Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/109

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BAG Stafford. Hervey Bagot is always styled a younger son of the House of Bagot, but whether of Bagot’s Bronaley (the head branch of the family), or of Hyde (another branch), haa seemed doubtful to many antiquarians. Erdeawicic thinks he was of Bagot’s Bromley; Sir. Chctwynd endeavoure to prove that he was of hyde; and Sir William Dngdale only styles him ‘a gentleman of ancient family in those parts.’ After the meat attentive and repealed examination of every doenmont bearing npon the subject of this Hervey Bagot’s descent, it is evident, almost to demonstration, that he must have been the brother of Simon Bagot, of Bromley; and consequently, like him, in the third generation from the Bagot who held that manor at the time of the Domosday snrvey.” The pedigree of the family, in the possession of the family, attested by Sir William Dngdale and Gregory King, of the College of Arms, “and supported by a most extraordinary mass of original deeds and other family mmdmsnts,” sic. Walter, of Pipe Hall, en. Stafford, in holy orders, according to the memorial already quoted, deduces rector of Bllthfield and Leigh; is. 1st, Anne, dau. of the lineal descent from Bagod. Lord of Bromley, who held the lands from Robert do Stafford, as mentioned in Domesday William Swinnerton, Req. of Buttsrtsn, co. Stafford, and Book, to 5cc RALPH BAOOT, Knt., who, in the time of Enw, Ii., is. Bllzabeth, dan. and heiress of Richard do Dlithfield, of a very ancient famlly seated en a manor of that name, within two miles of his residence at Baget’s Bremley. With this heiress, Sir Ralph became pessessed of the estates at Blithfield and LitiJehay, in Colten, which had been in the lady’s family from the Conquest; and he removed, most probably, from his ewn seat to that of Blithfield, where his descendants continue to reside. F’rom this Sir Ralph the pedigree carries on the line to HERvEY BAOOT, Req. (eldest surviving son and heir of The Rev. Walter Dagot so. Indly, Miss Mary Ward, and ci. Walter Bagot, Esq. of Blithfield and Bagot’s Dromley, co. Stafford, and Elizabeth his wife, dan. of Roger Cave, Req.), 8. 8 Feb. 1590, and created a Baronet 10 May, 1627, the year after that in which he had served the office of sheriff for the co. Stafford. This gentleman snffered much during the usurpation, for his attachment to the royal cause. Be m. twice, and was e. at his decease, in Usc. 1660, by his cv. Richard, m. in 1728, Frances, youngest child of William eldest son (by Katherine, dan. of Humphrey Adderley, Esq; of Wsddington, co. Warwick), Sm Eow.von, H.P. for the co. Stafford, in the Restoration parliament, who ‘cc. Mary, dan. of Wllhiam Lambard, Req., and relict of John Crawley, Esq. (ssn and heir of Sir John and heiress, Slasc.v, so. the Hon. Fuike-Greville Upton Crawley, Hut., one of the justices of the court of Common (brother of the late Viscount Ternpletown), who has also Pleas), by whom be had twelve sens and five daus. He if. v. Lewis, in holy orders, succoash-ely, Bishop of Bristol, 10 May, 1673, and was o. by his 3rd and eldest surviving sen, Sm WALTER, who represented the co. Stafford in seven parliaments. He cc. Jane, dan. and sale heir of Charles s. Barbara, so. to Ralph Sueyd, Esq. of Keelo, cc. Staffsrd. Salusbury, Req. of Bachymbydd, es. Dsnbigh; asd dying ii. Maria, so. to Rowland Wingfield, Req. 15 Feb. 1704, was shy his oldest sm’viving son, Sm EnwAnn, 6. 21 Jan. 1671, SLP. fer the cc. Staffsrd, Sir Walter ci. 20 Jan. 1768, and was s. by his oldesi son, who m. Frances, dan. and heiress of Sir Thomas Wagstaffs, Scat WILLIAM, 6.28 Fob. 1728; representativein parliament Knt. of Taehbrseke, co. Warwick, and dying in 1712, was for the cc. Stafford from 1754, until elevated to the peerage e. by his only surviving son, Sm WAe.Teat-WAosvaere, LL.D., 6. 3 Aug. 1702; representative in the dignity of BARON Banor, ef .Ragol’o .Brecoley, cv. successively for the borough of Nsweastle-ondsrLyme, ,Stofferci, 17 Oct. 1720. His lordship cc. II Aug. 1760, Lonisa, the co. Stafford, and the University of Oxford. He is. dan. of John, 2nd Viscount Bnllngbroke, by whom (who ci. 1724, Lsdy Barbara Legge, eldest dau. of William, 1st Earl of 4 Fsb. 1820) ho loft issue, Dartmouth, and had (with other children who d. in infancy), c. WeLe.ssoi,2nd baron. s. WSLLIAM, his snecsssor. cc. Charles, 1’. 1 Sept. 1730; assumed by act ef parliament, the surname of Cnesveat, is. 1765, Catherine, dan. of the Hon. Heneago Legge, and left issue at his decease, 1702, viz., (all bearing the surname of Chester,) 1 Charles, of Chieheley, Bucks, 8. 1770; ci. 1038. 2 Anthony, 6. 5 Slay, 0773; capt. 13th infantry,killsd in Egypt, 1002. Hess. Anne-Riles Obins, ef the family of Castle Obins, Armagh, and left an only son, Rev. Anthony Chester, of Chicheley Mall, Ducks, 8. 0800; si. 1834, Henrietta, only child ofths IatsWllhiam Brown, Esq. of Lssbc’n, and had Henrietta-Mary. 3 William, in holy orders, 8. 27 Slay, 1775; si. in 1810, the Men. Elizabeth Wilson, don, of Lord Boners; and ci. 22 Nov. 1810, leaving issue, Charles-Ilontagn, in the army; tlrevifle, in holy ordsrs; Fanny, ‘a. to the Rev. Francis-Edward Pagst (are AvoLnssv, 11. of ; and Charlotte, m. to the Rev. Salisbury Everard. 4 John, 6.1 Aug. 1779, thearmy, ofAshtead, eo. Sm’rsy, so. Sophia-Elicabsth, dau. of Charles Stuart, Esq.,and dyisig 19 Slay, 1857, left, John, a major in the army, who has assumed the cii. Richard, in holy orders, UP., bishop of Bath and surname of ST. LrGcn only, and is scow of Park Hlll, Wslls, 6. 22 Nov. 1782; is. in Dcc. l806,Ilarriet, youngest co York; sc April, 1858, Phillipa, dan. of Bonlay dan. of Gsorge-Bossoy, 4th Earl of Jersey, and ci. 15 Slay, Roopsr, Esq. of Abbots-Riptsn, cc. fluntingdon, and has issue, Arthur, Henry, and Edith. Meeeage-Chaelos, capt. in the army, is. Slarch, 1861, Madeline-Elizabetlc-Shsriffe, only Sacs. of B-hansel 59 BAG Oliver-Massey, Esq. of Tickfsed Abbey, hocks, and has a son, Grsville-Slasser, 1,. Oct. 1886. Sophia-Ehizabsth, is. in 1845, to Lord Alfred Hervey (see Doisroc, B.). Slsry, us. 1846, to her esnsin, Rev. C.-Waltsr Dagot. Barbara, in. to the Hon. and Rev. William Hsw,crd (oec ErrsannAac, Ej. 5 Henry, 6. 28 Oct. 1780; deceased. 6 George, whom. Miss Butlec; ci. in 1821. 1 Catherine, dseeaeed. 2 Leniss, ci. 13 Starch, 1830. 3 Barbara, m. to John Drncnmend, Esq ,who ci. 28 Slay, 1833. She ci. 9 Aug. 1832. 4 Frances, vs. 1803, to Thomas-Richmond-Gale Braddyl, Esq. of Cooishsad Priory, cc. Lancaster. 5 Anne, d. 5 Nov. 1841. 6 Slary, is. Robert, 2nd Earl of Liverpool, and ci. 1846. 7 Elizabeth. 8 Harriet, m. to A-B. St. Loger, Esq. of Park Hlll, cc. York, who ci. 1862. by her had issue, 1 Egerton-Arden, 8. in 1777, in holy ordem; so. in 1822, Elizabeth-Isabella, dan. of the Hon. and Rev. George Bridgman, which lady ci. in 1834. 2 Willianu, m. in 1823, Slartha, dan. of Thomas Swinnerten, Esq. of Butterton Ball, cc. Stafford. 1 Honora, cc. 11 Dee. 1705, to the lion, and 11ev. Augustus Legge, who ci. 21 Aug. 1828; she ci. 26 Oct. 1863, vi. 07. 2 Elizabeth, so. to Joseph Phillimore, DCL., chancellor of the diocese of Oxford. S Louisa, ccc. to the Rev. Richard Levstt, of Rllfcrd Hall, co. Stafford, who ci. in 1843. in 1006, leaving by her, 1 Ralph, in holy orders. 1 Slary. 2 Caroline, m. in 1028, to Edmund-H. Daniel, Esq., hamster-at-law. 3 Charlotte, ccc. to the flon. and Rev. William Somerville. 4 Jane-Stargaret, is. in 1226, to Edward-Vaughan Wilhems, Req., barrister-at-law. 8 Agnes, en. in 1826, to Jshn-Farquhar Fraser, Esq. Howard, Viscount Andover, oldest son of Henry, 4th Earl of Berkshire, and 11th Earl of Suffolk, and eventually heir of her nephew, Henry, Earl of Snfi’olk and Decks. Mr. Baget assumed the name of Howcatn. His only dan. assumed the name of HowAnn, and is deceased. Noswich, and St. Asaph; so. Story, dan. of the Hon. Edward Hay, and ci. in 1282. ccc. Harriet, ci. scam, in 1625. cc. Charles (Sir), G.C.B., a privy coonciller, and some time minister-plenipotentiary to the court of the Netherlands, 6. 13 Sept. 1781; so. 12 Jnly, 1806, Slary-CharlotteAnno, eldest dan. of William, 4th Earl of SIcrnington, and by her (who ci. I Feb. 1045) had, 1 Charles, assistant-master of the ceremonies to the Queen, col. gron.-gds., 6. 1801; as. 1846, Sophia-Lonisa, dan. of Rsar-Adm. Hon. Joseehne Percy, C. B., and has issue, Joseelins Fitzroy; Alan-Charles; and Alics-Slary. 2 George-Talbet, 6. 14 June, 1220. 3 Alexander, 6. 1822; major II.E.I.C.S ; so. 1852, Ocrtrnde-Letitia, dau. ofCol. H. B. Kallifax. and hasissuso. O Emily-Georgians, so. 15 Fob. 1037, to Goorgs, Earl of Winehilsea; and ci. 10 Jan. 1840. 2 Carolins-liary, so. 1849, J. David, M.D. of Swonsos, 3 Honristta-Slaria, cc,. 27 Aug. 1813, to henry, Earl of Uxbridge; and ci. 22 llarch, 1044. 4 Georgisna-Augusta, is. 21 Sept. 1841, to Lient -Colonel llackenzis Fraser; and ci. 21 Jnns, 1851. S Wilhelmina-Frederies, cc. 17 Nov. 1841, to Captsin Hsnry-Dagot, EN. ; and d. 15 April, 1852. Sir Charles succeeded Lord Sydenham as gov.-gsuersi of Canada, and ci. there, 19 Slay, 1841. 1834, having hod issue, 3 Edward, lisnt-col. in the army, 6. 4 Jan. 1002, Knt. of the Redeemer of Greece; m. 15 Jan. 1842, Slatllds,