Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/127

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BAT 2732; is. 1 April, 1789, Gcorgina, 3rd dan. of Lord George- Selins-itary. 1811, to Sir Charles Kniglstlsy, Dart. Henry Lennox, and by her (who ci. 20 Jan. 1341) had issue, IfENae-GEORGE, 4th earl. WILLIASI-LENNOX, present poor. Thomas-Seymour, lieut.-col. in the army, P.22 Oct. 1793; m.f I. FELTON-ELwELL If snvv, Esq., 5. in 1782, a cole,,e1 Oct. 1029. Julia, dais, of John-Peter Hankey, Esrp, and P. in in the army, and A. D C. to the Duks of Wellingtsn, at 1834,leavtng (with a dan., Selina) a son, ALLEN-ALEXANDER, Waterloo, who assumed, by royal permission, in 1881, the SIP. for Cireneesler, 8. in 3832; in. 31 Jaa. 1562, 1leriel- surname and arms of Ds’r,susiov, in addition to those of Leicealer, 2nd doss. of George, and and present Lord tIe his own family, and was ersatsd a Baronet, 3 Oct. 1818, Tabby, and has Seymour-Itenry, 8. 21 Jisty, 1884; a non, with remainder to his brother, Frederick-Anne Itsrvsy, 8. 24 Jan. 1868; and Georgina-iteriel. Charles, LL.D., in holy orders, rector of Siddington St. Mary, Esq. Sir Pelten is. i’s 1817, Louisa-Catherine, Ird dan. of co. Gleneeste,-, and Laihain, co. Warwick, 5. 2t Jan. 1802; Richard Caten, Esq. of Maryland, in the United States of an. in Juty, 1333, Lady Emily-Caroline Dertie, youngest dan. America (who so. Sndly, FrancIs, late Duke of Leeds), but of Montage, 5th Earl of Abingilen, and P. e. p. 23 Feb. 1842. ii. without issue, 24 Sept. 1815, nvhees the title des-dyed, Losdsa-Gsorgiana, lady of the bedchambcr to thc late Duchess according to the limitation, upon of Gloucester. Emily-Charlotte, n. 16 March, 1825, to Majar-Gen. the Hon. II. Sin FnsnEnscse-ANNE HEReEY, 5. in i7si, who likewise Sir Froderick-Cavendists Ponsonby, ECU., who P. it Jan, lie as. Jane, dan. of John Hutebinssn, Esq., and by her 1817, son of Frederick, 3rd Earl of Beasborougls. Ills lordshtp ii. 56 July, 1834, and wan s. by his eldeot son, (who P. in 1827) had issue, HEreny-GEosar, DCL., 4th earl, 5. 24 Feb. 1790. His Fasnrasca-EnvcnsNssN, prssent baronet. lordship, who was HP, fur Cirenecater from 1812 till ho a. William-henry, 1818; sf. in 1842. to the title, aud wao a commissioner of the imtinn board Thomas-James, 8. ha 1818, capt. Iitb foot; P. £9 Get. 1865. from 1812 to 1818, ii. nnai. 25 Stay, 1366, and was s. by his next brother, WiLLIAM-LENNOX, 5th and presaut EARL Sir Frsdsnck-Anns P. in 1624. BATRUOST. HERVEY-BATIIURST, San FREDERICK - IIUTCH5N8ON, of Clarondon Park, Wilts; 5. in Juno, 1807; o. his father, no 3rd baronet, 30 September, 3824 ; in. 1st, 14 May, 1832, Louisa-Mary, dan. of the late Walter Smythe, Eoq. of Barn- bridge House, Haute, and by her (who ci. 30 Dec. 1840) has issue, s. Fnnnsnscx-TU0MA0-AnTuUn, lt.-col. gren.-guarda, late Mr., 5. 1833. s. Angusta-Fredertea. Sir Fredet-ick no. 2ndly, 23 Sept. 1845, Clare-Ernily, graited bstweea three mnllets, gu., as many gorSe, or. Csv4— youngest dan. of Sir Richard Brooko, Bait, and by hen (who ci, 24 Jan. 1367) has issue, s. Lionel, 5. 7 Jssly, 1349. ts. Riehard-Felton, ) . - farms 5. — July, lSol. Itt. Arthur-Cecil, j iv. Ernest-Frederick, 1’. 15 Feb. 2853. v. Ctaud, 5. II Nov. 18u5. s. Evelyn. is. Clare-Emily. sit. Alice-Constance. Itiiicztgc. ThE Hore. Fns.ron Hnnvsv (8th son of Job’s, lot Earl of Bristol, by his second countess, Elizabeth, only dan.,’snd heir of Sir Thomas Fetton, Dart. of Playford, en. Suffolk) no. Dorothy, dan. of Solomon Ashley, Eoq., and relict of Charles Pttfield, Esq., by whom be left a son, FELTON-LIONET. HERVEY, Esq., who ia. 1779, Selt,,a-Tifasy, only dan. and heir of Sir John Elwell, Raft. (by Selina, dan. s. Jonle-RonsnT-Eans.rns, in holy orders, incnnshent of of Peter Batbusot, and widow of the last Earl of Ranelagh) and by her (who ,o. sndly, ii, 1797, tho Right lion. Sir William-Henry Fronaantle) bad mono, FELT0N-ELwE5.L, his successor. FREDE5IcE-ANNE, 2nd baronet. Lionel-Charles, 5. 2784; so. 1s25, Frances-Stan-, dan. of lbs late Vies-Ad,niral Thomas Wells, and by her (who ci. ls4s, left at his decease, 4 Jane, 1843, Felton-Williasu, late rage. 1Db light-dragoons, 5. 1826, so. 4 Sept. 1855, EleanorAngusta-Killowen-Achessn, 2nd dan. of Acheson Lyle, Esq., slasler in Chancery, and ‘I. 1661; and four daus., FrancesSelins, es. to Rev. Cyril Randolph; Eliza, ii,,. to Sir H.. Sir John an. 2ndly, 18 Aug. 1855, Selina, dan. of the Lambert, Hart.; Mary, solo Walter Drummond; and Selina, late Colonel Marley, which lady ci. 15 Jan. 1865, ci. to W.-W. Rosier, Esq. 77 BAY Elizabeth. SIr. Hervey wna s. at bin decease, in 1783, by his eldest son, asanmed, by royal licence, the surname of BATssl’aov. Lionel, 1110, deceased. Selina. Creel isn—1 Get. 1818. Cs’enlieai—Bnrtn, I Jau. 1712. Earl, 27 Ang. 1772. Baron Arsss—Qnarlerly let and 4th, Sn., two bars, ems., in chief, three creases, formée, or, for lisTnraaT; 2ad and 3rd, gel., s,i a Aesso—Sa., two bars, ermine; in chief, three crosses-polish, or. bend, arg., three trefeibs, slipped, yore, for Ilnavrv. (‘‘eel—A dexter ama in naail, emhswed, the hand ppr., grasping (‘seats—Of BATnUE5T: a dexter arm, embossed, babbled in mail, holding in Ihe hand, ppr., a club, with spikes, or. Of Sssppsrfero—’rse-o stage, arg., cacti gorged with a collar Ifzavarr: a leopard, so , bezanlés, collared and linsd, or, holding in the dsxter paw a trefoil, slipped, yen. jlfsffeea—Fer BATnu5OT: Tim Ia fey. For Hsavwv: Je Scnfi—Oaleley Park, Glonecatershire, snd Langworth Lodge, Notis. n’onbilersy jamais. ,Scaf—ClarendOn Park, Wilts. BAXTER, SIR DAVID, tart, of Kilmaron, en. Fife ; J.P. for that co, and for Forfarshire; 5. 1793; ns. 1833, Elizabeth, dan. of Robert Montgomery, Esq. of Barrahill, Ayrshire. Sir David, the ann of William Baxter, Esq. of Balgamns, Forfarehire, was created a Baronet 24 Jan, .1863. C;’eaties—24 Jan. 1863. As-u—Ermine, on a chevron en’ A lion, rampant guardant, so. Jllsfts—Vineit Venlas. Mi’ I— tclimaren, Cnpar, Pifeahire. Fssrn Hseoc—5, Moray t’lace, Edinburgh. B A Y L E Y. BArLEY, Sin Joun- ED WARD - GEoRGE, of Updowsa House, co. Kent, barrister-at-law, is, 23 Doe. 1794; an. 1st, 27 June, 1822, Charlotte-Mary, 2nd dan. of John-Minet Foetor, Esq. of Kearanoy Abbey, near Dover, and by her (who ci. 2 Aug. 3854) has, St. John’s, Paddingten, L 18 May, 1883 ; as. 2 Feb. 1885, Marianne-Sephia, 3rd dan. of Edward Rice, Esq. of Dons Court, Kent, and has issue. ii, Lyttelton-Holyoaks, barrister-at-law, H. 151, sdvocatogeneral at Honnbay, k 6 Slay, 1827; ss. 12 Slay, 2852, Isabella, eldest dan. of Anthossy Mactier, Esq. of Bursts House, co. Kincardine, and by her (who ii. 9 April, 188f) has iaosse, 1 Stanbopo-Lyttsltsn-Fector, 5. 9 March, 1558 ; 2 Vernon.Estthyaay-Feetsr, 5. 85 March, 1860 1 Ella; 2 Isabel-Constance. Apsley, 24Jaa. 1771. a club, with apikes, or. gsmelld, ermines. Mefls—Tien so fo2. Tops fiance—IS, IlalfHson Street. BATHURST. B A X T ER. S