Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/121

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SAMUEL BARRINGTON, who settled at Limerick in 1691, as 1832 to 1841, from 18-19 to 1852, re-elected 1865, appears by a monument in she cathedral of that city. lIe and served the office of high-sheriff in 1858. was s. by his son, BeNJAMIN BARRINOTON, Faq., who was sheriff of the city of Limerick in 1714, and was s. by his son, BENJAMIN BARR1NOTON, Req., sherilT of the city of Limeriekin Of the great Hibcrnian sept of the Fitzileraldo, sne 1729. This gentleman ol. Anne, (ian. of John Waitho, branch, a scion of the house of Dosexoan, were Barons of Eeq. of Anna, by Catharine, dan. of J. Croker, Faq. of Burncburoh, in the county of Killaenny; and—to distingnish Ballynagnard, and was a. by his eon, MATTHEW IIeRRINOTON, Req., who ca. Jane, dan. of John ‘Baron” to their patronymic. These Barons of Burn- Canter, of Ballyvora, and left in 1765, an only son, 3. JOsEPH BARRINOTON, 1’. 21 Feb. 1764; who as. in 1787, in their i’nmediate locality, were consequently known as Mary, dan. of Daniel Baggott, Req. of Limerick, and had, Fit sGemld alias Baron, or Baron alias FitzGerald, as the I. BaTruEW, tndbaronet. si. Daniel (clerk of the crown, Limerick), 5. 12 Oct. 1792; epihaph, on a member of tbe Burnebua-ch lino, com. so. 22 Oct. 1929, Anne, dau. of Richard Williams, Rsq. of memorates this double appellation :—“ Ilic jacet Geraldine, Drnmeendra Castle, eo. Dublin, aud ,1. 18.12, leavingissne. St. Leger, uxer ejue, qui shUt prime die Februarhi, 1545, an. Croker, 5. 29 April, 1797, iieut. U.N.; ci. in 1840, &e. ;“ aud naany entries in the public records sO Ireland Margaret, dan. of the late R.-W.-R. Lewin, Eeq. of Fort Pergne, en. Clarc, and it. in 1044. refer to the fact. In the Calendar of the Patent Rolls, Iv. Joseph, 5. 4 lIce. 1903; d. in 1033. v. Samuel, 5. 15 Fob. 1806,, deceased. s. Monoria, m. 28 July, 1827, to Thomas Lloyd, Roq. of heir of RowtAan FirzGnRAs.n go ccx, of Buaxcsmuncn, Limerick; and it. in 1828. is. Jane.Martha, so. in 1838, to the Rev: 0.-F. Deaoon, to the vicarage of Burnchurch, otherwise Kiltrany, h, vicar of Leek, Staffordehire. This gentleman, the founder, with his sons, of the hospital Melby, and in the king’s gift please jane, Mar. 21—17.” and infirmary in the city of Limerick, bearing their name, And again at p. 306, Membrane is, oceura a “eeapit incorporated by act of parliameet, 11 h’noaoe IV., was ,,‘a:l;a.e to the Dean and Chapter of the cathedral of created a Baronet 30 Sept. 1811. He it. in 1340, and was e. Cashel to elect Rowland Baron, otherwise FitzGerald, to by his eldest son, II. Sin MATTHEW, who was 5. 21 May. 1788; and ,a. 1 Jan. Bntlcr, Novr. 20.—I. Date, 1113.” Being royalists, they 1814, Charlotte, dan. of William Hartigan, t’eq. of Dublin, lost their estates by eenfiscatk’n, lesap. CROMWELL, and the and by her (who it. 18 Nov. 1818) had, i. Wss.osaaI-HANTI0AN, present baronet. is. CaoKEP., 5. llJuly,1S17; no. 12 April, i841,Anna-Felicia, eldest dan. of the late Jshn-Beatty West, Req.. SI.?. for 7 July, 1645) his father-in-law, Robert Feretall, guardian to Dublin, and baa issue, Charles Burton, 5. 1848; Croker; his two children; these having it. without issue, ths representation William ; Jobn-Beatty; Caroline-Felicia; Olivia-Ilasia; Mercy; Jeesy-Franees; and Anna-Josephine. i. Mary-Anne, as. to Thomas Williams, Rsq.; and it, 38 CArTAIN JAMEs FITZOERALD, alice BARRON, who, after April, 1853. .Charlotts, ae. to H. Barry, Req., barrister-at-law, Dublin having served uuder the Prince do Condd, in France, yet,arned and it. Jan. 18111. six. Jeasey. iv. Olivia, re. te George May, Esq., barrister-at-law, Burnchurch )See Treaemy Office, Dublin) ; but his clam,, Dublin. v. Josephine, ta to H-P. Jellett, Eeq., Q.C., chairman af like those ef many ether of the royalist Iriab families, quarter seeaions, King’s Co. ; and it. 1 Feb. 1868. vi. llenriett.a-Victorbie, no. 15 Jan. 1817, to William-U. co. of Waterfard, and there maraleal Slany Ni Brisn, of the Lefanu, a commissioner far public works, Ireland, son of the late dean of Rmly. - By this marriage Sir Henry-Winston Barren became Sir Matthew, who was from 1832 till his demise crown connected with the noble families of Says and Sole, Leigh, solicitor for Monster, at. 1 April, 1861. 71 BAR Cavelian—tO Sept. 1831. Aenio—Arg., tbree chsvrsnels, goles, a label of three points, rert: a canton of the same, charged with a trefoil, or. Crest—Out ef a crown vallery, or, a hermit’s bust, with a cowl, vested, paly, arg. and gu. BARRINGTON, Sass WILLIAM1{ARTIGAN, .Sfsffs—Ungdurant ma vie. Reeiitcaec—Glenstal Caatle, co, Limerick. of the city of Limerick, BAR1IOGILL, BARON, see CAITUNESS, EARL oy. 1861; ae. 14 March, 1859, Elizabeth-Olivia, B A R R 0 N. B.tnRoN, San HgRRV.WINSTON, Bart. of Glenanna and Barroncourt, co. Waterford, M.P. for Waterford, b. 15 Oct. 1795; so created 18 Oct. 1841 ; no. lot, I May, 1822, Anna. Leigh-Guy, only dan, of the late Sir Gregory Page-Turner, Bert. e of Battiseden Park, Beds, and Ambroa’ den, eo. Oxford, M.P., and by her (who ef. in 1852) has issue, Itincagr. themselves—were io the habit of adding the word church, for a long period feudal lords of great infloenee party himself thonght proper to write it. The following alha Barren, Deminue de Burnchurch, et Anastatia we find at p. 122, Membrane 29, AD. 1546 :—“ Presentation of IVILLIAN BARON, otherwise FITZGERALn, son and the co of Kilkenny, vacant by the resignatien of Richard the Arcbhishepric of Caahel, vacant by the death of Edward bead of the family entered foreign service. Raenann FITZGeRALD, dies BARReN, of Burnehnrch, who was thus dsprived of his lands, appointed )hyhis will, dated of the family devolved upsu his nephew (son of his brother Edward), viz. to Ireland with Celencl Dempsey and ethers, and petitioned for the restoration of the barony and lands of was never decided en. He subsequently settled in the .houeeef Themond, enly child of Donald Store O’Brien, the Hawke, St. Vincent, Buckingham and Chandea, dc., &c. B A R B AR RI N 0 T 0 N. 8. 4 Oct. 1815; a’. his fathcr as 3rd baronet 1 April, 2nd dau. of Henry Barley, Eeq., and haa iasue, s. Charlotte-Jessie. is. tllaria—Leaaisa-Olivia. 3Liiicaffc. The family of Barrington came to Rngland with vimc CONQUEROR, in 1066. The barony and townlend of “Du Barrentin,” which cradled the race, and gave the family their name, still exists in Normandy. The old feudal burg ta now Darentin, a manufacturing town, with a station en F the Havre line, near Rouen. William the Conqueror gave to Baron Ode Du Barentin a grant of lands ii, Rasex, and made him Ranger of the Forest of Hatfield. in the 11th, s. MENav-PAos-TUNNRN, ta 27 Dee. 1823; Secretary to centisry, the name was Anglieised ta Barrington, without the “Do.” The Barringtosa of that time held the gover- the British Rmbassy at Constantinople. nership of the Channel Islande, and was heed of the I Emily-Frances, no. 10 Feb. 1812, to Frederick-Charles Pslhill, Req. of Hewhury Hall, cc. Bedford (only sou ensinent family of Barrington, of Barrington Hall, Essex, of the late Capt. Felhhll, H.P. for Bedford), who baa which eventually ,,btained a baronetcy, 29 Jnaae, 1611, aesumed by royal licence the snrname and arms of seen after the est:alaliolaincnt ‘f the erder, an honour that became extinct (Sw BunEn’s Reflect Bea-safegd by the de- Tuansa, in addition ta and after PoIhill, in compliance with the will of the Dowager Lady Page-Turner. raise, withent isa ale issue, of Sir Pitzwihiam Barrington, the 10th bart., who at. in 1831. A younger son, it is Sir Henry an. 2ndly, 1 Aug. 1863, Augusta-Anne1 said, of the house of Barringtsn, of liarringten Hall, I yonngest dau.of the late Gen. Lord CharlesSameraet, Colenel Barringten, went to Ireload with Cromwell, fcem 2nd aon of Henry, 5th Duke of Beanfort, KG. wbem he received a grant of land there, and hia direct Sir Henry, who is a magistrate and depnty-liout. of descendant Naa the county, represented the city of Waterferd from