Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/131

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BEA 1st, 1702, Mary, only dan. of Charles Sackvllls, Earl of Dorset, but had no surviving issue. He in. 2ndly, 3707, Rachel, 2nd dan. and co-heir of Baptist Noel, Earl of Gainsborough, by whom he had two sons, henRy and CHARLES-NOEL The duke as. lrdiy, Mary, youngest dan. of reregrine Osborne, Duke of Leeds, which lady t without issue. his gram a. 24 May, 1711, and was s. by his cIder son, HENRY, 3rd duke, who as. 20 June, 1729, Frances, only chtld and heir of Sir James Sendamore, of Holsne Lary, cc. v. Arthur-John-henry, 5. in 1750; as. in 1808, Elizabeth, Hereford, Viscount Sonda,nore, in Otto peerage of Ireland, eldest dan. of George Evelyn, 3rd Viscount S’alnsouth. Irons whom he was divorced iss 1711.4. (The lady wedded Lord Arthur d. in 1816, leaving issue, subsequently, Charles Fitzroy, natural son of the 1st Dnke of Grafton, by whom she left one dan., Frances, heirosa of the Seudamore estates, who ,a. Charles, Duke of Norfolk.) The duke dying withosit issue, 21 Feb. 1741.6, the honoura devolved upon his brother, CnAaLr.s-Noes., 4th duke, who as. 1 May, 2740, Elizabeth, das,. of John Berkeley, of Stoke Gifford, eo. Gloucester, Esq., and sister of Norhorne, Lord Bottetourt, whoao barony her grace inherited; by this lady he had one son, lianny, his heir, and five dasss., Anne, as. to Charles, Earl of Northampton; vi. VS’illiam-George-llenry, in Issly orders, prebesdary of Elizabeth, a. nasa. ; Rachel, rI in infancy; lienrietta, Bristol, 5. Sept. 1784; so. 1813, Elizabeth eldest dan. of so. to Sir W. Williams-Wynn, Dart. and Mary-tmbslla, Lient. Gen. Sir Thomas Sholyneux, Bart., and by her (who so. to Charles, Puke of Rutland. The duke Li. 22 Oct. 1756, and was a. by his son, HenRy, 5th duke, E.G., k 16 Oct 1744; in- 2 April, 1766, Elizabeth, dan. of Admiral the Hon. Edward i3oacawen, and by that lady (who rt II June, 1820) had issue, i. Henay-Cnaes.ns, Jlurqaess of lVsrreafer. is. Charles-henry, 6. 12 Des. 1767; a general officer in ehe army, asd colonel of the Ise Wost India regiment, late governor of the Cape of Good Rope; sss. 1st, in Juns, 1705, Elizabeth, 4th dan. of William, 2nd Viscount Courtonay, by whom (who a. in 1815) he had issne, 1 Henry (Sir), ECU., K-H-, of Roshampton Lodge, Surrey, heal-gm- in the army, colonel 25th foot, and commandos— in-rhief at Bombay, b- 30 Dee. 1791; ss. 1 April, 1017, Frances-Sarah, dan. of Admiral Sir Henry Realbeote, and d. at Gibraltar, 15 Feb. 1062, having Isasi isssm, 1 Charles-ITenry, C.B., col. in the army, late 72nd foot, as. 1848, Christiana-Emma, eldest dan- of R.-W. Thosspson, Esq., and a. 4 Nov. 1863, having by her (who d. 13 Get. 1863) had, William-Henry, 6. 1845; Henry-Plantagenre, is. 1852; Charles-Fitzroy, 5. 1855; and Georgina-FranersEmma; 2 henry-George-Edward, 55 raptais in the army; is. 1851, Harriette-Sade, dan. of Major Coast; 3 FitzroyShashean-tlenry, 5. 1839; 1 Elizalseth—Harrtrt-Franees, sa. 21 Sept. 1843, to Col. Peter Slaclean, U. A.; 2 Frances, iss. 1849, to Cal. Wm. Sutton; 3 Leonora-Louisa, is, to Major-Gen. 51.-Cholmeley Johnstone; 4 Augnsta; S liariaCaroline, se 18 Fob. 1857, henry-Edward Leeks, Esq., only son of Rear-Admiral Sir 1T.-J. Looks, KR., ofWesiLeigh, llants; 6 Auguata-Itote-Dlasel;r; and 7 SlaryMatilda-Gsrtnsde. 2 Charles-Henry, llent.-col., b. 1800; d.osasa. 1815. S Vihliers-Renry-Flantagrnet, is holy orders, rector of Mention, 5. in 1803; sss. 8 Aug. 1844, Frasees-Dorothea, oldest dan. of John-henry Ley, Esq. of Trehill, co Devon (clerk of the Rouse of Comnsoss), by else Lady Frances his wifo, dau. of George, 7th Marquis of Tweeddale; ned a. S Feb. 1555, leaving issue, hlenry Plastagenet, b. 14 Sept. 1845; John-Henry-William; Frasecs-Dorotlsea-Char lotte; Slary-Isabella-Frances. 1 Elizabeth, sss. 1812, Den. tise late Sir henry Wyndham, vst. John-Thomas-henry, sol. in the arnsy, 5.30 Aug. 1787, ECU., seho 1. 2 Aug. 1880, Isrotlser of Lord Lerosseld. 2 Georgiana, sss. 1833, Lieut.-CoI. Stirling-l5reemass Glover; and a. is May, 0556. 5 Charlotte, us. is 1822, to liertsert Cornswall, Esq. ef Delbnry, so. Salop, and ri. his widosr 17 March, 1864. Lord Charles Somerset so. Sndiy, 9 Aug. 1821, Sfary, 2nd dan. of John, 4th Earl Pouleti, by s-hors (who sf. 15 June, 1860) he left at his decease, 20 Fels. 1833, ear san and two clans., viz., I Posistt-George-lienry, SIP., 5.1522; late lsent.-eol. Cold- stream-guards, CU.; as. 1047, Rarbara-Angnsta-Norah, dan. of John Slytton, Esq. of ]Talstsn, es. Salop, and baa, Vere-Fransis-John, 5. 1654; a son, 5.21 Aug. 1860 and Cecily-Mary-Carstine, st 30 Dec. 1863. 1 Stary-Sophia. 2 Augusta-Anne, sss. I Ang. 1662, to Sir henry-Winston vus. Fitzroy-James-Henry, irld-nsarshal in else army, CCII., Barron, Start., SIP, for Waterford. tsr. Nsrhsonse-Iterkelcy-lionry, 5.4 Slay, 1771 ; a. in 1638 iv. Robert-Edward-henry, 5. in 1778, a gm. in the arosy, and rol. 4th dragones, CCII. and E.T.S.; as. in 1505, D.D., dean of Sarnns, who a. 25 Feb. 1823. She a. in 1831. Louisa Augusta, dan. of William, Visronnt Conrtrnay, and us. liarriet-Isabella, as. in 1854, to Col. btitrhell, 20th foot, by her (who S. in 1533) left at his decease, is 1842, 1 Edward-Arthur, C.B., 5. 1817; rol. in the army; dsp.- His grate obt.’shsrd a confirmation of tlse Baressy ss Boll, boot, quartermaster- general of use south - western district; by patesst, dated 4 Jnne, 3503. He st II Oct. hS83, and svaa late lient.-rol. rife brigade; Ent. of the Legion of honour s. by hia son, and of the Stedjidie; as. 1049, Agatha, dan. of Sir William Hannv-CnAnLeh, 6th duke, ICC., lorsl-limrst. and eustosrotulornm Miles, Bart., of Leigh Court, Sanserset, and has, Evetys, 5.20 Nor. 1857; a son, t. 25 Jan. 1866; Agatlsa-Georgiana; Ada-Frances; Mande-Catherisse; a dan.; and anotiser Rressn ‘ k 22 Dee. 3706; as. 50 Stay, 1731, Clsartsstte-Sophia, dan. 6. 19 Nor. 1888. 2 Augnstss-Charles-Stapltten, 6- in 1821 ; capt. R.A.; dan. of Granvllle. 1st Otarqnest of Statford, assd had lotus by ci. 14 Dec. ltS4. 81 BEA I Louisa-Isabella. 2 Frances-Caroline, sss. 1840, to Thoaphsllus Cure, Esq. 3 Blanch, 555. 9 Doe. i84S, to the ltev. Charles-Csurtoaay Locke, who a. in 1548. 4 Matilda-Elizabeth, sss. 9 Aug. 1840, ta Itarare Slarryat, Esq.; their only dan. Ida-Horalio-Chsarlotte, was sss. 19 Sept. 1063, to Gnstaf Fs’cderick, Coast Ulo,sde, of Biorno. 5 Gsorgiana-Esnlly, sss.lO Nor. 1852, to the Iton. liobert Nerille Lawley. 3 George-Henry, ö. in 1809; in holy orders; s,. in 1815, Philida-Elizabeth, dan. of Sir W.-l’. Call, Start., and has, Arthnr-W’illians-Itenry, 5. 1843; George-Edis-ard, 5. 1544; Fitzroy; Anne; Prances-Elizabeth; 3tas’y-tlesrgizna Louisa-Betsy; Elizabeth-Anor; Dtanchse-Esnsna; Alice- Catherine; and lose. 2 Arthur-Edward, 5. in ttll ; sss. 12 Feb. 5850, Prances; dan. of the lion, and Rev. J.-E. isosrawen, asd, dying 9 Sept. 1853, left Edith, and Frances. S Elizabeth-Anne a. nnsss. in 1835. a. 1843) heft at his decease, 54 Jan. 1851, surviving issue. I Henry-Charles-Capel, 5.1816; hiont.-rol. in iheanssy; so. 10 Sept. 1840, Alice-Elizabeth, only dan. of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Slanrire tYCasnel, 11.0.11., and sat, I Charles-Brnrehenry, 5. 1841, vs. 31 July, 1802, Victoria-Alice, Oar, of William Fihz-Gibhos, EM. of Sidney House, Cork, and has thss’ee daus., May, Geraldine, and Itsse; 2 Fitzroy-WilliamSiesry, 5. 1845; 3 Raglan-Slolynenx-Boscawes; I Caroline-Emily Allwood; 2 Mary-Henrietta-Charlotte, sss. 4 Sept. 1562, to John-William Clayton, Esq., late rapt. Ills light-dragoons; 3 Blanche-Isabella; 4 Gros’gisa-ResterCnrsehia. 2 William, in holy orders, 5. in 1822; as. 1st, 2 Aug. 1842, thelen only dan. of the late Capt. J. Donald, 94th regt and by her (who a. a Stay, t84l1) Isas issue, William, S 22 April, 1841; Anne-theIrs, as. IS Sept. 1867, to J.-C. Campbell, Esq. of Glenclunel, Argyleshsrc; and Frances Cornelia. lIe se 2ndly, 24 Sept. 1850, Grorgiana-Amslla, dan. of Slajor-Grn. W.-L. Darling, and by her Isas issue, Fitzroy, 5. 2 Aug. 1532; John, 5. 22 Assg. 1853; llaglan, 5. 20 AprIl, 1859; Charles, Is. 15 Slay, 1062; Alsas, Rose, and Edith. 3 Fitzroy-7tolynenx-Henry, 5. 1023; capt. Royal Eng.; so. 1845, Jemima-Drnosmoed, 4th dan. of J.-lt. Drum. snond-Nairne, Esq. of Dusinane, so. Forth, and Isas had S’itzroy.James-Wihlians-Henry, 5. 1051; a. 19 Jan. 1859; and anotlser ton, and two dans. 4 John-Flantagrnet-Edw.-Hrnry, 5. in 1826; st. in 1030. S Hoseawen-Thomas-George-Honry, in holy orders, 5. in 1833 so. 24 Sept. 1863, S’lorenre-Ssnallwssd, youngest dan. of the late John-Were Clarke, Esq. of Bridwdll hlonsr, Devon. 6 Aylnser-ltoward-Tynte-Hmns’y, rapt. rifle-brigade, Is. 1835 1 Caroline-Franros-Elizabeth, sl. in 1842. 2 Ensly-Grorgiana-Ehisabrth, as. 31 Det. 1639, lute Rev. C-CS. Nesvrombe, rector of North Witham, and hat issue, I Clsarlotte-Cerilia-Anne-Elizabetls, rl. in t847. Lord Witliam so. 2ndty, in 1844, Franrrs-Westby, relict of C.-G. Callaghan, Esq., and don. of the late Henry Brady, Esq. Me a. 14 Jan. 1851. His widosv st. 31 Aug. 1854. so. 4 Dec. 5814, Catharine, dan. of Arthur, 1st EatS of Slonninorris; and a. 3 Get. 1846, leaving by her, (who st at Paris, 25 June, totS), 1 Atfred-Flantagenet-Frrdoriek-Charles, of Enfield Court, Middlesex, DL., 5. S Sept. 1829; ss,. 24 Sept. 1857, Adelaidc-Harriet, yossngest dan. of Vice-Admiral Sir George Brooke-Peeholl, Rart., St-P., and hat a dan., Gn’endohina Adelaide-Eatherine-Georgiana-3tatilda. I Franees-Georgissa-Eliaahsetls, so. 25 July, 1854, to Jas.Whatnsan Rosanquet, Esq., of Claynsore, Middlesex, and a. 19 Sept. 1862. 2 Catherine-Emily-Harriet, d. 1841. Jnliana-Lusy-Sarals, as. 22 July, 1232, Capt. Henry P. Wittttt Lyon, Esq., Royal Srotels Greys, of Stisserden Park, so. Gloucester. She a. Ii Aprll, 5853. RAaon Rans.Ais; ci. Commander-in-Cisief in else Crimea, 1855. (See ltAtt.AN.) s. Elizabeth, as. in 1726, to the Very Rev. Charles Tahhne, ti. Frassecs-Ehizolsetts, rt. 27 2tay, 1541. and a. his widow, 1 June, 1533. of the eossntieo ssf Glnuesats,r, Stos,nsontts, assd her, who tt. isa Ang. 4S14, n