Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/215

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BUT Sin JAMEs, who hehig of tho privy council of Away, arol ‘ace of the commissioners appointed to treat of a 11111011 with England, in 1702, which did not then take effect, was elevated to the peerage of Scotland, 14 April, hc the following year, by the titlea of Rwl of Bole, Viocoo,lf Hinged/i, end Lsc,t ilooololoi, ‘1, t3onc’o, 112,11 Iarkoo,rnocd’, to hincoelf 111111 to his heiro nuale whatever. In 1700, his lordship oppose1 the Union with all his might and when he diocovorod that a majority of parliament was hi favour of the nceria,n’O, withdrew from the ltoueo, and retired to his e,,nnti’v’ oe-it. ito r. lot, Agnes, eldest dan of Sir George Siaoleeiieie, of i. Slovy, cm. to James, 1st Earl cf Lonsdale. Itosohangh, lord advocate in the reign of Jauos VII. awl ii. Jaoe, 1,2. 1 Pet. 1708, to George, lIar-I Stacaetnev ; csrcd dndly, Christian, daei. of William l),mdao, Esq. t,t Kuieavel. iii. Anne, so to tlsighm, 2cusl Dalce of Northorehierlanil. 1110 lordship ml. in 1710, an,l v,as e. by the 01113 0011 of Ida iv. Angoslo, so. to Cn110.Arcdro,v C,,rtet c ao,l ,t. 1776. first nsarnage, Janes, 2nd earl who, after the deoth of his maternal 0. Cciroline, il. to Jolmmr, lot hail of Pertorhingoon. imele, antI mitch litigation, o. lo the estate of Iteeehamigh. Otto lordship urao cc Iccirdioter of the an,’uvri from 3727 icmmtil I Ito lordship 112. £tnne, dcci. of Archibald, lot Dnlee of his rroignatian ‘If lice high offire of Shot lord of the Treasnry, Argyll and had hooides dano.) two 50110, ViZ., Jona, Ills sorresmor. James, ‘vIle e. to Ins great—graocltnther, Sir Geem’ge Macleer Jenec, 4th earl, is. 30 Jmmne, 1744, who had a. upon the -ic’s extensive estates, acid aiscnne’l the additiooal sOrilaIiIe ilennee of his rcn’thcr, 1:1 Nov. 1701, to the barm’ny of Sle,nmt— of Olaeeexeie. Tills geettemao, Ihe repreeentalive of dillei’ent oticccvt, havimcg lueon previonoly (20 Stay, 1778) created Boost Scottish slnees in parltanieot, from 1742 to 1704, was c’oi’Iiifff Otue,lilf Foal/c; 21 Starcla, 171i0, his lordship woe eencttluted keeper of the privy seal of Scotland, 1763. arid further advanced to the Viocoi’ctp if llI’ii’nfjoff id f/ic lob of’ sworn of the privy council, lie ccl. liii COllOtii, T.aily Eltea— Wptf, lice B’,’f,feou of Wimm’feoi’, aic’l the StAnQurssATo iF beth Campbell, 4th dan. of feInt, 2rc’l Bake of Argyll aad HaTe. mc,’. lot, 12 Nov. 17si6, t’harlotte-Jone, eldeot dour. Greenseieh, bnt had no surviving tonic. lIne ladyshi l11 J. in arid co-heir of ltorhcr-t-WindoorIttcknaaru, 2nd orud loot Viecount 1700, and Stm’. Steccart—Slaelcenoie ,f. within ohie nionllis aflovecavils, of grief. Leaving no icicle issue, lice succession (svho if. 20 Jan. boo) hail isono, to Gre extensive eslale of hue right iron. genileemumn in Scotland fell to be cegcdated by cc eohnl executed by Sir George i. Jonec, £ocvf his’,, 1510cc-f; f’. 25 Seil. l767:ccc. 12 Gel. 1792, Mackenzie, 1609. Notwithstanding that lie eras 11cc first laevyor’ of tire age, Sir George’s settheneeotc weee so ambiguensly weeded, that his estates beet claincect by lice lion. James-Archibald Staart—Wortley, next brother of lIce Mar— eess of Beste, end Lord hlerbert—Win,lser Steart, second sea of tire macepcess. The judgment of the Coo et of Sessioa in Scotland in favoar of Sir. Wortley lens appealed to, and affirmed hy, the house of Lords, 4 3lareha, 1003. Janoeo, 2nd Earl of Bote, ci. 20 Jan. 1 727, arid u-as a. lip his elder son, Jona, lid earl, E.G. I. 10 1713 ; ci. Star’y, 01113’ dan. of Edward Wertley-Slontagn, Esq. of Wortley, eo. Yorlc, arid groat-gnarcddau. of Edward, tat Earl of Sandwich. If or ladyship was created, 4 April, 2701, B’,corccoo iliooccfol,,”c’l, ‘if iI’orffcp, Yoc-tohim’e, with rencairader to her male issue by the Earl of Unto. Of their children, the following lived to maturity, I Jons’, lot Starqaess of Ileete. ii. JAaIes-Arsenie000, evlco, on iniceriling lIce Wertley estates, at the decease of his mother, assnmoe,l the scsrname of 5’0aTLfl’ lie ci. Stac’gac’et, dcci. of Sir ilavmil Conyngicain, Baet., coil had, with oilier isocie, JAMEs - AieenieoLn STCART - Woeney, created Boc’oa W/sernchiffo. (See filet title.) no Frederick, bin Sept. 173]; sIll Stay, 1002. iv. Cnenoeo (Sir) KB.; is. in Jan. 1703; an officer of colebrhly in. gvelyn—Jonmes, 1. 1777: cot, Ia clue aomy; if. 16 Aeig. 1842. in the army, es-ho attained tire rank of heat-general, and iv. Charles, RN.; lest in the Lode frigate inc 1796. svot governor of lisa island of Slinorea, which, amongst his v. Henry, 0 7 Jeuno, 1777; cci. in 1002, Germrede-Anuetia, other military seeeiees, lie lcarh vedcscesl in 1700. Ito ii. 19 April, 1770, Louisa, 2od dan. and co-heiress (ivitli her sister, Albinia, Conntess of Boekinghamshtre) of Lord Vere Hectic, 3rd son of helen, tst Meke of Ancastev, and mt. 23 Slay, 1001, leaving issue, 1 CnAetco (Sir) G.C.U., aouhaasador at Iho eocrrt of Prance, 1779, who was created ltxnouo STUAOT ye ltevnesaa-, in Jan. 1020. lie so.t Pd,. 1016, Ehtsabelh-Margaret, 3rd don. of Philip, 3rd Earl of Itavdo-ieke, and ‘f. 6 Nov. 1843, leaving ha’ hen (eviro ,f. 23 Jsinae, 1003) tire data., his coheirs, via., Cnxnee’eTe, in. 8 Sept. 1038, to Charles-Joint, Visceent Canning, and ,l. at Cotesmhla 10 Nov. 1861. Lneiso, s. 0 June, 1042, Ic hleory, Marquess of Walerfend. 2 John, capt. RN., /s. in 1702, ia 20 Sept. 1507, Atbioia, vi. William, capl. u.N. t 0. io 1770; 1006. Hon. (Icon— eldest dan. of lice llight hen. John Sullivan, aru,l left at Ins decease, in 1811, an only son Charles, colonel in the giana—Staude, uhaic. of Corowatlis, Vioeoimat I hawsur,lomm, ci nih nrnsy, I. 16 Starch, 1010,1,2.4 Sept. 1038, the Hoe. ticorghana, dan. of the late Viee-Adaihral Sir John Gore, 14.0.11. VH. George, renn-adnairah U.N., Cli., is. ‘I Sharclm, ho9 cci. ni Bce. John Stnart, 512. 211(113’, the 71ev. Stanceadako ‘t’lronup— sea, and if. in 1827. e. William, is. in Slaroh, 1715, H.P., Aechhtohop of Armagh, ‘i 3 Slay, 1796, Sophta-Sloegaret—.Jsrlieiua, daii. of Thonras t’enn, Esq. of Stoke Penis, an’t ‘f. 6 Stay, 1823, lcavimcg, by this tally (who if. in April, 1847) issue, I Wifliani, of Aldenham Abhey, herb, is. 31 OcI. 1700, Ia. 1st, 0 elmip. 1021, ttenriolla-Slariic-Sephia, dais, of Admiral Sir Chaeles-5[oriee Pole, Hart., and by her wlce of. 26 July, 1003) has issue, William, is. 7 STarch, 1025. Charles-Pole, Is. in 1126. Itsnre-Clarenee, ci. t6 April. 1037. Catherine. dan. of the Into Cot. Cnninglcanae, of Caddet and Thornton. 165 BUT Slavy-Pole, 2. 1 Aeg. 1017, to Jonathan Itasldeigh, Ilsq. of Sleimatilly, Cu,cnssall. wit it. 35 tori. I 0’J. hlenm’ietla-Pote, ii. in 1035, to llegtnald-T. t’ocl,s, Esq. Locnsa -Pole, a. 3 Aug. 1v52, to’llce. 0.-St. hlidtey. lIe ci. 2ndly, 71 Aog’. 101-I, (Seorgiaa-Adcloide-l’oresler, flair, of Gon. Walker, of Slaaoe Ilonso, hnlicy. - 2 1 lemrry, is. Ia 1004, somiue time 31.1’. for fledfoi’d, ‘0 26 Oct. 1054. I Slcnv—.Jotiaiia, c’s. 1810, Ic Ttmoains, 2nd Ecn-l of llanfam’lv, mcd d. Ins ,vi,tose 11 Only, i too. - 2 Lemn’an, if. oni,a in 1023. if. mrs ss’rdo,v, at the age of 66, tic 1020. vi. Louisa, if. orrccs. 4 Aug. 1051, aged 04. in 1703. Ito ‘t lIPS, and vvoo a. by lois cola, Whrudsc,r’, if tire lciimgisna of Ircbamud ; acusi 123’ her Elizabeth, dan. amid sole lczir of l’cc;rii-le Criehton. Earl of liemfries and ,5. 22 Jan. 1754, teavieg tic her )evtre i, 26 July, hiM), I .tonri, halo nnarqciocc, colic o. Ii ho naaterrual gi’andfalhmer, I’atrich, 0th Each Itimrrrfries, at Iris B-cease, 7ilu April, 1001, icu tlset dignity, as tilt ear-h. ‘2 Patrictc—Jaimces-l herbert, 01.1’. (tiodheuuiuous), is. 25 Aeg. 1794; lord—hieuihemrarat of tIme eo. of Ituile 1 assmticaed, by sign— rnauaoal, iii Starch, 1017, the codiri’’nal smirruammue awl ciu’rcis of CnicnToa arid 28 Sfay feBceciimg obtained the pveeoiheney and mutt of the youucger secc of a rniarqness. Ills heniohip iO. 13 Jnty, 1018, llannah, dan. of the late WGhiana Tighe, Esq. of Woodstocls, en. htitkenoy, crud if. 7 Sept. 1609, lcavtmcg hail issue, Jasros - Pannenicec - Drnenv, lienl.-oid. loin gremuadiergnerdo, SIP. for C;irdiff, loril hiecireurorrt of ltosteslrim’o, is.l7 Feb. 1624; ccl. 29 Jnty, 1864, flerlrede-P’ranees, 2mceh ilart, of the lit. Hera Sir ti. htaeuilten Seyrnommr, G.C.B., and has Patrick Janues, is. 0 Jan. lOtS Coescance, is. o Joly, 1860; and itadroy, 1’. 6 July, loGo. - hlrrhert-Wiadsor, fi. I Aog. 1027: ii. 20 Aug. IntO, Panoy—Adelnide, 3rd d:iuu. of lImo hate John Lat,onchero, Esq. of Breonue Hall, Snrrey, brother of Lord ‘faumctemc, end hns icons, Janucs-Feetescne, is. S Shavch, 1864; Stargoret and Adnbnidc. Slnry—Anne-Pnanees. n. Itembert-Windsor, is. in 1778; if_in 1020. mtaus. end sole heir of Gesm-ge Viltiers, Earl of Gi’andisou (air huonsuec ,s’bnch expired ira 1000), cruel lclt at ins dcnuiso, cc 1009, I JImmy, of Bromnann, is. 0 Jeumce, ISIS, colic assmnmued, evimli his broihers and sister, clue mmacmae of ViLLireo. (3cc Baacoui Ovnaev en Decies.) - 2 Wilhiana, hate captain 12th lancers. 1. 21 _tcug. IsO-ic ci. I Jene, 1033. Catherine, dan. of Slis-Imoet Cox, Euq., of Cashhcbown, ce. Kilkenny. amud luau husee, - hlnnry-Jehrn-hltchard, OStlm fool, is. S Storeic, loll. Dudley, li la 1040. Geetmde-2hary, 1051. Oemnhdinr. Evelma. 7 Chcaeleo, is. 11 Sept. 10001 c. in 1010, Etiaabetli clout, of hlne late flear—Ailmcnral .l,irir-tteue.t Siaohlelt. I Oenlrsidc-Ainelia, ii. oem in ho’O. left at huts slecease, ica 1014, ama only ibis. Geergiana, who lola. in 1033. - 1000, Jane, dan. of tIme late Sla)i,m’-Gca. Janues 01ev-art, and ,f. 12 Peb. 1841, hmusvimmg by 1mm (olin ,f. I Polo 1002) lash issue, I henry, of Cvesloe, W. Galluaeey, t. 2 faa. bO° i. 9 Nov. 18-10, CeciBa, 4th ihaos. of Cmnai-les llcsmmnmmccrole3’, P-sq. of 20, Park-ei’escent, aiud lies issue, Dudley-Charles. RN., is. SI Fsiv. 1015. .Toha-Windser, is. 3 Der. 104. Evelyn, ,,, . ‘2 Mug. 1808, ho C—I t.ithyb,’irli en Ccimumhibehf, Esq.. Il.C.S., 2,ud somc of tl,e late -°ir deem-ge Ccimmmphmelt, of Edcn,cu,esi. an’h nehiiuemv of lord Chancellor Carmnl blib. Eimuils-—t’atimoriimc. 17cm-I rnmito—lbary. Etiaabehhi-Clmanlotte. t’lara-Goorgina. Cecilia. t’nedeeica. tnviu-htenm’iehla-SIary.