Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/120

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BAR Sia Avs.aztR-JONN, an officer in the army, I. lOPer. 1792, v. Shute, PB., Bishop of Durham; ss. let, Lady Diana who m. 29 Sept. 1936, his cousin, Eeme, eldest dau. of Beauelsrk, dare, of Charles, Duke of St. Albans; and Christopher Ilarnewall, 5sq. of lleadstowu, eo. Heath; and, Oudly, Jane, dan. of 5mm- John Gtsiee, Dart., bnt tI. s. 2t. - dying 23 Jan. 1436, left a p ,stbuttsous son, SIR REGINALD, s. Sarah, em. in1746, to ltubert Price, of Foxley, Esq. the present baronet. C,eoltsa—22 Feb. 1622. A ,ets—Erm., abordure, enrolled, its. Slary, ml. IIIIsI. gu. Cs-eel—Pram a plume of five astricis feathers, or, gas., aa., vert, and argent, a falcon, rising, of the last. Melts—Halo user’ quans fsedari. BARRINGTON, VISCOUNT (George-William Barrington), 5. W5LLtAM-RrrreL, 6th viscount. of Ardglaee, co. Down ; and Baron Barrington, of Newcastle, co. PoPlin, in the peerage of Ireland; IILP. for Eye, 6. 14 Feb. 1824 ; e. his father as Algeruon Heat, Enq. 7th viscount, 9 Feb 1867 ; as. 19 Feb. 1846, Isabel- sit. Samuel, is. in 1706; slain atQuatre-Bras,idJuue, 1619. Elizabeth, only child of the late John llorritt, Eaq. sv. Augustus, D.C.L., is. 19 July, 1706; be ml. 16 Hay, 1660. of Bokehy Park, Co. York, and has issue, s. Constance-Mary. ss. Evelyn-Laura. st. 17 Jan. 2667, to George-Grimoten, vs. Lowther-John, rector of Watton, Herts, is. 17 July. 3rd Earl of Craven. sit. Florence. IL tlit’agg. This family, formerly bearing the surname of Salute, is the late Itt. Moo. James Wiieon; Yttsil-Artbur, is. in of Norman origin, and while the Dnehy was an appendage vat. Heiary-Fredertek-Francio-Adair, is. 26 July, 1606; barrister-at-law of the crown of England. the ruins of Shote Castle, their Normanic passesaisu, were still to be seen: there were several monuments l,eside, commesnorative of the Sh’ttee, Willoughby-Gordon, Mart. ,and baa, John -Wildmata-Sbute, throughout the principality. dunN Snree, Req., barrister-at-law (only surviving son of anotlser d:us., t. 13 Reb. 3066. Benjamin Shnte, Esq.), inherite,l. by will, although unallied, s. Carr4ine-Eltcabeth,m. 1642, lion. Thomas Liddell; who and bnt slightly known to the testator, the estate of John is. Frances, ma. 25 Oct. 1926, William, 4th Earl of Dartsnouth, Wildmao, Eeq. of Beoket, co. Berk’s, Mr. Wildman deelari ’sg that the only reason he had for making Mr. Slaute its. Charlotte-Belasyse, ma. 1649, Rev. Henry Burton, rector his heir was, that he considered him the most worthy of all his acqnahetance of adoption, after the manner of the iv. Georgiana-Chrislina, ii. 1 N,sv. 16IL James-IlamiltonLloyd Bamane, a mode of settling property which he had always v. Elicabeth-Franees, sit. 13 Dec. 1616, to the Rev. Tbomae approved. In a few years Iftesurards, Sir. Shuts obtained another propcrtyby settlement—that of Franeie Barrington, Otis lordship i 5 MarcIa, 1629, atad seas a by his eldest son, Esq. of Tufts, ro. ldsscx, who had as. his cousin, Elieabeth, W,se_sAos-lterpet, 6th viscount, who was is. 1 Oct. dan. of Ssmuel Sbute, sheriff of London, and d. without ieaoe. In pnrsu.silee ef this settlement, Mr. Shnte assumed, 1793, and ‘a. 21 April, 1623, the Hon. Jane-Elizabeth by act of parliament, the surname and arose of BARRINGTON. Liddall, 4th dan. of Thomas, let Lord Ravensworth, and TIe was returned twice to parliament for Berwickupon-Tweed; had lessee. hut, on the last roturn,in 1722, the Commons ,. Geoaos-WstLsea,. present viacoent. taking into oonsidesatisn the Tlorburongh lottery, came to ii. Peeey, of W’eslbury Macor, S. 22 April, 5825; high a resolution that the honourable member had promoted and carried sn that fraudulent undertaking, and therefore 8. 30 Apnl, 1040: Alice-Louisa, ss. 23 July, 1068, to GeorgeAog expelled him the house, 15 Feb. 1724. He had previously been elevated to ti,e peerage of Ireland, 2 July. 1720, by the titles of Barea Mi rrioglsa, s_f if, Ncastlo, ce. Jsislie, and 551 iVilhioos-Aogassmus-Curcon, 3rd soc diploosalie service, Vies-on BAaasana,,N, sf A rdgton, es. Desie - His lordship Iv. Bersard-Rrie-Rda-arcl, 5,. ii, 30-17. 5,’. Asss,e, dan. and co-heir of Sir William Dames, by whom 5. Charlolle-Olaria, to. 36 April, 1500, Tlsomao-George. 12th Ise had isene, I. W,s.s,stst-WILna,aa, his successor. IL John, snajur-gen. in cite army, and col. of the 6th rcgt. of foot, who ,n. Elieabcth, dots, of Florentine Vassal, Req.. by Mary his w,le, don. of Colonel John Faster, of the island of Jansaica, and dying in 1764, left issue, I WeasaM-Wetusnsa, successor to his uncle, as 3rd viscount. TIse viscount, who was fr,,m 1637 to 365 H.P. fur Berkshire, 2 Rseuxnn, 4th viscount. 3 Geunue, 5th viscount. a Louisa, to. let, to the Rev. Hr. Triotram, whoet. in Crcoliss—1 July, 2720. Arias—Ar., tlaree chevronels, gu., 1796; and belly, to Thomas Cooke, Raq. sts. Dames, barrister-at-law, lt.C., Sod j’sstice of Cheoter, vested, and having on the head a oewl, saly, ar. and gn. d. aloes. 5v, Samuel, admit-al of the White, a very distinguished with a label of three points, az. JIslSs—Honesta qisam naval commander, ml. nasa. 16 Aug. 1960. 70 BAR st. Anne, -s. 1st, to Thomas, eldest cost of Str Thomas Clarges, Mart. ; and Indly, to Sir Roger Gilbert, Bart. The Viscount ml. 14 Dee. 1734, and was a. by his eldest eon, WSLLIAO5-IVIL0otAN, led viscount, is. in 1717. This nobleman filled several high official situations, from 1791 to 1776, (secretary at war, chancellor of the exchequer, do. Bc.). He ‘a. in 1740, Mary, only dan. and heir of Henry Lovell, Req., youngest son of Sir Salathiel Lovell (eec Bonsie’s Landed Gosleg), and relict of the Hen. Samuel Grimstsn, btstno ieeue surviving hint, his lordship wose.1 Feb. 1793, byhienephiew, Wss.LsAtI-W5LD0IAN, lird viscount, who sss, its 1512, Anne, dan. af James Murrell, Cent, of Thetford Abbey, Norfolk, bnl had no issue. Re ml. in July, 1601 (his widow to. 2ndly, in 1-vmS, Edav.ard Thomyrreft, Faq. of Thernyeroft Hall, Claeshire), and was s. by his brother, Ricesonu, 4th viscount, who also dytog without issue, in 1623, was a. by his brother, Geoaoe, 5th viscount, PB., prebendary of Durbam, and rector of Sedgficld, is. 16 July, 1761; so. 12 Feb. 1761, Elioabeth, 2nd dau. of Robert Adais-, Req., by Carolitse, his wife, 2nd dan. of the 2nd Earl of Albemarle, and by leer (who sl. 2 MarcIa, 18-Ill had issue, is George, is. 26 Nov. 1704; capt. RN.; so. 25 Jau. 1627, Caroline, 3rd dan. of Charles, 2nd Earl Grey, and left, at his decease, 1635, am, only surviving son, Charles-George, is. 27 00t. 1927, and a dan. Mary, sI. 12 Aug. 1656, to v. Russell, is. 20 July, 1601: sa in 1032, Marion, only dau. of John Lyon, of Iletton iJa’sse, Durham, Esq. and ml. 10 Feb. 1635, leaving issue, a eon, Francis-Lyon, is. in 10:14, and a dan., Mary, ml. in 1637. 1805 ; ss. 26 Oct. 1837, Catharixe- Geargiana, dan. of Tb”mas. 2nd Earl of Chichester, and has, Russell-Henry, is. in 16-16, ,e. 1 July, 1668, Emily-isabel, vonagest dan. of 1243: and Alice-Enaily. ;sa. 25 July. 1640, Slary-Georgiaoa, dan. of the late Col.Wright-Rnsx,O7tltftasilisrs, assd slices of Sir J. is. 26491 Hens’y-William-Sanaucl-Gardan-Shuts; FlorinaRliralseth-Jane; Katboriste-Carohi.e; Idonia-Olaria; and ,1. 1056. and d. 11 Aug. 1649. of lfptoss Creeaett, Sals’p. Anstrssther, Req. of Hintloahana Hall, Sisifolk. Slills, ohaplain in ordinary to the Queen, ache d. 1666. sheriff of Rueko is: 1604’ atm ls4o, I,ouioa, cclv dots. and heir of Tuhly Iiiggioe, Esq., and Ises issue, Waltsr-Bolkeley, ’sslasa Cenepbrll, Es,1. ; and Rilitie. ‘il’aohingloe, 5,. in 10-12. Earl of Slrstlsmuere, and 5.2 Nov. 1604. si. Mary-Fraaces, ,n. Is Oct. 1656, to Alfred Sarlorit, Rsq. in. Caroline-Susan Aogassla, i. 9 April, 1860, Ia Ihe pre— sect Earl of Norneanten. Sr. Augusta-Anne. v.Adelaisle, as. 26 Nov. 1660, io Clsaeles Balfoor, Rsq. of Newlon Ban, and 5. 23 Fel,. 1663. sI. 0 Feb. 1667, and was a. by Isis eldest son, GeonoeWis.ttaes, 7th and present Vsscos’scv Bxosssieoroa’. a lal,el of three points, an. Creel—A hermit’s bust in profile, Sssppsrlere—Two gi-ifilas, wings elevated, or, each gorged s0’lesdida. Seal—Bcckett, Farringdon, Barks. l’ssrss Hessae— 15, tIes tford Street, Maylloir. B A R It I N G T 0 N.