Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/224

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C A L Anne, as. in 1813. to the 11cr. John_MolcswOrtls Staples, (‘rcoflosss—BarOtt, 6 Juno, 1790. Viscount, No;- 1797. Earl’ rector of Upper Mantle. liTany. p:ltza,,,t. to John Nicholson, Esq. of lttslroth. I lesiriot Its, .... to Ii’ ‘t.crt Sniytlt, Es5. of (to) I rook, lilul— lingo r. 2 II corn, st. in 1 oPT, Miss timers, ansI 1. in 1St 0, leaving Coat—_Sn ann, in srusossr. retbosrod, lope., holdieg a Sword, two sosst asssl floe stasis. of site lot see. nnne so. sn I rat), (5 corpo itosolando, is. Pot1. TIs is gonlloasats ssi .s some lone .Oeppsss’I’ en—Locator, a merntatd, stills tier nsirrer, all ppr., ,‘ltssirsstan of the s .atsssjttco of Wars anst Meats. :1 55’ tItans. liosst.esi .. s. its 174:5, lotsirllsa, 2nd dots. of Sir siettler, an cleplsatst, arg. llisl’crt Walter, Ilarl. sit Lisbrksn. co Tipperary. ansi had three sono stool 0150 slotS. s Site stirs irisig son, tisobort, in hot vs’rders. proPossslary of Aghadee, 0. isoratisett, slots. ansi sole of llcssrv Mr inlock, hail., s.f liatlidosseel iloose. Co. I )onegtsl. ssc4 Isas three tons anti five dasss. viz., I WLLLI AOl tise El. lice.), I). D., ]tistsop of Decry nest Eaplsoo, h. 13 April, 1o24, s.. CoetPt”raisoes, dssu. of Major John I Lssissplsrovs,.J.I’.. aisd has tssisc 2 I lenry-MoCtintoek, cossins. EN. I, so. Was. Keowss, Enj., MI’. 2 Matilsia , so. Maximilian—I ltsnsnisssssl Ii.slysssn, elstest son of 71.— 15.-Is. Dsslyoon, Ilssi. of llanil.tcsits, Kent 5 Elizahotls, Poe. A.-Forgossoss Ssssyly t 1 Catlsorisso, ,,s . Jas. Sinclair, hag., son at tho laIr Jssssios Siacissir, of Itotylsill : and 2 I lorotlsoa, o’ . Major Kos’ss’n. 4 lames, of Sonsorlsill, Kent, as. 1st, Elba, dan. of Capt. Pssssslas, of Jlanossr, ye. Stirling, by solsosm he Isad, Etiess-Clsarlolto. s. in 1825, to Sir Stratford Catsnhssg, G.C.JI., now h’isoseusi Stratford do lteshehsPe. lIe ,o. 2sssl ly, in 1S13, Charlrsile—Ssstslsia, dau. of Thomas Pashwood, Esq. and widoso of the Ibis. Clsarles-Aodrcw Brssoe, by whom iso Isasl i5501r, itobort, is. in 1015, 55. in 1811, Julia-Charlotte, 4th dan. I, JOHN COIL, Eoq., SIP., P.R., assd AS., oldest tots of of use late W. Fssne, Esg., Bengal C and 1. 23 Oct. John tall, Eoq. of Laossseollo, co. Cornwall, having oerved 1863, having had tssee. James, 1.. 7 May, 1822, so. 13 May, 1315, Anna-Maria, snot loeistg sssltnoqesesatly sippstisitod otto of the oorismissionet’s Julia, lass, of Slaxhnitiass I INdoor, Esq., of Hasnptoes— Is issqosiro into the otate and massagonsesst of the crown Itusst, assd has issue. Charlolle-Sophhs. Assne. Esssista, ,1. in 1043. 5 JosiaaJsss Pr,, ass East Isidia Piroefor, assd for sossse llsstty, M.D., atsd had iossso, years Ml’., s, . Mare. stats, of the her. Thonssss Erackess, W’is.LiAsS-Pn.OTT, Sod baroeet. astsl ii. in I rIb, having Isrod issne, Caledon-flo Irs’, 1.. in 1017, a,. in 1841, Caroline, 2nd Oesrge-Cotsfard, heut-col. 101St regt. doss, of James Esoisog, Esq., ssssd Isas isstsr. Josias -llr.sckrn-Cssnning, l. in 18211, is. 11 Jan. 1813, Louisa-Anne, as, 4 Aog. 1001, to Matthew, Lord Aylmrr, and Agnes-Cecilia, sl,sss, of the late Sir Williasu Cssrtts, hart., Frauces, ss, 10 Jene, 1606, lo Sir Chat-les-Cuniegham Fairhin, and has issuo. Mary—Anne, t(.in 1337, to J,-Pratt Barlow, Bog. Lsscy—Emsoa. Elton, so, lit 1032, tO Itol,ort—Ilollsoach Potting, Bog., Cathot’isso, so. 1st, to Ilajer-Ooss. Itoury Otacldssnou, lnd eldest see of tise lice. lt.-W. I SoIling, of lilaglsrraliss, no. loosen. and Isas bssste. Chssrletso-Mssria. Ellen— 1.otsisa istadoilne, s.2 Sold. 1845, to Capt. P.-W. Plcydoil-Bouverie, It. Sin WiLLsAoi Pain, I. ha Nov. 1751 : who sst. lb Juno, Fasiny-Soltea, (55. 22 Jan, 1046, to lise her. Francis 10)56, Lossioa, doss, of George, 5th Earl of Ci’assard, by whona Simpsoss, vis’ar of Boynlon, Torkslstre. Agnes-Iloisriotta. I Elizabeth, s. is’ Sir Ae’I, t-’orgssoon, hart. of Tiso Farm, Phillida-Elizabeth, Os. 1st 1831, to the Boy. George-lleney ho .ndsesslcrry. Ml’., solsso ‘S. iss I sOs, leaving issue, 2 Anise, s. to (‘vi, .Sloxansler Scott, royal arlillery, asod Georgiassa-Mary, oh. 17 llay, 1537. Isas a soss, Ilohert aissi Assno. sit. Jaasnn, of soltossi presoit tb. i Eliza, ..,. to Jostas Lou l’s’é, Esg. of Wilton Park, Lucks. The yossisgeot o”ss, JAsteo At.ri.eai.rn, Foq., havinsg filled several insportasit Ilornby, RN., oldest sass of the 11ev. Geoffry Ilernby, offers in India, was olovated to the peerage of Ireland, s’s Jsuso, 1780, Sty the title of B,’ooso Cololse, s.f Colosion, co Sir William ‘1. ODor. 1SM, and woes. by his only ten, l’ysssssc. Los Ns’v, 1797, his lssrrlohip waosadvasseed to the Ill. Ssa Wss.nsaai Praxr.s.rv, who was is. 10 May, 1614, digssit3- of Viscoo’o,t C’sef,’fsst, atsd, 1 Jan. 1801, created Eons. anol sss. 14 April, 1841, Lanra-Emma, yoossgeot dan. of the or (‘strrsow. Ho sr. 25 Nov. 17:4, Anise, Sssd dass. of lsste Charloo - Wright Gardiner, Esq. of Coombe Ledge, James Crawfssr.t, Eoq. of Crawfnrslshssrss, Co. lJoss-n, anti Isp Oxron, and had issue, hor (svho oh. 21 Poe, 1777) had insole, lIt’ Ins, lssd oarl. _lisshsella, so. Andreo’.Thensas, 11th Lord Blayney and ,5. Rosc-Annr-Masilde, sos. 27 BareSt, 1665, to Henry Gratwirkn -I March, 1014. Elizabeth, IlLs lordship 1. itt 1302, and ‘noon, Sty bPs son, Pu Par, 2nd earl, sstse elf tiso relsressosstsstive peers of Sir William 5. 12 Dee. 1664, and woo e. by his only eon, Irolaesl, 1. 14 Poe, 1777; who m. Iii Oct. 1811, CatherineI’reiassss, Stn W5LL5oat-Geoaun-bIoaNa’.suo CALL, the 4th and prenent lsssl 515105. of Philip, :;rsl P,sul sf tlarolsvieke, assd C, bssrsssset. lit 15th, lossving Isy her (svhis ‘I. S July, 18151) ass sasty sois, J.sarrs-Dss Per, l;rd earl, si rolsr000litative peer, attn cot. Ceosshsa—28 Jssly, 1791. of thr Tyroisr militia, Is. 27 Jssly, 1312; who so, 4 Sept. 4845, A s’ssso—Gn., tisror erssssspels, fessesrays, in palo, arg. Jane-Fredorieu Griusstssn, 45 Ii doss of Jssraeo-Wnltor (‘s’osl—A demi-ion, rampant, lsolshng a tronspet in bin paw, lot Earl of I’ersslant, asid had issue, i, Jsirs, present earl. is. Waltor, is. 0 Foss, 1°49. iii. (‘harlot, 0.26 lan. 1s4. i, Jnne-Clsarlotte-Elizako’ls. The earl ‘1,50 Jssssc, 1845. 174 CAL 1 Jan. 1801. .4-ass——Per pale, arg. and on., a olin-ron, and in base a crescent, all oounterehangOd on a east ton, az, a lsarp, or, stringed, of the lasS, Stilt and isotitmel, or. Motto—Per esare, per terms. so-si—Castle Caledea, co. Tyrone. CALL. CALL, STE WILLIAM. GEOEGE. — Il[otTAurs, of Whitefonrl go. Corn. wall b. 6 Fob. T849 s. his fathor 364th barnnet, 22 Doe. 1864. Ltltcztgr. witis cossoiderable repostattols its satttttary esogittoer to India, lssndo, n-as created a Baronet, 25 Jsdy, 1751. He so. 26 March, 1772, Philadolphia, drd does. asid es-heir of William Sir John 5. 1 March, 1301, aisd was s. 1sy his ness, (who C. 25 Jan, ISH) ho has had isano, Win,ssai.BrnnELEv, 3rd baronet. Sonsorsel, grandson sot tleer7, SIlt Pulse of ioaufoet. Louisa-Morcer, s. 15 Jsstse, 1832, to tIle hen, and Rev. Wilttzsu S1sencer, 4th son of Francis Almenlo, lot Lord ChurchIt ill. Augusta, as. lot, 21 Juno, 1838, us Capt. George-Lanes Palsrsosi, of the hfsh regt., only son of Cot, Charles Paterson; and lndly, 17 Jan. 1649, to the late Capt Wiudham roclor of Bury, Lssnrashire WsLs.sati-llennor-lIeszTAuu, present baronet, I{nslor, Esq., 11.5., youngest sen of Riolsard Rasher, Esg. of Aldingbeurno Ilonse, Snssea, and 1, 14 Oct. 1666. lllanclso, st 20 Nov. 10(4, to Sir Saesuzl-Ednaond Falkinor. Psarl. as in site ant,,, Jfells—Grata nsaen. .(‘oosl—Whitferd Iteuso, Lauereston, Cot’sass-all, Phillida, tb Slay, 1605, to Benjamin Batharst, Esg., non ot the Bislsop of Nonnich, and ii. 17 Sept. 1845. d. 13 Aug. 1862. SIb hart, of Robertland; and ‘1. 12 May, 184S, at Pisa. foot-gssarsls, wlso fell at Ctudad Ilodrigo is] Spain’, and 2ndly, to Assdroe’-iledmond Friar, hog., FItS., and d. his widow, 29 Mamnh, 1561, )Soo Ecene’a Lssssslcsf Oesbs’y.)