Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/178

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BRE himself its pursuing the regicides, and was so diligent, flint ho soon apprehended and brought to justice two of the assassins, Chalmers and Colquhoun, in recompense for which service Ring Janen ill afterwards bestowed on him the barony of Lawers. Sir Cohn l,nflt the Castle of Nilchurn, his Glenurehy, in 1440. lIe on 1st, Mary, dan. of the Earl of Lennox, hut by her had no issue, lie so. 2ndly, Margaret, 2nd daughter and coheir of John, lord Lorn, with whom he got a third of that lordship. which still remains in the family, awl Sir (olin qnartereel honcoforw,,rel the GAol_nv nr Lona with his paternal achievement by this lady he had as, e’nly son, Deanaa, his successor, and a dan., Goibis, to. to MclJowle of I.srn. Its itt lrslly, Margaret, dan. of Robert Iiolartson, of Strowsin, and by her bad a son, John, bishop of the Isles, 4. 1109. lIe s. 4tlsly, Ilargarot, dan. of Luke Stirling, of Keir, and had Ity her a son, JnnN, ancestor of the Earls of t.ondomt. tie ,t. before if June, 1478, anti was o. by bis eldest son, I Sin DUNCAN CAa,mnrLm, who, in his father’s lifetime, was designated of Glosntrelty, by charter, datod Of Feh. 1400. TIc so lot, 1470, Margaret, dan. of tioorgo. 4th Earl of Angus, and by her, who ii. 1400, hsLd (wills two other sans and a class.) Comic, lug ssseccsaar. lIe so 2ndly, Margaret, dan. of the laird of lloncrieil by whoist he had anoiher son and two dasso. Ho fell, 9 Sept. 1511, at the battle of Flodden, with his royal master, J.sasoa IV. lIe was e. by his eldest son, O SIR CULIN Cgoirento, of Glennrchy, who ss.llarjory, tlh dan. of John, Earl of Athole, and by her (who ti. 1820) had ihs’ee sons, Boice.scc, Jona, and Coma, Ho it 12 Any. 1981, and was o. by isis oldost salt, 4 BoacoN Caasnarot, of ttonnrcby; he ci. Marjory or Mary, Ird dan. of Sir .lohn Colqnhonn, of Lnss, but dying withsnt male issue in 1130, was e. by his brother, 5 JnnN Catsraemm, of Llonnrehy, whoa Ihoist, sister of William Edsnonstsnn, of Dnnlsreath, but dying 1330, withont male issue, was o. by his lsrsther, 6 Cotta Csaspertm, of Ghcnssrchy he st. lot, Margaret, dan. of Bishop Alexander Stewart, and by Isee had two dsLoe. He 55. billy, Catherine, doss, of W1l:iant, 2nd Li,rd Enthvon, and by her had fsnr sane and five dana. tie it. 11 April, 1584, and was a. by his eldest son, I. Sin DUNCAN C.sstreett )hsnghlod l200, 7fh of Glenssrchy vi. Alexander, anceslor of the Camplsells sf Lochdsehart, of or Glenorchy, called ‘‘Black Duncan,” and “ Donarha dhn isa Cnrich,’’ i.e. ‘‘ Duncan with the Conl,’’ es ho was is, high vi,. lossnean, asieeotor of lice Camphehis of Aecklysse, user favour wiih JAMEs VI., ,‘sssd was snade by that monarch, in 1117, heritable keeper of the forests of lIamnl,wn, Mondaskerlic, Pc., with enasiy valnable privileges, and created, Sir ttehei’i was e. by his eldest son, 00 May, 1621, a .b’aossol of Noes Scr,lfa, and high-sheriff of II’. Sin Joust Caaus’aoi.t, Mart., 16th hdrd of Glenerchy, the co. Perth, for life, lie ci. 1st, 1074, Joan, 2nd dan. of who ci. lot, Lady Ilary Omaham, dan. of Wihhiatat, Earl of John, 4th Earl of Athido, lord chancellor of Scotland, and Simaihoen, Olesstehth, asid Airth, tsp whom he had (with a lsy her had, Cnt:y-Ennrnr, five sthor eons, ond four dans, dan. Agnes, si. is Sir Alexander Mennies, hat Dart, of Weene), lIe ci. 2ndiy, Elizabeth, only dais, of Patrick, 3th Lord Sinclair, a son, Jeinse, his successor. lIe see. tndly, Christiass, dan. of and by her had twe eons and four dan.s. Sir Duncan Jsshsa llssschot, Rot1., of Crsnghead, and had several dans. was e. at his decease, 1631, by the eldest son of his lot wife, Sir John was e. by his snh son, II. Sin Coma Caannttt, Mart., 0th laNd of Glenerchy, V. 5mw JoaN Ca.airs,rs.t, it tis laird of Glcnerchy. This who st. Jnhiana, dan. of Iltigh t’assspboll, Lord Lend un, Sir John being the chief rrediior of George, 6th Earl of bat d. without icons, 6 Sept. 1640, and was a. by his brother, Caithsneas, ohtaissed a dispositiosi from Ihat nobleman of his III. Sin RoDenT C.saspnrtt, llart., 0th lah’d of tilonorchy whole oslale and sas’Idom, with the hereditas’y jnrisdicfions and enbeoquently laird nf Glenfalloch. lie st. Isabel, doss. amid titles; and on tho deneise of his lordsltip in lf7f, was of Sir I.achlan llaeintosh, of Ts,reeaotle, captain of the Clan created, by patent, dated 28 June, 1e77, Reel sf C’ssillsaeea; Chattan, ly whom he had (with suns dasse.), Jona, his snecossar. ii. Doncan, it. eo ci. in. Colic, of Moeliasler, who had a charler of Tareic-Eaeler, Sir Jehss Canepliell obtained a new Isatent of nobility’dated in Perlhslure, ie 1613. lIe ss illargarcl, led dan. of Sir II Aug. 1181, ci-eating him EACL or Bnranatnano ann Alexander llonzies, of Weem; and dyisg in 1668, left (with Il,si_tann, I’iacoonl cf y00 an,f Faitsfbotsel, Lorst Olissercty, ion dane.) five sosss, I l)eNcAN, of Maclsastcr, echo 4. e. p., and was o. by his Ben.cstes’atech, Or,:, etie, asset lf’eft, with the precedency of broilser. 2 Jons, who o. his euler brolhor, and dying without issue by Isis first evife, ho shonln think prope”, l’s writissg, to in 1610, eras s. by Isie hrother, I Cama Caesrene.o, of Carwhie, who 4. wilhonl issue, and to the heis’s male ci his body, which failing, to his own seas e. Isy his nephew, Cns.m Cxesrsntt ).s.-e tiles, eon ef llohert Cansphell, of lssrdship os, 1st, Ilary, dan. of ilcatry Rich, lot Earl of Iloreland). ‘this gentleman rn Elizabrlhi, slats. of Arrlsibald lIeBanul (which earl eves beheaded in 1040), by wbesns he Canspboll, of Stsnefiold, and ,f. 10 llaceh, 1770, had twss seams, DUNCAN and JonN, lie ns. 2udly, Mary, having had (erithi assoihee son, eohs ii. cogs., and leo Cossnieoo Dowager of Caithnese, 3rd dan, of As’clsibald, Olar’ dane.), Jona Caesrnemi., wlso o. as 4th flat or Dncanas.DANE. qucee of Aegyll, and by her had ss son, Cohn, of Armaddie, 4 Reberl. of Ilorland, is It Sept. 1660; elsa ci. 10 July, whs 4, stsos. 17f 3, ausd a dots. lary, who nt, Archibald 1160, Janet, dais, of llol,ert Ctneldicll, of Olenlysa, and Ceckbnsai, Esq. of langton, now repmsented by Lord Chief dying 1750, left a dan., helen, a. to — Olacfiirlan, of Barlartsn, Justice Sir A,-J.-E. C’tsckburii, Mart, of Langten. The Earl and a son, Cnsnx, sncecsser to Isis onele. 0 Alexander, 0. e. p. iv. Robert. d.ytinssg, v. WiLLi.sM, wise was billed at Slirling, Sept. I 644, leaving susd shippes’iness of au eel. He 4. in 1710, and, tie in fallacy— by Isis wife, a dan. of Casnhiboll of Ardhthsglae, a eon, ltieeEnT, ing oust tho patent, he passed over his elder eon, Dnycaee, Ins sncccssor, aisd a dais., cite as. Dassald ltarg,’eger, of of whom, evtscthor leaving issue or not, nothieg certain is tileneylo, by wlsaisi else bad tlsroe sans, and a dan., who ci. known, the earl was a. by his Iisd oois, John Lochie sf Crey-I.eclsic. William Canslibchl’s only eon, Joint, 2nd earl, I. it Nsa. 1662; who seas elected one of 128 BilE Bonoar Cae,rects., of Glenfallach, Perthehire, sic. Sasannah, dan. af James Olennies, of Coldaree, and left an only son, Cotia CaairecLt, Esq. of Glessfalloch, who sa. Agnes, dan. of Cassi1sbell, of Anchlyec, and had issue, Robert, 51. ynang; James, heal. 4lnd reginsenl, 4. c.p.u W,tLsAas, heir to his fatlser ; As’clnbald, killed at O’antessssy ; kebcrt (esho so. Jean, dan. of Sir Janice Sinclair, hart of Danbealh, and ltasl isane oighst sons and three dana.) The eldest encetoing seic of Coliss Canspbcll, W’smLiAn Canreoto, Eag. of Glenfalloch, ns. Ssnan Campbell, dan af — llcPhersen, Req. of Argyllshire, and Isad (svith litres olher soses, Dnncan, eolse if. assess. Aeeldbald, chin ii. e. p. sue.; and William, evho sO. aces.) faer eons, I Ci’s.iN CaeirnnLe, F.sq. of lllenfsdtnch, b 1100, echo si. and in 1806:1. Isaving had an only son,W,mmaaes-Easxiae Canrento, Req. of tlhenfahhnels, who s. Snsanoah, dan. of — Cantpbell, Esq. of Lechdochart, and d. 1806, having Isad an only son, Jona-IlenonataaNn CAIOFnCLL, Esq. of Glonfahlnch, Is. 1901, echo 4. e. p. 4 Jan. 1811. 2 Jassea Canracto, Req.. capt. Peneibles, 0. 1704, evhsse. Elizalsehls-llasia. née Illanehard, wislnw of Christopher Lndlosr, of Cisipping Sadbnry, cc. Glsaceslcr, and ii. 24 Oct. 18ff, basing had )tvihls lists younger sons, t,sins, llreadalbanc-Gas-in and Pranois-lilabe, eslsa bath if. yomsg) sn eldest son, D’s ms.sea-Jns,s-Laase Cassrenti., Ret;. of Glonhslloch, f. 1101, served Iseir to his cousin (5505a1,eal, Js’hn-Brcadalbane Catispbell, in 1811: Ito ,a. in 1010, Rissassna Canspbell, e’o,ntgesl dan. of the late Joins Doaglsty, Req. of Slsmpslsice, stud d. 4 June, 1000, leaving by Item )who if. I gil) an only can, JonaAtnvaanea-Gavia, of i.Olcsifallocls, wiso is mite feb and present lfaes. sr Bsnaisataaan. I Jssl,ss Casssphell, Essi. of Borland, evhe ns. Janet, 3rd dssn. of William lisitleir, of Brarhonse, and Isad (eoith six lasso.) tevo ssns, sins 1 Clsartes—Willist in, eoha its. Charlotte, stan. of John Ca,sspbell. Req. af Itiolocls, assd had (ss’ith Itea dsstts.) three eons, Cbarles—Vihliam, hient. I flit ilestgal Nalivo Ittfanlry; Joins t and Cohn ; 2 George— Anstros’, echo se Margaret —, and has a dan., and a coil, J olsn-tlroadahl’ane. 4 Alexander, who is. —, d an. of Bewie, of Comsisean, assd htssd an only son, Wilhians-ttoes’ie—Stssart Campbell, Req.. csslsc. of Ilse Beoadtshlsane l,ighlanders on tlse Qaeess’s visit to Ttsys,sotsths ist 1542; lie en Jessie, only cl,ild of ltshemi Stewart, of Cleehtfaldech, and ii. e. p. eehsins Charls’o.Arehibald Cansldsehl, Req., 01,1)., claims to be thsc lsr000stl erpresestlsitive. exlinet. bet in a feev years afterevards (1ff 1) It,sst dignity being allowed by 1iarhianse,tt to ho vested in Goerge Sinclair, of Kei.f, evha became, in coneeqssencc, tth Earl of Caithness, the former patent; in remainder to whichever of his sour, deeignate, and to tho heirs male of that cost, which failing, heh’o sonIc, eebich faihissg, to his heirs evhalsnevcr, His of Breadalhano is described by llacky as having the gravity of a Spaniard, the ennninsg of a fox, the n’iodoso of a serpent,