Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/114

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militia artillery, 8. 3 Jan. 1810; in. 16 Aug. 1832, a. Rose, 0. 0 Hard,, 1720; ssi. 1st, Wililam, Lord Risers. Catherine-Mary, eldest dan. of the late Thomas Whitmore, dale; and 2ndly, James MGlard, Esq., and bad issue hy Eaq. of .&pley, co. Salop, and has issue, I. JAMEs-FRANCIs, Viscount Bernard, 0.12 Sept. 1850. 1. Mary-Catherine-Henrietta, rn 30 July, 1063, to Colonel au. Mary, 0. in i7o9 os. to Sir Augustus Warren Eart., Riehard-Willia,,, Aldworlh, late 7th fusileera, eldest Iv. Charlotte, os. Hayes St. Leger, Viscount Bonoralio, aud son of Richard-Oliver Aldsvorth, Esq. of Newmarket, cc. Cork (see Duane’s Landed Gentry). 51 Louiea-Albinia. III. Charlotte-Esther-Emily. ,v. Emma-Harriet. v. Adelaide-Mary-Lucy. re, Kathleen-Frances. L(llcRgc. Sm Tnrorsmjrua, described as ‘‘a valiant knyghte of German the pcersge oflroland, asBorems.Basdoss, 3ONov. 1701; created descent, who,’in 1066, accompanied WILLIAM the Conqueror Visroo,,t Basdeo, 6 Oct. 1705; and advanced, 6 Aug. 1000, to into England,” was son of Sir Egorett, and father of the dignities of Floesassl .Bcroord and EARL 05’ BANDON. His Sn, Bonnsnn BeRNAR0, tl,e first of his family surnamed lordship so. 12 Feb. 1794, Catherine-Henrietta, only dan. of Bernard. His descendants settled at Aeornba,,k, in Westmoroland, Richard, 2nd Earl of Shannon, by whom (who ci. 0 July, and in tl,e counties of York and Northampton. 1511) be had issue, Among tl,esc we find Robert Fitz-Iternard, who accompanied JAMEs, 2nd carl. HENaY It. to Irela,,d, and who, on the king’s departure, Richard-Boyle, in holy orders, B.D., and dean of Leighilu, had Weaford and Waterford committed to his custody. Sb FRANCIS llessNAan, of Acornbassk (the lineal descendant Francis, lieut. Otis light-dragoons, 5. 27 Feb. 1701; and st. of Sir Dorhard), os. Hannah, dan. of Sir John Pilkington, William-Smyth, 0. 13 Sept. 1702 capt. b-p. 1st dragoonfgnards, and was grandfather of Sea IirNev BsasoAan, Ent., who s,s. Anne, da,,. of Sir John Dawoon, of Westmorelnad, and had fonr sons, Robert, Henry-Boyle, cornet of the lot dragoon-guards, 6.2 Dcc. William, Francis, assd Charles, FRANCIS Ilcoosan, Es’1., the 3rd son, removed to Iroland, Charles-Ludlow, 0. 12Apr11, 1001; d. 21 Jan. 1861. temp. Queon ELIZABETH, and purchased considerable estates. Catherine-Olonriotta, ‘1. so 1020. He d. leaving issue, besides two dano. (the eldest os. to Sir Charlotte-Esther, so in 1010, Hayes, Visconnt Donomile, George Reysasido, and also 2nd to Percy Freke, Esq.) a oon, FRANCIS BERNARn, lord of the manor of Castle Slabon, Louisa-Anne, di 26 Slay, lolL whom. Elizabeth, dan. of Artbnr Fieke, Ear1, of Rathbarry The earl <1. Nov. 1030, and was s. by blo son, Castle (ancestor of Lord Carbery), by isis wife, Boi-ethy, JAMEO, 2nd earl, DCL., PRO., lord lieutenant and dan. of Sir Richard Smytls, by Isis wife, Mary, sister of custos rotulorsm of tl’r co. of Cork, recorder of Bandon, Richard Boyle, the Great Earl of Cork (see SHorn sr HeadOos-eoya, and a representative peer, 0. 14 Juno, 1700; who so. Boner’s L’,adul Grotry). Sir. Bernard was killed 13 March, 1009, Mary Snoan-Albiula, dan. of the lion, and while defending his castle from an attack of the rebel forces, most Rev. Charles Brodrick, D.D., archbishop of Csshel, and left issue, with four dana., all married, two sons, FRANcIs, of whom presently. Arthur, 0. in 1060; os. Anne, dan-and heiress of Roger do Charles-Brodrirk, the Et. Rev., B. B,, lord bishop of Tnam ]a Poer, of Mount Eglantine, Os. Waterford, descended from the Barons do la Poor; and was amscrstor of the BERNAR0s of Palace Anne, in the co. Cork, an osta to now sjoycd by ARTIIcR-BEAMISR BERNARD, Esq. (&elluaee’s Ilenry-Boyle, liP. for Bandon, 0. 6 Fob. 5812, col. 07th Zan’lesl Gentry.) The eldest son, FRANCIS BERNARD, 0. in 1063, was attaintod by King Catherine-Henrietta. JaMes Ti’s parliament, but was restored to his estates by Mis lordship 4.31 Oct. 1036. WILLIAM and MARY. He was appointed solicitor-general of Ireland by Queen ANNE, prime serjeant, and a judge of the Crealioaa—Baroaa, 30 Nov. 1753. Viscount, 5 Oct. 17Sf, court of Common Pleas. He represented Bandon and Clognakiltyin Viscount and Earl, S Ang. 1500. parliament. Horn, in 1007, Alice, dan. of Stephen Aras—Arg., ona bend, az., three escallops, of the field. Ludlow, Esq., ancestor of the Earls Ludlow, and grandson f’rest—A demi-lion, arg., holding a snake, ppr. of Sir Henry Ludlow, of Maiden Bradley, eo. Wilts (whose Supporters—Dexter, a stag; siuistsr,an unicorn, both arg., oldest son was the famons General Ludlow), and by her he each ducally gorged and clssined. or. left, at his decease, in 1721, a. FRANCIS, his heir. am. Stephen, of Prospect Hall, 0. 17 July, 1701; 4. in Oct. 1757. arm. North-Ludlow, majar of dragoons, 0. 11 April, 1715; so. in 1705, Rose, dan. of Johms Erhlin, of Eclslinville, c’. Down, and left issue, with three daus., two sons, 1 Charles, 4. nsa,. 2 JAMEs, of n-h,sm presontly. I Alice, ,,,. 1756, to William Boamisb, Erq. of Willsgr.’ve, capt. RN. (8cc BEAMIOH of WILL5OROVr, BURKE’S Lsodcd Gnl;y.) 2 Llioabeth, ma. 3 L ,thcrioo, so. to Francis Boamish, FSsq., anl had issue (o” BEAM5In of MOUNT BEANIOII, buono’s Land,,’ C Ins). sv. Arthur. v. William. yr John, a. Elizabeth, 0. 21 Feb. 1701; m. lot, James, 3rd Viscount Charlemont; and Madly, Tlton,as Adderley, of Innishass. non, Esq.; and 4. in 1743 The eldest son, Fesoema BERN.ORD, Esq., SIP, of Castle Bernard, and Easotngbonrna Hall, Essex; 0.101000; 55. in 1722, Lady Asne BANGOn, VISCOUNT (Edward Ward), and Baron Petty, only dan. of Henry. Earl of Sholl,nrne. but 4. without ausmiving issue, in 1703, when he was s. by Isis nephew, JANeo BERNAED, Esq. (eon of North-Ludlow Bernard), iiassgor, of CasUe Ward, co. Down, in the peerage o( 0. S Dcc. 1729; member in several parliaments for the co. Ireland, one of tlse represontativo poers; 6. 23 Fob. of Cork; so. in 17.52, Esther, dau. of Percy Sns-th. Lag., and 1827; z. as 4th viocount, at the decease of his father, Iscir of her brother, Wilitam Ssuytb, Es’1. of Ileadlsormsgls, 1 Ass5. 1817. and wi’low of Robert Gookin, Esq. lie ii. 7 July, 1700; and sho di in 1760, having had issue, I. FoAs’cee, Earl of Bandon. 64 BAN both assarriagea. She ‘1. 26 May, 1210. II. Esther, 0. 57 Slarrh, 1729; m. 2 Dee. 1772, Sampoon Stawell, Esq. of Kilhrittain; 6. leaving issue. and 4. i4 Nov. 1025, leaving issue. had issue. v, Elizabeth, m. iso 1752, Richard Aekiorn, of Wtsetoaa Hall, Notts, Esq., and had a dan., Esther Acklom, heir of her father, who su. in 1814, John, Viscount Althos’p, and 4.s.p. 11 June, 1218. The son and heir, FRANCIs BERNARD, Bag., 0. 26 Nov. 1712, was elevated to 0. 4 Sept. t7S7, and ,l. in 1000. at Coimbra, in Portugal, in 1013. 51.1’.; sa. in 1031, Elizabeth, only dan. of Licut.Col. Oilman, of Claneoole, co. Cork, and d. 6 Feb. 1863. 1717; slain at ‘Waterloo. and 4. in Feb. 1146. and had issue, Fo,eamcss, presont earl. (.nepesl), 5. 4 Jan. 1811; sa. July, 1843, the Hon. JaneGrace, sister of George-Patrick-Perry, 7lh and present Lord Carbcry, and has issue, Percy-Brodrick, 0. 17 Sept. 1244; and James-Boyle, 0. 22 Dec. 1047. Sooth Cork light infantry; as, 10 Jan. 1545, MatildaSophia, youngest dau. of the late Lient.-Oeu. Charles Turner. .llfstlo—Virtus probata fiorebit, as sued by the earl; but to,’ motto rccorsled is the Office of Arsoa is Virtue probata fiorescit. ‘Seat—Castle Bernard, Bandon, co Cork. BANG OR. IitIlcitgc. BERNARD WARD settled in Ireland, in 1370, and was father of