Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/136

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BED FRANCIs, 2nd Lord Russo]! of Thnmhaetgli, who inherited as 4th EARL OF BEDFORD. i. Anne, ia. to _4nshrase Dsottey, Earl of Warsvick. ii. Elieabett, is, to William ltnuchier, Eat’] of idatit. in. ltargaret, st to (kerga Clitterd, EaFt of Ciomberland. Francis, dud Earl of Bedford, Ca. lndly, Bridget, dau. of Esq. of Su-eatham, tiy whem he scquired a very considerable John, Lord ijusoey, and widow of Sir Richard lieresen, fortsatec, and, in ceuseqeecesee at his marriage, was created, Rut., but by that lady had etc issue. His lordship it. at Bedford Ileesse, lie the Strand, 25 Jeme, 1503, aced was a. by leis grandson, EDwARD, 3rd earl, wlsa is. Lucy, dan. of John, Lord semocessers) and two dans., Rachel, sic. let, to Seroop, let llarriesgf see, aetd sister aetd heir of John, 2nd Lord liar. Duke of Bridgewater, and dndly, to Sir Biehard hyttlcten, rinsten ; beet by leer (echo it. 31 May, lf27) he had no issue; K. B. ; aced Elizabeth, cc. to Williane, 3rd Earl of Essex. He he P. 1 May, 1f47, was a, by his cousin (refer to William, it us May, 3711, and was a. by laSs eldest surviving san, 4th son of the died earl), FRANCIS, fled r.orl Rnaoell of Thornhaugh, as 4tle ERaT. Aesne Egerten, only dan. of Scmop, Dtske of Brtdgew’ater, 151’ BEDFoRD. His lordship eo. (‘atheritte, dan. and co-heir by Elizabeth, 3rd dan. and ca-hair st Jshau, Bseke ot Marlbsrsstgh of Gilee Bridges, 3rd Loe’d Chandes, by whom he had, with sit. Williaiee, 3rd Earl at Jersey) the honsuaw devolved tepon four dana., fottr sects, viz., WiLLIAM, his saccesser. Francis, it. j5. John, eel, in the civil scars, on the side of the king, and after was appoheiled, tea 17551, lstrd-licest. sif Ireland ; acsd accredited, Bee liesleratlea. col. if the 1st rect. of fool-goards,’f. sooso. in 1702, ceeiesister pletsipotentiary to the caurt of France, in EDWARD, Os. l’eeelope, dais. ofSir3toysce Still, of Relteborotegh, which character he signed, at Fanbsbaeblean, the prelinsinaries in Ireland, end widow ef Sir William Brook, Eli.., and eves a. at Isis decease by leis eldest son, WILLIAM, slan,lard-tiearer to CHARlES IL, wleo P. usssss., and 3731, Diana, youngest dave. of Olaarlea, Earl of Sunderla.nd, was o. tsy his brother, EDwARD IIU55ELL, “echo,” says Bnrnet, “had been bred by wham (who it 27 Sept. 3735) he had one son, who if. in at sea, and se-as bedcliassetior-man to the Icing (JA5IEIII.) iesfanc The deeke use, Badly, April, 1737, Gertrude, eldest when fiske of Yerk; but upon Lord ttussell’s death, retered dan. of John, 1st Earl Gaw’er, and had, with a dasi,, Oars- Born coart. lie was a neate of neuch honsue aced great line, ssi. ts George, 3rd Bumke of Slarlbaraugh, another son, courage. lIe lead good principles, ant! seas firm to them.” Strenaatcsly soppsirt iug the llevolatioie, lee obtained leigh FRANcIs, .lIgs’ ef Teeiatark, who et. in 1751, Lady naval comments feeen the near king, and distinguished himself as oae of the neost rneiaent naval heroes at ihe period, particularly by his victory over the French fleet at La Rogue, in 1692. lie se’as res-arded seith a peerage. 7 May, 1697, as Basest .Sldssgay, 7i,eesi’s,t BrIBer, and Rail sf Oifseil. His lordship a. Lady Margaret Russell, yotnegest ilsee. of Ins father’s brother, Williaae, 1st Bake of Redford, bat II. in 1717,0. p., sehen the peerage became EXTINCT. His lordship (Fraeeeis, Earl of Bedford) P. of the email-pat, 9 May, 1f41, and was a. by his oldest san, WtLLIAM, 5th earl, svha, at the Restoration of King CRADLEs II., carried St. Edward’s sceptre, evas elected a knight of the Garter, I f72 ; and created, 11 May, I f94, llP’s-qsseoe of Ts’oiel”ck, and litRes us’ Bcnroan. His grace sa. Anne, dan. and sale heiress of Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset, tiy his toe celebrated eoeeutess, Frances Howard the divorced wife of Essex. ‘‘ Fraeeeis, Earl of Bedford,” says Peunaeet, ‘ was so adrerse to the alliance, that he gave his san le,avo to eteissa a wife sest ol aiey faeaeily lent tleat. Opposition eeseeally sumisi. des desire the 3’uineg couple’s affaetiana wire sIlly increased. .tt length, the king interposed, ated sendieeg the Ltuke sit Leuseox to serge the earl to consent, the mottle was l5i’Olesfht about. Somerset, now reduced to poverty, acted a generous part, seltiesg his house at Chisevick, plate, ja.vala, and furniture, to raise a farteane for bts daughter of £ltt,Off, whiola the Earl of Bedfard domateded, saytute, that since leor affections were settled, he choae ratbtr to meda hinsself, tbate make her osiahappy.” His grace it 15 Jan. 1771, and was .s, by his grandson, The lady proved warttey of Usa ailtueee. It is said that she Fee sxceo, 5th disks, 5. 22 Jetty, 1705. This pespular scoldsasacs sync ignorant of her mother’s dislsenanr titl informed of it by a pansphlst, which she accidentally fumed; and it is 1802, aisd was e. by his brother, added, that her ge’ace was so strstclo with this detection of Jutin, 0th duke, 5. 0 Jusly, 17ff; 01. let5 21 Shoreh, 17Sf, her parent’s gotilt, that she foil dawn in a fit, and was faemd Gcargituaa-Elieehseth, 2nd does. of (tesrge, 4th Yiscoeent Tarringtun, aaeeselese with the ls,iak elicit tiefore leer. The duke leash tactic by this admir,dilc wosnan, soveee sons and three davsa., iesoe, of whor.a the elilest survirteig sell was the celebrated Wle.LeAst, 10111 B oea, II. Tiels distingttislseet patriot was fit at ti. George- William, a tnsjer-getecral in the army, O.C.B., rctueaed to lsaeliameest fur tise ca. I teutfsrd, in I ftc-I. Ills sometime envay -exteaordimeary and minister-plenipotentiary lordslnp, astis I’ ate an active r-art against the eatert, appeared publicly itt she ICing’s hteaob, al West,,eta,tor lIall. If June, 1 f9, sail preseateil the Duke of Yark as.aeocusant he sutiseqaen’lv coreieil isp else bill rif oxelusiaa of Isis revaj leIgh,ucse. at etc head of eeare htean 200 inemt,ers of the Comneuss. to the house of l.srds. lIe eras after,vae-ds indieteil fir inch treason as a liaeliettntor in tlte live-home raaal’icacy. ant svas tried at the (Nil ttailev, 13 ,teune, lfoS, anti convicted, lie sync executed, by deeaietsstiaa, at Lineetns—lnn-Piclsts, 21 tnt9’ fulteseing. Bs,tevceee lets cole— 2 Artlear-Joleme.Edw-aed, 31.1’. for Tavistsck, late peirate demnaltaee ated f calls, Lard Cavendiste offered ta change clothes settle bins in else prison, and ttsas enable luns to effect his eseatse ; litet J,srd Itossell had too meek taagnanimity to expaso his frieetst to so much dasger. The attainder of his tarslalnp seas ansulled after tile Revotemlion. lIe a. 10t9, lady ltaeltael W’riathestev, Sail dan. and eventual hele if Theamas, Earl cit Seeeltsaasspsee, lord hisalt treasurer, and ssHass sf Francis. Lord Sanghean, by sshamn IlL does, created EARL RusseLL and VIscOUNT Asmcaecy. (who if. 21 Sept, 1723, aged 07) he left, 811 BED I WRIOTnE5LRY, who o. as second Duke of Bcdfeed. 2 llachael, se. te William, Bake at Devonshire. 3 Catherine, us. to delete, Mae-quest of Geanby. His grace dying 7 Sept. 1709, was a. by his grandson, Wciovnosucy, 2nd duke, KG., 5. INov. 1000. This nobleeasel ess. in 1005, Elizabeth, dasu. and co-heir of John Rowland, 33 Jeuee, If 05, Borate Heeelaisil, of .Siceahlsaas, cs. Eovt’eg His grace bad isseee two soerviving eons (lets two imneediate WatovmecaLcv, 3rd duke, k 1708, who se, ha 1725, the Lady ; hut dying witheut issue, iS Oct. 1732 (his widow his ltrotber, Jonx, 4th duke, aead 0th earl, K.G.b. 1710. This nobleman of peace with France and Spain. His grace its. 31 Oct. amed grausdslau., reaatereeally, of Jehu, Duke of Maa-lleorosegh, Eliaalteth Keppcl, dao. of Wilhiaeee, 2nd Earl of Albemarle. ilis lerdship was killed by a fail fl-em lets hsese, 22 March, 1767, and hy her (w’hs if. of grief not long after hee husband’s dealS) lefi iseoc, 1 Fanxrts, so-ho e. as 5th duke. 2 Joins, 6th duke 3 ll’illiam, t. pssthennons, in 1767, five mantles after him father’s slcath I so, Ia 1509, Clearletle-Anne, eldest dau. Of Oeergc, 4th Earl of Jersey, by svhoen (so-ho ci. in lift) he lead issese, Francis, 5. 7 Starch, 1793; lictut.-colg’l. sstsse. in 1932, Oesrge, t. in April, 1795; il. 13 Sept. 1033. John lt.N., t. in 17Sf; as. in 1032, SapPia, dan. at Ccl. Caeessrnakcr, 110w’ BARONEss Dc Cttrroan: scud ci. in 1035. (Sri lic Ce.mrreao.) Sl’illissne,aeeeoettisnt-geeecral of the Cotuct of Chancery, 5. in 1000; se. In 1922, Eanma, dan. of Cs]. J. Campbell, of Slaasvflcld, Nortlu Beilaitu, by (‘hearlotte, his svife, dao. of delete, alh I take of trga’lI, and has had isaac, I George, so. 25 Oct. 1062. Charlotte-Isabella, younger dan. of the lineal Duke of Baxbnrghe, and has a san, 0. 20 Oct. I Sf4 t 2 Regiessld, t. 2 June, 19-14 ; 1 Enenecline, if. 24 Nov. 1 salt and 2 lasra, st. 9 Sag. 1002, to the Hon. S.-J -0. Egerlan, 2nd son at Thomas, 2nd Earl of lVilloms, Oertnmde, cc. lIen. Henry-Grey Bennet, and ci. 1041. Elizalseth, sss. Is Lord Wrisihesley Itusselt. Lord William Russell was murdered on 6 Slay, 1940, by Imis valet, lienjanain Francis Caservoisier, seles seas cried and executed for Ihe crime. if. ssssa. at Wsibeercs Abbey, doeply lamented, 2 Starcls, axed lsy her lad3’alaip (w’bo ci. 11 Oct. 1101) had a. FaAvrIs, 711, duske. at the cesert at Berliee, ansI suide-de-eamp, eesattselsed, lo the fleieen; 1.8 Slay, 1590; ae, 21 Jemne, 1017, ElizabethAnne, only child of the late IIoo, Juhu-Theo1shhlus flaw. dan, and ii. is July, 1046, leaving 1 FaAwres-CoAeLcs-lIAs’nxss, SI-P. fec Iledfsrdshire, 0. 16 Os-I, 1910 sss. 10 Jan. 1044, Lady Elizabeth SackylileWesI, eldest dan. ct Earl Belawar, and has imsute, Gesrge-Williansyranris-Sackville, 5. 10 April, lS13 Herbrated-At-Iheor, 0. lIt Feb. 1050; BIn: and Ee’ntyalrode, eoeeesary to Lard Jtihn (now’ Earl) Rossctl, 0. 13 June 1S25 at, at lane, 25 Sept. 1000, t.aura, fate. at Coont de Pcyt’aemceet, aeal graeeddnis. otCaunt dc Feyrannet, Miccister of t N. 3 Ode-Il ihliane-l,eapohil, Dritiyh diplomatic resident at Rome, I. 19201 10. 5 SIssy, 1000, hsdy Eenily-Thsresn VII. hera, It’d dan. ab (‘iearge,4lh sad present Eat-lot Clarendoci, (.ttce livsocLL EasT.. peat.)