Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/132

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His grace ,t. 23 Nov. 1833, and was s. by his son, HENRY, 7th duke, KG., 1. 1 Feb. 1792; so. 1st, 23 July, an only toss, Frasscis, Lord Levoli, created Viscount Lovell, 1814, Oeorgiana-Fredoriea, dau. of the Hou. Heury Fitzroy, who was ottaintod in the first of iIoNao- Vil.,and ci. s. p. hi by whom (who ci 11 May, 1821) ho had two dons., Augusta, sss. 28 Nov. 1814, Baron Nicuman, Anstrian Anshassador JOANE LOX’ELL, or. Sir Brian Stapleton, of Carltoss, in the at the Court of St. James’s, and st. in 1830. Gesrgiana, sss. 1818, to the tate Ctsristnplser-Williasss Cudrington, SIR B5LEO STAPLETON, Burt. of Canton, who ci. a. p. iii Esq., 91.1’., and has issue, tsvo Sons and three dens. His grace so. 2udly, 29 June, 1822, Emily-Frances, dau. of ANNE STAPLETON, who st. Hark Erniogton, Esq. of Charles-Csslliug Smith, Eeq., hy the Lady Anne Wollostoy, Posstrlond, and was mother of NscnoLAs EnnsNoToN, Eoq., his wife, and by her had, Jtrsav-CnAisLEs-FiTzaoy, present duke. Lsssily-Btanehe-Chartotte, st. 20 July, 1848, to George, present leaving by Winifred, his 3rd wife, dan. of John White, Esq., Earl of Kinuoull. Rose-Caroiine-3lary, sss in 1848, to Francis-Frederick Lovelt, Shoot, of Drax, who si. in 1808, leaving by his 2nd wife, Lady F.eq. tleurictta-teeaisa-Priseilla, sa. 28 June, l8o3, to Jotsn 3torant, Esq. ofBrekenhurst Park, Ilants, and ,t. 17 June, 1803. Goraldino-Harriott-Anns.’. ltsthorine-Emily-Anne, solO July, 1818, to the Hon. Arthur- Been-Walsh, elder sass of Lord Grmatlswaite. Edith.Frauces-Witholmina, i. 10 Sept. 1863, ta Williamhenry-Forester, Charles, ltD., so. Slary, dao. of henry Followfiold, Esq., and lssd ansi present Lord Lonslosberough. G’s’,;slisss.s—Baruu lterhcrt, of itaglassd, Chepstow, anti Gamer, 28 Nov. 1306. Earl of Worcester, 2 Feb. 1313-14. 3larquess of Gregory, ci. in 1802. Worcester, 2 Nov. 1842. Duke of Bousfort, 2 Dcc. 1602. Barcn Elizahrth, a nun. Bottotourt, with precedency of original writ of summons, 1307; Wissifred, sss. to WHiam IVitham, Esq. of Cliffo. eonfirnsod 4 Jane, 1809. As’sssa—Quarterly: Froaco, as., thsvo fleurs-do-Its, or; and 3lenica, sss. to Henry ltatrc, Esq. of Lartingtsn. England, go., three lions passant-guardant, in palo, or, all o’itlsin The eldest son, a bordure, company, arg. and as. Crest—A porleullus, or, nailed, so., with chains pcndont THoMAs STAPLETON, of Canton, Boq., claimed the BARONY thereto, gold. So,sspss’fcs’s—Desster, a panther, sr., flames ssmant froos ths Staplotoss st. let, Catherine, dan. of Henry Witbam, Esq. of mouth and ears, plsr., gorged with a plain callat; and chained, Clilfe, assd had issue, or, and sesuss Of tortoaox, hssrts, and poasies, altornately; sinister, MiLES, his heir. a wyvern, wings endorsed, vort, holding in the nsonth a sinister Catherine, sss. to Sir Goorgo-Coartenay Throckmorton, Ban., hand, cooped at the wrist, go. dIolio—3lotaro vol timers spsrno. .S’siati—Troy Hooso, 3lonmeuthshire; sod Badminton House, 3tr. Staploton so. Ondhy, Anne, doss, of Nicholas Tuite, Esq., Gliocostorshire; Ll:sngalicck Park, Breeon. BEAUMONT. BEAUMONT, BARON (Honry Stapleton), lieut. 1st v. John, barrister-at-lasv, late 3t.P. for Borsvlck, 8. 11 April, life-guards, 8. 11 Aug. 1848; o. his fathur 16 Aug. Edward Bolten Sting, Esq. of Ctodshunt, en. Warwick (soc 1854. !LIllcagc. The BARONY of BEAUMONT was oonfen’od by writ of t The yeaagon Fasorawset LOvELL, so. Sir Edward Norreys susosoono by King EnwAnn It., in the 2nd year of isis of Yattonden, and from that nsareiage descends reign (.1 March, 1309), upon Hraov no BEAuMuNT (in aB htentaguc, Earl of Abingdan, and l.ord Norreys, proved joint 82 BEA probabiltty a gmudsou of John do Brienuo, last King of is. Granviltc-ChartomBenry, P.C. and 31.?., S. 22 Dee. 1792; Jerusalem), oue of the eompassious iss arssso of EnwARn I. in vs. 27 July, 1522, Emily dart, of Itobont,- let Lord Canrington; Scotland, who bad attained the favonr of the new monarch, and was snhscquosstly a man of groat power, influence, assd I Granvillo-Ilobert-hlenry, 1l.C.L., 8. 7 doss. 1824; 05. svealth. From this ssotslemon we pass to his descondsnts,* 18 Aug. 1857, Emma-Philadelphia, 2nd dan. of Sir George JOaN, 6th Baross Boouososst, who was created Viscount Boassnsont (the first person honoured with thr tttle of Viscount in Essglass,i), 12 Fob. I 140. His lordship was a knight of the Garter, had a patent of procodcsiey above all I Emily-Catharinc-Anno, s,s. 10 lIst’ 1559, to HenryAyshford other vtsootnsts, and was subsequently conohitntod lord high 2 Constsnee-Itcns’istta-Septsia-Lonisss, sss. 20 Aug. 1817, to chamberlain of Fngtond. Ho s’s. Elizabeth, Lady Bardotf, dan. assd hotr of Sir William Pholip, by Joan, Lady Bardalf, I. Charlotte-Sophia, st. 12 Aug. 1520, to Lord Caitborpe, and and hod issue, John, who ci. before his father, a. p. ii. Eltnaheth-Sasan, s’s. let, in 1822, to Lord Edward O’Brien WiLLiAM, who inherited the honosirs. (sLim ci. in 1824); ansi ladly, 11 Nov. 1819, to Ihajor-Gonoral deane, o’he sss. John, Lord Lovell, Ac., and sO. before her father its. Goorgiana-Assgasla, s’s. in 1025, to the lion. GranvilloBadley-Ilydor, leaving issue, of whom presently. His lordship ci. 90 HnnisY VI., and was s. by his son, iv. Susan-Caroline, vs. 11 Stay, 1030, to the Marquess Cisolmossdchcy. Wss,, 7th baron and 2ssd viooount, who inherited, through his osothor, the great possessions of the Bardotfs. vi. Isahelte-Anac, vs. in April, 1818, to ‘fhesnas-lionry King- Ito s,s. tsvico, but ,t witlsout icons, 23 hENRY VII., whets the viseonistey expired, hut the BARONY foil into AnnyANco vii. Blancho, st. in 1033, to Lord Garlies, now Earl of Gallesray. between the desceodassto of his eiotcr deane, and to continued usstil called out in 1840, in favour of SIsLos-TaomAa STAPLETON, of Carlton, in the co. of York, Esq. The said nit. Stary-Gctavia, so. in 1037, to Sir Walter-B. Farqnhar, JOANE BE BEAUMONT loft, by her husband, Lord Lovoil, the thirsi of the same mossaroh ; and two daus. The older,t 00. of York, and from her ladyship lineally desoondod 2707, and was a. by Lie sister, who ssssssnod the nomo of STAPLETON, and was father of NsrnoLAe STAPLETON, Esq., of Cssnlton, who ci. in 1710, THoMAs, his heir. Slurp Bertie, dais, of Willoughby, Earl of Ahiagdon, tsvo sons, Tnoasaa, of svhem presently, and Brian, svho ci. Spin 1808; and two darts., Stoniea, os. to Sir John Lawson, Ban., and Mary, s’s. to Sir William Gerard, Burt. of Gars wood. John, SIB., os. and had two sons, Charles and Joseph. si. in 1790, leaving issue, Itorsnan; Charles; Henry, who si. spin 1809; Elizabeth, os. to B. Gillow, Esq.; and Catherine, a ntsn. or BvAUMONT before the llonsc of Lords, in 3799, SIr. and ,t. 5.35. in Jan. 1839. issst had ‘so issue by her. Ho st. 1821, and was a. lay his ossly eros, StsLns STAPLeTON, Esq. of Carlton, 1. o p. in 1836, and at the sleeeaso of Lie sitter, Lady Throcknsnrton, in 1839, tht roproscsstatien of the fssnaily devolved on his first.eouoisa, TnoMAs STArLOTON, Esq. of Canton, 0. in 1578 (son of Slilee Stapletoss, Eoq., hy Lady Stary Bet-tie his wife, and grassdeoss of Nicholas Stapleton, Esq. of Carltsn, who ci. in 1738). lie so. let, in 1802, Slaria-Juliana, doss. of Sir Bobcrt Gerard, Bart., assd by her (who ,t. ill 1627) ho hod isius, 5. ltsLss TaossAs, Bonn BEAUROOT. is. Thomas, 0. 10 Got. 180f ci. 4 Dec. 1849. ass. Gilbert. 8. in July, lEOSt vs. 19 Jan. 1848, htarv, widew ef William Gerard, Esq., and only child of BarOsolomess Brethorton, Esq., and ci. o.p.18 Dcc. 1086. Iv. ltenry (Capt.), 8. in July, 1814; ci. at Fort Wli’am, 14 holy, 1843. 1816; vs. 26 April, 1580, Franccs-Dorothoa, 2nd dan. of Befer to BUEEE’s E.rllssrl Pcrrage. es-heirs to the Barony of Deansssosst. BEA ,. liersaY, late dnko. and ct 23 Feb. 1848, leaving issue, Dashsvood. 4th Dart. 2 Lovoson-Eliot-llonry, eemns. RN., 1,. 29 Aug. 1829. 1 Raglan-Geerge-htcns’y, 8. 17 Dee. 1831. Sanford, gsq. of 3Valllsam House, Essex. Ituwland Smith, Esq. 1. 92 Nos. 1865. Jaascs Ordo, who ci. 21 Stay, laSO. and ci. 30 Harris, 1863. v. Loaisa-EBzaheth, s,s. in 1832, to George Finch, Esq. stole, of Kingseoto, Esq., and ,t. 4 Fob. 1831. Bart.