Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/134

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BEA Charlton, in Surrey, by whom ho had three sosss anti two dons., viz., I GEORGE, who s. as 6th baronet. 2 William, ii. is slit. 3 Tssossas, whose son, THOMAS, of Bnekland, co. Surrey, iS. in 1799, Bridget, yonnzrst ilan. of the 11ev. WilliaTis I)av,c, anti niece of Sir John Basic, of Croedy, and by tier (who cf if April, lS42 had, I Gnotsec-ilows.axn, who ,c. as 8th l,arenel. 2 Tlioaias-Bavie, 8. in IdOl ii. in 1821. 3 William-Francis-tiertie, of itucklond, si in 1832, Franoos-Itary-Cacotine, dais of John Ssmlli, iraq. Of lIar SI. Edioando, tic whioni (scho it. in July, 1034) The MEcHERS settled in Ireland in the reign of ELIZAnnrit; ho has left a son. I Macv-Anne liridgei. 2 3las’gacct—Soilsia, iii. in 181?, to tier consul, the Rev. tracissg his ancestors in that line to Sic Eustace di Bridgecourt, James lleaachansp, anti has some. 3 Alice-Eleanor, ii. in 1833, mmii. 1 Elizabeth, who if. yonng. 2 Margaret. Sir Thomas was z. at his decease by his eldeot son, 11, One Iloacv, whi,o,. Elizabeth, dais, of George Fanner, W5LL5AM WRIXON, Esq. of Cecilstown, en. Cork, who rum. Eoq., prothonotacy of the f7ommosi I’lzao, and had, jul11’ lfas-y, dan., by Mary Ins wife (dan. of the Rev. Morgan cilis,, Tsnos. }‘ 3rd and 4th baronclo. lfznry, it. siiuou. Basil, who was bronght op to fits sea-service, assd attained IVTL5.sasm, who assesnscd the nanue of BrcssurR, and was created the rank of ccar-aulnsiral. lie perished on the (loodwiss Sands, in the great storm, 27 Nor. 1703. Iaewss, Otis baronet. Charles, blown op in the Downs, in Sept. 1708, in the Carlisle Nicholas, iii holy ordcs’s. nsan-of-svar. llenrieha, 01. fo John Slylesnan, Esq., and if. 10 March, Georgiassa, at. In Robert Be Ia Cenr, Jun. of Fairy Bill, en. 1721-0. Catherine, ‘a. lo Willians Bushy, Esq., asud 1. 1 April, 1726, leaving a son, William, of Stoaghtoss Gs’ongc, and a ulan., The eldest son, Ann, ,cffe of Anthony Neck, Esq. lIe if. iii 1688, and was o. by his son, III. Ssc Tsniasas. who served tinder Wsns.sass III., as 1780, svas created a lharosiet, 20 Sept. loll. 000 1,?. 18 Dcc snaj or of the first troeip of gnacds, in the wars of ls’nlansl, 1810, Miss O’Nsill, the very oeiol’rated actress, amid had, aid ,f. there in 1608. lie stoves’ snas’ried, asset was .1 1 y Otis unseT, present siarOisot. brothes’, IV. Sir. Gcosnnr, H.P. for t.ciccstos-, a commissioner if the privy seal in 1712, and one sit tho lords of the _Vlssuiral ty in 1714, who inhoritod, as already oratsd, by will, the estates (Cole, Ortsn, &e.) of Tbonsat,llrd and last Viseonsit Bean- Emily; Mary; Cecil-Eleanor ,‘‘,snd ilaehara-Ehizabchh. taoist ; and dying u’nsi. in 1737, tue bzi1ncathed his paternal Olarv-Sarals, ou. 4 Nov. 1852, is llichar,I W’aihia Osohul Auhanss, estate at Stsnghton to his onsrvioing sisters anti ti his nephew, William Tissoby, I(sci., while the property of I.ord Earl of BanIu’y, and has house. L’cassmont asid the baronetcy devu,lved upon Ins brothos’, V. Sm Lea’sa, in holy ordzre. This gesutlesmsan if. without Sir Williasn assususcd, early isi lifo, iso obediessee to the tes— isssue, 28 tIre. 1768, and was z. by Ins cousisu, (refer to tasnesitusry injsssuetiesi of his ssssole, the additional sns’siasne William, 3rd ton of Sir Thomas, lot barenot), VI. Sm Gron, in, who us 26 March, i7si, ilachel, dan. of and aruss of Brcnen, assd had tho asssinsption cossfla’nsed by Michael Ifewlasud, Esq. of Stonchall, in Essex; and dyhug sigss-nsassnal, 29 Sept. 1031. lIe ‘1, in Oct. 1810. in 1762, was o. by his only om’viving son, VII. Sin (i00000-Ilowrari’n, fI.U,h and F.S.A. This A -as —Vair-, arg. assul go. l ott a cantors, or, a atag’s head, gentleman a. 6 May, 1775, Mssrgas’ct, dass. of John Willce, osuped, sa., qesarlei’ly srifhi Wasxos. Esu1. of Astrop, co Northampton, anul gs’assddan. of Lord Crrl—Otut of a dooal corsssec, or, a donsi-lion, ersu., gorged thief Jnstico Willes, (her ladyship ,f. 11 July, 1888,) trot wills a plaisi collusr, vair. dying a. p. in 1827, the title devolved upon his conoin, .hIstl,u—Bis vivib psi bene. (s’cvert to descendants of Wilhans, 3rd scsi of the lot Mali .Ballvgiblin, near IIatIosv; sad Crsaghu, ncas’ Shibbereen, baronet), VIII. Sin Gcenoo - ilows.erto . Wsr.sounssoy, 8. If Dcc. 1780;n. 1(1 Juno, 182.3, .Ilary.Anno, oldest dais. sif Iii’, William Itowlcy, late Archbishop of Cusntcs’lsurr’, assd by her (svbo it in I’d ‘. 1811) had iosuse, ti ruin c-I luuws,,soui, lur000sut has” ,siet ; i’illiasn.Bercsford, hi holy orsiors, is 81,orcb, 1621 ; si 13 Dcc. 10811, Julia, youngest dan. of t’harlco Soasuues, Rot1. of doles, ilerts ; and Csnotasicedslacy, it.. 0 July, 1855, to Wihliam-Unsvin Heygatc, Es11,, MB., fnd soss of the late Sir Wiltiasts I fcygate, Dart. Sir tieorge ii. in 1045. C’eaflouu -21 Fob. 1600-I. A ‘os—Az., ironic of Oenrs-ule-his, a hots, raisipanf, or. Cruoi flo a cliapcaus, ar., senude of flersrs—itc—lie, turned tsp runs., a lion, passant, or. JJ’olfs—Erccios non elatuu, Sssrts—Ci’lo Orton lIall, Ashtuy.ul o-la-Zoucli, Lciceelor,hire’ Park, co. Lisscohn, gi’assilooss of (ervaso Beckc(t, Esq. of and Tlanor house, Ounsnsnaw, Essex. EEC EECHEE. Wlstxog.REIJHER, SIB RaRItY, Bark of Ballygiblill, co. Cork, b. in 1820; .e. as 2nd baronet, at the decease of Ins father, in Oct. 1850. Tiuicagc. stud the bas’osset bae a pedigree in his possession who came from Ilaisuanit with Philippa, qsseen-conoos’t of Enwaao III., in 1328. (Bce BonEr’s Laselcul Qrsfcy.) HseanyWasxow, Esq. of Aosolas, en. Cork, son of Nicholas Wrixsn, sus. Anna, dao. of William Mansfield, Eeq., and ci. in 1704, leaving a dass. (Mary, who oi. William, Viscossut Ensuesnore, and ii. in 1818) and a son and heir, Bonovass), of John.Townsend Bcchec, Eoq. of Asissiegrove, asud sister asud heir of Henry liecher, Esi. of Crcagh, both in the co. C’orle, 1i’ whoui ho had iosoe, a Baronet. Johts-3l icluael, baruisler—at—lasr. Olasiansie, or. to Thesnas Garcia, Esq. of gallsview, OIallosc, and has sevcral cinhlren. Janc-Chuusrhsttc. Cork, Esq. 9. Sin 11’irbs.ora Wnixsx-Bccaan, of Ballygilihin, 8. his Jona, 8. 16 Ang. 1821; Si. 0 May, 1037, Ensily-Catlserino, 2sud dais. of ‘sVitliaue, lssui Earl of l.iolewrl, anti hiss Enst ace— Wihliaoo-lVyndluam, 8,27 Bee, iSIS Rdgusr, 8. lIBel. 1062; henry, Ii, 17 Jsily, IOO0I a son, 8. 3 Aug. 1880; Victoria— Wihhians—Nichokis, late lieutenant 02usd regt., I. in 1031. Esq. of Jasnesbrook, co. Cork, assd nephscsc of Richard, lat Ehizahohh, su. 10 Jan. 1050, Is William-Norton Barry, Esq. of tlasllocor, cs. Cork, and has issue. Ceesflsw—30 Sept. 1831. bout in co. Cork. Tons ifs usc—i.e Chesterfield Siren, Mayfair. EECKETT. RECEnT, SIR TnOMAS, of Somerby Park, en. Lincoln, b. 1 Jan. 1779 ; at. 3 March, 1825, Caroline, Jan. of Joseph Berkett, Esq. of Barnaley, and has iaone, Mary, and Elizabeth, as. 17 March, 1853, to Sir Henry Hickman Bacon, Bart. 3Ltlicagc. I. Jonrz BECEETI, Esq. of Leeds, en. I’ns’h, and of Sosnes-by Thuursisiey, was created a iharossot, 2 Nov. 1813. lIe si. in 2771, Olary, dass. of the Right Rev. Christopher Wilooss, Bishop of Itriof oh, und had issue, JonN, 2nd baronet. Christopher, 8. sn 1777. Tuassas, present baronet. Richard, capt. in lbs gnarde, slain at Talavera, in 1809. 8t