Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/156

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B T B Csnwas.tsnsa-Dsvic, pt’esen I peer. Anne, at. 20 Nice, lola, in the late Admiral Cltarles Garden, RN.. Cit., brother of the Into Ilt. Ilott. Sir S. Willoughhy Ittitcired, tie Olitliernt, cc. tic ‘I allis Eagae, Esq. of Culleeny’ Gordon, Itt. Chartotte-5o1,hia, ti. in ls33, to Frederic Angerstein, Esq., Saricic, a,. 10 Sept. 1776, to Jobs Eagar, Eeq., J.F. of Aedrisane and ii. 5 .tag. loFt. his lordship ci. 9 April, 1514. (Ieee icsca—20 Jslv, t 62!. A ‘as—Ca.. there n:cccs’ heads, erased. neg. (‘read—A tag’s bract, moped, org., 1,eidted, go. on the forehead Sac,, of itieliard Yietdhtg, Esq. of ddclviesv, co. Limerick, tc piece of tdrtnntcr, wills a pre;eetttcg spike, tie. .S’apj,s,eie,’o—T,ro lcccrees, so., lcridlect. saddled, an,t Icoefeti, or. Motto—I ccsegra tactic tdttgtcetissinia dssesece. Sea l—l.tlaysey Castle, .Maaaghan, Irelond. BLENNERIIASSETT. BLENNEI7RASSETT, Stu ROWLAND, Catherine, ccc. to the Rev. Edward Coayeee, of Knockman. of Blectuerville, go. Kerry, H.P. for Sir Rowland & 24 March, 1591, and was a. hy his eldest Galvray; 8. 5 Sept. 1839; s. his 11. Stn Rononv, 1. 21 Jan. 1769; to. 27 May, 2790, his father as 4th hart, in 1819. 3tincsççc. This family is of Ettgllab nrigitt, anti icas either received Robert, 8.27 d;dy, 1707; ccc. d Sept. tti3, Sarah, daa. of the Its stuctatne frotu, ,cr eetcferred it upon, 121e,cuerhassett, no. Rielcnrd, ii. oh Atsg. 1799 ; ci. ccccccc. Cumlcerlatcd, where it appears to have t,een atatianary fir Wdhiotct, 8. 2 Fetc. 1a02; ci. itticci.. several eeictt,rien. The hllentterltaooetts emigrated franc Catlterine, ‘cc. 16 Itay, 1822, to lice Rev. Ldcvsrd-Fitegerald Flimtty, Ctuuhnrland, atet eettled in Irelastil daring the reign of Ertz.vnrTte; sitcee whtnh peeled, they have mainined the highest ra,tk ancringat the gentry of the go. Sir Robert cL 22 Sept 1822, ascd was o. hy hia son, Merry, where the first settlers, Sta Ttecniae Itenaunsottosacre, lit. S,tt Assvnna, 8. 15 July, 1794, who cc. 26 July, 3226, astd his son, R,cnenv, etitaiteed a part of lice Earl of 2tion Sarah .3lahany (icf tho O’dlahoccys of Korry), and by h.desmp,tih’a large possessions. Rcihort ccc.. Fiieaheth (‘onway, her (whic to. fluIdly, 16 May, 1810, Frederick Randall, Req. dat,. of Captain denkin Conway, Icy Mary, dams, of Sir William of Itighhury, and ci. 11 July, 156c7) had a dan, Itosanna, hberhert (of the C’olehrooke branch of the Herherts), a,cd a sect, the hcresettt Scn ttnwr..vwn, the 4th hart Ste and was father ,cf ducts dLrwseam500nvv, Moq, M.D. f or the ea. Merry, Cerotiaa—22 Sept. 1909. who o. Margaret Lycc, antI had issue, I. Sorts, Mr. foe Merry, aneester of lice RLesaecc005sevvs af bowed, at’g. Bctllyo’ecla, repreeetcted by the present Arthur litonnesheasett, f’emt(A wolf, sejant, ppr. of liallyseetly, Esq. cc. lt,csetrr. its. Tlce,stos. r. Mary, to. to Thnn,as Wren, Esq. cc. Alice, co. to F.d,ttoncl Cotcway, Req. of Clockatte. si. Lucy, ccc. to Jehcc Walker, Esq. The second son, Rooenv Bveteteeanasee.vv, Eoq., to. Alice, dan. and Co. heir of Jenki,t Conway, Fog., acccl was father of three colic and flee cla,cs. The eldest of the farmer, Hromv DLrNtaCr.n,aeseor, Eoq., to. tlccrcas, da,, of Francis Cetcncpe, Rag. ccf Millancev, Icy ttorgas, bcts wife, dan. of Robert Orpen, Esq. of the Ce. Merry, and had, BLO snails, anti had, with six dons., a son, Rowland Ragar Req., dl’., eetlc’etor of excise, es. Merry. store, antI hail five doss. and one eon, Rowland. t aad d. 1826, leaving five sons and one dan. The oiler son, 1. ttuw,,.uan h’ls.smtcssn,t.aasevv, Rag. of Eloncserviile, b. isa 27-11; erocclsci a Idaranet, 92 Sept. 28u9; so. 3lillieent-Agnee, acid had iaacso, P.aseev, his sneee,ser. lt.ict,aed-Fracteie, 8. 23 May, 1172; c,. Agnes, dan. of Sir Larry Iteticte, ltsrt.,actcl ci. isoscelees icc 1827. Arth,cr, of ttleanerc’clle, Ii. 27 (tet. 1776; Os. Sept.! 799, ItelenaJane, dan. of Ttsncas, Lord Vestry, and had a dacL., Dorothea, ccc. to Riettaril Chute, Req., eldest esn of Francis Chute, Esq. of Tidlygaron, co. Merry. Rowland, b. 26 t5ee. 1780; vi. Letitia, eldest dan. of John llcceley, Esq. of Tralee, and has issue. Williat,c, ccc. Elienhelic, dan. of Itirhard Ttlennerhassetf, Esq. of llallyncseprior, acid ,i. in 11142, having had issue. son, cousin, R’csatctta, ottly daa. ccf the late Arthtcr Bleccnerhas— aett, Req. of Foetfield, co. Merry, by whom (who d. its lt2ii) he had issue, Anrnun, Into baronet. itowlond, ll.N., 8. 6 Nov. 1795; ci. ttncce. late ttr. Alexander Logar, h,cst Icas no issue. Coayers, 2nd son of Charles Conyers, Esq. of Casttetown Covyere, ea. Lisneriek, and has issne. Arthur ,l. 1949, Ar,ao—Gu., a chevron, ermine, betcveen three dolphins, em- Jlciita —Fortes feetunajovat. Seal— Charehlewu, scar Killarney. B L 0 1 S. BLots, Stn J0DN-JIALPR, Bart. of Cockfield hall, go, Suffolk, High Sheriff of Suffolk icc 1892, and a ________ B. L. fee that county ; 8. 13 Aug. 1833 ; r. his uncle, as 8th baronet, in 1855 ace. 25 Jan. 1865, Ellen. Ellen, yotcugeot dais, of Capt. Alfred Chapman, R.N., of 90, Eaton lclaee, and has iasvco, t. RsLen-P’sxaoTv-hlAcNaanTEN, 8. 21 Nov. 1866. ii. Charles-Godfrey, is. 27 Dec. 1167. s. Alice-Clara, ‘p Anraea, svbo went to Fnsnce., and because a Dotter of the Sorh,onne. RoBERT, of whonc presently. Samuel, ssc. Catheritte, dacc. of Archdeacon Maurice Coenet’, of Aedfcet, and had (one eons and three does.; Thceuca, htrnry; hahn Wilhian, ; trances, tcc. to Daniel 2t’Carslcy, Esq.; dIary t and Anne, ot. 1st, to John hloave, Req., and 2ccdly, to d. Rleeneehiossett, Esq. Edcvard. Richard, ccc. Itary, dan. of Edward Rice, Req., and had a son, Richard, antI two chaste. I Doreaa, ccc. Is loins Godfrey, Ecq. I Tradition founds this family in Nuglnnd at the CONQUEST, Adele, ccc. to John Yieldcug, Esq. I and states that the sisruame was adopted from the city of Mice, cc. to Daniel Ferris, Esq. of Muekhoagh. Riots, itt France. Lucy, cc. to John ttea(y, Req. Ttcussan ItLuts, hiving at Norton, Stiffolk, in 1478, was The fatseth son, geoat-geascdf;cther of RoenaT Mreteseeansnnarv, Meg., no. Frances, doss, of Rsrssaen Mews, of Gt’nndishswgh Hall (to which seat the Richard Yietding, Rag., by Betitacla, da’s. of Rowland Date- ftcmily removed teecy. ttnuv VII.), whose great-grandson, mau, Req., lugh eheeifl’of Merry, 1669, and had issue, WuLecoat DL0cS, Req. of Grtctcdiabttegh ttahl, m. Cecily, dan, of Sir Thomas Wingfiohd, lInt, and dying ha 1672, was RowLAsn. hie heir. Arthur, svho ccc, Catherine, dan, of James hlicksen, Esq., and s. by his eldest sesevtviug sccn, had aeon, Robert, and adams., itosanna, ,vife of Ste Robert Stu WtLetass limits, btrce, who ot, 1st, Martha, dais, of Rleenerhassett, BarL Sir Itohoet Deooke, cf CorleSeld Hall. Sstflhhk, and by her Rolhcda, do. 10 Cl,ac’les, son of Donis harley (of the fancily of had tic s’sevive, an only ten: he sc. dndly, Jane, dan. of Sir Ticoncas Ilarley, nf Ennekltsg), by Aviee, 5th dau. of Sic Nathasctel Mnrnadistou, lInt., by whom he hsid an oculy Robert hilunserhneeet and his wife Avieo-Consvay. This dart., so. to Sir Accdrew St. John, Late, (see post Sv, Jony of Clsaeles ilurley and his wife, htel’mda, had a dan., Mary, ste. loTallis Eagar, Req. of Roes Catsir. Diet shoe, B.). Sir William was a. in 1675, by bin only surely- Alice, ,ssol Jucse, 1756, to James Eagar, Req. of Castle Rally- iug setu, 106