Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/24

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THE ROYAL FAMILY. The King d. at Bois Vinrennes, in France, just as he had reaclsed the summit of glory, 31 Aug. 1422, and was hurled at Westminster. The Queen remarried, soon after her royal consort’s decease, Sir Owen Tudor, Knt., son of Meredith ap Tudor, by the Lady Margaret, dau, and co-heir (with her elder sister, the Lady Eleanor, wife of Griffith Vychan, Lord of Olyndwrdwy, and mother of OWEN GLENDOwER) of Thomas ap Liewelyn, Lord of South Wales, Representative of the Sovereign Princes of Sooth Wales, by the Lady Eleanor, dau. and heir of Philip ap Ivor, Lord of Cardigan, by the Princess Cisthenne, dau. and heir of Llewelyn, last Prince of North Wales, who was co.representative of the Dynasties of South Wales and North Wales. By Sir Owen Tudor, Queen Katherine bad two sons and a dan., viz., Jasper Tudor, created Earl of Pembroke. (See Busssx’s Enlioci osot .Dorosaat Peerage.) Edmond Tudor, created Ear] al Ricismood, who no. Margaret, only dan. sod heir of John, first Duke of Somerset, and greatgrauddan. of John ef Gaunt, by his third marriage (see EnwAao ill), and left an oniy son, linear, Earl of ttichmend, who ascended the throne as 7th sf that name. Tsetns Tudor, as. to Reginald, Lord Grey dc Wilton. KING HENRY t,r was a by- the Prince of Wales, as HENRY THE SIXTH, styled “Dci Gratis Rex Anglite et Francite ot Dominus Hibernise,” 6. at Windsor, 6 Dec. 1421; crowned 6 Nov. 1429; who at. 22 April, 1445, the celebrated MARGARET OF ANJOU, dan. of itegnier (titular King of Sicily, Naples, and Jerusalem), Duke of Aujou (descended from the Count of Anjou, brother of CnARLEa V.), by whom (who ci. 1482) be had an only child, Enwxan, Prince of Wales, born 13 Oct. 1 452; as. in 1470, Lady Anne Nevile, 2nd dan. and co-hch of Richard, Earl of Warwick, but was murdered after being taken prhaner at tiss battle of Tswkeshory, 21 May, 1471, and ci. issuslets. His widow es. Rscnsan lIt. In this unhappy reign the first blood flowed between the houses of York anti Lancaster, and the contest endured for the ensuing thirty years; It ceased at length, after immolating at the shrines of the conflicting factious fourscore princes cf the blood royal at least, with almost the whole body of the ancient nobility of England. Knee H5NRY VI., who was deposed after the second battle of St. Alban’s, 4 March, 1461, ci, in the Tower of London, a few days after the battle of Tewkesbury, in 1471, by (s;sppoeed) violence; he was buried at Windsor. Upon his deposition the crown was resumed by Edward, Duke of York, son of the Protector, Richard, Duke of York (ace Enwarsn Ill.), as EDWARD THE FOURTH, styled the same as HENRY VI., 6. atRousn, 29 April, 1441; proclaimed 3 March, and crowned 28 June, 1461. This monarch had to contend for his right with MARGARET OF ANJOU and the Lancastrians; but after a variety of fortune, he snccceded in establishing himself firmly upon the throne. The King as. 1 May, 1464, Elizabeth Wydevile, dan. of Sir Richard Wydevile (by Jacqueline of Luxembtsrgh, widow of the REOENT, John, DUKE OF BEDFORD—see HENRY IV.), and widow of Sir John Grey, of Gtoby, who fell in the esoond battle of St. Alban’e, under the Lancastrian banner, by whom Ise left, Enw.aan, Prince of Wales. Richard, Duke of York, who was nt 19 Jon. 1478, in his infancy, to Anne, only child and heiress of John Mon-bray, Doks ci Norfolk; he was sncwdercd with his brother in Ihe Too-er. ELszAsETss, so. to King Jicasy Wi. Ciccly, as. to John, Vioconnt Welles; and 2ndly, to Sir J. Kyrns; hnt ‘1. issncless. Anne, as. to Thosssas howard, Duke of Noslok, but left no ssnviving issoe. Bridget, a non, ci. in 1517. Mary. ci. ross. Katherine, so. to Sir Willians Coursensy,, and had an only son, Henry Coortsnoy, Earl of Devon and Marq6ses of Exeter, father of an only child, Edscard Conrtcnay, Earl of Devon, n-ho sl. s’zssst. at Padna, 4 Oct. 1536. EDWARD IV., n-ho ti. at Westminster, 9 April, 1483, was boned at Windsor; he was a. by the Prince of Wales, as EDWARD THE FIFTH, styled the same as hENRY VI., 6. in the Sanctuary at Westminster, 4 Nov. 1470. This prince was murdered 22 June, 1483, with his only brother, the Duke of York, in the Tower, soon after his accession, by order, It is asserted, of his uncle, the Protector GLOUCESTER, who had tssorped the throne, under the title of RICHARD THE ThIRD, styled the same as HENRy VI., crowned 7 July, 1483. This monarch, 6. at Fntheriugay Castle, Northamptonshire, 1450, sss. Lady Anne Neville, class. assd heiress of Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, and relict of -Edward, Prince of Wales, only son of KING HENRY VI., by whom (who ci. 1484) he had an only son, Enwnn, Prince of Wales, who, 5. 1479, ct. e p-April, 1484. Ktsio RICRARD fell at Boswnrth Field, 22 Aug. 1485, and was buried in the Abbey of the Grey Friars, at Leicester. His rival, HENRY Tunost, Earl o,f Ric/eotoacl, ossly son of Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond (off HENRY V.), asoestded the throne, by the title of HENRY THE SEVENTH,* styled tbs souse as HENRY VI., 6. at Pembroke, 26 July, 1455; pro. claimed king by SIr William Stanley, io the field of Boeworth, Immediately after the battle, 22 Aug. 1485. and croovssed on the 30th of the ensniug Oct., at ‘Westminster Abbey, by Cardinal Boorchier, archbishop of Canterbury. Thc King ste. 18 Jan. 1486, Elizabeth, eldest dass. of KING EDWARD TV., and had issue, As-runs, Prince of Wales, 5. 20 Sept. 1486; se. 14 Nov. 1551, Gte infants, Catherine of Arragon, dan. of PcantNaan Ti., King of Spain; but ,(. in a few nsonths aftcro-ards issnclcss, 2 ApsE, 1902. HEseax, Prince of Wales, n-ho is said lo have been cornpcRcd by his father to espscsae Catherine of Arrogon, the widen’ of his deceased bcothcc. Pdrnond, crested Duke of Somerset, S. in 1499. StanaAscr, 6.29 No,-. 1459; as. 1st, itt), to Janas IV., King of Scoiand, and sras nsothsr of Jassis V., who en. lot, Stagdalcn, dan of PsaNcIs I., King of Prance, assd by her left no issnc; he as. lndly, Mary, dan. of the Duke of Gatos, and left an only child, Mast Srr.saT, Queen of Scot,, 5. at Linlitlsgow, 7 Dcc. 1542, who so. tot, 14 April, 1558, Fsssecss I]., King of France, but by bins (who ,l. 5 Dec. tteO) had no issue. Mary Stuart so. 2ndly. 29 July, 1566, licasy STUA5T, Lord .Darsley, eldest son of Matlhcw, 4th Earl of Lcttnox, and by him (who n-as nsurdcrcd IA Pcb. 1367) had an only son, Jsnvs VI. of Scotland, and 6. of England. - Mary, so. Dolly, 15 tiay, 1167, Jasnes llrpbnrn, Earl ofRnthsrell. Queen Mazy was beheaded I Fob. 1586. IIsaGAscT (Queen Dowager of lasses tV.) us. dndty, Aacsssat.u DocnLos, R,srt of A agoo, by shorn she had an only dao., NAaoaarT Dssreras, who s. 9lattltew Stsarl, Karl of Lennox, REGENT or SCOTLAND, and had, lIrNat SrrAsT, Lout Darsstep, the 2ssd Isnobansi of MART, Queen of Scots. * The first of the Tcnoas.