Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/201

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BUC p ILiitcac. The family of Grenville, Grionvtiio, Grenevyls, or Groenfield, dyiag 6 Oct. 1711, woes, by his oldest son, ae at different times written, hao been seated at RIOHARn, as let Earl Temple, E.G. Thie nobleman, Weotton-n.nder-Barnwood co. Burkingham, from thoreign of who, in 1757, was sworn of tlis privy council, and constituted HENRY I., where it maintained the first rank amonget the statesnsau and the leader of a party i,e the beginning of iseighbeuring gentry (serving the offire of high-sheriff, &e.). GOGROE III’s reign, eapecially during Wilkes popnlartty. Rtouaan GRENVILLE, Esq., succeeded to the family estate His lordship at. Anne, don, and co-heir of Thomas Chambers, of Wootton, at the decease of his father in 1618. He eerved Eeq. of Hauworth, Middlesex; hut, leavieg no issue, the title the office of sheriff for Bnckinghsmshire in 1636 and 1642, devolved, at his decease, 11 Sept. 1779, upon his nephew, fund represented that ce. in parliament in 1654, 1656, and GEORGE, 2nd earl, 9. 17 June, 1723, who, on marryiag 1625. He in. 1st, Anne, dan. of Sir William Borlase, jun. (10 April, 1775) Mory-Eliealteth. only dan. and heir of ef Slarlow, in Bucks, and had (with a dan.) one surviving Robert, Earl Nngent, of the kingdom of Ireland, assumed, ion, RICNARn. He se, 2ndly, Eleanor, don, of Sir Timothy by royal permission, the sumamee of N000zeT and TEaSPLE, Tired, of Oakley, and widow of Sir Peter Temple, of Stant before that of Grenvihle, and obtained the privilege of n Barry, Bucks, but by her had no issue. Mr. Grenville signing Nuuazrr hefsre all titles wbstsaevcr. ills lordchip 4. in 1665, and was s-by his son, ReoHARo GRENVILLe, Eeq. of Wootton, who rn. Eleanor, sod, on the demise of his father-in-law, inherited the Irish ‘dan. of fir Peter Temple, of Stanton Barry, and dying in condom of Nugent in conformity with a special Iimitatisn 1715, left (with a dan. Penelope, Lady Conway) an only eon, in the patent. The marquess had isene, RiemAan GaeaviLLe, Esq. of Woetton, H.P. for Andover, Bscusao, Earl Temple. pfterwarde for the tswn of Btickingham. Thie gentleman George, who inherited, at the decease of his msther 01. HESTER TassrtE, 2nd dan. of Sir Richard Temple, (10 Slarrh, 1815), the Irish barouy of Nngcnt, conferred Dart, of Stowe, eo. Bnekingham (see Family of TEMPLE, upon her ladyship, 29 Dee. 1850, with remainder to her nuder the article TestrLe, BarseeQ, who, on the decease of 2nd son, his lordship, a kntght-grand-rross of St. her brsther, Richard, Viscount and Baron Cobham, 13 Sept. Michael and St. George, and of the Greek order of the 1740,° inherited as Bareseso and V1srssofes.’ Get/tarn, and was Saviour, was 9. H Use. 1789; andes 6 Sept. 1013, Anne- created Ceisntess of Teospte, 18 Oct. 1749, with the rover$enary dignity of E,srl Temple, to her heirs male. 11cr lsdyship and niece of Earl Fonlett, but by her jwho 4. 19 May, had issue by Mr. Greuvillo, I t. RSOHARD, her successor. it. George, 6. in 1712; H.P. for the town of Buekiegham, a distinguished political character in the reigns of tiRc’aoe Mary, at. in 1815, to James-Everard, 10th Lord Arnndel of II. and GEORGE III. In the former, SIr. Grenvills was treasurer of the navy, and a member of the privy council. In the latter, secretary of state; afterwards first lord of The Marquess of Bnckinghom was twice viceroy of Ireland, thsAdmimlty; aud, in 1763, chancellor of ths Exchequer. in 1742 and 1787. He /. 21 Feb. 1813, and was e. by his He as. in 1749, Elizabeth, dan. of Sir William Wysdl’am, elder son, Bait., and by her (who 4. 5 Dcc. 1765) had, I GEORGE, whs z. his nncls as EARL TEMPLE. 2 Thomas IRt. Hun.), 9. 11 Dec. 1755; s. his brather, lordship aaenmed, by loyal licenee, 15 Nov. 1759, the additional 1779, in the representation of the eo. Bnckinghaus, and held subsequently some official emplsymente. I WILLIAM-WYNnHAM, of Dropinore, Bucks, 9. in 1759, Eorl Tunple, ef Sterno, with limitation, on failure of issue created Loan GRONVILLE.t - S Charlotte. Es. in 1771, Sir Watkin-Wilhiams Wynne, granddan. His lordship was further elevated, 4 Feb. 1822, Bart. ; and 4. 29 Sept. 1932. 2 Elizabeth, m. to Jshn-Joshus, let Earl of Carysfort, INOHAM AND Ceeaasoos. He at. 16 April, 1706, Anna-Eliza, and 4. in Dec. 2942. S Hestes’, m. to Hugh. let Earl Fortescne. 4 Catherine, m. ts Richard, 2nd Lord Braybrooke; and Chandos of the family of Brydgee, and by thut lady” (who 4. in 1796. Sir. George Grenville 4. in 1770. en. James, a privy-esuncillar, 9. in 2715; at. in 1740, who was 9. 11 Feb. 1707; and as. 13 Slay, 1819, Mary, Mary, dan. of James Smyth, of Anuables, Herta, Req. )eer BunKe’s Lniaded Genlry), and, dying in 1799, left issue, I JAMEs, 9. in 1742, created Loan GtssTuNsoRv; RIrIIARD-PLanAGENET-CAMPEELL, preeent peer. 4. tuna, in 1825, when ths titis expired. 2 Richard,.a general officer; 4. ama. in 1923. iv. Henry, governor of Barbadoes in 1740, and ambassador to the Porte in 1762; at. 11 Oct. 1757, MargaretEleanora, His grace r?. 29 July, 1861, and was o. by his only sen dan. of Joseph Baesks, of Reveet’y Abbey, RIOnARn-PLANTAGmtET-CAMP5ELL, the present duke. Esq.; and 4. 22 April, 1784, leaving by her (who 4. 19 June, 1793) an only dan., Louisa, Se. to Charles, 3rd Earl Stanhnpe, and 4. in 1829. V. Thsmas, capt. R. N., t. in 1719; killed in an engagement at sea, 3 May, 1747. 1. Hester, srI. to the ill,tstrione statesman, the Right Hon. Sia SIMON ISE Bn000E, of the co. of Hereford, enppseed Wilham Pitt, afterwards created EARL OF CHATnAM, assd to have sprung from the old Connts do Bethel, in the province was mother, with other issue, of the us loss eminent H5NnY III., lost, by confiaeatisn, a great proportion of his minister the Rt Hon. William Pitt. Her ladyship was lands, which were conferred upon Roger, Lsrd Clifford. t herself created BAnnieRes CRATHAM. Both the Earldsm and Barony of Chatham are now extinct. BUC SIr. Grenville 4. 17 Feb. 1726-7, and the Countess Temple lord privy seal, made a ceuspiouens ligure so a woe created, 4 Dee. 1784, .Sforqneso ef .Burkiaghaas.’ Lucy, 2nd dan. of the late Itsn. MajorGen. Vere-Ponlett, 2848) had no issue. His lordship was sometime H.P. for Aylesbnry; he was appointed lord-high-commissioner of the loutan Isles its 1832, and held the government until 1835. He 4. 27 Nov. 1850, when the barony of Nngent became exvinn. Wardour, who d. s. p. 21 June, 1934. RiCHARD, 2nd marquess, 9. 20 March, 1770, KG. lOis surnames of Bnvnoas-CrrAa005, and wae created mole nuder the former patent, to AaaE-ELtzA-MAwr, his to the Marqnessate of Ctandse and Duaaooae or BOCK. dau. and sole heir of James Brydgee, 3rd and last Duke ot 4. 15 May, 1856) left at his decease, 17 Jan. 1839, anouly eon, RICHARD-PLANTA0ENET, the 2nd duke, E.G., G.C.H., yatmgest don, of Jshn, 1st Slarqueas of Breadalhane, and by her (who 4. 28 June, 1862) had isalie, Awwe--Etizx--Slssv, is. 9 June, 1846, to W.-It.-Powell GsrrLangton, Eeq. of Newton Park, es. Somerset, H.P. for that co. sad-has issue. JfauhtftI of 33t’vtw. of Chompagn, in France, having token part against Sir Simon was father of another SIMON DR BaconE (eomminly omitted in the printed This peer was created Baron of Cobhain, ro. Kent, 19 Get. pedigreee), who m. the thu. of Walwyn, a family of distinction, 1714, and Viscount Cobbam of Kent, 23 Slay, 1718, with in the county of Hereford, even to the present times, and had issue, remainder, failing his issue male, of the dignily af Vioreantess Jossn DR Bounce, H.P. for the county of Hereford, If th GrenvtUe, Esq. sf IVootton, Burke, and her issue male, and, II., 1222, who left issue, failing such issue, ts lois led sister, Dame Christian Lyttlehon, wife of Sir Thomas Lytieton, Dart. (see LYTTLETON, B.) and Sma BALDwIN Bnuooe, who rn leabel, dan. and heireee hre issue male, tngether with au extenslsn of the limitations (or re-heiress) of Sir Piers Grandiesn (son of Sic William Grandison, by Sibel, dan. and ce-heir of John, Lord Tregoc), and had three eons, THoMas, his heir; John (Sir), who was issue male) to his said deters, Hester Gmnville and Dame in the battle of Aztnconrt, 25 Oct. 1415; and Simm, of the t This gentleman having attained very high repntation as I.eye, co Hersford. Sin Baldwin Brugge wae s. by his an orator and statesman, and having filled some of the most important ministerial otfioes duriug the eventful reign of eldest son, GEORGE III., was elevatcd to the peerage, 22 Nov. 1790, as TRGMA5 Baunne, or BRnaEe, whom. ABre, dan. and 00- BARON GOEStVeLLE. Hem. 18 July, 1792, Hon. Anne Pitt, * Her grace was sole representative of Henry Grey, Duke sister and heiress of Thomas, last Lord Camelford; beet of Suffolk, and of Frances his wife, eldest dan. and co-heir of Charles Brandoo, Duke of Sn ffnlk, by Mary, queen dowager of France, and dan. of King HENRY VII. P went to the Hen. Geo, Slalthew Fertearne, 2nd son of hugh, Cobham to his 2nd sister, Hester Grenvihle, wife of Richard of the dignity of Baron sf Cohham fsrmenhy created (fatling his Christian Lytlleisn, and their issae male respectively. dylugs. p.m 1834, the title became exTlzer’z. his widow ,/, II June, 1804, when Drspmore, Backs, cod the other estates, 1st Earl Fsrtescue. 151