Richard 1765, their graces disposed of their sovereignty of the Isle Kent, Esq. of Liverpool; and ,t. in 2802, leaving issue, of Han (which they bad derived from Sir John de Stanley, Rut., to whom it had boon gmntcd in 1406, by HENRY lv.) to the British Government for 70,0001., reserving, however, their landed interest, on payment of iou. iso. us, annually, and rendering two falcons to the kings and qnecns of Englend upon the days of tlseir coronation. The duke had, a. Jones, Marquess of Tuillibardine, his enccoseor. so. George, Bishop of St. David’s, 0. in 1761; m. in 1720, Anne-Charlotte, dan. of Lient.-Genersl Francis Gmnt, and S. in 2003, leaving, 1 GEORnE, B.D., Bishop of Rochester, 5. 12 Jan., 2784; consecrated bishop of Sndor and Sian in 3614; and translated to the see of Itnehestor in 1027; so. 9 slay, 1911, Lady-Sarah-Maria, 2nd dan. of Hobcrt-Anrtol, 0th Earl of Kinnonli, and 0. 16 Fob. 1860, having bad, George-Edward, Eector of Sonthiloet, 0. 1 Sept. 3019; m. 10 Jnly, 1849, Penolope-Francca-Elicabetb-Pomberton, yonagest dan. of Brigadier-General Anetin, v. Cisavios, dean of Docking; so. Alice, dan. of George Mit. R.C.T.S., and 5.14 Sept. 1054, leaving issne, Georgeherbert, ford, Eoq., and heir of her great undo, Gawen’Aynsley 5. 27 Sept. 1049 ; Arthur Slordanut, 5. 20 Ho took the enrnamO of AYNOLEY, and dying in 1208, loft, Jan. 1852; Douglas-Stuart, 5. 29 Slay, 3053; AliceLihan, and 2slarian-Georgina. Francis-Henry, rector of Cbielohnrot, Kent, 0. 7 June, 1020; m. 1st, 29, Oct. 1046, Fanny-Catherine, 3rd dan. of John L. Andcrdon, Eaq., and by her (who S. 4 March, 1850) has issue, Henry-Edward, 0. 0 Dec. 1840 ; and Herbert-Francis. 0. 6 Feb. 1850. He eta. 2ndly, 5 Sept. 1854, Mary-Prescott, dan. of Hicbard Paterson, Req.. and widow of Thomas Sanders. Bobsrt-SIay, 0. 3020; vo. 1849, Elinsheth, only dan. of Samuel Gregson, Esq., and has issue. Herbcrt-llarley, 0. 1029, ss. 22 July, 1059, CbarlottcLetitta-Caroline, eldest dan. of Licnt. -Gen. and the Hon. Mrs. Arbuthnott, Fres2ersckWslliam, in holy orders, rector of Leigh, Esoox, 0. 1031. Harriet, so. 27 Aug. 1832, to George-Charles, 2nd Marqnesa Camden, and 5. 22 Dec. 1854. AT H Carolino-Snphia, so. let, 7 Aug. 1814, to SIr John Her- daunt. Dart., who 5. 1845; and 2ndly, 1853, to Gnatavns-Thomae Smith, Esq., of Goldtcoto base, co. Wa,wick. Angnsta.Anno, sss. 4 June, 1844, to Sir John SomersetPakington, Dart., and S. iS Feb. 1048. Sarah’Mavia, so- 1850, to Robert Capel Cnre, Esq. of Blake hall, Eooox. Slary-Lonisa, m. 4 Slay, 1047, to Rev. Jermyn Fratt of Byston STall, Norfolk, who 5. 15 May, 1867 (oct Bnaae’s Lo;sde,t f/cots’s/). Eleasor-Margavet, so. 27 Sept. 1853, to John Jolliffe Tnfnoll, Eoq., jnn., of Langloys, Essex. 2 Charles, uRIC. civil service, Bengal; so. 1806, Anne- Amelia, dan. of Sir James Dashwood, Dart., and 5.1808. His widow so. George Warde, Esq., H E.i.C.C.S. 3 Edward, in holy orders, vicar of Northolt, Middlesex, and a Frebondary of St. Fanl’e, 0. 5 Nov. 1758; so. 14 Fob. 1022, Enporta-Cathea-inc, only child of the late Sir George Wright, Dart., and d. 1 July, 1255, leaving, Augnstus-Georgc-Ernest, bent. RN., 0.14 Starch, 1823; Charles-Edward, barrister-at-law, 0. 12 Slay, 1025; so. 23 March, 3850, Emily, only child of the late Rev. John Wballey Goatlissg, and has annOying issno. Augustus, 0. 5 Feb. 1054; and Rooaiind-Emnsa. Loauaa-Rnperta, so. 20 Juno, 1048 to Edward Coiston, Esq. of hcosmdway Park, Wilts. Emma-Sclina, to. 25 April, 3854, to Robert Bartholomew Lawes, Esq. 4 Henry, 0. Feb. 1800, es 19 Oct. 1826, the Hon. Cathorone-Otway-Cavo, 3rd dan. of the late Henry Otway, Esq. of Castle Otway, co Tipperary, and Sarah, late Baroness Braye, his wife, but d. a. p. 25 Nov. 1811. lOis widow so. 11 March, 1810, John-Reginald, 3rd Earl Beanchamp, who 5. 21 Jan. 1853. 1 Charlotte-Sophta, so. 1912, to the Rev, Townsend Selwyn, canon of Glonccstor, who 5. 1853. 2 Carolis,a-Leonara. late Countesa of llcbestor. 3 Louisa-Anne, so. to Sir Robert Feankland-Russell, Hart. 4 Amilia-Hatilda (the Hon.) late maid of honour to the Qsscen. and S. in 1798, leaving a dan. Mary-Anne, and a son, James-Arthnr, vice-admiral E.N,,5. 1700; as. let, 33 Bee. - 1821, Ilarriot, dass. of W. Coupland, Eeq., bywhom(who d. 1829) he had, 1 James, rapt royal ongineora, 0. iStO; kiiled before Sebastopol, 18 June, 3022. 1 Hars-iot-Conpland, Ia. 7 Oct. 3822, to H.-W. Followa, Eeq. Ho os. 2ndly, 1 hay, 1835. Julia, dan. of the late John BolmO, Eaq. of Cams Hall, by whom ho had lasne, Willlnm-Frederick. 0. 5 Jan. 3845. George, 0 6 Oct. 1554. Jnlia-Francse-Delmb, so. 10 Dec.2089, to Cape. E. Vesey lIamilto;s, H NMary-Ann. Slavgarot-Amelia. Lonisa-Mary. Vice-Admiral Murray 5. 8 llarch, 1560. 3 Richard,liont.-rol., so. 1st, 1811, Catherine, dan. of the late J.-J. Bacon, Eaq.. by whom (who ci. April, 1017) he had with two dana., Elizabeth-Anne, and Emily-Maria, wife of E.M. Gawne, Esq., a son, Henry-Murmy, ccl. MA., 0. 4 April, 1815, who sa. Dec. 1840, Isabella, dan. of the late Hey. John Oliver, and d. S llarch, 1864, leaving issue, Hichard-Paget, 0.26 Dec. 1042; another ann, 5. 1850; anti two dane., Ieabella-Sopbia. and Nba-Emily. Col. Mnrray so. 2ndly, Margaret, dan. of William Tenniaon, Req., actS had by her a dan., Margaret Tonalaon. He 2. 16 Oct. 1843. I Cborlotte’Wiihclnsina. s;. lot. 1108, to Wm. Scott, Eeq.; Sadly, 1025, to Samuel Hibbort-Waro, SOD., and 5.1835. 2 Mona-Elizabeth. 3 Emily-Jane, so. 1829, to Lt.-Gen. Ssr J. Oswald, G.C.B i who 5. June, 3840. 4 Catherine-Maria, 5. 1012, S Henriana-Hatilda, so. 1831, to the Roy, T.-G. Leigh. I John hinrray.Aynelcy.ofLittleharleTower, eo,Nortbumbertand, 0. in i7eS; so. in 3820, Ensma-Sarah, dan. of Samnel-Foach Peach, Esq. of Tockington House, and has had, Charles-Murray, core. R.N., lfnt. of Legion of Monnnr, and of llodjislio, 0. 21 Srpl. 1821; as. Bee. 1861, Augusta-Judith, cidost dan. of William-Gilbert Campion, Req , of Calcutta, and has a dau, ; James- Murray, capt. in the army, 0. 18 Juno, 1023; JohnGrngor-Slnrray, 0. 21 Feb. 3025, rector of Walton and Woeton, so.0 July, 3952, Harriett-Goovgiana-Slaria. dan. of the I-ste Frcdk. Slannora-Sntton,Esq. ; George-Herbert-llsarmy, Sladras arnsy, 0. 4 Seltt. 1026, so. 12 Fob. 1840, Emily, youngest dan. of Robort Hand, Esq., and has leone two sons and a dass, ; Hugls-Psrcy-Slnrray, Member of Legislative Council, Trinidad, 0. in 1828, as. 9 June, 10514, Elizabeth, dan. of Thomas Campbell, Req ; Emma-Atholc.hlnrray, 5. 19 Bee. 0843.