Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/105

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Christopher Aylmer, Req. of Balratb, eo. Mactb, youngest

Henry, 1. 1776; drowned at St. Petersburg, in 1798, unm.

son of Bartholomew Aylmer, by Elizabeth his wife, dau.

Frederick-William, 6th baron.

of Thomas Warren, Esq. of Navan, and grandson of the

James-Thomas, b. in 1785; ,l. asses. at Calcutta, in 1812.

Rt. Hon. Sir Gas-aid Aylmer, the chief justice— (see A YLIcEE

His lordship s. to the ancient baronetcy of his family, on

of DONADEA), and was s. there by his son,

GERALD AYLMER, Esq., who was s. by his eldest son,

Sir Christopher Aylmer, Knt., who was created a

Matthew Aylmer, the 6th baronet of Balrath, 1780. He d.

BARONET OF IRELAND in 1662; and marrying Margaret, 3rd

22 Oct. 1785, and was s. by his son,

dau. of Matthew, 5th Lord Louth, left issue,

GERALD, who s. his father, as 2nd baronet, (a dignity

foot, and G C.B., b. 21 May, 1773; m. 4 Aug. 1881, Louisa-

which ultimately merged in the peerage, and is enjoyed by the present lord).

Cornwall, which lady d. 13 Aug. 1862. His lordship assumed

MATTHEW, of whom prosently.

George, capt. RN.

Catharine, m. 1st, to Sir Nicholas Plunket, of Dublin; and

licence, in 1825, on the decease of his maternal uncle,

2ndly, to Michael Warren, Esq. of Warrsnstown, co. Meath.

Charles, Earl Whitworth. He d. s. p. 21 Feb. 1850, and was s.

The second son,

MATTHEW AYLMER, Esq., a distinguished naval officer

Frederick-William, 6th baron, admiral R.N., K.C.B.,

in the reign of JAMES II., and after the Revolution rear-

and N.S.F., b. 12 Oct., 1777, who d. unm. 5 March, 1855,

admiral of the Red, Governor of Greenwich Hospital, and

and was s. by his cousin, Udolphius, the present peer,

Ranger of Greenwich Park, was elevated to the peerage of

which right to the succession was confirmed by the House

Ireland as a reward for his professional services, 1 May,

of Lords, 10 July, 1000.

1718, by the title of Lord Aylmer, Baron de Balrath, co.

Creations—Baronet, 1662. Baron, 1 May, 1718.

Meath; and was appointed, in the early part of 1720, rear-

Arms—Arg., a cross, sa., between four Cornish shoughs,

admiral of Great Britain. His lordship m. Sarah, dau. of

Crest—Out of a ducal coronet, or, a chough, rising, ppr.

Edward Ellis, Esq. of the city of London, and by her (who d. Nov. 1710) had,

HENRY. Elizabeth.

Lucy, m. to Hugh Fortescue, of Filleigh and Wear Gifford,

a lead-line, ppr.

Esq. She was the 2nd wife of this gentleman, and


mother by him, of Matthew Fortescue, Esq., who succeeded

Residence—Melbourne, Canada.

his half-brother in the barony of Fortescue, and was father of Earl Fortescue.

His lordship was s. at his decease, 16 Aug. 1720, by his only son,

Henry, 2nd baron, who m. June, 1716, Elizabeth, dau.

Henry Priestman, Esq., Commissioner of the Navy, tesp Wss.i.z.sss III., and had issue, c. Matthew, capt foot guards, 0. 1717, ci. vit,ft patris, a. p. 2 Sept. i745. is. HENaY, his f.sther’s euccessor. sss. Philip, Is. 1721, 2. young smw. SY. JOHN, MA., in holy orders, prebendary of Bristol, and rector of St. .Alban’s, Wood Street, London, 0. 1721; vs. Elizabeth, dau. of John-Henry Vassmer, Esq.; and 2. 16 Feb. 1702, leaving four sons, Henry, ci. at sea Oct. 1787, Nasa., JOHN, Gcorgs, and Charles. The secossd son, JOHN AYLMER, rear-admiral, U.N., m. 1st, 2 Sept. 1784, Martha, dan. of Stephen Cacsiet, Esq. (of a Hitg’scnot family which took refuge in England alter the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes) and by her had a son, GEsSALD-GEORnE, is. 26 3fay, 1830; a. 6 April, 1053, Alicehester-Caroline, JOHN, capt. RN., 8. 10 Aug. 1755,who se. 12 July, 1812, Elizabeth, dan. of Henry Coates, Esq. and 2. at Richmond, Canada East, 21 jan. 1010, having had issue, I Athalmer, 5. 10 June, 1813; 2. 25 March, 1020. 2 Us,oLPnue, of llelbeurne, Canadus, present and 7th Lord. S “Henry, 8. in 1016; as. in ISIS, Rlica, dan. of thelate Henry Atkins, Esq., and has issue. I Csreline-Amelia-Sophia, es. in 1830, to the Rev. The settlement of the Aylmers in Ireland is fixed at esme William-Valentine Lloyd, chaplain H.N., and has time in the 12th century. Inthe 10th of HENRY VI., An. 1421, Sophia-Lonisa and Emily. Admiral John Ayimer m. Sndly, Nov. ISOO, Frances of the keepers of the peace for that co., as well as for the Pearson, 2nd dau. of the Rev. Thomas-Homer Pearson, adjoining co. of Dnblin; and in eleven years aftsrwards and sister of Gen. Sir Thomas Pearson, K.C.B., and by (145i) ho is a subscriber, as sovereign of the town of Tassagard, her, whs ci. 17 june, 1062, left at his decease, in April, 1841, two sons. I Henry, lieut.-col. R.A. : use. 28 Oct. 1847, Chas-lotteLouisa, heirs of a waste plot of ground there, for the yearly consideration dan. of John Gwetkin, Esq. of Pare Behan, VI1I., a member of the family, Sir Gerald Aylmer, Rnt. of Cornwall, and has, Henry-Level, 5. 26 Aug. 1040; Bullardstewa, co. Heath, 2nd eon of Baitholomew Aylmer, Frederick-Arthur, is. 21 Oct. 1043; and a dan. 2 Frederick-Charles, lieut.-cel. in the army, Knight of Rsq. of Lyons, by his wife, Margaret Chivsra, rose to considerable the Legion of Honour, m. 22 Sept. 1053, Maria-Anne, youngest dau. sf John Gwatkin, Esq. of Pare Behan. his lordship was s. 26 Juno, 1754, by his eldest surviving Pleas in Ireland; from which he was removed to the presidency eon, HENRY, 3rd baron, is. 1710, capt. R.N. ; sa. Anne, dan. of The baronetcy of Ireland was conferred 25 Jan. 1621, in William Picrcc, Esq. of Virginia, N. America, and dying little more than a year after the institution of the order, by 17 Oct., 1766, left (with an only dan. Anne, Mrs. Tencket) an only son, HENRY, 4th baron. This nobleman es 23 Feb. 1774, I. Ssn GERALD Anarsa, Knt. of Benadea, son of George Catherine, dsu. sf Sir Charles Whitworth, of Leybomc, and Aylmer, Req. of Cloucurrie, and grandson of Richard sister of Charles, Earl Whitwerth, by whom (who m. 2ndly, Ayln,er, Req. of Lyons. Sir Gerald so. let, Mary, dan. and Howel Price, Esq., and d. 1805, and whose dan. SophiaCatherine ce-heiress of Sir Renry Travers, master of the Ordnance, Price, wife of B-H. Paynter,Esq., ‘t 7 jan. 1863), and relict of James Fluetace, Visosuot Baltsnglas, but by he had, AYIJ MATTHEW, 0th baron. Rose-Whitwsrth, 2. in India in 1800. becoming its chief, at the decease of hie kinsman, Sir MATTHEw, 5th baron, general in the army, colonel 10th Anne, 2nd dais, of Sir John Call, Bart. of Wbiteford, in the surname of Whitwortl, before that of Aylmer, a,sd the arms of Whitworth in additisn to these of Aylmer, by royal by his brother, Sspperters—Two sailors )tessp. Gszu. 1), affrentsl, ppr., habitod, ac., the dexter holding a cross-staff, the sinister, AYLMER. AYLMER, SIR GERALD-GEOROE, of Dunadea Cststle, on. Kildsro, DL., fnrmerly lieut. let dragoon guards, 8. 15 Sept. 1798; s. his father, as Ctla baronet, 23 May, 1816; ns. 24 April, 1826, Maria, elder dan. and co-heir of Colonel llndgson, of Carlisle, nf the K I. Co.’s service, and has an only son, dan. of Coowsy-R. Dobbe, Eeq. of Castle Dobbs, co Antrim, and has issue, JuezissGERALD, 5. 17 Nov. 1881; C’aralhse-Maria, and HelenCharlotte-Nickola. Jttllcilfitl. we find Richard Aylmer, Esq. of Lyons, eo. Hildore,” one to an indenture made to one John Staunton, and his of one penny at Raster. In the reign of HENRY eminence in the legal profession, and was constituted, in 1512, one of the justices of the court of Common of the court of Exchequer; and, in 1535, he returned, as chief justice, to the fevmor court. JAMEs I., upon that lady (who d. 20 Nov. 1610) had no issue. Ife as. 2ndly, The representative of the AYLMEEe of Lyons, and present head of the family, is 1tscnAEL-VALeN’csNE Avs.ssta, Req. (See BULSKE’e Laaehsd Cesciry.) been givea, by royal warrant, daled 11 May, 1567, tnc precedeuce S ‘S This gentleman and his dolor, the Hon. Mrs. Lloyd, have of a yennger son and a daughter of a baron. 55