Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/223

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CAL A ross—Q’sarlerlr 1st, as.,a ship at anchor, sails farled, oars erect, in saltier, or, withiss a dassblo tressssre rosuster— flowered, of else last, for 0110NOY; 251st and 3rd, ar, a hoe, rasnpant, gee., for Seon; 451s, as., a shi1i esneler sail, or, for CAITHPsESO ; asd over all, a cross, engrostled, stivtsling else foesr I qossrters, sa., for Siercoin, Crest—A reck, P1r. Sejsjssrtors—Tss’o griffins, sa., arnsesl and heated, or. dlstte—Consissit iisy work to God. Seols—Barrogill Castle, l’hurso, aced ‘Victor llossse,ee.Caithness. l’usoss Ilorec——l 7, hill Street, Berkeley Sissare. CALDEOS, Sm WOLLLtM-HENBYILcLSeNGIIAII, Dart, of Muirtoasne, C’ALEBON, E.tht OF (Jnmeo Alexosssle’u’), Viscount b. 14 Sept. 1821; a. his father, Calceloss, assel Baron Caleslon, sf Cnledssss, co. 13 Acsg. 1868, as 6th hart.; ri. Tyeono, us tho pees’oge of Ireland; liout. 1st life 1842, Julia, oldest dots, of Julius 30 June, 1855. Hutchiisnon, Eeq. of Manor Villa, Tonbriclge NVollo, LI,irztc. Il0000T Cocnssr., onfcolfed us the buds of _tsssvanbe, ise 1609, by King J 5550.N’5 por]ionsent), s. Elizolseth, dais, of 1585, had two soles : the youngoe’, JAMEs CanER, settled at Elgin. Rio son, Tsooneas COLDER, psuohased in 1620, Sheriff-ittiln, ssoor I. WILL1ASO,wlso it. lie 1774, leaving foor tons and six dana., Elgiis; aisd ssas provost of Elgisi in 1635 acid 1605. lIe s’ns a. by his soss, 1. Joesra COLDER Lah’d of Jtssirtousso, who was creates] a Borseef of 1t’soo Seslto, 5 Nov. 1086. Sir James so. Grizzle, dass. of Sir Robert Isssies, Bark of lssssrs, by wlsons he had, with other children, his ssseeesaor, TI. SIR Tscnsean, 5 .iss sf62 os. iss 1715, Clsrislbm,s, thu. of i Sir Jnhsa Scott, Bait, of Aneruso,, by wbnsss ho had several ehildioss, and was o. at his decease, by his rhdost coil, Ill. Sir. JAMes. ThiN gesstiemau , . Altre, clots, of Admiral Robert Hosglseo, by whom he had isosse, Ilronv, Isis sneeessor. Eoarwe, (Cir), N.C.R., 5. 2 daly, 1745, a disliabsuslied naval cosnsssasusler, cr150 atlaiised the rank of aslnatral, and for isis gallant services had the honone of kniglselsood conferred upon laliss; aisd seas sntseqaently created a tiarosset of Great Britain, 22 Sag. 1795. lIe sos. Amelia, dots. nf Jousss ltiiteholl, Esq. of BayS old, Norfolk, boo Isad noissssr, and his baronetcy beeanse extinct at his deatls, 11 Ang. lotS. Ahtlsea, is. to Adissiral tteddnsn, of Iloddaiss, co Norllsamber Ii. l1olsrrt, of Dronshsahl, rs. I.oiudossdorry, ss Iso left at isis land. Sir James was .i. by his elder sunivisig son, IV. Sins Hsnenx, a snajor geises’al us the assay, who ci. 1st, Silos Enrie, oi Beestous, no. Norfssllo, host by hoc hat no issose ; assd Ossdly, Loostsa, daas. of AcissursI Osborne, by whom he loft at his death, in 1792, ass only sois assd auee055s,r, V. Sin llexnv-Ronnasi, who was 5. 1790, ssnd sos. ISiS, Frnnees-Selina, 4th doss, of Edmsmd-IIoiry, lot Essel of Limerick, acid by her (who d. ii Jssne, iSIs) had issue, i. ilenry-Edmund-Innes, I. 1$ Oct. 1520; it. Nov. 1554. ci. WiLr.iAR.HENRv-WALnsReuAas, present baronet. iii. Ceoil-Hency-Froneis, 5. 11 Aug. 1122 ; sO. Oct. iSIS. iv. Edmnnd-Henry-Geoc5e, t. 12 Jone, 1124; 57. Jon. 1540. v. Chsrles-Anguatus’Henry, 5. 12 Starch, 1021; it. Oct. 1153. I. Lenina’Alieo-Frauees, na. 1st, 11 Nov. 1520, to Charles- Fox Webster, Esq., who sO. 7 Sept. 18ff, 2nd son of the late Sir Honey Webster, and Indly, 22 April, 1567, to John Couplond, Fsq. of the Rookery, Cheshire. I Sir Henry of. 11 Assg. 1858, and w:ss a. by hts only surviving son, SIR WiLLiAaI-HcRav-WaLnsxanoas, the Otis and present bacosset. &sYaliOR—5 Nov. 1606. Aesso—Oc, abort’s head, eatossod, sa., attired, go. Cctsl—A swon swinnsuisg in a lore,, Isnrdneed wills flags. Mslls—VigSans non cadet. Tss’o Hsosc—41, l’rinees Gardens. IL fllrrgr. This f.sussily ie sold to dorive from a eousisesn osscestor svills the Scottish hossse of Alexosssder, l2ssrls of Stielhs5. NoasiassivL At,ox.sssnnn, Fog. (sleseossded frssiss Androw Alexander, Faq. of Losndsndcrry, who was attaisitosi is Willians iheClisstork, Esq. of Dnssnnorr, cci., mu hod issue, viz., I llonsoy, srlse loft at isis deeesse, in 1700, on only don., Isonotl,eo, ii. to For. Dr. Staples, rector ci Oowran. 2 W’sBsassn, 5. ‘‘50. I John, of. coos. 4 tlolaert (of Ghesscester — plane, Portosass — squaro) a civil servant of the F. I. C., snd rnesnhnr of ronnoil at Madras, who os. twice, and if. IS July, ISfI, aged 90, hssviog had lassie, Jonses-Wilhians, Bongo] civil servioe. Robert, also us 11w hlongal civil service. Cliarlotir, a. to Jolsn Sleddolle, Faq. ilary, os. in lS;l7, to the llov. Sic SI. Virrrol-Lovn hansissiok, lIar;., vicar of hilton Abtolt, Devon. 1 Charlotto-Grooe. S Elf onhells. 1 Slary. 4 Anne, ci. so William Dalson, Faq. S ,lcnsissss, so, in 1780, to use 54ev. hdsnsissd Ilosife. 8 Catherine, as, to Ihso Von. Jolin-Bedingfeld Coils or, Archdeacen of Nerwiels. decease, in 1710, 1 Nathaniel, liD., Risisop of Booth, a. in 1502, Sane, damn. of Ilie Right. lbs. Ilicloord ,lorksoo, of l’s drroine, soil I her (ohs 5. in 1837) left at isis deteose, Ia 1910, six sons aisd four doess., Robert, in 11013’ osslera, co. 1st, isa ll3, Costleenino, eongrst does, of the loris 141. ttosi. Jabs;1 Slapira abc at. in ioso. no cc. lndly, in 18.57, hester, doci. of Ohio late Col. MrManna, and ‘5. in 1145, having isad by his fist wifr, wills fear dasia. (viz., harriet, vs ifs of bun ‘ipalcef,eld, Faq.; Grnre ; Charlolle s and t’sthoi’ine) ascii two yoessnger seiss. I loberi and George. an shiest son, Nathasuel, ,,f P0ctghossone idoesse. co ,sstrisss, 5. si 1515, who ci. isa April, 1042, P’Iorinda, ‘2isd doss, of Il—Il. Eaghey, Faq., by Alicia las wife, don. of Rhsdsard. luid lord Casthensoins, osid ,t. Jon. 1911, leaving isasic. James, in holy oedera, LL.15.. so. in loll, Suds, eldoaf dan. of the late S. Ttepping, Esq. of I,olow’si I louse, cc. Wesimeslh, ansi hind issase 5 Iso s5. 2 .t nh, 1557, Isos log bren accidesslally poisoned. Nathaniel, ci. Seplsia, dan, of SB. Iliekey, Faq.. widow’ of J. Yoono, Faq., nnd boa Nathaniel, and olhor issue. lheney, of Porhshnll Dbase, ro. Annank, us. in 1519, Loosiaa—Jsaliana, lash dasi. of Thosisas. lsad Earl of Pan— fnrhy, and has issue, Os’aisvilhr.Stcsory—.lao’koon, 5. 20 Jesne, 1852; a son, 5. 10 Aog. ISOSt a son, 8. sePas, II Jon. 1061; Tllnisrlso-Cathontno; Ahtce-31s,i’v-.tishinna: Corsusnro-Hene iclln-Goongino, a. I Dcl. I of7, to Capt. Gregery-Cohqsilisua Os-ant. llomhsny staff corps, san of Cslquhenn Grant, Esq. of liinclits’dy, Morayshiro; and aevoral other dons. George, in tho llesgsh rivil serosce, 55. in 58.5.5, Rebecca, dan. of the hale ‘I’. Iaioolley, Esq., snd has, George, and othser isasie. William-Smart, in lisp Bengal cie,l service, so. un 1914, Belbea, etheal daei. of lirig-Gen. Charles Dallas. and hsaa W’illiana-Sltiart, and ollsee isano. CAL C A L E D 0 N. CALD ER. guards ; 5. 18 July, 1810; a. his fathoc as 4th oas-l, ]73