Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/101

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I Athole-Returah, tin July, 1901; sa. inJune,1826,the Jepparfers—Dexter, a savage, ppr, wreathed oboist the Rev. Sir Herbert Oakoly, Hart., and a. 26 Jan. 1844. 2 Charlotte, ca 1612, to Gee. Sir 0. Oswald, GC.B.; bead and waist, vert, his feet In fetters of iron, the chain and d. Feb. 1827. 3 Elicaboth-Anne. I. Amelia, us. let, to Thomas-lyle Cooke, Eeq.; and 2ndly, gorged with a plain collar, az., thereon Hires mullets, org. to Sir Richard Oamon, Hart. Her ladyship S. in 181$. ii. Jane, so. to Joho-Greeaet Muirhead, Esq., who S. in Seals—Blair Castle, Blair Athole, Fertbohire. 1936. Herladyshipd. 14 June, 1646. in. Mary, us. to the Rev. Oeorge Martin, who 5. 1522, having by her (who 5. 1814) had issue, of whons the sole survivor is Jamea-Murray Martin, Faq. His graced. 5 Nov. 1774, and was a. by his eldest son, Joua, 4th duke, is. 35 June, 1755; iii. 1st, 26 Dee. 1774, Jane, eldest dau. of George, 9th Lord Catheart, by whom, (who 5. 4 Dec. 1750) he had surviving issue, 5. JouR, 5th duke. is. James,a major-gao. in tbesrmy, 0.29 May, 1782; created a peer of the Uuits’l Kingdom, as I3AaoN OLENLYON, of Glenlyen, eo. Pertb,9 July, 1821; is. l5May, 1810, Emily- Frances, 2nd dan. of Hugh, 2nd Duke of Nas-thumberland, and by her (who 5. 21 June, 1844)lcftatbis decease, 12 Oct. 1837, I Oeoaoe-Auoosvns-ltaEDRascR-JossN, 6th Duke of Athole. 5 Jameo-Charlcs-T’sautageost, eni. late Scotch Pushiergds., AUCKLANB, BARON (Robert-John Eden, nD.), of grsem in waiting tithe Queen, 5. 8 Dec. 1815; ci. Weet Auckland, cc. Dnrham, in the peerage of Great 6 Nov. 1811, Eticabsth-Marjcry, only dan. of the Hon. Mrs. Fairhnlme, and niece of Lord Forbes, and baa Brstaiu, and Baron Auckland, in that of Ireland; issue, 9lary-Louica-Victoria, Emily-Grace, and Caroline- Lord Bishop of Bath and Welle, tranelatod from Frances. 1 Charlotte-Augusta-Lsepoldiua, iv. 10 June, 1847, ta Sodor and Man iu 1854 ; 5. 10 July, 1799; as. the Rev. Court Gmnville, hon. canon of Durham. incumbent 15 Sept. 1825, Mary, eldest dams, of Francis-Edward of Alnwielr. 2 Fmucos-Juhiet, iii. 16 Jan. 1840, ts Charles-Henry, 5. Wsa.a.s.aai-GoRoe, late (hargd d’Affaires at Csrleruhs, only son of Ileury, last Viscount Maynard, and 5. 4 Nov. 1830. I. Charlotte, iii. lot, in 1757, to Sir John 9lencies, Mart., who d. in 1800; and 2ndly, in 1001, to Vice-Admiral Sir Adam Drummond, K.C.H., and 5. 31 Slay, 1832. Is. Amelia-Sophie, ma. Viscount Stratballan, and 5. 1849. iii. Elicsbatb, ‘us. to Sir Evan-Jahn Murray MsoGregor, Mart., who 5. in 1841. Shed. 18 April, 1846. His grace as, 2udly, II March, 1794, 1larjsry, sldcst dau. of 551. Ashley, H.E.l.C. civil service; t. 13 Nov. 1931 James, 16th Lord Forbes, and widow of John, Lord Maebed, and by bsr who 5. 3 Oct. 1042, had a son, Charles, is. in 1799, and a. in Aug. 1824, and a dan., Catherina, d. Iv. Robert-Henley-Shaw, 0.23 Sept. 1940; os. 27 Nov. 1862, young, in 1796. The fluke of Athole was created a lseer of Great Britisn, in the dignities of Bacoa J.lssrras of Stassley, and EaaL STSANOE, 18 Aug. 1786; and he inherited the old Eughsh BARONY OF STaANOE, at the doceaso of his mother, in 1803. The duke was a Knight of the Ylsistls, snda fellow of the Royal Society. This grace dispased of his remaining property as. Emily-Dulcibella, Se. 14 May, 1061, to ltdmssnd-lTenry and privileges in the Isle of 3lan to the crown for the snmof 409,0001. Hod. 29 Sept. 1830, and woo e.ybhis son, JouR, 5th duke, 8. 26 June, 1778, who d. coos. 14 Sept. Iii. Emma-Mary, as. 26 Nov. 1856, to Rev. Edsvard Pegst, 1846, and was a. by his nephew, Geoaoo-Aouusvus-Faeucaiox-JoioN, H.T., 6th duke, who was 8. 20 Sept. 1814; as. 89 Oct. 1839, Anne, dan. of the iv. Florenee-Selina. v. Maria-Harriet. late Henry-Home Drummand, Esq. of Blair Drnmmend, His lordship a. his brother, as 3rd Baron Auckland, co Pci-tb, and had a son and heir, Jonus-Jksses-Hona-HENSY, present pees-. This grace had o. his father, so 2nd Lord Olenlyon, 18 Out. WsLs.sAas EuRN, Esq. barrister-at-law (3rd sin of Sir 1837. Hod. 16 Jan. 1864, and was a by his only son, JomeJAsore-Huon-HENar, 7th and present Duke of Athole. Crealism—Lord Slurrsy of Tullibardine, 23 April, 1004. dau. of William Davison, Esq. of Beamish, ro. Durham), Earl of Tullibardins, Lord Gssk snd Bslquhidder, 10 July, 1606. Earl of Athole, so heir-general of John Stewart, Esrl of Atholo, so crested in 1487, eonfrmod 17 Feb. 1628. ilarqsseoe of Athole, garl of Tullibsrdine, Viocount of Balqssbidder, Ireland, by the title of Buroo Aseklrsssd, 19 Nov. i7so, and Lord Murray, Balvenie, and Gask, 7 Feb. 1676. created, 23 Slay, 1793, BARON AreseLton, qf West Aoekbaart, fluke of Atbole, 3larquis of Tnllibardine, Earl of Strstbtay ca. heir/sam, in the peerage of Orsat Britain. He so. 26 and Strstbsrdls, Viscount of Balqnhidder, Glenalmoosd, and Sept. 1776, Eleanor, 2nd dan of the Right Hon. Sir Gilbert Gleulyon, Lord Murray, Balvonie, and Oask, 30 June, 1725 Elliott, Mart. of Minto, and by her (who 5. 1919) be bad, —all in the peerage of Scotland. Baron Strange of Kneokyu, William-Frederick, one of the Tellers of tho Exchequer, 5. by writ 1628, in the peerage of England. Heron Ferry, by 19 Jan. 1782, found drowned in the Thames 24 Feb. 1216. writ 1752. Earl Strange and Heron Slurrsy of Stanley, ce. OEoaoE, late poer. Gloucester, 18 Aug. 1786—all in the peerage of Great Ronsur-Jono, present peer. Britain. Baross Glenlyon of Glenlyon, 9 July, 1821, in the Eleanor-Agnes, so, in,1793, Robert, 4th Earl of Buckinghausshim, puerage of the United Kingdom. Arms—Quarterly, 1st grand quarter, lot and 4th, paly of Csstharino-bsabella, as. in 1906, to lbs Right Hon. Nicholas six, or and sa., for the ancient Esrldom of AaoLa; 2nd and 3rd, or, a fesee chequy, ae. and arg., for Svcwaar. 2nd gmnd quarter, az. three mullets, erg., within a dsmablo tressure, Elizabeth-Charlotte, sic. in 1801, Lssrd Francis Oodolphin fiery counter-fiery, or, for MURRAY. 3rd graisd quarter, Osborne, lets Lard Oodolpbiu, and 5. 17 April, 1947. let erg., on a bend, sz., three bucks’ heads, eabusoed, Caroline, so. in 1806, to Arthur Vansitt.’srt, Req. ssf8bottea- or, fur STAesm.ea 2nd, gu., three legs in armour, ppr., garnished brooke, en. Barks, whod. in 1829. Shed 2 Slareb, 3931. and spurred, or, conjoined in triangle at the upper Slary-Louisa, as. in 3806, to Andrew Wodderburn, Esq., part of the thigh for the ISLE 01 Slots, as lords thereof; 3rd, or, on a obief indented, ae., three plstes for Lavssass; Mary-Dulcibella, ‘a. in 1619. to Charles Tlrummand,Eeq.. 4th, gsa., two lions, passaut, in pale, erg., fer STRANnO. 4th grsnd quarter, let and 4th, or, a lion rampasst, ac ; 2nd and Emily. Frances, 5. 29 April, 1649. 3rd, ac., five fusils in feooe, or, both fur FaaoY. Crest—A domi-oavage, ppr., holding in his right hand a His lordship 5. 28 Slay, 3814, and was 5. by his elds5t dagger, ppr., pommel and hilt, or, asad iu his left baud a key surviving eon, of the last. Hus’t, Esq. of Aldorwasley, eo. Derby, and hae had, is. l9Jan. 3029; ass. 6 Out. 1837, Lncy-Walbauks,youngoet den, of John-Walbaoko Cbildero, Esq. of Cantloy, ye. York, and has had, WeLLs-aM MonTON, 5. 27 March, 1819; George, 8. 29 May, 1801; Francis, 0. 26 flee. 1963; 5. 23 Feb. 1864; Francis, 5. 16 Feb.1965; Duleibells; Agnes; and another dsu. is. hlenry-Johnes, RN., 5. 18 Sept. 3830; S. 10 Feb. 1953. es. 13 August, 5961, at Darjoeling, Tiengal, Eva-Slaria, dais, of the late Vice-Admiral Slouey, C. B. Jeesie-Ellen, eldest dan. of the Rev. Frederick lOild yard, rector of Swauington, Norfolk, ansi has Robert, is. 16 Dec. 1863; a son, 0. 23 April, 1969 ; Malel ; and Mary. 5. Eleanor. lliekiuson, Eoq., 2ssd son of the hale WiLi;si,s hliekinson, Esq. of Hiugowostem House, uoar Somes-tuss. rector of htuetou, Suffolk, sen of the late Gco. Hon. Sir Edward Paget, GOB. 1 Jan. 1849. Ttinnicjr, Robert Eden, Mart. of West Auckland, by Slary. youngest secretary-of-stats fur Ireland, us privy cossurihlor in England, ambassador to France, dc, was elevsstrd to the peerage of and 5. 35 Oct. 1851. Vansittart, afterwards Lord leexbey, andd, in 1810. who subsequently, by permission of the crown, adapted the name of C0Lv5LLE, instead af his patronymic, and S. 3 Feb. 1836; shed. 2 Dee. 1889. and si. his widow 20 Shareb, l9’2. E2 AUC held up by his right hand, aloe ppr. Siniotur, a lion, gu. Jlotfo—Furth fortune and fill the fetters. AUCKLAND. 51