Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/155

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BLAYNEY. BLATNET, BARON (Cadwallader-Pavis Blayney), of Hon. James Tonchet (second son of the Earl of Castle. Mooaghan, in the co. Monaghao, in the peerage of haven), and ssiecc of Charles Tabbot, Duke of Shrowabnry, Ireland, one of the representative peers; 3. 21 Feb. then lord-licnt. of Ireland, by whom he had issue. His 1803; s. his father, as 12th baron, 8 April, 1834. This family is of Cambrian origin, and deduces its descent eldest son, from Mcsus, Gaam, Lord of Weetbury and Whitton, co. CuARLE5-TALBOT, 8th hsron, dean of Killalce, at whose Salop, derived through Rrechwel ap Aeddan, Lord of deoeaae, withont surviving issue, the title devolved upon Gnilsfield, Dronisrth, and De,sddwr, from BROCHWEL his brother, YscsTcaoo, Prince of Powys. The son ef Meilir Gryg, viz., CanwaLLanra, 8th baron, 5. 2 May, 1720; so. 20 Dec. LLEwcLvN A? MErLIn Gave, os. Alice, dan. and heireao 1767, Sophia, dan. of Thomas Tipping, Esq. of Bcaultcn, of Robert ap Liowareb ap Trahearu, and was father of ElisIoN A? LLEWELvN, whose wife was Gwenhwyfar, dan. and heiress of Philip ap Philip ap Griffith, descended from Sophia, as. iii 1789, to John Armstrong, Esq. Eleddyn ap Cynfyn, King of Powys. The son of this marriage, Mary, so. 1794, Is Edmund, son of — Tipping, Esq. of Eelborgan LLEWELvN A? PINION, m. Angharad, dan. and heiress of Adds op Madoc, of Rcn’y, of the lineage of Elyotan Glod rydd, Prince of Perlys (refer fo EAaL CA000AN), and had issne, I Edward-James, in holy orders, m. 1044, GeorginaSnsan, issue a son, LLF.WELvN Vvcsrav A? LLEwELvN, father, liy his wife, Margaret, dsn,, of Griffith, yonngor eon of Ynyr Vyehan, Lord of Nanney, in Merioooth (sec Vouons.oc or NANNAU, Baa’s.), of a son, GnTFsnn A? LLswrtvio VvcnAN, who ‘a. Ellen, dan. and co-heiress of Ednyfed ap Griffith, of Macbc S’aooneg, and His lord chip, who was a lient -gen. in the army, if. 91 Nov. [sad issue, IEVAN BLArNEy, Esq., the first of the family who asenmod CAnwALLAnca-Davss, 10th baron, I. in 1768; at R’hose that surname; his wife was Ellen, dan. of Liewelyn decease, uRsa., 2 April, 1784, the title devolved npon his ap David, of Mathavorn, derived from Rinion ap Sitsylit, brother, Aauanw-Tuossas, 11th baron, a lieut-gen. in the army; 5. Lord of Mathavem, and by her he had a son, G,ns-r,v,s A? IsvAa, who as. Gwyolliao, dan. of Howel 00 Nov. 1770; so. I Joly, 1786, Mabella, eldest dan. of James, ap Meredith Vychan, of Maesmawr, in Arwystli, so. Mont- lot Earl of Caledon, and by her (who if. 4 March, 1824) had, 105 BLA gomcry, of the lineage of Eleddyn op Cyndyn, King of Catherine Nogesst, hie wife, don, of Thomas, 6th Earl of Powya. The son of this nsarriage, lana Lrnvs’, Eoq., was father, bj Katherinc, his wifc, don, of Meredith ap Rys op David Lloyd, doscendcd fro,u William, sec. of eusbassy slot. Pelersbssrg, now ntis. plon. to Elystan Glodrydd, Prince of Forlys, of a son, the Argentine Republic, 0.1 Ilareh, 1824; so. 6 Sept. 1886, Tnoasas BLAvNEi-, Eoq., whooc wife was Gwenllia,,, dan. of 21sonsas Jlorle, Esq. Their son, James, 5. 28 July, 1027, liesst.-col. is lisa army, major 5th Davso-Ltovo BLAYNtY, En1., so. Elizabeth, da,,. and hcircss of Lewis Jonos, Eoq. of Bishop’s Castle, co. Salop, and had issno, Catherine, so. in 1841, to 55’. liashleigh, Esq. of Meunbilly, s. Lewis Blaynoy, Esq. of Gregynog, co. Montgomery, ancestor Fanny-Mary. so. 10 Aeg. 1647, to William Ferrand, Esq. of of the RLAvNevs 0? Gacassoo. ss. Ensva.sro (Sir). Georgiua-Eliaa, so. 27 May, 1857, to [lie Right lion. Sir The second son, Andrew Ruchanan, O.C.R., bssdtisls ambassador at St. Petersburg. Sin ErewAnre BLAYNCY, Rut (a soldier from his youth, in the service of Erszanprss), accompanied the Earl of Carolise-Henriatta, so. 12 A’sg. 1050, Is the Earl of Seaftebd. Easer, 1528, into that kingdom, hcing thou a colonel in tho His lordship, a lient.-genenob and G.E., wao accidentally army. Acqniring f,nnc and fortune ins the subsequent wars, lie wao elevated to the pccrago of Ireland, 2t) July, Creation—Is July, 1606. Douglas soy,, thai the crratien 1621, as Lonn BLAvNcY, Baton of Macoption, so. Monoghen. took place at beast seven years prier to this dale, altlsoogh he His lordship ci, Anne, 2nd dan. of the Meet Rev. Adam acknowledges net having soon the paient, bsst concbsles such to Lofloo, PB., Archbishop of I)uhbiu, and chancollor of Ireland, be the fact, from a charter granted 10 the first haro,s, creeling certain bands into a free barony, doled 10 Jan. 1500, wherein ho by whom ho had, with six dans., two eons, MEsa’s (Sir), his successor. is styled ‘‘ IfaPsi’s ;b,,asioa Bbaohpre, fhcsaa,’arts S Li. If. seps, Arthur (Sir), of Shien Castle, co. Ilosssghan. A cmos—Or, a fesse, cbsequy, arg. and as., surmnsunted of a He if. 11 Feb. 1629, and was o. by his elder son, OtENnv, 2nd baron, who so. Jan. 1623, Jane, dan. of ,Sosppsrtes-o—Dextsr, a savage, wreathed about his hand and Gerald, Viocennt Jsroghcda, by whom iso had two surviving middle with laurel, amid holding over his shoobdcr a ebb, all eosio and five dons. Otis lordship, wlso was a military satan, fell at the battle of Beobnrb1 co. Tyronc, 5 Juno, 1646, and Hats—Lennox-love, formerly Lcthbugtsu, near Haddiogtou; was s. by his older son, Enwauo, 3rd baron, who dyhig onss. in 1669, was e. by his brother, ltscnann, 4th baron. This ,sobleman was high in favour with CnoeswaLs,, and had been appoissted, ins 1656, the nsnrpor’s enstos rotnlornm of the co. Monaghan, and cc- cheater of the co. Tyrone. His lordship sit 9 Ilerch, 1651, Elizaboth, eldest dan. of Iltr. Alderman Vincent, of Dublin, Ii. P., hy whom he had several childress. Ho as. 2ndly, Jane, dan. of John Mafloch, Eoq. He if. 5 Nov. 9670, and was e. by his eldest sorviving son, Hmonv-VsNcsior, 5th baron. This ssolslesssan ci. Margaret Moore, oldest oistcr of John, 1st Lord Tssllamore, by whom he had an only survivissg child, Elioor, ci. to Nicholas lichen, Esq., barrister-at-law. His lordship if. in 1689, and was s. by his brother, WILLiAM, 6th bssron. His lordship ci. in 1626, Mary, eldest dan. of Williaan, let Visconnt Chssrlcms,nt, widow of Arthur Diil,sn, Eeq. of Liomnilco, cc. heath; and dying 0 Jan. 1705, was s. by his ossly enrviving son, CAOwALLAOrR, 7th huron, who so. Mary, dau. of the lordship as. Ondly, Mary, dan. and hoir of Sir Alexassdor Caisnes, Dart of Monaghan, which lady so. fndly, Cnl. Charles Murray. lie if. 10 March, 1732, and was a. by his and had issue, CanwaLLansa-Darsa. Asnmicw-Tnossas. Park, cs. Lontts, and if. in 1000, leaving issue, Catherine, ci. 1815, to the Rev. Richard itamibton, rector of Culdaff and Cboncha, co Donegal (sec B05KE’s Laoifc,f Gcsstry, liasmsLvow, of Abbsfstoscn), wise if. 1842, beaviug dsn. of fien. George-Vaughan Hart, of Ktbden’y, late M.P. snd has leslie; 2 Richard-Tipping, Poor Law lsspccior, ss. Anna, dan. of Lscthaus Rbacker, Esq., and baa issns; 3 Alicia, so. loll, to Every Kensscdy, Esq. ef fscbgradc Castle, so. Dublin; 4 Harriette-Catharine, so. Is Sir John .LasrdHair Lawrence, Rart. 1722, and was a. by his cider son, BLA Westmeath, and has issue, CnAnLas, present baron. Geargina, eldest dsn. of Lirnt.-Gea. Tremcnhcosc. Wsltsr-tiedsey, 0.16 July, 1520; sod it. in IsIS. lancers. henry, 5.90 June, 1030, and if. is 1542. Cornwall. Hordes Grange and St. Des, co. York. killed dsn’imsg the conflict at Brussels, 22 Sept. 1830. his,viftbus soasruhis,” Ac. bend eagrailed; and in a chie3 arose, gu. Ct-cot—A dove, with an olive leaf in its moulls,ppr. ppr.; sinister, a lion, gules. jdstlo—Soba )uvst virtns. and Erskine, cc. Reufrow. Town House—I, Cromwell Houses, Sonlh Eeosingtsn.