Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/202

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BUC heirese of Sir Thomas Berkeley, of Coberley, cc. Gloucester, HENRY Bavnoos, 2nd duke, who is. in 1720, Mary, eldest by Elizabeth, sister and co-heiress of Sir John Chandoo, and dan. assd co-heir of Charles Bruce, Otis L,srd Kinloas, 4th acquired the seat of Coherley, and ether large eetates, Earl of Elgin, and 3rd Earl of Ailesbnry, by whom he had, which descended down to George Brydges, 0th Lord Chandos, J.s.ases, Marqnoss of Caornarron. who si. in £ao4. By thie great heiress, Thomas Bruges Carolins, as. to John Leigh, Esq. of ctddlestrop, cc. had issue. The elder son, SIR Gyros Bouors, was seated at Ceberley, cc. Gloucester, His grace espausod, Ondly, Anne Joifreys, and by her ho in the 7th JimmY V. (1419), and w.Lo grandfather of had a dan,, Augusta-Anne, so. to honey John Kcarney, Esq. SIR Ceoza Boners, of Coberley, who received the heusur The duke sss. Irdly, in 1707, Ehzahoth, 2nd dau. and co-heir of knighthood, for his valeur at the battle of Blacklieath, of Sir John Majos-, Bart., of Wos’lingworth Hall, 00. Suffolk, 22 June, 1497. Ills elder sen and heir, Sia Jones Boueos, was under ago at Ills father’s decease, by whona he had no issue. He sI. 29 Nov. 1771, and was a. and was in ward to King Ilzsnv VIII. He lead an oaely 113’ his arts, ambition of nsilitary gl,sry, and though very young, attended Jaucs Boynnos, 3rd dnko, I. 27 Bce. 1731. This noblensan, the leiug in his expedition into France. 1313, when was appointed ono of the lords of his bed-chamber. In Teronenus and Teurnay were t sken. lie was likewise at 1773, lsc was sworn of the privy council, and was afterwards the battle of Spurs, and for his valiant eoudozt in these constituted lerd-sten-ard of the household. His graze rn. engagements received the honour of knighthood. In 1549 22 May, 1791, Ifary, dan. and sole heiress of John Niesl, (3 Eowann VII, Bullsin being besieged by the French, Req. of Sonthgatc, Middlesex, by whom he acquired lIla. ho had the command of the place as deputy-governor, and ehenden House at Sonthgats, together with the whole sueressfolly defended it against the French king in person, fortnue of Isis father-in-law. By this lady, who d. in 1709, and an army flushed with the conquest of Non-haven, and he had no isene. The duks espoused, Tndly, 23 June, 1777, other places. He was subsequently, Sundsy, 0 April, 1554, Anne-Eltr.a, dan. of Riclsard Gamon, Eec1., and widow of elevated to the peerage in the dignity of Baron Charsdso, Roger Hopo EUstson, Esq., by whom he had ens surviving of Sadsl,p, to him and the heirs male of his body. His dan. and heiress, descendant, Sco JAN05 Bovneeo, Bart. of Wiltoss Castle, s. in 1070, ANNO-Ersea, who se. in 1790, Richard, Earl Temple, as 0th Baron Chandos. Tlsis noble was acorodited ambassador to Constantinople, in 1009, whers ho resided for some His grace ci. without male issne 29 Sept. 1709, when all his years in great honour and esteem. His lordslsip so. Elizabeth, hononrs became oxvsa’cr. oldest dan. and co-heir of Sir Floury Barnard, Ent., au eminent Turkey merchant. By this lady he had no less Crcalicsss—Baron and Viscount Cohhasn, 21 May, 1718; than twenty-two children, of whiols number fifteen only Earl Temple, 10 Oct. 1749 ; islarqssees r’f llnokingham, 4 Boo. were christened, and saven of those dying young, tha 5704—in Groat lirilain. Duke r,f Luckhsgham. Bc., 4 Feb. remainder were, JAaszs, his successor. Henry, in holy ssrdcra, of Addlostrep, in Cloneostershire, for Cnosrvsrs,o; 2nd, qssartorly, lot assd 4th, Os-, an eagle, archdeacon md prebondary of Eoohoster, and rector of displayed, so., for Los’rosc; 2nd oud Ird, org., two bars, sa., Agmsndesham, Bucks. Mr. Brydgcs see. Annahella, dais. each charged with three martlots, or, tar Teasrs.o; lcd, 0cm., of Henry, and grauddan. of Sir Robert Atkins, lord chief two bars, gn., for Nunnsv; 4th, arg., on s cross, as., a baron of ths Exchsquor, by whom hc had a large family. leopard’s fore, or, far Bavonos; 5th, os-, a pile, gn., for Francis, reeoivor-genersl or the duties on malt, 5. s. p. Mary, Os. to Thoophilus Leigh, Esq. of Addlestro1s. eo. Creole—lot, CseNvsLs,e, a garb, a-ert; 2tsd, Tosser; on a Gloucester. Elizabeth, so. lot, to Alexander Jacob, Esq., and 2ndly, to old man, in profile, cenped below the shoulders, ppr., the Rev. Br. Tisemas Bawson, vicar of Windsor. Emma, Os. to Edmund Chamberlain, Esq. of Stew, eo. changed, wreathed resend the tessplss of the eezond assd az.; Gloucester. Anus, ss. to Charles Walcots, Eoq. of Walcoic, co. Salop. anti afl’rosstO, ppr., n’roathed about the temples, arg. and sa. Catherine, so. lot, to Brereton Bonrohior, Esq. of Barusley Sspjsorlrs-a—Bexter, o lion, per fesso, osnbsttlod, or and Court, cc. Gloucester, and 2udly, to Henry Pci-rot, Esq. gn. ; sissister, a Isorso, 55g., aomsie of raglote, so. of North Leigh, cs. Oxford. His lordship 51. in 1714, and was s. by his eldest son, JAN05 Bavoocs, 9th baron, who, upon the accession of King Ga000o I., was created, by letters patent, dated ihs ressudo and proclaimed the hours. The duke also main. 19 Oct. 1714, Viorsuat JVillsss, and Earl of t’oeroorrsa, with tamed a full choir, and had divine service perfornaed with a collateral remainder to the issue male of his father; and the host mnsio )Handol was his chapel master), in a chapel in the November following, a patent passed the great seal, of exceeding beauty, which is the only portion of the original granting to his lordship and his two sons, John and Henry, building that remains. But on his decease this magnificent the reversion of the office of clerk of the hanaper iss chancery. mansion was disposed of piecemeal. The stone obelisks, In 1719, on the loGs April, his lordship was advanced to the with copper lamps which formed the approach from the Mrsrqorsaalc of Car—na roses, and Bnooooaa or Cseaesoos, and his now bnilding at Wanstead, in Essex, which has sines hs acquired by his magoaificoncs the appellation of tho oxperienced tise fate of Cannons; the marble staircase wai priaerly Chandos. He ospossood, 1st, 20 Feb. 1010-7, Mary, bought by the Earl of Clsesterfield for his residence (now only surviving dan. of Sir Thomas Lake, of Cannons, co. the town house of the Iinko of Ahereorn) in Ilay Fair Middlesex, by whom ho had two surviving sons, 5. JOHN, Marquess of Coornarvon, as. ill 1724, LadyCatharine the possession of the well knewss Colonel O’Kslly of sporting Talsnaciss, dan. of Lionel, Earl of Bysart, by whom celebrity, and subsequently to Lady Flunssr. The place is iso had ioouo, I Catherine, ss. 1st, to Captain Lyon, of the horsc-gda., standing (with a gap between them) in Cavendish Sqnaro, and fndly, to Edwin-Francis Stasshope, Esq. 2 Jane (a posthnmeus child), to. to James Brydges, Esq. Desks to load from that spot to the Cannons. of Pinner. Lard Cacrnarvou 5. 8 April, 1717. is. HONRY, Harquesa of Caernarvou aftertke decease of his in lIce peerage of Scotland, wills a tlessmoalisn Is him, his heirs, heather. His grace os. lndiy, Cassandra, dan. of Francis Willoughby, Lord of Kisloss, who was a. by his hrsdlsrr, Thosssas, 3rd Lord Esq., and sister of Thomas Willsnghby, Lord Middletssn; of Eicloss, s-Iso s-as created Earl of Elgin, and Lorsl Brssee of and lrdly, Lydia-Cathorins-Van Hatton, widow of Sir s-as a. Isy his son, Lslsorl, 4th Lord of ltinlos,,,ansl 2nd Earl of Thomas Davall, ldnt., hut had no issue by eithor of these Elgin, s-ho was creased Earl of Ailesbery in England, in 1009. ladies, ITo si. at his ssohlo seat of Cannons,° 9 Assg. 5744, Ills gs’andsoo, (‘Isarlos, OIls Lord ol Einlsssa, 4lls EasI of Elgin, and was e. by his only surviving son, BUC Cleneeoter. upon the accession of Isis majesty, Iting Goonos III., DUKE or Bucossonaso AND Cnxssoa. Edgeware-road, were purchased for the Earl of Tylney, for The grotsnd and site became the property of an opulent tradesman, who bssilt theroon a neat habitation which passed into now caliod Cannons Park. Two fine atone houses, still scero erooted as lodge gates to a road intended by the princely * Through lIsts alliance Ilse prrsonl Dnlse of Bnclcinglsam has established his riglst so 1,0 Lorst Ifinloss in the peerags ef Sesslansl, lhns Sir Edward ltrnco s-as crealed Lord of Itioless and assigns, 2 Fcb. 1655. lIe waso. lsy Isis son, Edward, 2nd Icinloss, to bold lo lsisn and his Iscirs sossle, 31 Jnno, 1011. Hs and aol End of Ailesbssry, Isy his firol s’ifo, Lady Aane-Ssvills, dass. and ro-Iseir of William, Mas’qosess of llslifox, had issne, iso sons, s-ho sl. a. p., and Ieee doses. an’I co—heirs, of wisom o CANNoNs—This most splendid palace of steno and Ilso elder, Lady liary lirece, was sc .,.‘ss above sisled, to Henry Brvdges, 2ssd Bake of Clsanslos, ‘l’Iseir sos, James, lrd Dries of Clsooslos, wos do jss’r, 711s Lord of Eiolrss, as heir of his wore exquisitely finished, and richly furnished, The gs’sndtatlser; and the elaisn Is Sisal lordship pssssod llsrsngh his gilding was executed by the fisneous Pargotti, and the Isali pointed by l’aolnoei. The gardens, avonneo, and offices, wore only ohild, Anae-Eliza, Bnchcos of Bnckinghans and Chandos, pro portionably graud. At night a constant watch walked to hrr gransloen, tlss present Duke of Buchisghsm. 1922—in the United Kingdom. Earl Nugent, 21 July, 1776 —in Ireland. At’sse—Qssartorly; lot, vovt, on a cr005, org., five torteoux, CnAsnoa; 6th, nalst. dsscal coronet, a noartlet, or; 3rd, Bnoera, ihe bust of an habitod poly of six, arg. and gu., somf’o of rouudloa, count or- 4th, l’,r Cnaeoooo, a Savoren’s hood, rouped at the shoulders iJollo—Templa qnans dilceta I Jeols—Wotton, zo. Bucks, and Avingtsn House, Haute. marble stood on the read close to Edgcware. Thee apartments 152