Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/182

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BItT had several children by his 2nd wife, Cordelia, den. and belt’ of Brian Ansley, H• of Lee; but he outlived tlsesss all, except one, Eri5000Tsi, who so. John horror, Esq. of lekworth, snd a., at the decease of his lordslsip. in The Earl of Bristol 1. 20 Jan. 1720-1, mad was a. by his June, t 642, to his estates, when his henours became grandooma (Lord Ilervey’s eldest sos’), extinct. Mr Hervey of kkworth was a. at his doacaso I y his eldest Geonue-WsnLsan, 2nd earl, who, in tight of hio grandmother, sos’, JOHN llenvov, Esq. of kkwarth, wtss ,s. ]Zlie.sbeth, ‘tan. of Portomeuth) to that nobleman’s estates, mad to the of Henry Poise. Erq, of illibtesthail, Suffolk, assd dying Barony (If HnwAnn no WALnON; hist dying nasa., 19 March, 11 Jusse, 100°, was a. by his eldest sos, Wsrnsaos Heaves, Es,1, of Iekwortts, wlso 7. 2 Nor. 1.592, 1770, all devolved upon his brother, and was a. by his eldest son (by his wife, Elieahetto, dass. Anuusaua-Janmo, 3rd carl, 5. 19 May, 1724. This nobleman, of Johss Peley), WsLLsAos 01 yeses, Eeq. of lekw,,rtb, wisa vs. Frassece, rank sf viee-adsntral of the Blue. lOis 1, rdship as, privately, state. assd co—hair of Edsasssssd Bochisrp, i:sq. of ,tshbeeh— 0 .tng. 1714, tlte celebrated hiss Chudleigh, who, in twenty— 111g. its Suffolk and dying iss 1030, woos.] ‘y his sost, SsnWsLt,soni ilonves, Knt.,whe so. lot, in 1612, Susan, duos. Evelyn Pierrapont, Bake of Kingoto’n ; far which offeitee of Sir tiolsert Jermyss, Kut. of Rnolsbrook, co. Suff,,lk and her ladyship was impeached hefara the Itause of Pears, and Cmlly, 1642, t.ady Penelope Gage, wi,low of Sir Jotan Gage1 the naan-iaga declared illegal. She retired snbseqnentiy to Mart., assd dcii, of Thomas, Earl Bioers, ssid dying in 1660, the Contissent, where sloe tIled in 1779. This earl sl. 22 Dan. svas a. by his elloet son (by isis lot wife), JoHN tlervrv, 1tsq. of Iekworth, 1. 12 Aug. 1616. This Pncnr.nsca-Auouovuo, Lord Biolsap of Berry, as 4th earl. gasstlensan oil)’ ‘yad the friessdehip of Bolsew Sidney, 2nd His lordship, 5. in 1716, 01. Elizabeth, daw of Sir Jermamyai Earl of Leicootor, assd eojonrisod with that accomplished Davera, East., and sister and heir of tim’ Charles Davars, nobleman dns-ing his embassy at the French esurt Costeisrrissg by whom (who ti in 1200) he had issue, heartily in the restos’atioss of CsoAnLeo It., he was John-Augustus, Lord Jlerroy, capt. EN.; 01. in 1704, Elirabellt. appal ited treaonser of the household to the Queen-Consort Karneeszee. In parliament he was (Inc of the leading snesabers ; and Burnat, speakh’g of him, says: ‘‘ Ite was one whom the king loved personally ; ant yet, upon a great cetasiesa, he voted ag.dnst that which the kisig desired, so Favsesssex—Wseesams, let sstns’Ihtsaes. the king ehid him severely far it. Next day another ionpartaut hOary, so. to John, 1st Earl of Erna, and at. 10 Jan.lSd2, qn’ietion falling in, he votod as the Icing woseld Elizabeth, to. I si 5e J,dn,—Thesssas Foster, Peg., cousin ho Lord have hina. So the king took ssatiee of tt at ssight, and said ‘You were not agaisostnte tn-day.’ TIe answered, ‘Na, sire, iossioa-Theedosin, so. to lloherl, 2nd Earl ef Liverpool; and I was against my conscience ta-day.’” Mr. JOes-vey was a great eneanragar ci literature, and the pah’mt of mesi If letters, lie i. the lion. Elizabeth llervey, enly surviving lOis lordship s1. 0 July, tdOS, and was a. by his emily mar— child sssd sole heiress of William, Lard Hervey, of Ki,lhrooh viviitg scsi, (me ahom), but dying withsnt isseme, iS Jan, 1679, ins estates F’neor.NscK-WsLLs.ens, as Otb earl. Ills iorhship. F. 2 Jesna, elevelved stpon his only sm-vising tirether, Ssa Tnoa,so Menses, Rut , It P.; svho as. Isabella, dan. worthy, hot Lee,] Tatnpletosvsi. through descant fr,’m which elf Sb’ llnanphray May, viee-ehamberlaht ef the ls”nsehold Lard Tamplefowma the ilervey fasnity are fanudas’s kin at to Cmmeaee I. and dying in 1691, ;vae a. by his eldest seershying Au Sanlo Cell., Oxford. Ily bar (who ,i. 22 May, 2244) the scsi, JOHN Ilseves, Eaq., a distinguished member of the t. Fstnoessea-Wsas.ems, 2nd nsarqaeso. Iloessa of Commons, soho was elevated to the peerage, ts. George, nma)or in the army; 5.21 Jan. 1001; tI. in 1036ill. 23 March, 1791, ao b’a,’on Harvey, ef Iek-seerlh, on. .f”ffslk, said created, 19 0ev. 1714, E,snn or BesoroL. lie Ia. 1st, in 1666, Isobelin, rhase. and sole heir of the Bt, Mon. Sir Hehert Can, Bart. of Sleeford, eo. Lancaster, Chancellor of the Puchy of Lancaster, and gs’auddase., maternally, of James howard, lv, Arthar-Chsarles, rector of Iakworlh and Iharniugehealls, Irol Earl of Ss,ffolk, by wleoan he bait a son, CAnn, Lord Ifereey (svhe predecoased him), and two daus. The earl ci, 2solly, ill 16:’h, Elieaheth, icily dan.anrl heir of Sir Themas Felton, Bert. of Phiyferrt, cc. Sstffelk (by his wife, Lady Elianbeth Reward, dan. and ce-heir of Jameo, 3rd Earl of Suffolk), by whom he bad eleven sons and aix dans., o’f whom, 1. Joute, Lsr,l Ilerrey (the eldest see), 0. 19 Oct. 1696, was called ep to Ihe llanse of Lords, in his father’s barony, is v. Charles-Ameline, F, 1 Nov. 1614, in holy orders, reelar of 1739. Ills lordship was appointed keeper of the privy seal 1740, assd in the sante year eonstilnted one of the lords) asliees, darisg ins majestr’s absence front the kisgdam. lie ma. in 1720, Mary, dan, of llrigadier-Gencral Nicholas Lepcll, and left fear sons (three of wham became saceessivcly Earls of Briotel), and fear dons.,0 who, sfter Ins decease, were granted tIme precedency of those ef an earl. Lord liervey if. 0 Ang. 1743. ii. Itenry (4th sen). ,II - Catherine, eldest sister and heir of Sir Thomas Astan, Part, of Astan 11:111, cc, Chester, and assumed else home af Asvox, Ills grandson, Cal, henry llerrey-Aslaa, to. Ilarrice, 41h dan. and co-heir of Charles, 9th and last Visrannl Irvine, of Sealland, and dying in 1790, left a dan., I larriel-Eliaahelh,whom. hienl.-Co], Bridgemnn, lliehard, 5.1000; Ahgernon-Charlsm-Gaarge, 0.1601 m Hubert— and ,l. in 15a3; and 155-0 sons, s. Henry-Charles ilervayA,ton, Jahn-Antony, b. 19 lIsy, 1009; and ltary-Frederie’a.sapliia Esq. of AsIan hall, Cbeslnre, u-Iso so, Margaret, dan. h. Augusta, so. in 1071, to Fredersck Seysnoar, Esq., grandson of Williamo Paivon, Esq., and tl. 1020, leaving (with a dan., Harriet, ni in 10:12, to the lien and Rev, ArshnrTalbal) a eon, Artlsur-Wdflinglan, lient. 1st life-guards, ‘I. 1910; title Arthur-Ingram Astan, G.C.B., lale of AsIan hall, Cheshire, and Rev. John Grey, son of Cimarlrs, 2nd Eas-l Grey. b. i,, 1790, v-ho was attached to Ihe embassy at Vicnnn, April, 1019, l,ecasae scerelary of legatiaa at Rio dc Janciro, April 1026, u-as secretary of embassy at Paris, Jan, 1017, and His lordship, svho was a V.M.S. and F.S.A,, and woe BR! was envey-extraordlnary aad plecipalenliary at Madrid from Jnnc, 1019, to Nov. 0913; and 5.1 May, 1009. in. Fellan. (He ]lATnuvsT, BAnS.) en the dentise of lIcur3-, 10th Earl of Suffolk, became joint-heir (n’ith Elizabeth, 2nd wife of John, 1st Earl having adapted tiac ssavai prefcsoion, attained the five years afterwards, 0 llareh, 5769, publicly married 1779, withovtt issote, astd was a by his brother, sian, of Cohn Bretmmand, Esq. of Quebec; and dying in 1796, left an only dan., Fliaahalli.Caslterine-Caratine, who at Chasias-llese Ellis, Esq., (Lard Seafood,) nnd P. in 1001, leasdssg (with yottngar children) a son, Clsarles—Assgosstets, who, iss Iter riglst, became Lor,7 llotza,’,l Pr Walden. Grid; lndly, to William, 0th Duke of t)evenshira; end if. 30 llareh, 1124. ii- 12 Jane, 1921, 1769. sa, 20 Fob. 1705, Eltzabath-Cbarlotve, 2nd dust, of Clot. earl had issue, Wllhiam, 5.27 SepI. 1001; al,0 Sapt. 1d44, Cerilla-ltary, youngest dan. of the lase Vire-Adm, Sir Themnns F’rcmantle,, and Imad George-William, S. 16 June, 1041; FranrieArshssr, b. 11 tIarels, 10d9; and ..tngnsla-Ellaahath. Lord Whlllans 5. 0 Itoy, 1000. Snifolk, and Archdeacon of Sndbery, h. 20 Aeg. 1000; sit. 10 July, 1039, Patience, daa. of J. Singleloss, Esq., and l,ss had, John-Frederiek-Attlsar, 5. 11 Nov. 1610; George-Haney— William, 5. 17 Feb. 1647; Sydenhana-lleney-Assgestas, F. 20 Dee. 1016; Conolanhine-Eodeey-Willians, 5. 6 Dee, 1000; Arlhur-Henry-Wriathesly, 6. 7 Nov. 1021 ; Jamues-Arrlsnr, F. 26 Sept. 100-1; Sarah-Elianbehls-llarriet; Eliaa-Ang-etslaCaroline, P. II Feb. 1061; Katherise-Potienre-Geargiana; Patience - ltary; Angetela-Carotine; and Fredarlea - Mary— Lucy, P. 1 Dec. 1060. Great Chesterfard, Essex; os, 10 Acg. 1019, harriet-Char— lotte-Sepbia, 4th dais, of Dudley, 1st Earl of ltarrew-by, and has issue, Charles-Ahfrad-tlydar, 5. 26 Jane, 1044; Dudley— Feaneis-Anmehins, t. 7 Jam. 1041; 1’hhliasmt’Gearge-Edss-ard hi. Il Oct.1900; Geunville-Watlar, 5. 16 hlnreh, 1602; Snean— Eliaabelh; Lonisa-Frederioa s Edills-Marhan, so. 4 June, 1060, to William Forbes, Esq. af Coliander m leabella-Soehia, vs. Alfred, 5. 21 June, 1616, late hIP., Lord ef the’ ledehansher to limo Prince at Walcs; to. bAng. 1041, So]dliaEhianbelb, eldest dan. of the late Lieut.-Gee, ‘Jahn Chester (see onae, BAss-n I), aad has Imad, Fredorick-Alfrrd’Jahn 1,. 12 hIsy, 1046; AIfreJ-Grevilie-ltoward, EN., 5. 7 Nov. 1049; 1. H 0t. 1604, on his passage home front hIalta; Cecil— of Francis, lot hlaropsess of ldartford. He,!. in 1016. mm. Georgiana-Eliaahelh-Charlatte, ni. in 1016, to the lien. Iii. Sapbha-Eliaabehls-Caraline, so. let, 1610, to W.-ttowe Wyndhnnt, Esq. of Felbrhgg, Norfolk, who 5.12 Dee, 1014; sho it,. lndly, 10 May, 1026, Signor Ginbelel, and ii, 7OSapl. 1603. arcHed Marqnass of Bristol and Earl Jam-aayn, 06 June, 1026, ii. lb Feb. 1019, and was a. by his eldest non, FRcoEesrsc-WILL5AOS, f ad marquees, who was 5. Ii July, 1800; was It.?. first for Dory St. Edmunda, and than for * Lepetl, at, to Canstanhine, let herd Malgrase. hlary, on to Gaas’ga Fitagarald, Esq. Amelia-Caroline-Nassau, 1rbotli P. na-i,. Caroline, 122