Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/122

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B A. R great Donald O’Brien, of Cummeragh and Abbeysido Castle, by whom he had issue, who spread themselves over the iv. Edward, it. s. p. county of Watorfsrd, and rs]iisqnishing enthely the old v. Lnke, it. op. vi. Stephen, it. siam. name of Fitzgerald, assumed that of Jiarron; amongst those i. Margaret, ‘a. to James Harpsr, Eoq. were two eons, s. Wsotisas, whsss male line is sxtinet; 1,ia great-grand- ems. Bs-idgct, so. to Ednsand Stafford, Eaq. of Ballymore, dan., FANNY hlarimiN, marrying James ilagge, Eaq., wan mother of FANNY MAnesi, who ia Thomas Wyas, Lsq. of the Manor of St. Jolsn’s, Waterford, and was msther of Peruse Bsnuoee, Seq. of Ba;;yneal, so. Watsrford, 6. ths late lit. Hon. Sir Thomas Wyss, liCE., Minister 11 Sept. 1712; a. Anna, only child of Itenry Winston, Seq. at the Court of Athens. ii. PieRce. The younger son, PIERCE tIxnsasN, Esq. of Garrahillersh, so. Wsterferd, cit. dying 11 May, 1811, left four sons, in 1697, Mary, dan. of Thomas Fitzgerald, of Kilcannavey s. Psep,ee, who it. in 1815. (by Mary his wife, dan. of l’lsilip Hors, Esq. of cc. lloan-i--Wsaevocs, now Sin HeNRY-WIS0TON llAnssoic, Shandon, a great landed proprietor, and proprietor of the in. John, an officer in the i7thlanocc’s, and A.B.C. to the barongh of Dnngarvan), aud had issue four sons and osse dan., 5. James, of Carriek Barren, ns. in 1716, Margaret, dan. and Iv. Edward, PD., doceaesd. - heiress of John Power, E’q. of Oeargstswn so. Waterfsrd, v. Willians Newell, barrister-at-law, J. P., chairman ot by whom he hal locus four sons and four dana., 1 Horse, 0. 1741; ,s. 1709. Johanna, dan. of Thomas Connery, Esq., by whom he had issno an only d:m. and heiress, Mary, cci. to her cousin, John Barren, Seq.; 2 Enstars, who went over to Spain at an early age, and as. in 1789. Dona C’roafisn—1841. Armo—Erm., on a ealtsr, gu., five Catalina Cantillan, of Uadiz: his issue settled in Mexico, annuleto, or. Crosfa—lat, a boar, pansant, as.; 2nd, a demilic,n, where they amassed considerable wealth, and are now proprietors of very extensive estates, mines, As. ; 3 William, Watorfard, Glcnancsa, noar Bungarvan. Tosrcs llascoe—2. father of a son, Pcnncn-MANcVS BAnn0N, Eaq. of Rattan Street, Groovenor Place. Glonriow, J. P. (who so. Kate-Lnsinda, dan. sf Laurence Crows, Seq , and sister of the Duchess de Basaano), and of a dan., Margnrritta, in. to Henry-C. Hercey-Aston, Seq. of Astnn Hall, co. Cheater; 4 John, ancestor of the Georgetown brisnoh, so. Waterford. is. Jonce, of whom presently. iii. William, of burrow, s. Mary-Anus, dan. of Morgan Kennedy, Eaq. of Ilallynainnllin, by whom he bad issue five sons and tsvo dana, viz.: I William, cc. Margaret, dan. of P. Itay, Esq.,and d.c. v 2 Pierce, of Ballylcerongh Castle, whoos. Idles Smith, don, of Martin Ssnith, Seq., and loft issue, William, whom. Jane, dan. of Sir Simon Newport, Knt., first cousin of the Right lIon. Sir John Newport, for many years H.P. for Waterfnrd, and Chancellor of the Exchequer in Ireland, and had a son, Plows-Newport, who m. Phwbc, joint-heiress of John Newell, Faq.; and a dan., Anne, a. to J.-1l. Gaiwey, Esq. of Duck’s Pee;, M.P. for the so. of Watorfard. 3 James, of Sarahville, J. P. who as. Sarah Gee, and ii. George-Staunton, in holy orders, incnnahent of Northacn, bad tasno, Morgan; Pierre, no the only child of lIons. de Ponslikine, of a noble ttnssian family, audit, tearing an only child, Mary, rn. to the Cennt Conestabils, of Perngia; Edward; ltfcbard; Mary, wife of H. Denssehy, Esq.; Susan, so. to Captain Anthony, of Seafield; Caroline, so. to Petsr Henrian, Seq. ; and Jane. 4 Diehard, of Dnrrow, who ci. Cathertno, dan. of Philip in, Willians.Penuell, lient. RN., 0. Jan. 1341. I flay, Esq., and loft PulLer, Pierre, Mary-Anne, and o. Monamond, ,o.5 Oet.1853, the Rev. Matthew Woodavard, Catherine, wife of Hichard Barren, Esq. el Sarahvilis. 5 Edward, of Comragh-lodgc, ro. Waterford, who a. is. Anna-Macia, mb the Rev.Joten.lieneenSperling MA., Ross, dan. of Bernard Donovan, Esq., and had issue, Williasac; John; llary, wife of Dominick Tallon, Esq.; Fanny; and hncissda. 1 llsrgarot, so. to James Butler, Faq. of Deer Park, co. in. llary, ii. 14 Ilny, 1801, to the 1kv. Yore Drongliton Tipperary, and it. a.j,. 2 Mary, so. to William Seating, Faq ,and if. ,H iv. Pies-ne, of Paha, co. Watorford, ‘1. o. p. s. Monica, it. sacs. The 2nd non, Janet BARRON, Erq., of P,atlyneal, es. laterford, I. 1718 ,,s. 1750, Mary, dan. of Lithe Donovan, Seq. of ths royallydescended I. Sin Jones BARRow, 6. 19 June, 1704, only son of Boger bonso of O’ttozovaet, sprnng from Oilbdl 0mm, King of Monster (Aonat’ 51 sic For Jloutc,o, whsroin the Barrow, of Ulvorstono, who it. in 1794, by Mary Bawson filt pedigros may be seen), by Lucy, his wife, dan. of Isle wife, and gracsdson of Roger Barrow, of Patterdale, so. Laurence O’Neil, Faq. of llonnt Noill, 11th in descent Westnsorland, filled for many yearn the office of second from Constantine, t’rince if Ulster, and had iosnc, i. HEnce, of whom presently. n. John. of liallydcn’ns, who vi. Mary-Anne, dan. and 30 March, 1833. He so. iii Ang. 1798, Anna-Mario, only dan. co-heir of Pierce Itarron, Req. if Ua,a-iokz liarron, and of Peter-John Tritter, of theCapo of Good hope, member of was fathsr of I srnss-Groeor Bancoet, Esq., of Carrig the Court of Jnotioe, :ncd by her (wIno if. 13 Dee. 1837) had, Barron, sa. Watorforci, J P. and V. L., high slaei-iff 3835, who is. 165, Catherine, dan. of the late Crnslins William, conanmander RN., 8. 25 Feb. 1810; it. 26 Fob. 1538. Bolton, Esq. (many yearn SIP. for the city of Peter, consul at Nantea, 0. 30 July, 1813; ia MadlIs. Watsrford), by Flira his wife,dan. of Charlea .llacflounsll Eoq. of Nosy Ita]l, en. Clara, and Katherine his wifs clan, of Sir Edward O’llrien, Dart., of Dc’omeland and has icons, Hat,:, cc. ti Capt. hartley, and IGloo. cii. Wliliam, who sa. Shea, dan. of ltsbsrt Nottervillo Esq., and bad inane, 1 John-Nstterrillo, J. P. ac Meeter of St. Jtary’o, Upper Thames-street, Lendon. officer in the arnsy, nvbn a,, and is docsaesd; his ‘stun Nsvtorvllls-John, tisnt. ath rogt., is. 5 Sapt. 1305, Louisa’ nniy dan. of Lisnt.-Osn. John Twiss. iCE; 2 Piorss Sir John Barrow, who was well known isc the literary and Nettereills ; 1 Fdward-Nattervifle; 4 Lcsks-Nctr0. scientific world, and n-as eminently distingnistaed as 0cc I llary-Nettervills, is. to Jas. C,crballia, Fsq , Jr. f aid bar and travrtler, it. deeply lamented in 1845, Ratrntb Manor, so. Meath; 2 Matilda; and 3 Shea- C:vohiea—30 March, 1835. - BAR Ncttcrviflo, oc. ta J. Johnson, Eaq. of Warrsnntown, Co. Month, Jr. ii. Catherine, as. t0 William Foley, Seq. co. Wexford. John Dacron it. in 1800. lIla son, (grandson of Pant Winston, Eaq., whose estates in the counties of Waterferd acad ‘i’ippesnry were forfeited), and Dart. Lord-Lientonant of Ireland, ,l. 1864. qnarter eeaeions, so. Ferry, ss. Mary-Frances-St. John dan. and co-heir of John Newell, Req. of King Hill, so. Donvn, and has teens a eon Piorne-Newell, and five dana., Mary-Anne, Fanny, Pbwbe, Emily, and Charlotte. rampasst., arg., lcnsgned, gn. ,Ssate—Barron Csnrt, BARROW. Bitareow, Sssa GEORGE, of Ulves’stone, co Lancaster, 6. 22 Oct. 1806 ; so. 23 July, 1832, Rosa. mond-Hester-Elizaboth, den, of William Ponnoll, Ecq., late HEM. Consnl-Gon. in Brazil, and niece and adopted dan. of the Rightllon. John Wilson (Jrok-ei’, and hao, i, Jonio-Ceoeen, MA., Oxon, 6. 8 July, 1811; is. 2 Des, 1817, Emily-Jane, otasot dan, of ths late JamenNatlcanicl Merrimau, Es., M.D. of Kensington, acid lies issue, }‘no.Ncso-LArneace-JWIN, ft. 11 Ang. 1862; Ensily; and Mary-Mercy. Macito, 6. 22 Oct. 1814, a:. 7 April, 1504, Florence- Mary, eldest dccc,, of John Nichohlos, Esq. of Richmond, Surrey, and ban had, Jobn-Wilson.t:roker Ii. Si Jan. and it. 23 Pets. 1801 ; and a dan. MA., vicar of Folkstone, vicar of Wssthonnae, Sussex, only son of John Scorling, Esq. of Kensington Palace Gardens. Smyth, Rector of Bradfield-f’onihnrt, Snfiblk. iv. Elba-Catherine, v. Adelaide, cc, 3 Nov. 1S83, to Alexander Clnttcrlinetc, Enq. of Red 11tH, Watford, Ilerta. Sir George c. his father, as 2nd hart., 23 Nov. 1848. 3L mcm’tgc. socm’etary of tha Admiraky, and wae created a BAsosowe Geonon, present baronet. John, P.11.5, and F.S,A., 6. 29 Juno, 1808, Eatboer Lepotit do Courville, Johanna-Ilcola, cc. isa 1321, to tbs late Cal. Robert Batty, of the grenadisr guards Their older son, the Rev. Hc,bcrt Itraitlnwato Dart3-, H A., c’. 24 July-, 1560 Beatrice, oldest da’s. of the Rev. Henry Stcbbing, PD, Mary-Jane.