Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/112

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BAIRD. Baron, SIR JAMES - GABOINER, genllrnaan or. in July, 1014, Harriet, 3rd dan. of Sir John tart, of Saughton Hall, co Edinburgh, Simeen, Dart., and by her (who ,l. 11 Nov. 1845) had issue, f nrmei’ly capt. 10th hoseara; GEOROK, present baronet. in 211 Ang, 1813 ; s. his grandfather, Henry, 0. 8 Jan. 9326. as 6th hart. in 1830; sn. 13 March, Jane, m, 26 Nov. 1640, to Oh’ John Simeon, Dart., and €7. 1815, Henrietta-Mary, eldest dan. of Joho Wauchope, Eeq. of Edmondstone, co. Edinburgh, and sister of the accidental blow of one of the flappers of a svindmill, Sir John 1JonWTauehops, Bart., and 1 Oct. 1030, has had, I. W,rriasl.JAaiEs-GARnINrR, 5. 23 Fob. 1854. ii. John-Jsmea-Gardlnor, 8. 10 March, 1236. I. Harriet-Cecilia-Mary, ii. 11 April, 1064. 3Lmncc. 1. JAIIEI BAIRD, Esq., eldest son aud heir sf Sir Robert Baird, lInt, of Sanghten Hall, ca. Edinburgh, was created a Baronet of’ £vera Scslia, 26 Feb. 1693-0. Sir James s. Elizabeth, eldest dan. of Sir Alexander Gibson, of Peniland, and widow of Thamas Gray, Esq, by whom he had two sons and a dan. ITs d. in 1740, and was s. by his elder son, 11, SIR RoBeRT. This gentlonaan is. Janet, dan. of — Baikie, Esq. of Tankornoos, in Orkney, by whom ho had four soirs and a dan. He il in 1741, and was o. by his eldest son, Ill. Sin JAMEs, an officer in the royal navy, who d. Oslo., when the tille devolved upon his brother, IV. SIR WILLIAM, capt. RN. Tl,is geotlomar. cc. 1750, The patronymic of this family, LITrLERALeO, was eelinqnished Fr.snces, dan. of Col. Gardiner, of llankton (an officer that fell at the battle of Preston), by whom he had two eons and adopted in its stead. The Littlcbeles ssere seated many four dane. lie ,1. in 1770, and was o. by his 2nd and only centuries at Bawiey, near Beidgnorlb, eo. Sal”p. snrviving son, 5’. Sin JAaics GARDINER, lient.-col. in tlse army, who re. Enwoen BAKER-L5TTLEnALEO. Eeq., a lient.-co]. in the 1st, 1781, Henrietta, Sri dan. of Wynne Johnston, Esq. of army (eldest son of Baker-John Littlchales, Eng., by Maria, Ililtowo, by whom he had issne, WILLIAM, an oHcer in the arsny; si. in 1800, Lucy, eldest son of Joseph hittlebaleo. Req., and his wife, Elizabeth, dan. of Thomas Dieks,’ss, Lag. of Prespect house, co, sister of William Baker, Esq., and aunt of Petee-Willlans Haots. and bad isone, 1 JAasE5Gn1h present hart. 2 David, deceased. a III aekeneie-William, deeca’cd. 1 henrietta Jsnaima, 5’. loll, I,, John Ihsikiiii, E’q. Elioabeth-Mary Fitogerald, dan. of William-Robert, 2nd 2 Mary-AliCia, dacease’l. 3 Franees-Sophia, decease’]. Richard.prederick. 51 argaret-Slary. itenriettaWarrandeCecilia, sa 1811, t0 John Wanchepe, Williasn-Leinstcr-Ysrk, 0. 14 Slay, 1811, capt. 73rd regt.; Esq. ef Edmondetene. Ahcia-SOphia. Sir Jamee m. 2ndly, 1827, Wert]ey-Cornelia-Anoc, dan. of TALBOT-IIASTI000-BONnALL, 0. 9 Sept.1820, inholyorders, the late William Moir, Esq. of New Grove. Ho d. in 1030. C,.eaiiea28 Feb. 169Hf. Ar,sioGuIes,a eanglier, paseant, 62 BAItER, Son GEonoK, Part, of Loventor, en. Devon, 5.16 June, 1816; o. his father, as 3rd baronot, 1 Oct. 1830; cc. June, 1840, Mary-Ieabella, 2nd dan, of the lato liobert-Nassan Sutton, Esq., and by her (who d. 6 May, 1855) I. Fncneetcn-Enw.snn, 5. in 1843. side an ladiao Tyger, fe,,es lh,e saeeh a shiel,t 1serdent t’y a ii. George-Barrington, 0. 1041. Seartel llibhea, ettarged soilb tire Ceesceat atsd Star, as in the lit. Francis-Manners 0. 5612. I. Alice— Eniilv-Jane. tt. Es’elyn-Nina— Frances. said Shield, as depleted in tire pairatieg lsereemro annexed, ttse sai,t .trmet’ial Ftrsigias laeinrg ctot (lilt)’ cxesiplrf mt according to time Lasrs of Areas. arrd ree,ed,’,t in the I Iceald’s OHec, otisee— us. Isabella-Macia, a. 14 Dee. 1065, io Charles-O.-E. wise this Ores t,ieeeee arrd Ii ei,riesien to be i-aid sari of none C,ctar, Esq., grandson of John, 7th Earl of Scarbrongb. Sir George in. Sndly, 16 Nov. 1858, Angosta-Cathelane, effect. Ussr W’ill assd l’leasnre tlreref,’ee is, that yon, Charles, yonngcot dan. of the late Sir Robert Fitzwygram, Bart, Vise Cencessinli assd espee’a] ,,rarlr of Oar t4,iyal Fayette he hL (it cagc. i. Gronoe Batten, liD, and F.R.S. (son of tile Rev. have knon’te’lPe them’eef. And fer so doing this slsalt l,e your George Daker, physician to Ring GeonoK 111.1, was created Warrant. (BroIl at Oar Cowl of St. lames’s the eighteenth a Baronet 15 Sept. 1776. Sir George os. Jane, dan, of Roger day of 2tngasl, 1004, in the t,r11-feOrCI year of Our Reign.— Morris, Esq. (eel BURKE’s Landed Geniry, Moents or YORK), by wham (whod. 30 Jnly, 1813) he had (with a dan., MariaCha,’iotte, Ic. 1 May, 1021, to Lirnt.-Col. Sir John-Hnttsn Cooper, Bart., who d. 24 Dec. 1626, withont issue) a sen and enccesoor at his decease, 15 June, 1109, 11, Ste FnEneneen-Fnaaers, F.R.S. and F,S.A. This Frederiek-]lrancis. 0 29 Jan. 1822. 24 Aug. 1660. Sir Frederick-Francis Baker was nnfortnnntciy killed by C,’calien—19 Sept. 1776. A rob—AtE., on a ssleier, engrailed, sa., fls-e escallops of the field; on a chieQ of the second, a llon pasoant, of the first. Creel—A dexter arm, embowed, ve”ted. aeni’e, cnffed, arg., holding in the hand, ppr., an arrow, of lbs last. deal—Loveelor, nose Totnes, Devonshire. T”ze,r Ifooee—4, Hyde Park Sqnare. BAKER, Sin EDMARB.EAKER, of Ranston, co. Dorset; 5. 4 Nov. 1806; a. as 2nd baronet, on the decease of his father, 4 March, 1825. by the first hart., and the sn,aasme of BAKER dan. and sole-heiress of Bendall Ilartyn, Es’1 , and grand Baker, Esq. of Banstan, co. ilorset, H.P. for Corfe Castle, who B. Aug. 1811), having rendered several important services to his eonnlry, both, civil and military, was created a Baronet, 2 Sept. 1802. Sir Edward ci. 22 July, 1801, Lady Dnke of Leinster, end by her (who d. 28 Feb. 1057) had, EDwaRD-OAKEn, the present baronet. d. oem. 13 Nov. 1817. Wellington-Oharlos-Ceeil, 0. 31 March, 1517, capt. 23rd regt. ; d. care. 22 March, 1047. vicar of Preston. near Weymontb, ci. 17 Jniy, 1050, Florence, dan. of John tlnfcbings, Esq. of Ludlow, co.Salop, and has a dan., Geraldine-Emma. RAE - or, on a c,anton, ermine, a sword, paleways, ppr., sstrmonsrted by a crescent, of the field. Cr,os—A boar’s bead, erased, or. Royal Licence and Authority Ihat he may bear ho the Armorial Jlotlo—Vi rt virtnte. Secl—Sangbton Hall, Midlstbian. Ensigns need by his Family (being a Itsar passant, an,l 00 0 BAT Canton a Snerd erert(, the henorat,le AugsseaLatiera fotls,viag, that is to say , In Clrief 11w t’rcseerlt end Star, is allusion to the Dodge of tl,e saul I Ittornass (lrder, and for ln ad,Iirion al (‘rest, a Maoselowk sri 1t,,rcetart, to l’e borne t’y him Ihe said StaJOeflesacrat Sir I (avid Itaird, aed by his deser,sdanto. Arid at— rheagh the t’rivitego of I,earisg 8n1,1,orters t’o tinitod to tlse Peers of blur flealnl, the Rniel’ts of Oar t titers, ass’I tire Proxies of Prieees of line Ittoed rst I ,selattatic,as, eacepl in snob cases sotiereha ne,ler pat’tiesttae eircwnstaeers W’e have tiers 1deased to geaal Our especial l.ieenee far she use thereof. Yet -in_r ill order Is gis’e a f,trrtcer tesiitn’iny ef hue partienlar approha— tiott of tise s,’esires ef line said Itaj’ ,e—tto,aeral Sir tiuvid Isahial, as irell in I sdia as it Egrtt, We ore ,lesirnrts of alteseiog Idat to hear a,set ,I,, a,’,’ordingie ginnt sm to lsi,it far SnptlortOi’o to his A,’ms, on tlio I lcstrr side a British, Sahtier in the Cr,iforiis of oar Fifri’-feesetls llrginsoot of Pet, arid on tite Sioietrr Arms, wills the se.arsl -. Ser’iogalatatn,’’ an are Escrall r,nder lime Dake of Nerf dir, Ic 5, lie,,, rise eegrnaarree of matters of this natssre de,tls tael(eell’ l,elsag, do retaire oitd eotsroiartsl thai litis regislered in I or Cdtege of Arrrrs, to tbe end utah llnr Olliccrs of Am’s and all etires’s sipers oeeasiatl Itray take fsitt notice asa’h Dy [lie Majesty’s Consmand, lTAss’KoSBL’av. g5j—Newbyth and Gilosertes Grange, ND. BAKER. h as, B A K E R. 3Ltiicgc.