Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/148

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BE THU NE. LINDESAY-BETRUNE, SIR JOUR- atdact dais, of Sh William Skeffingtttn, Dart, of Fisharwick, TannER, of Kileottqithar, Co. Fife; b. 3 Jan. 1s7; a. his father, as 2nd baronet, 19 Felt. alderman of the city of Loisdan, and had, with ether inane, 1851 ; at. 1853, Jeanne, dan, of Sitssoa, of Btrthiagbury, eo. IVanvick, ats. Ja,se, eldest dan. 31. J.-V. lineal, of liordeaux. BET tile, f’lizabalh, 2nd dan. of Charles, 2nd Earl Grey, and gnnrrnl in North Britain; Ia. Margaret-Angunta, dan. of has John, is 2 llareh, 16CC; a son, 5. 16 Sep. 1 “ii?; and the l,tte On,se,nl Tovey, atsd, dying before his father, left two lasts., Alberta-’s ictoria (for whom her Meety nat itseoa, I frNnv, stseeeasor to bin groodfather, late baronet sponsor; stat Magttalen. 2 Artl,u,’—Bde aol’ Vale, Ic, lick/—eel. 12th fie’i, Inugh I of George Ask/notuo Lindeoay, liantenant RN.; AlexanderTrcttcr-Liodecay, the Pie djiiie, 7th ‘lass, 6. 4 ltee. 1821, a,. An1. I aOl, MIle. Lhtdesay, deceased Ilargaret-Uaroline, ci. ha I’atrck O,w, Calina tsahi anti ,t. LI,’, mum, 18 tone, I 068. S Fre,Ier,ek, in holy enters, 5. pesthinonas, 21 Ma, elt,l bit. k/c’1., and at. bin n’idow, 4 Aug. 1861 ; and Elizabeth-JaneLittdcsay, I Ge,,rgina.)teiita—31 sri’s. 2 1 Ia, ricE—I situ—b ian,’es. S Srhn,,—1l,,rl’ara, to. 22 Jan. 1 c62, Ia Wilhans Win ilsam ItT.. S., a ganrral itt the service of the Sehah af Persia, 5. Ilarinir, 60q. it,. Willia,o-Fra,teis-Spancer, late Loan on,.os (c-huh 12 April, 1787, sian created a Baronet, 7 Olareh, 181.4. lIe li/len,. t. Car,,line, i.u. in tOol, in the lion. William La,olu, afterwards Park, en. I/sets, and ,t. 18 Feb. 1601, having had, issue, Viscount Melbourne, atd ,t. in 6029. Ills lordship if. in I’d,. 1314, ,,i,d was a. by his eldest son, JonN.W1LL,ea, 4th earl, 6.71 An;. 1780 ; e. t, Nv. lsdl, Obartin-/Villiam, hi. 17 Juno, 1843; ‘/. 11 Sept. 1809. Maria, Ic, 1 dan. ,‘f ,i,,lnt, I otis ICarl ‘if West,,,orland, K. Ci., A,ine-ltathcri,te, ot. 29 April, loOt, to Jahn-T. Campbell, and had leone (her Ia’19 chip it 18 Maceli, 1824), 1. teas, present cart. it. IVili a,,,—Wc,,i,rer1h—ltnt,,,aon, 6. ii’ 1412, and ii. in 1811. its. Faeoea,ra-Geeeae-ltaaeazea, 1i.A., barrister at-law, 6. Carolitta-Fcliete-Ltnelesay. Caettba—Ltaadtsay. 11 5t’pL 1514. lv Cic,irgc-Arit,,,r-Rrat,aenn, 6. 17 hay, 1820, ii in 1941. v. WaltVr—W iii,, ,,,.Hrnt,acsn, lCd., vicar of Caisfard, ro. Ara,e—tJaartcrlv: 1st atsd 4th, arg., a fesse, betavre,, three Dorset. t. II Aug. 6021 / c 13 ian. 1810. Lady LouisaSasa,, naasclcs, or, Sir PcTtttsao; 2,s,l and 3rd, arg., a chevron, as., Eliot, only dan. rut Ilse present Earl of St. Germans, charged acills an otlcr’s hettd, erased, af t he first. CUR., a,el lt,,s isa,sr. I E,lward. 5. March, tell ‘2 Cyril. 5, tc,s/—A,t otter’s beau, erased, ppr. Sept. loll; I tiranailie, /a. 17 dciii. 1454; 4 Arthur Cornwall/a, Ice l—ltilreaqnlsar, l’ifeslsirn, b.c isa. told; I Walier-iicraltl. 6. 31 ditty, Ida; I Maria 2 Ethet—Jensi,na ; I hara—Itatiticen. it. Spcncer—Cacit—l;raiuaaa,,, coinpir’ ‘tier, bitt chanaherlain’s departineni, 5. 14 March, 1 o24 a,. 7/tel. 1.347, Lna,ca-Aaae— Itose. lr,l dac. of llesry—Ang,,at,sa, I lilt Viscount Dttti,n, and BEVERLEY, EARL CIF, see NORTHUMBERLAND, has lsa’i, I J ‘h,n-llcnry, C. 21 hilt, I 94c 2 / icaree—Ilichard, 5.6 hard,, 1870; 1 Itohart-Charlra, 5. 6 J’o,a, 10t; Sydecy, p. 26 Set,. I ct/I; l I/alec, 0. 17 Jan. 1.412; 2 Canstanre1 nnisa; S lla,’garet-Maria; I Cle,neatioa-Sarah ; and I Ele,,,sar. vu. ticnild-Ilenry-P,ratuazon, it. 17 Jnly, 1829,’,,,. 0 Felt. 1984, Ittaria—E,nma—i’ailscrine, sister of the present Earl t,f Care,,— try, and has l.oais-//eorge-tte hale, C. It Nov. 1838; CecilEul r,inl—oeo,’ge, t. IS Vet,. 1.4/5); tienil’line, ,o,,t an,ith,’r hats. I. Georgians 8,ir,th, to. in 1519, to the Cey. Sackvitiie tonrke lIMo, N. or;, aeha ,/. 11 Jan. 1860, and the ii. 21 Jmse, 1661. it. Aagatsla-Lavinia-Priseillo. ui. 1934, William_Thomas, Ear] of Iterry; and 2tstly, the 1/an. Charles Gore. III. Emily —Charl,,tie Mire. Ic. hfaria-Jasic-Elirabeil,, a,,. 1833, Lard de Manley. v. Hayriet-Fre,tcriea-Ajstsn. v,. ltatltleeti—laia,is.i-Geargiana. a,. 0 Ai,g. 1809, to Frederick— Edw,sr,h Tigha, pt,1. (late 8 lad rrgl.l, at tltn Itilkenny fissil,cra, eltiect tots of I t.isiel ‘fighe, Lag. of Iloaanna, ra. i Wick/air, and 0. 0 Jnty, loCh. 1/is lordship, erected Sty Setters patent, dated July, 1834, Jlarao thuneansa,’,, of Bascliarcssgh, itt the peerage of the United Ktssgdcso, ii. 16 Mtsy, 1847, and was a. by lila el’lect sets, that he who first adapted it had tieaas employed tea sonic C,cc/inaa—P,arnn, 1721; Viscoanl, 1722 Earl, 1739, is the deaigttatims. The faintly is cerkaittly of resnate antiquity tinerace of I rrlan,l. Ik/t’ae of Great Britai,,, 1718. liars,, Bait— cannon of lieatbooagh, 1034. A c,,,s—Cn.,a cite a ran, lies,eoe,s three rnmhs, arg. I ‘,‘rel—t it a Sited csr,,nel. so., die irrei,, t, eate in pale, attd Lcr,l of JA,rlavrstat,, l/tsckitsgisafl, tliddetlph, Ac., isa Staffordshire, fo,,s tit saltier, points d,,a, tsir,tr,ts, enrrla1,r,l srith a ancte, ppr. snare detaile,l aceas,,,t of the Bitldnlph fanaihy, isa all its ,s’npp’’,’l re—iwo lions,,lant, ripe. Mn’,— Ira re’;e, legs, grega. ,%e,sts —. Ceasbornagh lianse, ra. tfilkenny ; Poehamptaa, Sai’rey. coil A ,t,t’clh C,’el s, see B rcae’a Ltstt,f, if C, ) A pedigree Totes fIea’se—40, Ch,trles Slreet, Berkeley Square. BID Ibis. RICe’s service; einna-Craiggte— deceased. The eldest san, I. M.ta”a GeNERAL Sta IOwan L,tnonsey- BeTRUNE, a,. in, toll, Catstta, dat,. of John Trotter, k/sq. of 1/yrlasno Jousa-Tearree, preieet baranet. lletsry-Jamei-Haoailtan, 5. 8 June, 1834; d. 0 Jaly, 1862, at lLn’seitleo. Esq., aitly san of John Campbell, Esq., late major of 74th fool. Slenarl-Linelesay, ci. 4 Nor. 1848, to the Earl ofNsrbnry. Cl,arloate-Jss,,e, if. 26 Sctt. 1810. C’iraGc,,—1836. Rotc,, disuse—il, Clacaham Place. liVER 00’. BIDU Ut P H. BIODULPR, SIR TREOPICILUS5: ‘ ‘a baronet, on the decease of his 4, father, 15 J 1854. The Saxon wa,’ds—Biai,/c, or if iii’s, “prayer, entreaty,’ Ac., a,ad Ui1th, “,meistaaare, praterlion,” Ac—of which the snrttame Biddcli’h is said to be composed, would indicate embassy or acission, tit seek aid, and thence acquired the ,as,I Erdaswiela, its his Stat’s, y a/f Ebcffcc,lchit’e, says “ The Midduiphe dcrice themselves from one Orsnns Ic Gnidozt, who bred in the tt,,sc of Doomsday.” (For a btra,srhes, the Ilsnttr’Lrcs of if,tt’taa, Cf,tt’k Castle, .terlbst’y, exta,,t deduces the line front Gr,a,us, to litc,,,ann Brnnut.s’,t, of Middulph, hirtng in 1098, from whom dasretsdad StateN Risst,s’LPR, Req. of Ehnahnrst, ea. Stafford, whose grraf.graat grtsisdsatss, 1. Ssa Tntncntouc B,anutpn, k/tat, of Westrombe, cc. Kent (3rd sot, of )hiahaet Biddaslph, Esq., by Elieabeth, eo. lit ,fford), was created a Barosset 2 Nov. 1/64. Sir Theaphilno it. S,ssasu,ais, dass. if Eachary Bighlasad, Req., an Iltruaco, lila surcessor. of Ed,rard ttirch, of t,eacrnft, setjcant-at-law, and tad, I Ensvaera, as ha a. Anne, eldest dan. of Edaeard, 2nd son ef Itr. Serjeaat lurch, nod left, ‘I’ who inherited as 4th hart.; E,lsa’crd, Joho, Wtliians, Charles, Jatse, and Anne, ar/fe of elsa Ccv. Janaro Stafford, incnmbcnt at Peettidga, Stafforelatsire; 2 Jauhe, sat. Jatte, ,la,a, of Thomas Birch, k/sq.; 3 Michael, chose only dan., Jssac, ci. Sir Theaphilaa Bid8s,lph; 4 Charles, of London; 5 WaIter, acho had one tan a,,d several etosts. ; of the latter, Mat garel, at,, to Sa,ee,eI— Pipe Woltcrstnn, of Siatfitid, Etq., assd sssotlscr to the Rev, Mr. Greavea; 6 L’lizabeih, at,. to Sir John Rapier, Bart.; 7 Snaaoe,,h, an, to Sir Edward Litlinton, of Pillaten Ilall, Il,srt.; S lIars’; ,,,ttt 0 ll,,ehsacl. ta. Ca S,r W/thas,a Bassett, Eat., of C’lavcrtoo, Soo,eraetahirc. 3Lthlt’agc. If essay Lssaria;sav, of ltilrcnqsshar, isa Fbfccl,ire, acsu,acd the sortts,me of fls:TetuNc, bp- virtsta of a deed of e,stail ,ua,Ie lay ttavsel flattten,e, of Batf,’,sr, us 1779. lIe ci. 1 ci, S’Rizal.,ath, elas,. of ‘l’h,txta,as k/pd, l’3- whoa, Ise had at, only child, 1/aehaoh, seifa at Lt. f/an. Janice 1/iciesa,,, E I Ca. ‘a service; au,,b 2 sdly, ltargterct, dan. of M,,rtin k/aches, hi I) by when, be hal a sass, )t.eRttse Earocs, titaj’r in the army, asad eanats;iaoar1-_ VS