Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/108

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BAG Nicholas-Henry, 6. 23 May, 1814; 5. 15 Hay, 1843. Anna-Maria, 5?. u;sos. 20 June, 1849. II arriet—Lanra, S. ems. 16 Na,’. 1520. Frances, so. 1st, 28 May, 1833, to Rev. Ilenry-Walpule 1055, Grace, youngest darn. of Richard Salssbnry, Esq. of Lancaster, Neville (elder son of the lion, and hey. George-henry Neville, of Flower Place, es Surrey, brother of henry, Earl of Abergavenoy), tests it. I a)?; an,l2sdly, in 1840, to Slam— I,letots—Praoeis Cssstanee, Esq., of W’eslon Rouse, Norlo]k, ii. Ilielsarsi, of Gaytsood, Iolissgron (twin with Sir Williom), and has issue. Sir Edmund ,L 30 May, 1564, asol woos, by Isis nephew, lise Ret-. Ed,eard Ilullon, LL.D., and has, Richard-Salisbury, Sir llnynv-RtCKSIAN Bocuw, the 96th and 11th hart. Ceeatiees—BaroneleY of Redg’rave, 29 Stay, 1611; of SIlldesiball, is Theeh,hiilus.lIusselI Iluelou’srth, Fog. of Coclohey Cley 29 July, 362?. A,’,es—Gu., on a chief, arg., two Ilall, co. Narfoilk; Jane-Slargsret, and Lasdsa-Cltfferd. mullets, pierced, sa. Crest—A boar, pansant, cr555. ifelle— Stediocria fsrsna. Senls—Raveuissgham Hall, Lsddon, Norfolk; sir. Edward, P. 2 Dee. 1812; n. 21 Olay, 1815, Jane, yoengest Thonork Hall, Gaiusbro’, eo. Lincoln. PACeS, Sin WILLIAM, Part. of Frederiek-Chiffeed-Sahisbney, P. 1’) Sept. 1d4D and HenryStory-Anne, Stradsett Hall, in the co of Norfolk, v. Philip-Salisbury. in holy order’, cedar of Walpele Saint M.P. for West Norfolk, 6. Peters, co. Nerfohh, P. 18 (bet. 1817; is. 33 April, 1846, 17 June, 1310; rn 11 July, 1883, Jolla, dass. of tIre Men. Stn’plsen Creylse, archdeacon of Frances, 4th elan, of the late Sir Salisbury, 1. 22 Sept. 1059; Ceare-Juiie-Slepltanie; SarahCerlrode; Thomas Preston, Part, of Beeston a, Ma,’is, os 17 Jane, 1831, to Itenry Villebois, Eng. of St. Lawrence, ansi has issue, s. WsLLIAss-lIrNey-EssarsT, 6.9 Aug. 1540; ‘a. 26 Oct. 1865, Is. Pleasance, ns. 17 Sept. 1835, to Ihe Rev. hlenry.Edword Alice, 2nd dan. ef Alfred f’,iles, Esg. is. AIO’ed-Thsnsas, lient. RN., 5. 25 July, 1843. Frances—Ibenrietla. is. Ensilda-Jane, so. in Jane, 1884, to CapI. Charles-Wells f’,vs’tboit—lb April, 186?. Arehdale, lace 851h regt , 01 Celtisltall, so. FUrIeS,, and Isas issue, iii. Caroline-Thensacine. iv. Edilh-Mary. Sir William Bagge was created a Baronet 13 April, gn. Melt’s—Sties cot ‘rn thea. Se,,f—Stradsett Ilall, Norfolk, 1367, lLInrauc. Ssssoa Boone, of Csckley Cley, of Nert,lk (sen of Ralph Bagge, of Cockley Cley, chose ,sill, dated 30 Aug. 1630, was proved 28 Gel. ieu, and grandson of llalph, brother of Simon Bagge), n’ho .f. before April, 1872, leaving issac, i. Francis, of Flit,’l,an,, Norfolk. ii Jena, of sehe,n presently. is,. Sinsen, 31.5 of Cams College, Cambridge, ,l. sn 682. r. Constance. Tire second son, Jona Boson, of Ceekley Cley, eo. Norfolk, ohs s’. Mary, dan. of John Carte,’, of Nurtlsn’old, and left isssse a son, Jour, honor, of Lynn, who 70. 1092, Sarah, dan. ul Samuel Thaeker, of Lynn, and s-idew of Geoffrey C,ynn ; and 2ndly, Sn,an Cromwell, a es-heiress: hiy the for sser Ise had tee B000T, BAoor’(Sir WilhamBagot). of Bsgot’s Bresnicy, sons, Samnel and Jshn, and two daus., .‘snd by the latter live sent, r. John, is. Sarah, dan. of Sleplien Allen, Esq., and by her et. 13 Aug. 1851, Lnoin - Carohne- Elizaheth, eldest (,rlso i. 2ndly, Edssstsis,l hint’’, lasg, of lteaclsasn) lsssl loose. dao. of George-.Tanses-Welhore, lot Lord Dover, atad ii. Wsns.rssr, of schassi presently. iii. Cranwell. st. Si,ssais. v. Clsarles, ss. hlas’hara, dan. of E. Els,len, Fog., and Isad a s. Wss.trsas, P. hO Jan. istI. nun, Clssrles, PD., abe a. Anne, don. sf Tlsonsas Leei si, Waller-Losvis, P. 20 April, 1564. varner, Esq. of W’olsingh,am, and load (,villi s,tl,er isosne) a r. Geergiaua-Agues. 55. Louisa. its. Constance. son, W’ihlia,,s—th ils,ao ilsgge, soiss, assuin,’d rise sssr,sasne aissl is’. Kssthermne-Jurse. v, Bhizabetla-Sephia-Lsoeha s,cass of Lee—Warner; he a,. Masy—Aune, stats, of ,)uls,s— His lordsltip, svlso is a lord in svaiting on the Queen, Tlsnrlsssv tsericsg, Es,5., a,ssl had an only em14, Mary-A nise, assel lieest.-col. Queen’s Oorn royal Staffordshire yenmanry, Ia Capt. SC—F—U. Ilultrer. The seeonst son, W’it,LiAaI II oe,.r, of 1,1 ia4tssn Itoh, 1,. 1705 ; is. Jasse, Oats, of Peter Invon, Es,1., and heiress of her bnallser Thonsas Diaon, The ancestors of this family are recorded in Domesday Erg. of Islingbon Ilall, in Norfolk, soil hail (‘villa three dasn of whons lise yenngesb, l1lizal,etls, .;. . the lIe;-. Ihi,’lsard tlass,s,sd, Reek, as h’,ldero of Bagot’s Bromley, eo, Stafford, under 2a,1 son of so II ,sas,,ssd, ll’q. of Woollen, Norfolk) cseo sons, Rabeet de Stalford, founder of the old feudal honee of William, seiro 5. ‘so,., in loel, and Touts as llaeoe, of Slra’ls,•ls, 0. in 17-IC, who is. 1sf, Pleasance, Rsenoon I, in an Iseir female. StIs,sena’T on Sasereun, who dan. and en-heiress (with her siot,’rs, lhe wives of cunveyed lbs feudal barony to her husband. HeNRY tOE Anllseny Hanrund, F.sq. of I ligh ltossse, and i,f Sananel Proc-ne tlseri’T (a younger branch of the family of which sve ate Essi.,) of Philip Case, Es . ats,l lsail lseo eons a,sd tsea daus., abiosit te tiwat), Their non, Ilcuvrv, aoo,tmed the surname vie., Tnoasas-Pnsure, hi, heir ; Willia,n, of Gaywosd hall, of St-nlrord, ass’l was progenitor of the ssneooeding Barons ,b, s. p. 21 Jan. 1870; Pls’asa,,ee, i, . 10 tIre Rev. 17,1 nosed han— anil Earls of Stafford, and Ibaskes of Boekinaghom. (See tan, LL.I5.. reet,,r of siayseood, atril ‘I. Iris s’idesv, 11 Feb. Pusoitn’a Pallor? f’e,risfbe.) Of thin lheevcy the following 1030, and Jane, “,. to Sir ‘I’hunsso Preslon, flare, of Beesoin, aeaoio,st is gi sesa ira M oseedehe of she Reps? Fe,eibs, compiled and ,t, his widu,r, 32 Aug. 15-16. Mr. Lange so. %ndly, Anne, in 9023, by the present Lord Bagel dart, sfl’homas Lee—Warner, Fog. ef O’alsinglsam, anil osidase of Cls,,rles-Lls len l7agge, 31.1)., by sshsi,n he Isad Anne. ,si. 21 Baget woo, that, in the reign of Rsnnson 1,, so, Mslioent de July, 1 e23, su Capt. W’illia,n-S.—ll. Fiicll’’y, eldest son of Liesst.— Stafford, einter and sole heir to Robert, the last Baron 58 BAG Gen. she lion. W’illiam FitzRoy, and d. in Hay, 1090. Mr. Banged. 10 Aug. lsO7, and woos, by his son, Tneasas-PnILLIP hIsser, hi. 25 July, 1171; who ns. 28 April, snd by her (eho if. 27 Jan. 1034), left, i. WrLs.ssn, areated a Baronet. p. 17 June, 1510; ss. 1 Get. 1835, Pleasance, eldest dan. of 6. 7 July, 1036; Thousas-Edward, 8. 30 April, 1838; Ilerbort, 6. 1 July, 1043; Pleasanee-flrace, ss.12 Slay, 9864, d;sn. of the Rev. Edsvard Bubten, LL.l) and 5.5. p. 19 Slay, 1815. ISis eidosv us. 2ndly, 1 Jan. 1045, Iser cousin, Jantes— Dolt hlulton, Fog., ssho ,b. 7 Aug. 1063. iv. henry-Case, Bengal CS., 8. 32 Nay. 18141 ‘a. 5 Jan. 1036, Margaret, dan. of Major-General Herbert Dec-en, E.l.C.S., and ii. M Aug. 1811, leaving, llenry-Sslisbury, P. 28 Jon, 183?; Arthur-Herbert, lieub. It. E., P. 12 Feb. 1530; ss. to Clsorles Puller, Esq., yunngest son of the hale Gen. Puller. Yeek, and Isas issue, Osh,eil, P. 34 Aug. 1852; Stephen— ShiId,yd; Pldhippa-Carohtne-ilenrietta; Barbara; and Mary-Clifford. Macbans House, Nn,efoll,. Knatehbnll, son of Sir Edward EnatehrhnP, Bars., ond 5. hi Dee. 1565. Sir. Ilagge ,t. 3 June, 1877, and seas s. by Iris eldest son, nosy Sm WrLLsaas Boone, Port. ,‘,,,s—Lsnan’tsgy p;dy bendy, arg. and gss., two fiansuches, or, on a ehirf of the last an annulet bet,seen to-a eins1nefoils of tire second. C,’.-,t—.t pair of ovings addersed, or, sense of annnlets, en. Stsfford, and a Baronet, 6. 27 March, iS]); sister of Henry, 2nd Viscount Cllfden, and has issue, o. as 3rd lord, 12 Feb. 1816. IL inragr. Stalford, which ternsitsated some time in the reign of It has long appeared a matter of do,sbt who the flervey BA GO E. B A GO T.