Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/236

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CAR lBs lordship vs. Ssolly, 13 Dec. 1762, Elizaheth, 3rd dan. of William, of T,ismerc, who is. Gertrssde, dan. of Warburton, Christopher Horton, Req. of Catton Hall, co. Derby, and haul of ilarryhineb, Queen’s C,s., and had issue. Jehss Cardsn if. an only son, hio successor at his decease, 26 3Iay, 178:), Gronor., 4th baron, I. It Feh. 1766; representative for the older son, Ce. Rutland hi the British parliament. His lordship vs. in Jones CAnnER, Eeq. of Teniplemore. who se. a dais. of 1792, Susan, only den. and heiress of Col. henry Watson, Paul lhinehin, Req. of Ballynakil, and bad two tens, JOHN hut dying without issue, 31 Dee. 1804 (his widow ss. 21 Jan. and Psuil. The elder, 1506, George-Frcke Evans, Req. of dulgaden hail, and d. hi Jones CAnnER, Req. of Teniplesanre. This gentleman vs. 1518), the title reverted to his nude, JOHN, 5th baron. This nobleman in. 15 April, 1759, Roac, dan. of Otway, of Castle Otway, ee. Tipperary, by Emma, 4th dais cf the Very [1ev. William t’rnwe, deass al whom he had two sane and seven dana. He d. in 1774, and Clanfort, liv whons (who ,I. 6 Jan. 1806) ho had, John-William, 0.31 March, 1763; ci. in 18t3. Emily-Fraseos, ‘1. fa 1771. hrsnees-Dsrethsea, us. hi 176), to Wiltians Preston, Esti., awl 1st, 23 Jan. 1776, llary, 3rd dan. of Arthur, Visconnt Harherton, had issue. IL-re-Wissiaso I’rostoss, Esq. sf Clontarf; AtgersssThomas Preston, ; Sir George Preston, Knt. ; 11ev. ARTHUR, 2nd hart. TIc sea. 2ndly, Sarah, dan. of John Moore, Deeimsss—sVillians hessIan ; and three (tans. Maria-Jsdiana, ia 1796, to Thsensas Barry, Eaq. of Leigh’s Esq., and had t’y that lady, Brash, es.3leahls. and had Iwo slaus., co-helm, viz., EmilyItarry, Asnceley, who ci. vase. au. [a the 11ev. Artlsssr-Smiths Adamson ; and Maria- Gertrude, its. to James Butler, Esq. of Park, en. Tipperary, Anna, a. La she Rev. John 1)etmege. his lordship sl 4 Starch, 1807, and was s. by Isis esusin, VI. Sin Js’nN Ev.ates-FssrKsc, the 2nd hart., wisa thus more, by whom he had, lseeame tilt baron. His lordship b. 11 Nov. 1761, vs. 25 Jan. 1793, t’athes-ine-Charlatte, Sri1 dais, of Artlsnr, 2nd Earl of Frances, as. to William-Rhayney Wade, Req. of Clessabraney, As’ran ; but dying a, p. 12 Slay, 1841, was a. by his nopisew, harriet-Amelia, its. to theory Lloyd, Eaq. Gnaane-P.arasov, the present peer. Lady Carbery d. 21 fOe vs. 4tbhy, Anise, relict of the 1st Viaessmt Stonek. Sir Feb. 1852. C A B D E N. CARBI:N, SIR Josey-OIIAVEN, of Templemore, co. Tipperary, v. Waraer-OVestsnra, late capt. bIrd higlslanders, ci. 1855. V. L. for that co.; 8. 1 12cc. s. Ehizabe[h-Caihcrine, as. in 1037, to I.srenzo hzod, Esq. of 1819; z. isis father, as 4th hart., is. tarah-tephhe, aim 1843, to John Trant, Esq. of Doves, es. 23 March, 1817; ass. 1st, 23 is,. Frasees-Slary, as. 1 (let. 1807, to the Rev. Telferd htacdenogh, July, 1844, Oas’oline’Elieaheth. Mary, dau. of the late Sir WilIiam-Mor,iannt Sir Itenry was a mIlitary officer, and served uader the Dssks Milner, Mart., assd by lies’ (who ci. 5 sf Wohlhsgtou hs the Peninanla and at Waterloo. He if. Nov. 185(1) has three daus., I. Harriol-t’araline. is. Mcatrirs-tsasrgina, ci. 12 Sept. 3868, to George-has. (‘-ealissa—lI Aug. 1767. tinge Breske, Esq., an officer late 48th regt., sass of zhs’ase—Arg., a masels, go., between three pheons, is. Mr. and lady Arabehla Brooks, of Aohbreoke, cc. Permanagb. Cs’cat—A pheoa, sa. (N fleecEr, Mart.) in. tl,netanee-Laura. He tse. 2nilly, 21 Juno, 1852, Jnlia-Isabella, only dan. of Admiral Charlna-E7. Robineon, RN., and has issue, a Jona-Cs,.svev, 0. 10 Jan. 1834. ii. Hessry-tharloa, 0. 20 Jass. 1815. iii. Frederick-liiebard, 0. 18 June, 1816. iv. Cold4ream-James, Is. 18 Ang. 1817. s. Julia. IL itt ca c Tins family removed from the co. Lincoln mIs Ireland abissst Use nsiildle sf the 1 SIb centnry. The name is local, haing derived from the tawaship of C’asvardess, Carsvarden, or Car,hen, which 11,-s si sal elevcss miles S. S. E. from Chester, n’lsich manor svas the orsginud inheritance s,f the family ; bnt the rider t,rassch torsssinating in ce-heiresses, the manor of (lear-I ‘ard,,n was ca,-ricd by Inan-iage fists the family of l”altan. Abranels hail been settled in ttcs,t, where it appears it svas fir several generattona possessed af the massor of hla,,hifard ; but that estate was ahionat,-d Icasy. ELIZABETH, by Jalsn Cardeus, to the l’ohbes., when there is reason t’, believe Ihat ttse 5 ‘arduna of Kr.nt remaved into Lincolushire, and that frona them diverged the Irish branch springing from Jona Ceanos, Esq., whs, settled at Templemore, co. Tipperas’y, Ca ROW, BARON (Robert-Shapland Csrew), of the ahsent the year 1610. This gcsstlensass ass. Priscillas Rent, by whom lie had two seas, Josia, hh sneeeaeor; and I eo. Werford, in the poersgo of Ireland; and Baron 186 CAR at the extraerdbsary age of 103, in 1728, and was s by his Elizabeth, dan. and heir of the Rev. Robert Craven, by was o. by his eldest scsi, I. JOHN-CRAvEN CARDER, Req. of Tenspiemare, who was created a BARONET OF IRELAND, 31 Aug. 17a7. Sir John vs. by svhom he had tive suns, John, if. ssasss. ; and fise baronet as. Irdly, Mary-Frances, dan. of Henry Weetenra, Req., and sister of Warner-Willians, 2nd Lord Roes- HENRY-ResEnT, late baronet. co. Sleaths. John Carden d. 21 Nov. 18-20, sod was a. by his son, It. S,a Anvnuo, who ci. Mary, dais, of Thomas Kemmhs, Assas—Qssartsrly , 1st and 4th, en., tn-s bars, or; ia chief, Req. of Shaas, Queen’s Coensty, but by her (who in. Indly, thsree nanll,u[s, of else last, far Feces; 2nd end led, aeg., three Capt. Joseph Smith, and st 20 June, 1867) he bad no issue; he if. hi 1022, evhess the title devolved upass his brother, t’res’e—lst, Fneae, a bull’s head, cooped at Chin neck, sa., III. SIR Itresssv-Ronr.ssv, 0. 8 Feb. 1789; whso sI. 10 March, collared and chained, or; hid, Evsas, a deash -lion, rampantregardant, 1818, Louisa, only child of Frederick Thsompean, Esq. of or, tsahdiag tse[n’een she p,sa’s a boar’s head, as in ihse arms. Woadehlle, Queen’s Cosmty, by whom he had issue, Rapport’ a—Tn’s lions, regsrdssnt, or, ducaily erewncsh, az. ,. Jones-CsAvsN, present baronet. is. Froderiche, b. 26 SIareb, 1021 ; it. in 1844. is,. htenry-Tlsniel, nsa). Queen’s Caunly rifles, 0. 1 Hey, 1022; so. in 1847, Catheriso, dan. of Jslsn-Farry do WhaLes, Esq. of Shaeadersren, ea. Breeon, and has two sons and two daus. iv. Art tier, BA., in holy orders, 0.30 June, 1023; as. 13 Slay, 1052, ltosa-Emhly. dan. of W.-Wilteu Waedward, Bsq. of Ha[son I[auss, co. Gloucester, and ii. 10 Aug. 1803. having had twa sans. Chapel leod Moose, co. ttihkeany. ‘ffppcrary. 31.A., reeler of Ee[sgh, Ring’s County. 21 Shards, 1547. Melia—Ftde et amors. See [—Temphemere Priory, co. Tipperary. C,’eali.sea—-Raron, S Slay, 1715. Baronet, 1708. bases’ heads, eeuped, sa., for EvANs. JhIsslla—l,ibcrtas. ,Se,,le—Castle Freke, cc. Cork; asud Laxten, Nerthsaaipten. CARDIGAN, EARL OF, 165 AILE8BURT, H. or.. CARDROSS, Loan, see BUCIIAN, EARL. CAR E W.