Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/104

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ÀY L ÀY L ES FORD. AYLE8FOIOD, EARL OF (Heneage Finch), and Baron vs. Seymour, 6. in 1750; it. in 1794. of Guernsey, 5. 24 Dee. 1824; a. his father as 6th earl, 3 Jan. 1859; in. 7 May, 1846, Jane-Wightwiek, only child of the late John-W. Knightley, Esq. of Off’ehnrehbury, W’arwiekshire, and has ha,l leone, I. fIENEAGS-., Lent Grerawy, 5. 21 Feb. 1840. it. Charlss.Wightwick, 0. 7 June, 1051. iii. Daniel-harry, 5. 5 June, 1852. Clement-Edward, 0. 26 Aug. 1861. r. George-Cecil-Doyle, it. an infant, 2 Jan. 1561, i Atme-Fraaieesea-Willaelinine. it in sniff. The 2nd sen of Heneage Fiueh,lst Earle I Nottingham (see John, 8. in 1703, lieumt.-gen. in the army, C. B.; is. in Esan orWiNeniLsexAwo NevriNou.saiforprevioue pedigree) 1552, Katherine, dan. of the late Alexander JOllies, Eaq. The Hess. Heaeaoe Finon, having adopted the legal Henry, lisut. EN., 8. in 1795; it. in 3820. prefeesian, attahaed considerable celebrity at the bar, and Charles, 6. in 1759, in holy orders. was appeiuted solicitor-general, 13 Jan. i67s; from which Charlotte (to whom Geoner III. and his Queen stood nifics he was removed by JAMES II., 1806; and was subsequently sponsorsl, in. 22 Jan. 1623, to the Rev. Charles Palmer, oh the principal ef these eminent advocates who defended Mary, it. 24 July, 1623 Elizabeth. Frances. the eeven bisheps. He represented the University henrietta, it. in 1528, Caroline, it. in 1821. of Oxford in the Convention parliament, and in all the His lordship was lord steward of the besnselaold, aud it. subsequent parliaments whilst he continued a commoner 20 Oct. 1812. lIe was e. by his eldest son, and being chosen, in 1702, en the part of the ssnivcroity, to Mmmxcv, 5th earl, 6. 24 April, 1706; iii. 23 April, 3S21 compliment Queen Axnr, on her majesty’s visit, after her Asigusta-Soophia, 4th dais, of Grnrge, Sisd Earl of Wanviek, accession, to the ancient city of Oxford, he was elevated to amsd toy her (who ii. 2 March, 1045), had issue, tlss pcerage by the title of Berea ef &‘acrsaey, 15 March, I. HeNEAOE, present earl. 1762-3; assd on the accession of Goaoc I., 10 Oct. 1714, ii. Tianiel-Greville, late lient.-eel. 24th foot, is. 26 April, was created Ecot CC Avteeroan, being io the caine yeas i. Angusta, ci. 8 July. 1846, to the Earl of Dartmouth. constituted chsnrellor s,f the duehy of Lancaster, and swons n. Sarah, it. ii,,,. 24 April, 1550. of the privy council. lOis lordship sss. Elizabeth, dan. and The earl, u-ho svas an F.S.A., it. 3 Jan. 3851. co-heir of Sir John Banks, Bart. sfAyleaford, and had issue, lleNEAue, Less1 t7aeseeev. John, ss. Elizabeth, dan. and heir of John Saville, of Cseshione—Bareu, 15 March, 1702-3. Earl, 19 Oct. 1714. Meibley, es. York, Esq., and ii. in 1740, leaving by her .4roie—Arg., a ehsv., between three griffins., peasant, aa. fwho it. 25 Oct. I767 a son, Savile, who represented the t’reei—A griffin, passant, sa. .Snjspsrlrrs—Dexter, a griffin, bsrougb of Dalton in parliament, from 1761 to 17s0. henry, it. outs’. Elizabeth, is. to Robert Benson, Lord Bmgley. Anne, no. William, lot Earl of Dartsnoutb. Frances, rs. to Sir John Tiland, Dart. He it. 22 June, 1710, assd was e. by his eldestssu, HENEAOe, 2nd earl, srl,o no. Mary, dan. and heir of Sir Clensent Fisher, Dart, of Paeklngtsn, co. Warwick, and had, tleNEAoE, Zero? t7arrseese. Mary, no. to William, Viscount Andover, eon of Henry, 11th Earl of Suffolk. Elizabeth, it. 10 Thee. 1703. Francea, ia. to, William, lot Viscount Conrtsnay. His lsrdebip it. 20Jsne, 1717. and was a. by his son, MENEAOE, LL.D., lrd earl, 0. 6 Nov. 1715; H. 5 Oct. 1750, Charlotte, dan. of Charles, 6th Duke of Somerset, (by his grace’s 2nd wife, the Lady Charlotte Fissels, dasa. c,f Daniel, Earl of Winelsilnea and Nottingham,) and by her had issue, i. l4zserao a, Lord tAseessol. ii. Charles, t. izi l7’0 s,. in 1778, Jane, dan. and es-heir of Watkin Wynns, Esq.; a,sd it. in 1819, leavimsg by her lvho sl. in 1511) I Chiarlee-Wynne-firiffitti. of Voelas, en. DenI’igls, who AvLsair., Lono (Sir Udolplsus A3-liner), Dareu of assnmn,i d,e sumanse of WYNNE. ‘he so. Sand,, dais. Balrath, eo. Mo:otls, in the peerage of Ireland, anti a sf the 10ev. llenry Iltldyard, of Stskesley, suit has, hnroiset of that part of the United Kingdom; a ool. Charlss-tirilttihs, ho. in 1415 (so. in tune, 1040. Laura, of the Canadian Militia; 5. 10 Juno, 1814; a. as dan. of the hots Richard I’ellen, Esr1. of Ilodborne, Wilts, ansI has Charles-Arthur, ealsi. Seots fasilirr 7th Psarnu, at the dsoease of isis oousin, 5 March, guards, 0. ins 1.841, Edward-Ileneage, t. in 1642, and 1558; iso. 28 June, lSfl, Mary-Eliza, dan. of Edsvarel Jobu-heyoionr. l. in l641 Ileneage, t. 19 So-pt. 1616, Jonrueaux, Esq. of Moihourmie, asud has issue, major, 65th light intoutry, killed at Inkerman; John- 0-henry, in holy orslcrs, 1,. in 1819 Williams, t. in 1. llxrvnrw, an officer 7th roy. fns., 8. 20 March, 1842. 1830; Sarah- Lo,,isa, ,,,. in hay, 1842, to Thomas- ii. henry, hinut. royal niarlue arlillery, ii. 25 April, 1840. Somers Corks, Eoq., Jun.. grand-nephew of 1st Lord imi. Edward-Francis, t. 6 Slareh, 1848. Somers; Charlotte, us. in 1446, to John-lloberl Go’dley, iv. Frederiek-Whitwereb, 8. 4 Feb. 1650. Esq.jun., of Ts’illigar, es. Leitrins Louisa; Harriottc. Elizabeth; and Frances-Elizabeth. 54 AYL 2 Gsorge-Msneage. 3 Hsneags, in holy orders, chaplain to the Queen; it. S April, 1565. O Jane, is. in 1S27, to the Rev. Thomae Cooke, MA., and oh. 8 Ilareh, 1856. 2 Louisa, m. in 1822, to the Connt D’Aglié, Sardinian minister in London, and it. in the same year. its. William-Clement, adm. RN., 1,. in 1752; in. in 1769, Mary, sister of hletury Brouueksr, Esq. of Boveridge, in Durostshirs, andby ber (who rs. 2udly, William Strode, Esq. of Nsrtbaw, Meets) left at his decease in 1794, 1 William, in holy orders. 2 hIeneage, also in orders, it. 19 Sept. 1850. 1 Ilary. 2 Charlotte-Louisa. iv. E’isvard, gen. officer in the army, and esl. 22nd regt., t. 26 Apnl, 1716; it. 27 Oct. 1840. v. Daniel, is holy orders, prebendary of Glsuzestsr, 0. 3 April, 1757; it. in Oct. 1840. vii. Itsnry-Allington, ii. in 1760; it. in 1780. 1. Charlotte, Countess of Suffolk and Berkslnrs, it. 1823. n. Frances, Countess of Dartmouth, it. in 1818. iii. Maria-Elizabeth, it. 36 Oct. 1840. tr. Henrielta-Constantia, it. vans. in 1014. His lordship it. 9 May, 1777, and was t. by his eldest son, IIENEA0E, 4th earl, 6. 15 July, 1751; is. 18 Nor. 1751, Lady LouieaTbyune, dan. of Thomas, let Marquess of Bath, and had by hem (who it. 1232), with etberissue,who it. young, IIENEAGE, 5th earl. Daniel, barrister-at-law, 8. 25 Feb. 1789, and it. 17 Jan. 1065. Edward, in holy ordere, 8. in 1790, and it. 9 April, 1650., aud ,t. 25 Nov. 1861. Ladbroks, Warsviekshire. 1527. an., dneally gorged, or; sinister, a lion, or, dueally gorged, az. Jiolhi—Aperto vivere vote. Seoha—Aylesford, Maid— sbus, co. Kent; and Paekingten Hall, Coventry, ee. Warwick. 1. Isabella. n. Eliza-Jane. AYL1’iI ER.