Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/203

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BOCKINOHAM5HIRE,EAI1L OF (SirAugustue-Edward moud, by whom he had three ourrivhag sons and two dane, Hobart), Baron Hobart, of Buckling, co. Norfolk, He us. Indly, the dan. and heiress of his uncle, Sir John and a Baronet; is. 1 Nov. 1793; sic. 1st, 12 Sept. Itobart. He was a. at Isis decease ly l,ie oldest son, 1810, Mary, eldest dan. of the eminent John Sin Ilenav, SIP. for the oo. Norfolk. Thia goutleuaan Williams, King’s eerjeant, and sister of the able attended King WSLLiAce, as oqoerry, at the battle of the lawyer, legal writer, and judge, the Right lion. Sir Boync, in 1690. He in. Eicabeth, elder dan. and ro-heh’ of Edward-Vaughan Williams, P.C., by whom (who ci. Joaeph Maynard, Esq, lion and heir of Sir Joaeph Maynard, 1825) he has, s, Veise-Hunnv, Lord Hobart, 8. 8 Bee. 1518 ; rn 4 Aug. WILLIAM), by wham he had issue, 1853, Mary-Catherine, dan. of the late Bishop Carr, ef Joan, his successor. - Bombay. ii. Frederick-John, aaat.-soc. in the Indian departmsnt, 5. 6 March, 1821 rn. 27 Mar. 1856, Catherine-Auneeley, Catherine, us, to Licut.-Gon. Charles Churchill, youngest dan. of Bishop Carr, and by her has, I Henry-Frederick-Edward-John, is. 30 June, 1627. 2 Sydney-Carr, 9. 14 March, 1s60. 1 Catherino-Mary-Valontia. 2 Albinia-Frederica in 1769, and was a. by Ins a”n, S Isabel-Augusta. 4 Henrietta-Vere. iii. Augustus-Charles, capt. RN., 5. 1 April. 1822; rn. as Boron Hotarl of BliekPu,’ aud eroatad, 2 Sept. 1746, 1848, Mary-Anne, 2nd dan. ef Colqnhonn Grant, Eoq. EARL or Bucam-unsaiaumr. lIe so. 1st, Judith, dan. of iv. Charles-Edward, late capt. Bombay army, 5. 0 Jan. Robert BritiSh, Es,3. of Boosnithurpe, ro. Norfolk, and by 1825; ci. lot, Dec. 1883, Catherine, eldest dan. of the late her (who it. in 1727) had iaaue, Dr. A. Cooke, by whoaa (who d 22 Feb. 1859) ho has a s. Jonas, his successor. n. Rabert, ci. 22 Slay, 1733. son, Augustus, 5. 1 Sept. 1520; he m. Sndly, 6 Aug. u. Dorothy, ci. 21 Oct. 1722, to Sir Cbarlos-Rotbsm Thompson, 1863, Lucy-Panhno, only dan. of the late John Wright, His lordship os. tudly, 10 Feb. 1728, Elioabetb, sister of Esq. jun., of Lenten Hall, Notte, and has a son, Robert Driotow, Req., and bcd by that lady (who it. Arthur-Edward, 8. 20 Juno, 1861. s. Albinia-Francea, in. 28 Slay, 1854, Henry-Alingtou-Pye, 12 Sept. 1762), Eaq. of Lonth, co. Lincoln. ci. Georgiana-Mary. Ho in. 2udly, 15 Aug. 1826, Maria-Isabella, eldest 1761, Aune-Slargaret, dan. of John Bristaw, Esq. of dan. of the Rev. Godfrey Egrenaont, and by bor has, s. George-Augustus, Bombay ciril oerricc, 8. lu 1827 os. 9 June, 1817, Jane, dan. of Sir John-Wither Awdry’ of Notton House, Wills, and less had, Awdry-Gcorge, 5. 29 March, 1858; Edwsrd-Bampden, 5.9 July, l080 AlfredBertio, twin with Edward Cyril-Herbort, 5. 1 Nov. 1861 John-William, 9.24 May, 1863, ci. 12 llarch, 1166; ErneslMiles, 5. 11 Nov. 1864. as. WilliamArthur, late Bombay military service, 5. 11 Oct. 1828; is. 1 June, 1857, Marianne, dan. of the late Richard-Rennet Dawsun, Req. of Frickley hall, Yorkshire, and has Arthur-Rennet, is. 28 Nov. 1828. iii. Horace-Miles, capt. 183rd foot ; is. 5 Nov. 1835; is. - don.; I George, 5. 10 July. 1847; 3 Beauohamp-Robert, 14 Sept. 1864, Gertrude, 7th dan. of Coo. Bawtroe, Eaq. of Colchoater. i. Maria-Catherine. n. Charlotte-Augusta. sri. Leuiea-Selina. Iv. Eleanor-Agnes. The earl, who is in holy orders, and prebendary of Wolverhampton, o. his brother, 1 Feb. 1849. HtllcBflc. Prom Sir James Hobart, Ent ., attorney-general, and of Jonco, 2nd earl, on,basvadur ts the eaurt of St. Petersborgh the privy council, to Hoieuv VII., have sprung tha several 14 July, 1761, Mary-Auno, dau. and eu-heir of Sir Thomas branches of the Hobarta; hut the name was highly respectablo Drury, Dart., and had, for many prior generations in the ca. of Norfolk. Harriet, us. lot, to Armor, 1st Earl of Delmsro; and 2udly A baronetcy was conferred, 22 Nov. 2611, on Sm Runny MOBAaT, Knt., when appointed cluef-juatice of the Common Pleas. After this learned judge’s decease, Carolino, si. ha 1792, to William, 2,id 5.erd ,Scsffield. were publiahed Reports on cereral Loss Cocci decided in that Sopbia, us. in 1789, to Diehard, Earl of Blonnt Edgcumbo; Court bofore him. He rn. Dorothy, dan. of Sir Robert Bell, Rut, of Beanprd Hall, chief baron of tl, Exchequer, hy The earl iii. 2ndly. 24 Sept. 1770, Caroline, slaus. of William whom he had a large family, of which were, Juna, his successor. Miles (Sir), member of the parliament which nset, 17 liareb, 1627-8, diotinguiohed by his opposition to the Sta2ord. court, being amongst thoae members who, foreseeing isa BTTC the diioolutinn, forcibly held the speaker in the chair, 2 March, 1628-9, “bile they paoood certain etrrng resolutions. On the disoolntiou oi parliament, Sir STilse Hobart was imprisoned for locking the d,,or of the houae during the publication of tl,5 aforesaid reooh,tions. Ito in. Susan, dan. of Sir John Peyton, Dart, of Ioelham, and left a eels, Joan, who auceseded his uncle. Sir Henry ii. 26 Dee. 1621, and was a by his eldest eon, Sin Jouce, of Buckling house, Norfolk, SIP., n-ho as. lot, Philippa, dan. of Robert Sidney, Earl of Loiceoter, and had an only don., Dorothy. He rn. fudly, Frances, eldeol dau. of John, Earl of Bridgowater, and bad one surviving child, who become the 2nd wife of his successor. He ii. in 1847, when the title devolved upon his nephew, Sin Jouse, SIP., who is. let, Mary, dau. of John Rampden, Esq. of Mampden, Bucks, and widaw of Col. 11am- Rut., one of the oommiesionera of the great seal, fcosp. King Henrietta, in. let, to Charles Reward, who e. his brother as 9th Earl of Suffolk. She was lady of the bedchamber to the Princess of Wales, concert of Geoaoa II. Her ladyship us. 2ndly, the Hon. George Berkeley. Dorothy. Sir Henry was killed in a duel with Oliver Lu Neve, Seq., Sue Jonac, who was elevated to the pecmge, 28 May, 1722, Dart; and d. in 1798. s. Guoaan, who inherited as 3rd carl. is. Henry, many years SIP, for Norwich, and ehahrnaan oi thu rommittoe of Waye and Moans; 5. 1736 us. 22 July, Quiddouham Mall, Norfolk, and dying 10 Mareb, 1789, left issue by her (who d 12 July, 17a8), I Henry-Charles, isa holy orders, eauou of Hereford, 5. 30 Nov. 1773; us. 5 Slay, 1800, Mary, don, of Sir Thomas-Deauchamp Proctor, Dart., and ci 17 Jass. 1812, having by her (who ,l. 2 May, 1224) bad two sons, George, 5. 5 Sept. 1802, uaajor in the Seots greys, who in. Sliss Mary Walsh lreiaarned, 1844, to T.-SI. Read, Eaq. of Mount Heaton, King’aCo.(, and it. 9 Slay, 1843, op.; and Charles-Robert, lt.-col. Into 16th regt. Iladras army, 5. 71 llarrh, 1808; si 11 Fob. 1948, Maria, dan. of Lt.-Col. Rodoou, and has issue, 1 Charles, li 18 Oct. 1842; iii. 20 Jan. 1864, Rhoda, ltb dan. of the Rev. IL-J. Bigg-Withor, rects,r of Wsrting, Ilaiste, and laos a 5. 16 May, 1581; 4 William-henry, 5, 17 Dec. 1515; 1 Slary-Anne; 2 Maria. 1 Anne-Catherine, rn. 21 Sept. 1751, to Slontagu liontagu, Esq., of Little Dookicam, Surrey, who ci. 2 June, 1797; she ci. 25 llareh, 1900. 2 Maria-Anne, as. 9 April, 1757, to Slajcr-Oen. Henry h’raoer who ,t. 24 Nor. 1997, from w,,uuds received in gaining lbc battle of D. ey, iso the East Indies; si-n ci. 31 Oct. 1846. 3 Leonora, ii. s,s,,s. S STarch, 1704. His lordship ci. 22 Sept. 1758, and was a. Icy his eldest son, in 1762, and viceroy of Ireland in 1777, who so. 1st, (thefurmer marriogobaviugleeu diseolvod hy parlionaent), to William, Marquess of Lsthiais; and ci. in 1802. and ci. in 1806. Canolly, Esq. of Stratton hall, co. Staffl,rd,° l’y whom (who ci. 26 Jan. 7817) ho had an only assrriving cisild, BUC B U C K I N GRAM Sill RE. By Lady Anno Weutworth, dais, of Thomar, 3rd Earl of