Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/247

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(1 A P5 S Beatrice, a. La Commissioner Charles Cunningham, of Aslasiral Lord Cas’-sfsrt, vhs: was a distirsguishesl ss:sval Woolwirh dockyard. 4 Elizabeth, sa. to Admiral Titolsiogaif, of the Russian officor, assd was at the l:attlos sf the Nile assd Tmfalgar, navy. v. Baptist, in holy orders, clean of Liohflel,l, sss. Mary, dan. GuAavicLn-Lnvrsoss, 4th assd ps-csssst Basso or Cauvsrssur. of the 11ev. John Rossell, and had issue, 1 Baptist-John, in holy orders, vicar of St. Mary’s, Lichfold, 1789. Rarssny of the United Eiugdsn:, II Jass. 1001. - so. Mary-Susaonals, youngest stao. of Sir BigotBosryer A s-cso—Qssnrterly 1st and 4th, ems., on a fesse, gss., a 15055 Grestey, start., ansi sf. in 1529, leaving tsssse, William—lien ry—Baptist, eonsnsonsler lt.N , so. Lssssisa— a 11am cisief, no., on the latter ass estoile. betssecn two escallops, Nary, only dass. and Iseir of the lIce. Samuel ttosv, of or, for ALLEN. Stiotctard, Co. Dorset, a:sd Ssssslhletgh, cc. l)ovoss, assd 1. Cress—As oslsieh’s head, ceased, arg., duealty gorgod, on in in 1839, having had, Williasss-ttonry-[tapsist, of The tiso boatt ss kay, of site last. Idyalls, Scares, near Axnsiuster; Charles-hose, 1st Sssysssss-sesa—tsextor, an ostriels, arg., duratly gorged, or; in Itoyals, :1. at Malta, Sept. 1955; Sarah-Louisa; and the israk ss he)-, of cIsc last; sissister, a tallset, an. Mary-l-lsssspden. Joha-Carysfort, tss holy orders, rector of St. I’etor’s, Sessle—Elts,n tIssil, Stilton, Pluntingdonshirc ; aud Glona rt Clsoesohiti, Winchester, as. Lydia-Mortyn, 4th doss. of Castle, Wieklow, lrelassd. the toy. D. Brown, senior chaplain, Caleotls, ansi ci. td Stay, 1868, having had issue: his dao. Lucy-liar rietto seas as. S Slay, 1882, to Capt. Jotsn-Louis Locls,lud tsessgal liglst infantry. Slaria-Sasannah, si. 17 Nov. 1862. Louisa, deooased. S Charles, mssoss of Wissdsor, and vicar of Tseieheuhsm, b. 23 Jan. 1771 ; saSS Jnno, 1814, Frances, class, of the [lee John Shurrer, vicar of Caussiek, on. Liueotn, and has had, Charles-Johss, is. 17 Sept. ISIS, as. 14 July, 1853, Elizabeth, only child of ldedr-Adn:irat Edward Cba1spolt, RN., and ci. at Florence, 4 Jau. 1860. Chorohill, Is. 1817. d. Aug. 1551. Frauces-Ssssan. Gertrude-Mary, sss- 27 Ang. 1644. to Edward-Nathaniel Canard, Esq. ofTaplosr-hsll, Sialdeolsoad. Agnes-Story, Os. 6 Sept. 1810, to Ihe 11ev. Seymour Neville, vicar of Wraysbury. 4th sssa of the late dean of Windsor and Lady Chsrlotto-Nevilto fireuvitto. S Joshssa-Joisn, si,, a judge in the 56.E.1.C.S. I Story, so. to Fraueis-[tusssberstosse-5i’Konaio, Lord Sea- forth, and sl. 22 Foss. 1819. 2 Catherine, Os. to the 15ev. Charles Prohy. S Caroline, sss. to Edward Groro, Esq. of Shoustono l’ark, CLSTLE1IAIFE, BARON (Rirhard Ilaaadoook), of in Stalfordshira. 4 Susan. S Anus. s. Carotino, dunes. Hr. Praby was o. by his eldest son, Ton Rsuor ba. Sso Jones Funny, N.M., SEP. for the oa. 1822, Margarot, 2nd dots. of Michael Hart-is, Esq. of of Huntiasgdon, and one of the Lords of the Admiralty in Dublin, and by her (who ci. 27 Jan. 18(17) has issue, 1757, who was elevated to the peerage of Iroland, as Borer, 1. Rsenaan, lato capt. 41st regt., is. 21 Jssly, 1526; ‘55. 10 tYaryafos’t, nf Caryaforl, en. lEtoisloso, 53 Jan. 1752. His lordship so. 27 Aug. 1750, Elizabeth, dan. of John, 2nd Viscount Alien, and co-beta- of hor brathor John, 3rd viscount, by whom ho had issno, Jossrs-JosnuA, Ms snoee000r, and ono dan., REnabotla, who so. Thomas-James Storer, Rsq., and ci. in 1792. Tho baross ci. 16 Get. 1772, and was o. by Ms son, Jouy-JosuoA, Sssd baron, H.P., is. 12 Aug. 1751, who was ss. Rabest-John, is. t9Sdst. 1970; sss. 10 Jan, 1956, Caralisso, rs’satod EARL OF Caovseoov, in tho peerage of lrolassd, 18 Ang. 1769, and onrollod amongst tho peers of tho United Kiagdom, as .Bos’oo t’arysfort of Norsssao Cs’on, es. Edofisagdnn, 15 Jan. 2661. His lordship so. 1st, 18 Slareb, 1774, Elizabeth, ossly dan. of the Right Ross. Sir William Osborne, sss. Henry, sapt. 44th rogt. ; 8. 5 Assg. 1934; billed in Mart, of Newtowss, Os. Tipperary, by whom (who :1. in 1763) ho bad, Wss.s.sass-ALLnsc, Los’sl Pssisy, is. in 1775, ci. uRsa, 1804. JossN, 2nd earl. GaANvsLs.n-Levnsoss, 3rd earl. Gertmde, sf. in 1659. The earl sss. 2ssdly, 15 April, 1767, Elirsshetb, Sssd doss, of the flight Stass. George Gs-suvills, as:d sister of George, 1st WsLLsess Haesuoorss, Esq., of Twyferd, in Wostmcath, Mas-qssess of Buokinghana, assd left by that lady (seho ci. in sasesuber for that ea. in thu first parhiansunt of tor thu Restns’atinss, Boo. 1642) threo other dans., -nin., a. Charlotte, ci. ssnsa- 21 Jnn. 1860. is. Frances, ci. ssues. 24 Slaroh, 1655. sit. Elinalseth, ss. 2 Feb. 1816, to William Wells, F.sq. of massor, ssssdor the dusi,gssatiass of the sasasser of Ta-yfnrd. Holmo house, Os. liautingdon, oapt. [IN., who ci. 13 Aug. Mr. hlassduock 5:5. in 1652, Abigail, siotor of Sb’ Thomas 1826, loavtng,with other issuo, Elinabeth, so. in 1848, to the Rev. fl-B. Heatheoto. The earl d. in April, 1626, and was a. by his son, JOHN, 2nd earl, a gosseral in the army, is. in 1788, who ci. ssnso. 1855, and was a. by his brother, Guayvss.omLavrsoes, 3rd earl, an admiral MN., who wash, in 1761, and m. 5 April, 1816, Isaholla, dan. of the Hou. Hngh Howard, and by her (who ci. 51 Jan. 1676) bad, Tsryfasal : ho so. Stiss Shdglsy, a::d lssd a son, hlsrnaon, n-Iso s. John-Joshua, Lord Proisy, is. 1623; ci, 19 Nov. 1818. st, rsow, preseut poor. sir. Hugh, ci. in Australia, 1852. sv. WsLLsAas, 8. in 1836; so. 11 April, 1860, Charlotle-Maey, oldoat dan. of the 15ev. R.-B. Iloatlseoto, BA., rector of of tlatuain, nssd Isas isssss, Svillians—b’raser, in lssdy orders, Chingford, Essox. s. Frances, sO. usssss. 11 Slay, 1863. is. Eususa-Eliaabeth, m. 1844, Lord Cland Hamilton, 151.P., iv. Stephen, its holy orders, dean of Claumacusise, father of P.C. sss. Isobollo, st. 10 Jan. 1866. sv. Thoodosia, m. 10 Sept. 1659, to William Battlio, Esq. 197 (2 A S ci. 5 Nov. 1,565, asssl svsss a. by his sdslost sssrviving east, f’s-ootis:sso—-Irisls Barony, 21 iou. 1732. Essrldosn, 18 Aug. Isassant, or, far Fanny ; 2s:d and 3rd, asg., tsra hers, scary, asssl tlls:tt,s—Masus lswe inimiess tyranuis. CASSILIS, EARL, 060 MARQUESS OF AIrEd. CAST LE-CUFFE, VISCOUNT, ace DESART, EARL. CASTLE MAT N E. Moydrnm Caatle, co. W’oots:s oath, in thu posrago of IreLand, a roprosentativo iseor; is. 17 Nov. 1791; o. his fathes-, as 3rd baron, 18 April, 1840 ; as. 17 April, Feb. 1957, the IIssn. Lonina-Slatilda, ussly dsns. of William- Goos’go, Sssd Lord harris, and has had, ItiehardTomplu, is. 26 Nov. 1639, ci. 12 April, 1960 ; Buwsan, is. to S[arch, 1902; Artbus’, is. 19 April, 1984; AgnonIsabella; Fluresses-Slargarot Bditb-Louisss ; and a dan., is. 10 Feb. 1888. dan. at Licnt.-Gen. Ilanry Pestcs’, R.A.,asad has issne, Richard-hlenry, is. 9 July, 1939; ltnhort-Juhn, is. .0 Sept. 1960; Slargaret Carulinu ; Entity; Aluesansira ; Edith; and Gsorgissa-Btbel. Isadta iss a tiger bssnt, 19.19. s. Flarinda, so. 25 July, 1954, to Samnol-Stophon, 2nd son of the late Sir llshert Datesan, Mart. Is. Asassctta, sss. 2 Feb. 185S, ts: Liosst,.-CuL Janaea-Abfred Casslfoild. (Sec Csssnorssnar, B. on’.) 3itl1cltc, was appaintud nsso of Ibe essssncil of Cussnangbt, and ohiatnud a patant iss 1650, tas oroot his estates into a Stanley, by whs,m ho had, wttb other issue, s. Tuuasao, his heir. is. Williaus (Sir), Kut., recorder of Dublin and MU. for Atlalnue, ci. in 1701. fly Elizabeth Coddinglun his wife, he left, wills other issue, 5 d:us., Ahigail, so. to Edo’ard Griffith, lIsq. (ancestor ssf Sir lliehanl-Jehn Griffith, Dart.), and a sun, Jnua. is. 1687, who inherited As-dIsc and Sullu,srals, ru. Eilkenny, from William llas,dsorls, Seq. of s,s. Slary Canlteild, and was father of ‘l’nssas, n’lsu 5cc. Jnisassssa lteily, and had issue, tlsrse sen, lliehard, Artisnr, and Tohias, aud stsros daus. The olslost son, Rsrnaan hloanroex, Esq., Isle lieut.-eol. 46th reut., as. Jane Fraser, Richard, iu holy srders, s,. II. Sainhue, and Jaus-Eliaa, ci. ‘555:5. sn Isliohael. orsT.nvra. of Warerstuss’n, en. Wsstnssath, hF., whose ssu. by Elinabeth, dan. and heir of Robert Tenspie, Bsq.,