Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/164

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The oiler son, ROGER VS. Si’. Joins, or. Cierley. clan, and heiress of Robert cons clam fighting nrrster the royal standard. lIe was succeeded do hays, Ion I of the nianor of Halnsrz, ca. Suffolk, a kinsroan isy Cathorine, darn. amrrl co-Ireir of liu,r,rtirs, Lord Vere, Baron of hlrxrev I an’ bad, with two sons, a sian., Mr triAL, who ri. Reisrald do Aurea Xallo, or Orvylo, and had a dan,, of Tilisriry, which lady rn. alter his decease, John, Lord K sort ORa’a’LE, o Ito m. ADAM CE Pour, a powerful Pourlet) his grrnrdsonr, foul C I, kern (has tog tire heal sf his b!Lrouy at liasing, Cs. Sire JOHN, at whoeo deooasc, Hoer., the title reverted to S sntlr’nRf’tOll), anl had a son and heir, who, assnrning the his nude, snnrarrso of his matermd ancestors, heroine WILLIAM DO ST. Jona, Lord ‘f Basing, in which lord-hip u’h,s resided prhseirally at htsrttereoa, or, Jehanna, dan. of aurl his other territori.rl possessions he was o. by his son, tIre Lord Chief Justice St. John; and dying 3 July, 1705, ROBERT DC ST. Jona, Lord of llasirr4, who, in the lInd of svae a. by his rsrrly son, TIes,r.v Ill., had s,nr,mr’ns to boat Chester up’’n Monday Sia HENRY, whnr ‘sorts elevated to the peerage as Bom’srn next aftor tho feast of St. Jolui the Ilaptiot, well aceoutrrd Pt. J’-ssrur nJ B”tler’ero, arid ViscouNT ST. JonN, 1 July, 1716, with horse arid arnao to °pp so the ir,00roirns of tire for life with rensainder to his 1usd and 3rd sons, John and Welsh. Prom the oldest 0011 of this feudal lord, by Agnes, llrlirs ; and their issue osale, and fm-thor remainder to dan. of William do lJa’rielupe, Jena, clrserrslesh the I,orcls sf St. Jelin, of Basing, represented frosonsi statesman and writrr in the bongos of AHRE, by the Marquess of Winchester, AnrI from the second, WILUASI DC ST. Jona, of lire castle of Faumsnt, Co. his e,wn issue male, to his fatirer and isis fatirrr’s iseae male, Glamorgan, sprang SIR Our ere Sr. Jona, who acquired the lordship of Viscount Brnlirrgbrsske ‘sorts atlrrirrted bra 1714, brst rootoned in Bletehoe, in the reign of Heano Vt., with hio wife, Margaret, 2nd wife lice Marclri,sness ste Viletie, niece to the celebrated dan. of Sir .Joh,n Eeanehaeop, and sister and n ‘Is heiress of John Lsrd Be rechamls, 51 lllelshoe, co. horlhaorptsrr ; by which nsairi.rge, Lycliard Tsugone came also wife, Atrgetioa 3lagdatene, dais. sf George I’Besary treasurergonoral into the family of St. John. Sir Ohver 51. John S. in 14:17, and his wilew s,. IndIa’, John Beauforf, Iluke of Somerset, Jona, Inst ‘h’iscouirt St. John, who or. let, Anne, darn. KG., by whem she hid rr din., Jlargaret, who a. E’lsur,rnd amid co-heir of Sir htobort ymasese, Baremret, and had tb-es Tn’lor, Earl of llieh,nond, and by hi,u was mother of o,sns arid tbroo dane. Tic m. trrdly, itoster, eldest class, of heaRT Vii. From the oIler san of Sir OhTer, Sir John J,shnr Clarke, Esq., lsrmt lry her hsrd ire issue. His lordship St. John, Knt., deseeu,Ied the Lords St. John, of Bletehee. ml. irs Peb. 1749, and was o. by his eldest eon, The 2nd son, OLIVER ST. Jon hal lIre lordship of Tydiard Trogene, succeeded, iii 1731, to the hsuns,ru’e ef his nncle, Henry, and was, as L ‘land writes in his Jlisscr’ory, a stout btrek altrrhrlcd as otrrted above, and became fud ‘meeonaT BorraoERORE nian, and rUed at Penh.irabia. in Spaisr. He s. Elizabeth, dais, of I.erd Sereope, and left, with three dans., an only preventing the atlaioslnr ruffecling tire inrtereot of the lot son arr’l heir, Sire Jona ST. Josma, chamberlain to Margarrt. Countess Visrosiut Bs’Unsghreke’s father’s deeeendrrote through his of Riohmond,e grandnrsther of llesRr VII., and eon of yr rsnrsger sotss.,.after that attaimuted Vioeemrnt’s death). his the executors ol her will. Sir Jolrrr if. in lIlt, and wa’s lsnrdship me. in 1737, L.sdy Di.rna Spencer, eldest dan. of by his son, fOuR ST. Jona, where ss’n arid heir, Sr. Jossx, Es,1. of Ly,li ,rd Tregozr, or. Elina in. Freslerioln, a gvneral officer in Use army, is. 29 Dec. 1765; beth, don, of Sir Richarsi Blonnt, of Maple Durham, on. Oxfool, and had isone, JOHN (Sir), u’ho inherited T.ydiard Osrvno, sf whoso preseully and itiels,e-d. The secs,rrd son, OLIVER ST. Jorra, having the niof,,rtssne to kill, in a turn, one liest, captain of the guard to Qnoen Er.rzAm-aR, was obliged to relinquish the stn-ly of the law, and fly tire kingslonc. Adeptirsg as silitary hfo, he obtained eonsi,lerable reneson in the wars of ELmzonn:rH arid J.ssre, in Ire land, ansi was everstoally a’hvrnreesl t” the peerage of that khrgd”rn, as t’i’zn,’s,t Ore, lisp, with lin,ntation to the issrne of Iris nephew. Sir Elu oral Vilhiers (which Vie ‘ournty now merges iii tire earislemn of Jersey). ,arrd to tire peerage of Englanrl, by tt e title of Bsreesr l’ssg’o”. In tire next year, his lor’slship olstatrsed a grant of the nraurors of Battersea a,,sl Waurslssrsrtlr 1 nut si. witisourt ies’se, :19 Isec. 1f30, when the Esrghiob barony expired. The rsrarrors of He mrs. 2ndly, in 1793, Arabella, 3rd dan. of William, 6th Lord Uatteraea ansl Waurdesserib be lseqrreathed to Jehsr, tIre Craven, b3- arimem (svluo 1. in 1519), lie had iesoe, only ssrrvivhsg sen of his 1 ‘rallier ; and rspemr that brother himself, Sin Jolla ST. Joins, hasl rievolvesl, as state 1 above, the estate at Tydiard. Sir John had rsr. Lucy, dan. ansI heiress This lady fenaderl Clrrist’e ansi SI. Jehn’e Colleges at Cansirrisige. 114 5, ,lona. i. Barbara, m. Is Sir Edward Vililiers, Ent., Isy whem she hod issue, 1 Wnr.r,uAar, 2nd Visceent Ocaodisan, srhose only dan. ansI Isrir, IiAEs000, m. Beget Palmer, Earl of Castlemaine, in Irela,,sl. Sire was ottorwards ereated I ‘orisees of Cleveland, by CirArurEs II., and svas mistress of that menareh. 2 Jrsns, who ,s. as 3rd Viscoont Grandison. 3 (irosoc, 4th Viscornrrt Or ao’iison. 4 EnwArn ISir), rrnrestor of tIre Earls of Jersey. Sir John was a. at bis otezearo by his only snrvts log soil, Icr uue rsl trim, g ‘r lorslhmeu’mu rInsing, ‘u’ grmrcer. return I lIre Sir’. JOHN Sr. J,shn, Knt. ef Battereoa and Wandsworth left Is-mn mrf a reol.uio nrsmm,lmer si Irimigirre b,srre , ‘1 rvlmcrurm ‘seas II, is .1,1mm St. Jolrmrb. unit lire)’ msrmglnt l,e immrlsllrd 15 (by the beqneot of his deoeaaed undo, lord Grnomdioon), lnglus’r dcc sIn nsf r’.ul,nnur. ‘liii’s is ouppsrenh try eomne to Ira’s e gin oa rise i,le;r of the Order of lire Garter. svhs u’as or-eabesh a Bsrronel, It May, 1611. This geirtleman svan zealously attached t5’ tire royal canoe, and had three at his decease, by (tIre sssur of his eldest son, Oliver, SIR WALTER, SIP. for the Co. Wilts. This geirtleman, the heirs male of his b’ ‘dy. His eldest son by his first wife, Lady Mary Rich, iIo’onv, fs,at Bitter-sea, to 1672, the G,.OHGL I., rrnd GcssnGs: 11 , lrrrd Imeemi previously creatsd, 7 July, 1712, Bsrr-ess SI. JAn, of Ly’li’ss’rl l’s’egrsze, and Vroocruar Bcsrrar,nnoor, en. f.ioc-shrr, with ronrahrder, faihnrg 1713 to iris esirstos, witbs,nt his lrssssonrs : ho urn. tn-tee (his Msrd,rme de Mainten’ ‘n) butt S. childless in 1751. isessont SI. John was e. by Isle eldest eon (by his 2nd of tire nssani005, in Framree, snider Loins XIV.), PnnnnRrcK, 3rd Viscssrmnt St. Joins, t. in 1734, who ferrther (the second limitation in thc isateut of that creation, Charles, 2mrd Duke of Strn-lbsrengh, by u hem ha had two seu’vie’iurg oens, 1. Oroeoe-Rrrtmarn, his nnreemror. sr. 1st, 5 Dee. hiss, Siary, hod dais. of William, 5th Slarqaees of Lotinian, arid b her (s-ho ‘1.6 Feb. 1791), had aeon, I ltobett-Willinnos, I. in 1791, consmsl-general at Algiers, seho or. Elicaherh-31,rria, rlae, of Joirn Barker, Esq. of Wakefield, ro. York, aod nb. 19 Kor. 1644, having had, llenry-Tlsonras, 6. mi 1 ‘15; sf. in 1947. I”rederick-Arnlrur, a ouajer in rho armory, 6. Ic 16271 m. 29 3larrh, 1607, Eliealseth.l)epso, dau. of rhe late 5. 31. Fear, Eeq. efPlsbadcl1rhnia, and ml. at Paris, 23 Jan. 1661. Stork-Kerr, rapt. sth Bengal cavalry, 6. in 1934’ 5. 29 Dee. 1967. Barbara-Lenisa, on. in] 941, to 91. Theebald do Ia Peroose and ‘f.ia 1555. 1.eusi’a-Cocolioe, re-in 1043, ho N. Paul de Soebeyran. Eruily-Dians, ‘55. in 1646, taM. Soeteau do Slalroy, and if. in lshh Caroline-Jane, ri. in 1511. Charlofte.Eltnabelh. I Oeorge-’sVilliann. un holy orders, rector of Stanton Lacy Salep, 5.4 May, 1796. 2 George Frederiek-tberlneley, late maer 52nd regt. and anhseqeenlhy a nsilirary knigirl of Windsor, 5.2 Oct. ‘1797’ no. 18 Jan. 1536, l-tearietta-honuha-Slaris, 3rd dao. of the Re’s-. John .teislrson, and S. 24 JnIy, 1666, having had iseore, i5rederirlr-Eslwarsl-htolynesx latelterrt. 1.31. 1.1638 tsr. 20 Jan. 1962, Kallrerine, olden dan of Janres Ranee B 0 T1 130L u-arhiko expedition agairust tho Welsh, aird received, ‘‘iii of Sir Wrrlter Unsugerford, of Parley, co Wilts, and had rera-ard for Iris gre.rt services, and Irehlss iii mmaarmy victories,’’ survivinrg isarne, the castle of F rresrsr, silt, cs. (lam, r-_run. lie Isis1 ivemue, a dan. Avonis, sr. tsr air L’erurriral ole St. ‘Vrrlery, raid tsve sours, 1. Bones, ol ,vlmoro is’esescI-. — in. ‘l’lm,rirsaa, Lorsi of st,,rston Sr ..lrshrn, lining 13 1 loaax I u. ‘selr,ssr Ssr,r. Ilrsrseo, seas aesenserl £173 6s. sit, for lreepaosimmg in tire irimug’s lor’esle, 12 1,a Ii. ‘lire gramrslss,mn ,rf tins hhrsger, ,lmrnurr sx.,l,’ oa - ‘scan lsihlr,l at time i,r,h lIe orf Er’erlroi,r, 43 Pow. Ill. I he sn’s ins lime Issir’ rerrrs uvitir I heir rnsrs I nnlm,r, at the siege ‘f Aeon. hr ltrleulinr, aslopserl rise