Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/177

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BRA dan. of Sir John Smith, Knt. of Ostenhanger, Kent, and wos e. at hio decoaso, in 1629, by his eldoot son, R1CRARD NnvseLo, Req. of litllingbero, who sis. Anne, dass. of Sir John Hoydon, Knt. of Baeonthorpe, Co. Norfolk, s. Catherine, 8. 1911cc. 1641. and had, with othor isono, s. RICHARD, who s. at Biuingbere, SIP, for Berkslsire, es s’s. Caroline, no. in 1617, to l’aosl-Rcilby ‘fhompoon, Esq. 01 Catherine, dan. of Ralph, Lord Grey of Werke, and had issue (with an elder son, who 8. o.pj, 1 hENRY, who assumed the name of Geex, rss. his eosssin His lordship, lord-Bent, and viee-adsniral of Essex, provostmarshal Elizabeth, sister and co-heir of Edward, 3rd Loan GeIFFIN and of. in 174i, s. p. his widoss sos. 2ndly, John, Earl of College, 8. 1 Starch, 1645, and was s. by his eon, Portsmouth, and 8. o. p_jo 1702. I Catherine, so. to Richard Aldsrorth, Esg. of Staelake; and RscsIAnn, Lord Rs’ayhreeke, LL.D., F.S.A., 3rd Baron of dying in 1762, left a son, lticneao, who aasomed else name of Nes-rrs.r, on the Brayhreoks, 9. 26 Sept. 170a ; sos. 13 Slay, 1619 Jasos, dan. of death of Elizabeth, Coouteoe of l’ortoosoostb; and dying Charles, 2nd Slarqssese Cornwalhs, and by her ( h’s of, 63 Sept. in 1793, left a son, RIeOIARD, who 3. as 2nd Loan Basseaooaa. s. Anne, sss. to Richard ttainsford, Esq., eldest son of Sir is., present peer. Richard ltainsford, of Dallington, Lord Chief Josslire of tise its. hleury-Aldwer;ls, 9.20 Oct. 1624, capt. gren. guards; fell Court of King’s Bench frosn 1676 to 1676, and left an only iv. Lavssseeo, to Isely ordo’rs, MA., is. 22 April, 1927: hlaster dan. and heiress, ANN RAsosroen, who espeuaed JAMes GnsFFsN, 2nd Lord Griffin, of ilmybrooke Castle, en. Northampton, and by her (who d. 1797) had iosne, EnwAun, 3rd Loan GRiFFIN, who o&.s.p. in 1742, when the V. Grey, an officer 5th dragoon-guards, 9. 15 Get. 1090; of. dignity expired, and his property dsrolved upon his sisters, as co-heirs, viz., Eeizaeovu, us. tst to her rosssio, HENRY NEVILLE, who Is. Louisa-Anne, sos. 30 lane, 5059, to Sir Ilenry-Stervyn assosmed the surname of Gaoy, as already stated; and 2ndly, to John, Earl of Portsmouth; but U. issueless in Its. Lucy-Geergiea, os. 13 Jnly, la52, to the leon. and Rev. 1762. Anne, sn to Willians Whitwell, Esq. of Oundlc, ro. Northasnpton, aad eventually became solo heiress of the Lords Los’d Braybs-onke, whoo obtained nonclo credit floe his editorship Griffin. The oldest son ef the above Anno Griffin, by the said productions, of. 13 March, 1056, asod was s. by hOe eldest son, William Whitwoll, JOHN GRIFFIN-WHSTwNLL, hang obtaisted from his aunt, RIcHAOD-CORNwALLL5, 4th baron, who was 9. 17 Star?h, the Conntess of Portssnonth, her share in the estate of 1020; and us. 27 Jan. 1052, Losdy C’harlootte-Sarah-Gs-ahaoo h’affiaon Walden, eo. Essex, assnmed, by act of parltansent Toler, dan. of the late Earl of Noorloury, anot by her (svbo (52 Geonne It.) the surname and arms of Gnss’ysa ; and on. dodly, Br. F. Hettoy, and 01. 4 Feb 3607) had issue, two having his claim admitted to the ancient Boo-stop of Hssn’rd dasso., Catloertose -Elizabeth, and Slary - I sal ‘ella. tOe st. do Walden (as the great-grandson and sole heir of lady 21 Feb. 1001, and was s. by his next brother, CssAnLraConNwALLss, Essex Howard, wife of the 1st Lord Griffin, and only child of James, 3rd Lord Howard of Walden), was sunsononed to Crcotiess—5 Sept. 1710. parllasnent, 3 Oct. 1764, as 4th Baron Ilswoord of Ii’ooldca. A “sac—Quarterly s lot and 4tls, sa.; a griffin, segreant, arg.; His lordship was created, 5 Sept. 1706, BARON OF Bessenooxe, beaked, and fore-legged, or, for GRIFFIN; 2nd and 3o’d, go., on in Ike en. S’srllsosospisss, with remahsder, los default a saltier, arg.; a rose, seeded and barbed, ppr., for NeVILLe. nf male issue, to Richard Aldworth-Nevflle, Rsq. of Billinghere, t7o’o’st.sGesrvsN, a talbct’e head, erased, sa.; ECVILLE, a ball only son of Richard Nevilie-Aldworth, Esq. of Stan- statant, arg., spotted of a liver-ccloor, collared ansi chained, or. lake, in the co. Oxford. who aoonmed the son-name and Ssoppso’teo’e—Tsso hone, rasospane regardant, avg.; maned, and arms of Novitle (refer to isosse of the tact Richard Neville, Peats—Audley End, Saffi-on Walden, Co. Essex; Heydon of Biuingbere). The baron 8. 25 May, 1797, s. p., when the Ifense, Royston, Rcrto; and lillhingbear, Wokingbam, co Seeks. former barony (Howard of Walden) fell into abeyance, and Tesroo Hesse—42, Upper Brook Street. the latter devolved, according to the limitation in the patent, upon the said RIcRAND ALnwonvn-Novss.s.o, of liitlingberc, Eoq., as 2nd Baron of Hrayhreoke, 5. 3 July, 1750. Rio lordohip assumed, in 1750, the surname and arms of Griffin, in BREADALKeNE ANB IIoLl,A7ep, EAEL or (Sir JohnAlexander-Gavin addition to, and after, those of Aldworth-Neville. He sa. in 1760. Catherine, youngest dass. of the Bight Hon. GeorgeGmnville, Palostlaud, Lord Glenorahy, Bnncdcraloch, Ormclio, and sister of George, lot Margucoo of Bucking- ham, by whom (who d. in 1796) he had issue, I. Rscaaeu, 3rd haron. is. henry, a capt. of dragoons, who 4. in Spain in 1609, after 6. 30 March, 1824 ; o. his coossin as 6th Earl, S Nov. the battle of Talavera. iii. George, hA., in holy orders, master of Magdalene College, 1562. He on. 7 March, 1550, Mary-Theresa, ossly Cambridge, dean of Windsor, and chaplain in ordinary to don. of J.-F. Edwarde, Esq. of Dublin, and has the Queen. 9. in 1709, assumed the additional surname of issue, GeasvsrLv, in 1025, pursuant to the will of his kinsman. I GAvsN, Lord Glenes-clsy, 9. 1651. Lord Glootanbory; on. I Stay, 1610, Charlotte, dan. of is. tvass, 1,. 18th. George. 3rd Earl of Dartmouth, KG.; and d. 10 June, 10b4, heaving sosno, I Ralph Nevillo, H.P., 9. in 1017; oa. 1045, Joelia-Roberto, dan. of Sir Robert-Frankland Ruooell, Bare., and has, Robert, 9. 1040 George, t. 1950; Hogh, to. 1951 ; a sos, 0. Son DUNCAN CassvnnoL, of Lochow, who was created Leo-of 24 Aug. 1608; louis, b. 1692; Agaos-hlogdsleu; Beatrice, C’ooaphell of’ Ao’gytt, by JAssee II. of Scotland, no. Lady Slurjory and Etiseidreda. 2 William-t’rederick, 9. 1610, in holy erders; on. 20 Jan. Scotlassd, and granddass. of Rsowrna It., by whom he left 1047, Fanny-Grace, dan. of William Blaclcweod. Esq., and two sesos, the elder. AiscosnAru, his sncce500r, front whous has, Williaso, llary, Constance, Augustine, and Grace. 3 Seymour. in holy orders, 0. in 1023; sos. 6 Sept. 1659, the house of Argylt derives, and tise y005ngcr, Agnes, youngest dan. of the late 11ev. Charles Proby, 1 Sm CoLsw CAMPEELL, 6. about 1400, upton whom boa canzo of Windsor, and vicar of T,vickenham. 4 Edward, lient.-col. in the army, late Ocoto fao.-gdo., 9. father ‘settled the estate t,f Glesossrchy, sehich haoi esnse isotn 1024: on. 10 April, 1600, Georgiaoa-Fraoees, dan. of the the Campbell family, teoosp. DAVID II., hy the maniage of late Vincent Cocbott, Esq. 9 Glaaieubosry, capt. royal mgi000ro, 9. in 1029; killed its says Douglas -, was a usaos sf bigls ressowso for mititas’y action at Baredia, near Ratghoc, 31 Jan. 1650. O Williaan-Wyndham, bin 1034. I Seances-Catherine, on. 26 Nov. 1619, tIme Rev. E. Foci. 2 Geargiana, } twins. 127 BRE 4 Harriet-Louisa, no. 17 Jan. 1034, to the Rev. C.-ArandellSt. John llildmay, rector of Lapwnrtls. 5 Adelaide, od. 20 June, 1037. is. Stacy, sos. in 1617, te Sir Stephen-Richard Glynn, Bare. Eocrictc Park, created Lord Wenlock, and U. his widow 2 Slay, 1800. of Jamaica, recorder of Sait,s,n-W’slolou, higtssteward of Wokinghasn, and hereditary vinilar of Slagdalesoe 1850) had isosse (who all boar the namo of Ness LLC oosly, of tlse Diary sf Seo,ooct Popyz, sssd for other literary 5th aood presesot peer. tufted, sa.; gorged with a chaplet of olive, vert. Melee—Ne vile sells. BREAD A LB A NE. Campbell), Vioeoouut of Pay and and Weik, in the peerage of Scotland ; a Baronet of Nova Scotia; late a captain in the lot Iloyals s. Eva, 6. 1055. Stewart, dan. of Robert, Dnkc of Altnssy, Regent if Margaret Glenurchy with Jehss Cain pioe1i. ‘‘Sb- Coliss,” prowess, and for the virtues of social osnd olo saestic life. tte was a stream of mosey tides ngaissst she foes-of the people, host like the gale that meveo the locath to tiseose who seosght his aid.” After the nsosrder of JAasrs 1., 1437, hoe exerted s., 4th baron. at lnkennann, 5 Nov. 1054. of Magdalene Coflcge, Cosssshridge, rector of lleydoo—withChishtll, Essex; os. 2Jone, 1873, Lucy-Frances Le Barchant, eldest dao. of Jolso Re hlarrhant ‘fhomas, Req. of Btlltssg’ - bcoe, and has Jtcnry, 9. 11 July, 1957, and Grey, 9. 4 10cc. 1007. 11 Nov. 1494, of e’oonds received at lialaklava. .Stirabell-Janc, Vavaeessr, Bart., of Sisaloltugtoos, cc. look. Arthur Sante, 91.1., rectoor osf Fssslmire, Cambntdgeslsiae, youngest son of Jolon, IrsI Eas’l of Slexherengb.