Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/113

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BAKER. BAKER, Sm HENRY-WILLIAMS, of of the island of Malta, was created a Baronet, 14 June, 1801. ,, Upper Dunatable House, Surrey, Ho Ca. July, 1785, Mary Smith, dan. ef John Wilson, Faq. in holy orders, vicar of Monkc of Weotminstcr, by whom (who a. 17 Sept. 1831) he bad vs/ land, Hereforcishire; b. 27 May, one son, Wae.LaAza-KEavm, his successor. Sir Alexander ohtamed ,(“ 1821 ; a. his father, as 3rd hart,, of the order of St. Terdinaod and of Merit, conferred upon 2 Nov. 1859. 3Lttzcac 1. Romuc’r BAKER, Esq. of Upper Dunetable Rouse, Co. Cresl—Out of a naval coronet, a cubit arm, erect, in naval Surrey, and of Nicholshayne, co. Devon (youngest son of uniform, graoping a hand-grenade, bnrating,ppr. John Baker, M.D. of Richmond, Surrey, by Sarah, dan. deal—Blofield, co Noalolk. and co-heiress of Robert Wood, LL.D., brother of Thomas Towas Jloucs—84, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park. Wood, Eeq. of Littleton), was created a Baronet, 14 May, 1796. Sir Robert so. in 1791, Dinah, dan. and sole heir of BALTINGLASS, VISCOUNT OP (Eustace). William Hayley, Faq., alderman, end representative in parliament, of the city of London, and hy her (who 5. March, 1805) had issue, Rohert, 8.ies 1785; 5. in 1802. HENEY-LORAINE, 2nd baronet. George-Augustus, in holy orders, rector of Ibstone-cumFingcat, near ilcnlcy-on-Thsmeo, 8. 17 Jan. 1789; cC, in 1811, Sophia, youngest don, of Peter Sherston, Esq. of Stoberry Hill, co. Somerset, and 5. 4 Mac-oh, 1866, having had HeNav-SueasvoN, barrister-at-law, 8. 20 Hay, 1814; no. 24 May, 1841, B.wia-Martha, don. of the late John Burkold, Esq. of York-place; and Georgiana-Sophia. Onolow, col. Bengal artillery, 8. S Aug. 1791; 5. 5 Nov. 1064. Mary-Hayley, a. in 1838, unm. Louisa, 5. in July, 1847. Emma, so, to James Llewellyn, Eq. of Cowbridge, and ci, in 1806. Sir Robert tI. 4 Feb. 1826, sud was a. by his eldest surviving von, II. Sm HENRY Loaaeocc, a vice-admiral U.N., CD., 8. 3 Jan. 1787, who so. 27 June, 3820, Louisa-Anne, only dou. (by Anna, his wife, sister of Sir J.-Colman Rashleigh, Bert.) of William Williams, Faq., somctimc M.P. for Weymouth (a descendant of the younger branch of the Wiilama of Dorootshire), and by her (who a. 12 Sept. 1861) had, e. HEzsmv-WeLLeAaee, present baronet. ii. Onalow-Loraine, 8. 13 Juno, 1842; 5. 21 March, 1860. e. Emily-Louisa, ci. 38 May, 1861. at. Jeoaey. In. Fanny-Sopbia, a. anne. in 1140. iv. Adelaide-Noel, aa. 8 April, 1818, to Arthur Sperlieag, Esq. of Lattenbury Hill, hunts. v. Agnes-Maria, so. 13 Aug. 186:1, to the Rev. Theod’reChambers Wilka, oldest son of the 11ev. 5.-C. Wilke, rector of Nuraling, Rants. Sir Henry, who entered the royal navy in 1707, and whose naval career was one of high diatinction, al. 2 Nov. 1813. Crealien—14 May, 1796. Arme—Arg., a ealtier, se., charged with five escallops, orminois; on a chief, az., a lion paaeaut, of the third, armed and langued, gulce. Crest—A demi-lion, rampant, perfeaso, indented, orminole BnNnoac, EARL OF (Francis Bernard), Viocount and pman, supporting in hia paws an escallop, arg., charged Bernard, Viocnnnt Bandon, and Baron Bandon, of with an ermine spot. Motto—Fidel coticula crux. Scal—Duuetabls House, Richmond, Surrey. 63 BALL IL lIlt Ronnnv BALL, of Ebworth and Stoneham, in the co of trefoil, slipped, vert. For LITvLENALEO — between two wings elevated, or, an armed arm, embowed, ppr., garnished, Glonccstcr, Faq., so. Mary, dan. of Mr. Aldcrman (Mark) or; the hand in a gauntlet, grasping an arrow, entwined Dickinson, of London, and a. in 1761, leaving issue, a. Ingram, whom. Miss Couts, of llontr000, and baa iaeno. at. George, major of marinca. eel. Aa,ExAmmeee-J0NN, of whom presently. cv. Levy, a. in 1807. C. Henrietta. IL Charlotto, cc. to William Smith, Faq. of St. Helene. The third eon, I. ALEXANOOR-JOION BAe,e, roar-adm. of the Blue, coeemandcr of the blockade, and after ito surrender, governor peracioaion, in 1801, to accept the rank of commander him by PoaeneNAaan, King of Naples, and to bear the insignia of the said order. He a. 25 Oct. 1809. Crcalioao.s—24 June, 1801. Arms—Ermine, a lion, rampant, sa,, bctween two torteaux, in chief; and in base, a hand-grenade, bursting, ppr. Bandou Bridge, in the peerage of Ireland, one of the Representative Peers, and colonel royal Cork City BAN BALCARRES, EARL, 160 CRAWFoRD, EARL. BALOONIE, Lonn, ccc LEVEN, EARL BAK Charlotte-Elizabeth, a. 27 Nov. 1848. Emiia-Maria, so. 21 July, 1818, Thomas Mills Geodlake, Foq. of Wadley Rouse, Berko. Her son, Lieut.-Col. G.-L. Goodlake, Coldatream guarda, obtained the Victoria Croas Gcmldiao-Lanra, 90.10 June, 1847, Hubert Hutchiugs, Faq. of Saudford Oreao, Somerset. Louioa-laahella. Sir Edward assumed, by sign manual, 6 Jan. 1817, the auename of BAKER only, and the arma ol Baker quarterly with those of Littlehalco. lIe a. 4 March, 1825. Arsas—Quarterly, firat and fourtb, argeut, acaatlebetwocn two crosses patio, in chief, aud a key in base, aa; on a chief, as-, two keys erect, or, for BA000. Secoudaud third, argont, on a bond, cottiaed, aa., three cinquefoila, or; a chief, gu., charged with three arrowa, erect, pointa downwards, ppr., for LIvYLERALEa. Creole—For BAKER—a nag’a head, eraaed, argent, charged on the neck with a croaa patae-fitchie, gu., in the mouth a by a branch of olive, ppr. Afotlo—Finia coronat opus. £cam—Ranatou. near Blandford, co. Dorset. BALL, SIR WILLIAM-KEITB, of Blofield, co. Norfolk; 5. 27 Oct. 1791 ; a. his fathor as 2nd bait,, 25 Oct. 1809. Ste PEERAOES CLAIMED. BAND ON.