Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/23

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THE ROYAL FAMILY. xxi Richard, Earl of Cambridge, tIe. Anne Mortimcr, dan. of Roger, Earl of ltfareh,* aad left at his decease (by deconitatien) an only son, Richard, Duke of York, Protector of England, who fell at the battle of Wakefield, 31 Dea. 1460, leaving by ins wife Cicely, dan. of Ralph Neviile, Earl of Westmoreland, I EnwaleD, who aocended the throne as 411: of the name. 3 Edmond, East of Rutland, slain at Wakefietd, when a youth, 31 Dee. 1460. 3 George, Duke of Clarence, put to death in 1477; so. Isabel, dan. and heir of Richard Nesill, Earl of Warwick, and had a son, EnwAan, Earl of Warwick and Saiiebary, the toss atote aErREsENrAvsvE or sue nouse or Yoae, beheaded in 1499, sense., and a dues., SiaxosacT, Countess of Salisbury, the last of the Plantagenets, beheaded in 1141. Her ladyship so. Ssa RseuAan POLE, E.G., and had, with a dan., Ursula, as. to Henry, Lehi Stafford, fear sons, the youngest of whom were the celebrated Coaoseeoa. ReosNatn POLE, and the eldest, llrasy Pote, LORD Moavanu. lie set. Jane, dan. of George Nevili, Lord Abergavenny, and left a his decease (he was beheaded in 1539) two dans., his co-heirs, viz., 1Cavnassae, see, to Francis, Earl of Huntingdon (whose representative is ihe Marquess of itastings); and Wsasraen, as. 1st, to Sir Thomas hastings, s. p., and 2ndly, to Sir Thomas Barrington, of Rarrtngten Hall, in Essex, of which latter marriage the co-representatives arc William Lewndes, Eeq. of Cheeham, and William Selby-Lowndcs, Eoq. of Whaddon. Bucks. 4 P.sruaan, who o- as 3rd of that name. 5 Anne, so. 1st, to Henry holland, Duke of Exeter, from whom she ,was diverted at Iser own suit. She ses. 2ndty, Sir Thomas St Lsger, and by him had an only dan., ANNE ST. Lance, who s,s. Sir George Hanners, Lord Ros, and was snother of Sir Thomas Manners, Lord Ros, treated Earl of Rutland. 6 Itargaret, so. to Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. 7 Elleaheth, s’s. to John De Ia Pole, Duke of Suffolk. Thomas of Woodstetk, Duke of Gloucester, constable of England, murdered at Catais in 1397, leaving issue by his consorL Eleanor, dan. and cc-heir of Humphrey de Bohnn, Earl of hereford and Essex, hfumphrey, Earl of Bnekinghsm, who d. ssssset. in 1399. Anne, so. lot, to Thomas, Earl of Stafford, by whom she lsad no issue; Ondly, to Edsoond, Earl of Stafford, by wlsom she was mother of Htnnpln-ey, Duke of Bockingham, whose grandson, henry, 2nd Duke of Bnckingham, -mu behtadcd feosp. Rscnsen lIt. The Princess Anne as. 3rdly, William Deurthier, Earl of Ewe, and was mother of Macsty Ronacnsess, Earl of Ewe and Essex, whese son and heir, Wssnsace, dying s. p., left, by Anne his wife, dau. of Richard Wydvlle, Earl Rivtrs, a son, Henry, 2nd Earl of Essex, and a dao. (eventually heiress to her brother) namely, Cscez.oy, wife of John Devereux, 8th Lord Perrers of Chartley. From clsis marriage descend the Duke of Bockingham, Earl Ferrets, the Marquess Townshend, Lord Ratherton, Evelyn-Philip Shirley, Esq. of Eatington, to. Warwick, and of Leogts Fea, to. Monaghan, who asw all entitled to quarter the Plantagenet arms. Joan, so. to Gilbert, Lord Talbot; but B. s. p. Isabel, see. to Ingetram It Rrnh de Concy, Earl of Bedford, and had two dane., Mary, as. to Robert de Dnsv; and Phllippa, as. to Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford and Dsske of Ireland. Joan, centmottd in nsarriage to Ats’uoazo, King of Castile, but died of the plague before the solcmnizatton, in 1319. Blanch, si. an infant. Mary, ses. to John Montfort, Duke of Brittany, st op. Istagaret, so. to John Hastings, Earl of Pensbroke, and c/. o. p. KtEo EDWARD III. d. at Shone (now Richmond), in Snrrey, 21 Jnne, 1377, and was busied in Westminater Abbey: ho wao z. by (the oniy enrviving son of the Black Prince) hie grandson, as RICHARD THE SECOND, etyled the samo as EDWARD III. Thia monarch, b. at Bordeaux, 1300; no. let, 22 Jan. 1383, Anne, dan. of the Emperor CHARLES IV., which printeas tI 1395; and 2ndly, (in 1396), Isabel, 2nd dan. of CHARLES VI. of 1”ranoe (who was us. 2ndly to Charles, the Poet Duke of Orleans). Richard had no issue by either marriage. Ho waa deposed 29 Sept. 1399, and murdered 14 Feb. 1400, in Pontefract Castle, Yorkshire; ho was eventually buried in Westminetor Abbey. The aoveresgnty was usurped by his cousin, as HENRY THE FOURTH, styled the came aa RICHARD II. (eldest son of JOHN of Gfesesst), crowned 13 Oct. 1399, who, b. at Bolingbroke, Lincolnshiro, 1367; us. 1st, 1380, Mary do Bohnn, dan. and co-heir of Hnmphry, Earl of Heroford, by whom he had four sons and two daus., Heresx, Prince of Wales. Thonsas, Dnke of Clarence, who fell at the battle of Beangd, 22 March, 1421, and ci. issueless. His wife was llargarel, 3rd dan. of Thomas, and sister and co-heir of Edmond Holland, Earl of Kent, and widow of John de Beaufort, Marquess af Somersel. Jolm, Duke of Bedford, Earl of Riehnsond, Bc., the celcbroted REOENT or PEANcE in the minority of King Itcasv VL Tisis prince was renowntd for his extraordinary shill in war, and for his great wisdons send prudence: his carter in Fnsnce was marked by a series of brilliant achievements. He as. let, 0422, Anne of Burgundy, who B. 14 Nov. 1432, and Dndly, Jacqueline, or Jaquttin, of Loxembnrgh (who so. after his decease, Sir Richard Wydevile, Hot.). The Duke ci. 3d Stpt. 1435, without issue. l{unephrey, Duke of Gloucester, ttxoxar or Ewotorm during the minority of HENRY VI., B. in 1446, sseueless. He had two wives, viz., Jaqueline, Countess of Holland, don. and heir of William, Duke of Bavaria, frona wlsom 1st was dse’oreed and Eleanor, dan. of Reginald, Lord Cohham. Bland:, ses. lst, to I.onis, Duke of Bavaria; 2ndiy, to the Euro or Assocon; and lrdly, to the risc/u ol Barr. Philippa, as. 1409, to Es:c, Euro or DENMARK. KoNo HENKY sea. 2udly, in 1403, Joan, dan. of CHARLES II., King of Navarre, and widow of John do Hontfort, Duke of Brittany, bnt had no other issue. He d. in the Jerssaalem Chan:ber, Westmsnster, 20 March, 1413, and was basried at Canterbury; he was z. by the Prince of Wales, as HENRY THE FIFTH, atylod as HENRY IV. until the 8th year of his reign, when -. ho was styled “Rex Anglhe, Htnres et Regene FranciH, et Dominus HiberniH,” b. at Monmonth, in 1388; crowned 9 April, 1413. This warlike monarch, tho renowned hero of AEIHC0UKY, m. 3 Jan. 1420, Katherine, youngest dats. of CHARLES VI., King of France, by whom he had an only eon, ‘4 MacaT, Prince of Wales. * RooxE MossT:s:r,s, 4th Earl of March, was eon and heir of Eslmnnd Mortimer, 3rd earl, by the Lady PnstorrA PLANTAOENET, don. and heir of Ls0NEL, DUKE 05’ CLARENcE. He B. in 1398, and wae o. by his son, EDMUND HoaTesexe, 5th Earl of llareh, who B.,. p. in 1424, when the Esrldom of Maccl, expered but 51st BAaoams oe 3Ioa nosEs, with the estates of the Mortimers, and tleeir pretensions to the crown, devolved upon ins otphew, R5tHARD PeAaxonewev, D,et’c s.f Tsr/c, and thus was founded the elaine of the Wuexa Rose. b