Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/237

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CAR Carew, of Castleboro’, in the same county, in the peerage of the United Kingdom ; lient. and enstoe rotnloruns of eo. Weaford; 8. 28 Jan. 1818; s. as 2nd lord, 2 June, 1856 ; on. 16 Jnly, 1844, Emily-Anne, 2nd dan. of Sir G.-R. Philips, Mart., late 1SLP., and has issue, r. R0BERT-SseAFLANn-Geoauz-JuLI,ON, 5. 15 Jnne, 3860. it. Geerge-Patriek-Jehn, 5. 1 Feb. 1863. ILiitcigc. Reaear Oanew, Req. (a descendant of the great and WALTEa Psrz-OTieo, castelisso of Windsor, who had Iwo ancient family of the same name), so. Elizabeth, dan. and sons; from Willions, the yomsger, the Lords Windsor descended; co-heir (with her sister Catherine, wife of William here, GEEALO, sprung the Carews and Pitegeralda: he wso cayteihen Esq. ef Harperatewn) of JeIm Shapland, a wealthy merchant of Wexford, and had, with ether children, Saspe.ANn, and I., fraos whons he received the lordship of Sinlaford, in Theussa, ancestor of the Cansws sf Balliasieesse, new rcprcssnted Berks. Dy Nests, his wife, dan. of Ithys ap Tudor Slawr, by THoMAs CA5Ew, Req. (eec BURKE’s Leaded Gentry). King of South Wales, whose dow-or was the castle of Carow, The elder, SssAs’LANO CAnEw, Req. of Castlohoro’, co. Wcxford, MR he had three sons, Slauncee, WILLIAM, and DAvin ; frons for Waterford, I. in 3716; sic. Miss Dobaon, a cs-heiress, and Slasniee, the eldest, descended the b’irzornsLsss, Dukes of had issne, RO5ERT-SEArLAND, his heir. Elizabeth, ‘5. to Robert Power, Esq. ef Clashniore, late Oi.P. WILLIAM, of the Castle Eesvin, ea. Carmartisen, d. ill 1173, Elcaner, m. to the Right Men. Sir John Newport, Ban. ef leaving, with two s,thcr sons (ltAvsissucn, aneestc,r of the New Park, cc. Kilkenny. Derethea, Se. to Samoel Beyse, Esq. of Bannow, co. Wexford. Gerards). Ilary, so.. to William Morris, E,q. of Walerferd. Poisson, vs. te H. Creagh, of Laurentinam, co. Cerk. The eon and heir, ROBERr-SOAPLAND OAREW, Esq. of Castlehoro’, M.D. for son, Sin JOHN Canew, father of the city of Waterford and co. Wexford, so. Anne, dan. and Sin JonM Casew, who was constituted lard deputy of heir of the Rev. Dr. Richard Pigott, of Dysart, Qneen’a Co., Ireland, and served EnwAnu III. at the battle of Cress’. lie and had isesse, Roszaz-Snapo.asm, creaied BARON Caavw, in 1834. Dorothea, c-s. to Richard Power, Esq. of Clashmore, and had was s. by his son, so only dau. and heir, Elizabeth-Anne Power, who so. in Sin LEONAnn Caasw, Knt., whose son, 1835, Francis, EarlefHnnlingdon. She e’. his widow, 3 Jan. Sin JOHN CA.REw, attained high distinction hs the wars of 1860. Elizabeth-Anne, vs. to William Blacker, Req. of Woodbrooh, Henry V., end was s. by his son, co. Weaferd. Ellen, el. 13 Nov. 1867. Mr. Carow if. 29 March, 1829, and was e. by his eon, Eonsar SHAPLANO, let Lord Carow, of the ce. of Wexford, had five eons and three daus. Sir Thonsas, the oldest eon, in the peerage of Ireland, so created 13 Juno, 1834. iSis happening to disslslige his mother, that lady settled seventeess lordship 8. 0 March, 1787, is. 16 Nov. 1816, Jane-Catherine, fs,nndntion of three great families, which have doeu-iehed dau. of Major Anthony Cliffe, of Rows, by Prances his wife, ever since, namely, that befare sso, the Caaows of SIsdeleiph eldest dan. of Col. Deane, of Terronnre and Cromlln, 31.1’. and the Oansws of Asihesip. (See Bunse’s Loaded Gentry.) for the cc. Dublin, and bad issue, EOBERT-SHAPLAIO, preoeoi peer. Shapland-Franeio, 8. 19 Feb. 1826; so. in 1856, Hester-Beergiana, I. THoMas CAaEw, Esq. of Ilaeeomhe, who was created a day, of Hoss’c-Peler, 2nd Marquees of Sligo, and has issue. baronet 2 Aug. 1661. lIe is. 1st, Elizabeth, eldest dan. and Anoo-Dorolhea, so. 7 Oct. 1851, to John-Davies Gilberl, Req. ce-heir of Sir henry Carew, Knt. of Bniekleigh, and thus of Treliseick, Comwall, who (1. 1804. Ellen-Jane, se 29 Joly, 1846, Charles-Olynne Prideaux united two brunches of the fasnily. his vs. Snslly, the doss. Brane, oldest ens cf Charles Prideaux, Fig. of Prideaux and co-heir of Arthur Duck, LL.D., and widow of Willissns Place, Cornwall. His lordship acqsiire8 a barony of the United Kingdom II. Sia JtsNnv, who ss. thrice, host had issue only by his 23 June, 1838. Mo was lord-lieut. of the co. Wexford; he if. 2 June, 1916. Ci-ealiess.s—Bnrony of Ireland, 13 June, 1834; of the United title devssl red upon his brother, Kingdom, 23 June, 1838. Arise—Or, three lions, passant, sa. Cs-eel—Au heraldic antelope, passani, is., horned and tufted, Peter West, Req. of Tiverten Castle, and wao a. by his elder or. Ssspiserles-s—--On eilher side, an heraldic antelope, go. JIfslls—.Nil admirari. Seels—Castleboro’, Wexlord; and Woodetown, WsterforJ, 1817) had isesee, Tesess Hessse—28, Bclgrave Square. C A R E W. CAREW, Seit WALTER-PALE, of Sir John was e. by his eldest son, Ilaccombe, co. Devon; 6. 2 July, VI. Sia THOMAs. This gmstleman sss. in June, 1775, Jane, 1807; e. his father-, as 8th baronet, 31 Oct. 1830; see. 25 Jan. 1837, Anne-Frances, oldest dan. of the Charles, deceased. late Major-Gen. Taylor,, of Robert Baker, Req. of Collnmpion, so. Pesos, and has issue. Ogwell Honso, Devon, liont.-govcrnor Elizabeth, se. in 1908, to Sir John Bsntze, Rant. H. Iii. College, Sandhnrst, and Slareella-Cowell, 1805, is the Bee. James Coles. - by her (svho ci. 8 June, 1861) has had issue, CA R I. WALTER-PALE, late capt. royal horse-gnaeds, is. Id April, 1838. I. Elizabeth-Anne. Is. lieatrix. JLitlcitgc. The Carowe are one ef the few families now remaining which can trace their descent, without interruption, frosu the Anglo-Saxon period of English history. OTsio, a powerful English baron, in the tinso of Enwanee THE Cosrsssoa, was s. by his son, from the elder, ef Pembroke Castlo, ansI in great favour with Ifossnv Lehsoter, and OseloaNs PITzOERALO, Lord of Yuye-y-Maeugwyn. The second son, llarquesoes of Lansdes—sne, and WILliAM, a’seeslor of use Orno, from whom the 5th in lineal descent was Ssn NIcHOLAs CAREw, Baron of Carew and Msslsfoni, a person of eminence, lenp. EnwAun I., who was s. by his ss. Slargaret, dan. of John, Lord Slohmi, of Demster, and Sm NIcHoLAs CAREw, Rut., herd of Carew; who sss. Joan, dan. of Sir btugh Cessrtenay, of Haceembe, eo. Devon, by Philippa, dau. and co-heir of Sir Williasa Arcedecass, and ucanom upon her younger eons, which pswved the SIR NIcnoLAs CARESY, the 2nd eon, suceeedeil at hoccombo, and frone him directly descended, in the 6th degswe, Duck, Esq. Sin Thonssss was z. by his only surviving son, 2nd wife, Omtialsa, dan. of Thnnsas Dserrell, Rsq. of Treworson, in Cornwall. He was 3. by lsis eliler son, III. SIn iIeNav-DaaaEs.L, at whose decease, sane., the IV. Sin THOMAS, who es. Dorothy, dan. and co-heir of so’s, V. Sm JOHN, who so. Elizabeth, essly dan. of the Rev. Henry IIoldeworth, of Dartmouth, and by her (who ci. in Tnoseas, Isis successor. John-West, in holy orders; vs. Lydson, dau. of the Rev. Charles Smaliwood, and had issue. henry, eapl. RN.; is. Slaniz, dau. of the Rev. ilenry Fownes, and had issue. Dorothy-Chnietiana. dan. of the Rev. Charles Smsllweod, by whom be had issue, liotoxy, his soeeesssr. Thomas, in holy orslers; as. in 1820, hiolseay, only dan. of Doroihea. yrenees, sss. in 1810, to John-Were Clarke, Req. of Bndwell and Bnrrington, cc. Devon. Jane, is. in 1816, tO the Rev. William flayer. 387