Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/163

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ROT Oxon and Aldenham, vu. Hots (arc Bonito’s Lei.,drd Gentry). Ho a. at Venice, 21 Aug. 1842, in his 57th Csixsss,es DosLexu, Lord of Casteinau and St. Croix, 8. at year. She d. 11 FoK 1659. They had issue, besides several children, who d. seat., 1 tlenry-Hue”s, 51. A., Nismes, 10 Feb. 1670, lineally descended from Etienne who’s, to Clifden liampden and Aldenh.ene, a direeter Beilean, who was appointed governor and first grand-provost of the Bank of Engl.,nri, a. 6 Slay. 1845, Louisa-Anne, dan. ol’ the late William Adams, LL.D., and his wife, at the revoration of the Edict of Nautcs, and commanded the Itco. Mary-Anne Adams, of Thorpe, co. Surrey a corps of French gentlomcn at thossheusn, under the Duke (see Cncxnvne, Viscouav CULLEN, extOrt), fey whom he has iosne 2 Antony, SEA., at. 7 Dec. 1551, loahallaMargaret. of Marlhorongh. He so. Mary-Magdalon d’Escury, also a dan. and co-hair if David Gordon, Eoq. of refugee of an ancient noble family, and was father of Abergeldic, co. Aberdeen, and 5. Dec. 1856, .5, p. ; I Sisecno Doss.oxu, Esq., 5. at Southampton, 4 Oct. 1717 Charles, oapt. in the 2nd foot (Queen’s royalo) 4 john, (OS.), who horamo a morelsant in Dublin, and snarrying’ MA., its holy orders, Se. 4 jan. 1865, Isabel-Marianne, Magdalen La Conr Dosbroay, was father of dan. of Robert Bright, Rag. of Abboteleigh, 00. Joow-Povoa BOILE.CU, Esq., t. 30 Nov. 1747 (OS.), who Somereot, and has issue ; 1 Mary-Borotlsea, ci. 2 bloc, 5856, Gesrge-Rdevard Adams, 51.A., barriator-at’law, so. 25 Nov. 1790, Henrietta, eldest dan. and co-heir of the yonngcst son of the late William Adams, LL.D., coed ttov. George Pollen, of Littlo Eookham, Surrey, and C. Hay the Hon. Mary-Anne Adams, of Thorpe, co. Sorroy. 1.6:17, having had, dan. of Charles, 5th Viscount C’nllan (c,, Boone’s Eslisicl nod Dormant P,’ roar, by wlsom she h a issue. 7 Charlotte, b. 28 Feb. 1759; ot. 8 Oct. 1822, her cousin, George Folleo, 8. t4 Aug. 1758, in holy orders, reotor of little the Rev. William Crawley, youngest son of Sir Thomas Crawley-Boevey, Dart. (ocr atoc, (. 1. Snoanna, in. 1st, Edmund Baotard, Esq. of S’’uth Wamuford, Os. Devon; Sndly, in 1777, Sir Thomas-hyde Page, Knt. of the royal osagincers, by whom she had no Cba,’ics-Lestork, late major in the rifle le’igade, a. let, 1831, issue, lied, at Boulogne, 20 juno, 1821, aged 74, being father (by another wife) of Slary-Alhinia, who c. Sir Thomas Crawley-Boovoy, Dart. (see “J’ome) it. Katherine, se. 12 March, 1777, Rev. Duke Yonge, of Cornivood. en. Devon, rector of Otterton. in that co., by whom she had a linmer000 issue (see BunKo’s Lo n,trd Gentry), of which one eon, Janaes Yonge, M.D., and two dane., Catherine and Charbtto, so. their conoina, rIse cbildrosi of Sir Thomas Crawley-Beevey, East. (ace abs or). Creatiao—22 jan. 5784. .Aroio—Errninois, on a teem, an., between three cranes, ppr., a saltier, between two oroas.croooleto, fltchoe, or, for Creatiac—Joly, 1838. CRAwLEY; and for Boovoy, on a chief, cnn., a bond, go., A ‘etc—Az., a tower, triple-towered, masoned, ea.; in base, a charged with three guttoa-d’or, between two niartlots, sa.5 The family have tbs following goarteringa ; let, erin., on a ereeeoat. saltier, go., a crescent, or, for LLoYD of (‘ere-y-Gedol; 2nd, (‘root—A pelican in her piety, ‘pr., charged en the breast smith arg., six lioncels, rampant, three, two, and one, a creecent, a sahlier, eouped, go., the sieet resting on a coronet. for difference, ca. for SAvAGE of .16i-eoclsray; 3rd, ai’g three hears’ boads, touped, so., muzzled, or, a chief, to., ,Seal—ltotteniogtiam Park, Wymondhsm, Norfolk. for BARROw of’ Idipkyrove. C’rrst—On a mount, vert, a crane, ppr., collared, beaked, and holding in the dexter foot a saltier, or. JIolto—Esse qnam videri. Sott—Flaxley Abbey, near Newnham, co. Glanecoter. BOILEAU, SIR Joule-PETNR, of Tacoloeetooe Hall, co. Norfolk, F.R.S. Ii. 2 Sept. 1791 ; 20.14 Nov. 1825, tue Lady Catheri,oo-Sarab Elliot, 3rd dan, of Gilbert, lot Earl of (Nlioto, and by boy (who el. 22 Juno, 1862), hae bad issue, 1. John-Elliot, 8. 1827 ; d. at Dioppe, 8 Oct. 1861. Is. Fnanioso - Gecaun - MxaNsNnnxai, barrioter - at - law, BotsNoDnotoE AND ST. JOHN, VISCOUNT (Sir Henry lient. in Norfolk militia ; as. 2 Ang. 1568, Lucy-llarriot, St. Jnlsn(, Baron St. John, of Lydias’d Trognzo, en. oldest dan. of Sir George Nogont, Dart., and has had Wilts ; Baron St. John, of Battorsea, co. Surrey Arthnr-John Vernon, 5. 1861, d. 8 Aug. 1861 ; JonxFaxocse-ELtIo’e, and a Barooot; 6. in 1820; s. hio father, as 5th via. 5. 20 Oct. 1865 a eon 5. 6 Oct. 1668 count, 1 Oct. 1851. and a dan. t. It July, 1867. ni, Edmund-William-Pollen. iv. Charles-Augoetoe-Ponrhyn, Bent. rifle-brigade, a. at This fancily springing its the sualo line from the PoRTs, Malta, 1 Aug. 1855, of wounds received befos’e Sobastopol lords of Dasing, cc. Southampton, at the Conqsiest, derives, on the 16th June. I. Anna-Maria, so. in 1852, to the Rev. Wm.-Hay Gurney, WioLs,oss no Se. Joust,° u-ho came into England with tho lii. A., rector of North Rnnoton, Norfolk. is. Carolino-Slary. - iii. Agnee-Lney, Ca. to the Hon. Williani-Jehn lemon. collar, ‘was lsomno for his cognizassee. lIe ma. Olivia, dan. of iv. Mary-Georgina. V. Themoa-Anue-Cathosine. Sir John-Peter Boilcau u’ae created a Baronet in Jona usc ST. John, who inherited, on the denslee of his 1838. These arms were granted in 1789 to Sir Thomas CrawloyBoevey towns of the sanso name, called STANTON ST. Jonu). Tbse (on his succeeding to the baronotey), and to his John was a person of groat ensis,eneo in the reign of descendants bearing the noose of Crawley-Boeroy, and the W1LLSAM tluvoe, being one of tho ta’elvo knights that arms of Crawley without the chief to the dereenaaote of h is father. Tue family had previously borne the coat of (the sr accompanied Hubert Fitn-Itamon, Earl of Gloucester, so a oonsins) the Crawleys of Lnton, which coat was used en 1614 by Thomas Crawley, of Kings Walden, thesr ancestor, Ronen. but not allowed. 113 BOL Ltllcagc. of Paris, in 1255, by Locus IX., emigrated from France Jona-Povma, created a Baronet. Ilsoichans, in Snrrey, which estate lie inlseriled fi’oin Isle nsatrrssal grandfather, anti aesamed lice additional ssimnasoe of POLLEN. lie so. in 1814, Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Ja,nes hail, Dart., and 1, Nov. 1s47, having had issue, Johnleongles, ant other children. (See Iirnae’s Jostled GoOey). Aosolia, only child of the late Liaat.—Coo. the llight Hen. Sir ttredorick Adam,, which lady d. 1811; 2edly, 1616, Istargarcl, dan. of William Stirling, Esq., and relict of Clandimn Rerr, Esq., DIG. service, and has by hera don., Mary-Elizabeth, ‘to. Oct. 1859, to henry-Davis Willoek, Log., Dosgal civil service, Intl son of Sir Hoary lVilloclc, it.L.S., a diroclor of the late P. t. Co., asd fornserly envoy to the Court of Persia; and lrdly, is Nov. 1648, Maria, dan. of Edward Weahans, Peg. of hastings. lloorielta-llania, so. to Dr. Scott, )Lli., 4. 3 Stay, 1817, bay tag a dan., Henrietta, ot. to J. Jehnsteno, Esq. Motto—Do tout nson ewnr. Town Ilaoee—H, Upper Brook Street, B 0 L TN GB R OK E. Iiiitcagt. through the female line, from Coagsuusoc, as grand master of the artillery, and snpom’isor of the wagossa and oas’rtagea ; whence the horses’ hanses, or Italph de Ftlgios’s, of Normandy, and had by her, Thonsas who d. without issue, and hnothor, all the lands in England, and principally the lordship of STANTON, co. Oxen (for distissetlois f eons the other The nanae was taken from the territory of St. John, near B 01 LEA U.