Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/128

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BAY 3.Liiwaur. IsaAc BAYLEY, of Chastorten, co. Huntingden, so. in 1732, 1845, Margaret, 3rd dan. of Daniel Stuart, Eaq. of Ormo, oldoot dan. of Henry iligland, Eoq. of Frolooworth, Wykeham Park, Oxon. no. Loieeoter, a scion of the ancient family of BIOLAND of Bsglaasl, in Lancashire (ne Bunsce’a Lssa,lnl &ssifrp), and had iooue, EDWARD, ION., rector of Coortenisall, Co. Northampton; sI. in 1013, leaving issue. JOHN, of whom prosently. Charles, of t’oterborongh, a. Cordetia, dan. of Samnol Taylor, migrated thence dssring the 13th centnry, and established of that place, and had isssso. henry, ef t’ppingham, is. Eliaabelh, dan. of John Sty, of CnismuTopnnx BAvFEO, Req. of Kilbuns, York-shire, who Stand Gronnd, cc. ltssntingdon, and had issao. lsaae, of llarkot—Harlseroegls, so. tot, .01 ory. eesly child of was 0. 1613. Ito wae the first of his line who, about 107:5, the 11ev. George Widown’n; and ladb’, Mary, dots, of lsegams to sign his name BAYNEO. Ite nu.lst, 1626, Margaret, Edward Iii gland, Fog., by whom lie had, seith other issue, widow of his eosssiss, Jasmses Ilapte, of Ravensthorp, by Isaac. who us. Isabella, lass, of (leneral Stesearl, of Slenlon, whom he had one son and three dons.; he ‘us. 2ndly, Ehiz.’sboth l’erthshire, and had, seills other issue, Julio, formerly an officer in the T2oul llighlaadere, sotso u. Eleaeora, dan. of W’itliam (loodhall, hog. of lay, Cornwall, and relict of Csmsosasornen BAYNEa, Esq. ef Kilhurn, who was 0. 1634, George Fare, Esg., and sad issue an only elnld, Edith-Jane— and sit. Katherine Wilks ; he ci. 1096, leaving no isssse, hut Strwdrt, it. Is George-Wright, sen ef Major Ilawlies, for- bequeathing hhe estate to his half-brother, nicely of II. 31. 21st light dragoons. The 2nd son, Sons MAuLEr, of Elton, cc. Nortluassspton, u,u. Sarah, dais. m. 1719, Tal4tha, dan. of Goorgc Priehett, Faq. of York, and heir of Wlsite J6onsuntt, srsluandary of Peterhoreugh, serjeant-at-law, and dyimsg 14 Jan. 3731, left an only son, son of the. Kem,mn,tt, insiop of that diocese, and a. abont WILL5,tas Havana, Eoq. sit lIarefield Place, Middlesex, tho year 1799, leaving iustsc by lice (svhe ,t in 7502), Daniel, sh ‘to. in hoOf. Sons, created a Barsnel, as below. Soot. Edward.) Basil -Kennell. Lucy, a s . stasis. Nary, m. to the 11ev. — Wilhams, of Alconbnry, htontingdonshire. Lossdems, acid dying isa 3790, left, with four dens., a sets, Ehnabells, ti stars. The 2nd non, Tnn RsonT Moo. Sin Sons BAYLEY, b. 3 Aug. 1762, a lawyer of eminence, was for many years one of the Jssdges esummandant. He was craoted a Baronet., 29 Js.nse, 1801. of the King’s Ilessch, and susbuoujusesstly a Baron s,f the Sir Christsspher us. I lharch, 1700, Nanssy, dau. of William Exchequer. He was knighteri isis lathS, and created a Gregory, Esq. of Hyde, in the Isle of Wight, amid l:’y her Baronet on his set iresuont from the hostels, 13 March, 1034. (who a. 3 Dee. 1642) bad issue, lie sss. 20 3tay. 1790, Ehzahuetls, yesmgcot dan. of Jsuhss WiLLiaM, 2nd baronet. Markott, En1. of lleopham Conet Lodge, eo. Kesst, and Isy Waltor-Geos-ge, t. 22 Nov. 1792; capt. Celdoicoam guards; her (wLo ii. 23 Jsns. 1237) had issue, s. Jens-EwwAan-Gxowns, present baronet. is. Kennett-Champaign, in holy orders, rector of Copfsrd, Essex, i. 13 Get. 1798; sit. 23 June, le3t, Charlotte, eldest Donald-Christopher. on officer 62nd regt., af;ersran,ts in hely dan. of Jasses-Ihrake tlroeknsun, of lieachborossgh, es. Itent, Esq., and ii. 2 Jsssse, 1061. having had (svitls tore other sons anti a doss., Charlotte) an eldest soms, Jelun, capt. liii hnssars, whso so. 9 Jsssse, 1963, Joflana-Otary-Georgiana, only dan. of the 1lary, su. in 1536, to John-Wingfiold Shawe, Esq.; and sl. 81ev. Thomas-Charles-Hyde teaser, late rector of RackIsamishin, Glotsesssershsiee. sti. Francis, barrister-at-law, jndge of the Westnsinslrr essusly Sir Christopher iS. 16 llarch, 1037, and sraa i. by lila eldest son, coon, 0.6 Feb. 1003; es. 1sf, 31 Aug. 1830, Elizabesh, eldest II. Sin WsLLtaat, w-ho waa t. 28 New. 1759; he woo supercargo-in-chief dao. of Alexander 3tacdonald, Esq., of Wsstnsinsler, and by her (who ti. in 1039) has, John-Arthur, 6. in 1031. Loolsa-Feanoes, so.. 4 June, 1Sf?, to the Rev. Sir Georgehenry HA. (the Orot European lady who ventored openly to Canton), Cornewnll, Hart.. radon of Moccas, Ilerefas-dslsire. by whom he had, He ye. Ondly, 17 April, 1934, Chas’lotte, dan. of Ihe late WsLLsAat-Jenrs-WALrea, present baronet. Moss. bredenick honlet. 5. Marianne, us. 22 June, 1026, the lieu. henry Clissnld, and Wassxa-Faaaess. 6. 10 lIce. 1523; u,u.22 Sept. 1033, Amelia- sl 14 April, 1029. is. i.nry, 1. os:o. in Jssly, 1920. tim. Elizahoth-Magdalen. The right hess. gentleman d. tO Oct. 1041. Crsaliaa—13 3tarch, 1034. Arsso—Quarherly: gn. and ernsioeis, Julia, so. 3 Dee. 1930, to John Cewley, Faq. of Heathfield, on a fesse, az., three martlets, or, belw’een ; in Ihe lsl Chsorlottc-Elhen, i. 4 Assg. Isto, to Sir Ot.—31. Jephson, Fart. and 4th qssarters. a lion, ranspant, arg. Crest—Ga a monnt, Otary-Anne-Louisa, so. S SopI. 1007, to heist-Cd. Thomas- vent, behind a soall, arg., a lien, ramsspans, arg. Tosrss Hossot— Stanhuu1se Lodge, 3, Upper Kensingtoss Gore. BAY NE S. EATERS, SIR WtLLIA3s-JGm. WALTRIt, of Harefield Place, in the co. of Middeaex5 8. 4 June, 1820; a. Is B A Y his father, aS 3rd baronet, 1 Jan. 1866 as. 17 June, }Lttit,-tt. WALTEn BAYNE, Esq. of Linsley, co. Y.srk, was the deseendsust of an early Scotch family, which formed part of a elsssa of considerable emhaenee ism the mmerth of Scotland, and thscnsselvca its Yssrkahiro. He wtss s. by his eldest son, tl;swson, by whom ho had osse semi asad four daus. He ti. 1878, and was o. by his elder oen, WiLLIaM BAYNEO, Esq. of Killsssrn, who was 8.1660; he which soot he pnsehaoed; Ito wusa a nses-ehosst 5f great opnlenee iss Lossden, and cisc of the gentlemen of the privy ehansbor to their naajeottoa Gnons:n hi. and Gsnaex Ill. lie sit. Mary, 2nd dan. of t’haristtspher Robert, Eaq. of I. Cssnssroonnw Bavmsns, Roq. sf Horefield Place, J.P., 0. 6 Ausg. 1725; for acme time cornet iu the horse guards hlsse. He, in 1796, helped to raise the corps of the ‘ Uxbridge gssstlemsss and ycnnsans-y eovah-y,” amid was its mss)er. us, in 1026, Claodia-Valeni, a Ceraican lusty, and a. at Rome, 1847, having had issue, ltoraee; Alfred; William; Valeeta; Jladeline, auot £tnnelte. orders, b. 4 lacy. 1807, c-he to. 27 Jnhy, 1930, Anne-itaria, youngest duo, of the late Ilenry Bstdten, Faq. of Mositin, Lsncelnshire. 17 Jan. 1826. of the hI.E.l. Co.’s faclory at Canton, in China; host. 14 Dec. 1610, Julia, 4th duo, of Genes’al Sir John Snshth, Sarah, yesunger dan. of the late Williasa Molten, Faq. of Wisspole—strnot, oust Isas a mess aol hirer siesta. Chartes-Clsris;eishmer, nmesnben of Itse lion, corps of gentlemen— ot-arnss, 6. ie Dee. 1529. Snrrry, omud tsas lhsree sees amid three damso. she Cous’ey Itamilen, V.C., 64th reeimenl, grandson of John, 26th Lord Kingsnle, and has three soon and three datso. Frances-Mary, 4. in Nov. 1043. Sir Wihliasn if. I Jan. 1800, and was s. by Ins eldest son, SIR WsLLsAam-Jena-WoLTno Hones, the 3rd and present baronet. Cu’eubban—29 done, 1501. Arm-s—So., a shin-bone. in fesoc, otsrmounted of another, in pale, org.; on a canton of the last, a vusllcsre, ppr. Cs-cot—A cubit arm, vented, rio., coRed, ermineis, the hand holding a jass-bone, arg. Sajss’srtri—Gs ehlher side, a savage wreathed abowt the head and waist5 holding a club over his exterior shoulder, oil tttr. Msbhe—Ftsror arsmia suimoismras. l’s ion Hesose—23, Ponllanul PIssee. &ot—Coonsbe Wood, Eiugstou, Suney.