Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/130

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BEAUFORT. DUKE OF (Sir Henry-Charles-Fitzroy le,sighthood, durissg the French campaign, from Charles Somerset, KG., P.C.), Marquess and Earl of Worcester, Erassdoss, Duke of SulIbik. His lordship :::. Elizabeth, dan. Earl of Glamorgan, Viscount Grosmont, Baron of Sir Anthony Browno, standard-hearer to Hnz:sv VIII. Herbert of Chopstow, llagland, and Gower, Baron and dying 26 Nov. la49, woo o. l:y his eldest son, Beanfort of Caldeoott Castle, and Baron do Buttetourt; W:LLS&H, 3rd earl, KG. This noblonsan was sent into lord liont. for tlio oo. of Monmonth, Master Prauoe, in 1171, with a fos:t of pure gold, for the baptiosnal of the Horse, 8. 1 Feb. 1824; rn 3 Judy, 1845, which he was to otassd, is: the queen of Es:glond’s stead, Georgiana-Charlotte, eldest dan. of Earl Howe, and as osso of the oponooro. His lordship so. Christian, dat:. has issue. ,. HENRY - XDRLEORT -WELLINGTON - F:rznov, llIocq::coo of 21 SkI,. 1199, was s. by Isis o:sly eon, Irsrccsl:e, bout. royal horse gnardo, lient. royal Glonoestershire Entrano, 4th earl, ICC. His lordolsip :::. Elizabeth, don. ysotitanry cavalry, DL., 6. 19 May, 1847. of Franelo, Earl of hlmstingdoss, and had several children; n. henry-Richard-Charles, 5. 7 Dec. 1849. it:. Hosory-_lrthnrt”oorgs, 5. 17 Nov. 1111. TV. Henry-Edwanl-mUdenOll, 5. 6 J::lv, 1911 r. Henry-Fitzroy-Francis, t. 9 Feb. 1511. s. Blanche-Elizabeth •ddelaide. His grace, a lient.-eol. in the army, a. his father as noblensau took a decided part in favo,ssr of CssanLno I., and 8th dnke, 17 Nov. 1853; he was naado a K.G. in ntaintaiued his oaotle of Itagla:sd, with a garriooss of 900 March, 1867. 3tIitcngc. This family dcdneao, illegitimately, from a branch of the castle was a:nossget the last places it: Eugkassd fro:n whoso hense of I’lantagenet, boing thns lineally descended from battlements the royal hassner bade defiance to treason ; but Jonz or GAUNT, Duke of Lancaoter (son of Eowann 111.), after its eapitsslatio::, it was desnolished, a::d the timber in who canoed all his nat,sral children (afterwards legitimatized the ou:-roonsdisog parks cut down and cold by the committeo to all intents hut that of soccsooion to the crown) by of nequeotration, 000aoio:sis:g a loss to the noble proprietor, Catherhse Swinfard, dan of Sir Fayn Host, alias Gnyn, snodcrately esti:ssated at £100,009. Fhc earl was advanced king sf arms, and widow of Si, Gatos Swinford, Knt. (to to the dignity of 9tas:uess or Wonezorna, 1 Nov. 1642. whsm he was evos:tually married), to he called lieanfort, lIe to. Anne, nssly child of Felon, Lord Russel, and dylug from the castle of that name, in the Os. of tnjou, the place of its 164$, u-a: e. by his eldest sos:, their nativity; which castle cams, ii: the year I -276, to the EDwAHD, 2nd marquess. This nobleman, Eke his father, house of Lancaster, by the marriage of Bla:,che, dan. of attaching himself zealously to the royal cause, was appointed Robert, the 1st Cenut of Artais, and widow of HONnY I., by CuanLee I. lord-lieut of North Wales, as:d addressed by King of Navarre, with Ed,os,n,l, ss,r,samed Ures,ehhack, his n:ajesty as Earl ej Glo:ao:-gr’s, until Iso succeeded to hie Earl of Lancaster, second son of HENRY III. of England. heritable honos:re. The hharquess of Worcester left behind Of the tlsree eons of Jobs: of Gaunt, horn before mat-nape him a literary ovosk, entitled “A eeutm-y- of the :s:nnes and with Catherine Swi:sford, hoRsY, the lad son, was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln lost) I have, at the instasoco of a powerful fs-ies:d, endeavoured in 1197, and was thence translated to Wiochesler is 1401: he received a eardi::als Isal io l42e. ails was the celebrated way, as usay oufficioutly instr:sot tome to put any of them to Csentw.n. PeArroeT, Losn Cs:ANceLLoa of ERr,than, practice.” First printed its If 62. In this work, the power wise crowned secReT VI. in loris as ICing of assd application of the steaus-engine as-c distinctly described. Frerne in 1411 and ,t at Wiochesler is 1447 Tlsomae, tlse yoongest son, was crealed Earl of Dorset and ills lordship ma. lot, Elizabeth, dams, of SIr William Dormer, Dsice of Exeter, hot left no issoe at his decease in 1427. The oldest 000, Ssn JOHN Boruroer, was created Ifs-I of &:art-orf its of Ilcss,-y G’Bric,s, Earl of Thomond, lout by that Lady had no 1196, and in two years afterwards, dI:’,-q’moo of Dowel, enrvivissgisone. If e sl. 3 April, 1667, and was:, by his sos:, which dig:sity he sohseqoe:stly resigned, ond was created HeNHY, 3rd nsarqnoas, who was created Duxe or Beruronv, illarq:’reo of Soo,rco, I; lint when constituted lord ehanshorlaist, on the :,eecoeioss of IIONHV IV., he is styled Rant, of allegiance to W5LLTAS5 Ill., lived in retiremssst affer the or SorsoaceT only. Its was a KG., a eapt:d:s of CaI:do. soceessioss of tlsat sosessarch, lie or Mory, dan. of Arthur, Lord From this nolsiomau we pass to his descendant, IiENnv, Bs:ke of Someroet, K. G., wiso fell i:sto the hard: C:spel, and widow of tIenry, Lord Boanehamp, and had, of the Yorkisto ot the h:sttls of llexham, a:sd was l:eheade,l wilh four daus,, two eons to snrvire, viz., S Aped, 1461, leaving an illegitinosts son, by Joass 11111, s. C,ieanrs, .ltfcrt’roo of Wsrrcsf or, so. Rebecca, dan. of Sir CHARLES Sossonor.r, of wlson: presently. lie was o. in his honours by his brother, EnnuNu, D,,ko of So,uor’oit, wha shared a oiooilar fate, :,. Arthur, at, Mary, dan. and heir of Sir William Russell, 7 May, 1471 ; a:sd dyissg boneless, 00 did his yosusger hrotl:or, John, the snale lisse of Josto OF GAUNT tern:inated, as well and co-Itch’s, viz., Mary, ta to Algeruon (irevillo, Eeq. (ace the descendants of Catherisse Swinford, asof his first wHo, Dlonche, mother of heNRY IV. - C,eAnLEs SoMnnsr.a. soentionorl above as the ills itimate The dssko ,l, 21 Jan. 1699, and was o, by his grandsoss, eou of ileory Deaufort, Disko of Sosuerset, beissg a psroose ReseaT, 2nd duke, K.G., 5. 2 April, 1694. .Ills grace so. 80 BEA of extraordinary endowments, fnifllled nsvcmi of the sneet iutporttust dipl:ouatie missions ; mmd was oseboequently created a kssight hansoerot, made a kssight of the Garter. asod appoitoted captain of the gsoands rn. 1496. Sir Charles ol,tained is: marriage, Elizabeth, osoiy dsou. o,,d heiress of lahlliam Ilerbert, Earl of Hmsting:lon, Lord Herbert of Ilaglatod, C’hepotsw, asod Cower; in whose right ho assumed the title of Lot Ilortcrl, and woo n,meno:sed to parliament as ouch, in the first year of heNRy Viii. His lordship was constituted lord chamberlain for life, as a rcsvard for the distinguished part Ito hod is: the taking of Terouenne and Tournay, and woo created Eon of Ws:-ccef or, 1 Feb. l119-t4. The Earl hod two wives, besides the heiress of Huntiu9don, nansoly, Elizabeth, dos:. of Thomas West, Lord do Ia Warr, by whom he had several children; md Eleanor, dan. of Sir Edward S:stton, Lord Dndiey. His lordship d. 11 April, 1126, assd was z. by the only eon of his first marriage, IteNnv, 2s:d Earl of Worcester, who hod received the hossomof oeremossy ef a dan. of IX. of that Ioingdos::, at of Edward North, Lord North of Kirtling; and dyissg of whoss:, Thonsas, the led coo:, was made knight of the Bath, 11504-5, assd croatod, 6 Doe. 162:5, Viseoo,:t Fosocrool, of cooh:l, cc. llpporory. The earl :1. 1 Maroh, 1627-9, and was :. by his eldest surviving son, IIeNuv, 9th earl, who had been summoned, in the lifetime of his father, to the firot parlia:ne:st of James L This noes:, witho:et levying any oasotrib:sti:’sss upon tlse oom:try, from 1642 to 1646, sn:d only oenre:sdercd it, eventually, to Sir Thomas Fairfax, ott moot honou:ahlo eossditious. Thie seantlings of s:,oh issventioue as at present I can call to mind to have tried and perfected, which (my foroner notes being stow, iu the year 1611, to set these dow-st in such a Knt., asod ha:l, IIeNnv, Lord herbert, and two dons., Anne, so. to henry howard, sos: of the Earl of Annssdel, assd Elizal:eth, _llarehio,oeso of Fowls, lIe 0. Indly, Margaret, dau. 2 13cc. 1692. lbs grooe, refusissg to subscribe the oaths Josiels Cl:ild, of lVaeolead, Co. Essex, and 5151cr of Richard, Earl Tilney, aod dying s’ i’., 11 July, 1699. loft scrvivissg issue. hIesa and ilonrielt:, s::. in 1711, to Chariot, Dake of Graflon. start,, and wido:v of 11. C. Co lion, Esq., sud loft tlsree dens. Wae:o,esm, E.); Ehizabrsls; assd £tnsse, s:: to Uvedate Prior, Esq. BEA B E A U F 0 U T.