Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/248

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CAS Roncor, efW’nlerotessn SIP., had an only non, GcsTAVi’n, vii. Charles, harrtster-at-lase, 5,1.24 April, 1945, Eliza, dan. of of Waterstown, “ho assumed the surname of TousLE. 5. Matthew, in hole orders, areleloae’ in of l(itmere ant coor our. hteltort-t’reacli, Iieat.—eol. Dublin city artillery ; so. of Stattliew I hsniteoeti, del’ai>’ tfoar]er_iuaster—geli000] of Ireland. si.J,di,i. vii. stanley, enlit. of the “ Eagle’ man-ef-wnr, ilcosuned with Sir (‘loin] esle> Shovel, in 1707. I. iiaiinah. . to Usher] lhehfort, speaher if the ilense of b. 23 Starch, 1033, iT. lb Dec. 1001 Siary-Lanisa-itelen, (‘lumens ii Ireland. anil ,lileewsr’l% 1,,r,t_chicf—t,0000 of the l’xclIi’i1itcr tIl lila] icini5’]iso neil was grn’iihns]her of i. Alicia, to. to Richard-Boyle thagley, RH. and U. in 1928. It’ hei I It chf,rl. sole’ ,c’i., erealed i’arl of ttelvi’.lere. (i’S, Ii1i,t00’s J2el,. :1 Pu ire; ix. Swab, - . I (‘liietii”tc’r Ptsilti1 s, Fsq. its. i’.tieat sib, to Itidee l.tilfaril, Esii. of Castle Jordan, Co. Ill. _tnne, a’. tnt, 14 fbI. 1935, to Gel. Srmpreniits.Streh]en, tIes] nioslh. The rl,tcst son, Tut” lltN],cIclc, Req. ef Twyf’”s], SIP., 8. 25 Stay, ills lord olsip 1. iS April, 3540. 051 ;‘.h)oriitho (ill cii, mit seas o. by liv el,test 0,5,1, WILt I 05] Ii 501lCOClO tb ;. Thio geiitlstiisu ii. Miss Warlo,rt. A isis—Eyes., cit a chief, sa a theater Isanil Itnosreen twa eoehn, n an I se’s e by lii-. s lilest sill), W’tt ussr It 05, tiC ole, ibq , sets,, s. Elicit 0th Vo.scy, 2nd ralis](nnt. no., holding tietsoecis the paws a fusil, arg., charged i1:iii. if I hi Eli’, lit ISv, Sir TIn oilio Vosev, hart. , bishop if seith a cools, Pil’i’Jssi’fi ‘a—Dexter, a lien, glmetlant, no.; 0 lire but liv her (who sit. Siolly, Agnisuolentinsis Voney, nm ister, a cools, tpr. shills Vigitato et orate. Seal— f 1.lIe 0) los iii. iiil ie(I,’ lie seas e. l’y ho,i brother, TIC Vi 55 Ri e. 11 stti situ Ii sanci ICR, lean if Sob 000y, ss hi’ s,. S’irali, ‘ ‘ule U in. awl Iioir of Rhine I Ti 1cr, Esq. of 13.ttini’ ire, cc. Ktl’]’arc, by ss boo, (who iT. in 1805)110 bad, I. tVin,, his heir, 21.1’., nod of the privy council in CASTLEROSSE, ‘Vtsetou NT1 ice KENStARE, EARL. I relnn,]. ii. IlicuAnol, ss’ho succeeded los lirellior. i.S.uoih, a. to liielinssl St. Gci ‘rge. Esi1. ii. in I’ eb. I s29. II. isasannols, a,. to Peasiois F.i]gwc eth, Ksq., who is ileeeased. its. l’oro]hy, i. to John—Loft Ud (‘01 lade, Esq. and U. 3 lIce. 1530. iv Place, ,‘. to the Into )Iiehoet Telferd, Esq. v. htli.aihoth. vi. toni’, i.. to ‘Ii ‘ho Siaansoll, Ihnq., otis 5. to 1039. Tls,’ 1 ‘is of ,teili ‘liry iT. 25 J uls’, 1 7a1 , and was o. by his eldi ‘1 o ‘Ii, ‘l,,n 1110110 tiny. WIL].r tnt iTs sle’0000, Ti. 20 Asp. 17(0, n’Isi, was cot aft I a pIer ol irolnliil, 21 lIce. ‘012, as BARON CA0TLr iIAINF, T’JT5i’ cli, in tho eo. of Wtsti,sctti, with ltnittnli’oio, ,li’(oitt if mote issue, to his tidy I ‘r’’ther, Ii toittui’, au’) the hoirn malt if that geotlcsnai i’s ito Se and ails mccii 14 Ian. 1,22, to tho V,s,’ocs.av on t’AsrLessAroe, svitheitt, Is’ ‘waver, the rcvo’rsii tic rv linutation. tIle 1’ irdntup ssna e,n’,talile nail gmnreer if Athiene. lie is. 20 March, Laly Iii ,cinila Teen ‘h, eldest lan. of Witliana, lot Rail (If Clancarts’, lj,it it> log wttIlOIlt 100110, 7 Jan. 1 Sat (Ins CASTLE - STEWART, E tRL 05’ (Sir Clsarlea - Knox wid ss’ survived ,sstiit 9 Pelt. 1 551), 11 e sine’ ‘in’ity ox1ih’od, Stuart), ‘Vinoonnt Stoseart, Baron Castle-Stewart, of anti the 15100115 tevolve I, -n linttto.d, ,sposs 1110 1 nether, R,c,s.sun, 2nd itiren (ti, tlons,une, to 14 Play, 1707 sit. Caethe-Stoss’art, co. Tyrone, in time peerage of Ireland; 1) Nw. 1790, Anne, ‘tn) otto. of Arthur French, Esq. of and a Daronot of Nova Scotia; 8. 23 April, 1810; Fr ,neh Pack, co. tteoiaonnoin, nod by her (who ,l. in Nov no. 24 March, 1815, Charlutte-Rafflco-Drnry, only dan. 3052) had issue, i. Rierr son, his lactr. is. William, ensign 11th foot, ,]isisvrseil iii 1611. UI. Artlsur, I. in 1 SIte . in 1517, Margaret, dlm. of Dass’sen governor of Java, anh cousin of she late eminent Downing, Esi1. of Itosegift, ce. l,onil 1,11k rry, acd t. 7 Jill>’, divine, tite 17ev. Dr. hiafflon, and has, s4f], loas h,g hi>’ tier ;who i. lottie, in 1o37, tIne lion. i, ilnnuv-Jssirn, Fhsconel Sliwart, b. 21 Slarels, 1837; on. 1 Adisa ral W’illiaio I.e l’oce—’fre,ich) twit loss tnne, ‘0. in 1015, the ltcv.,l chit (‘iutnldon, an,] 1. Si,g. 1020 nal Ftc— rinda, sobs in I s4t, Arihar—Ilihl (lrilhtIi, Etq., and if. 24 lan. 1047. iv. John 1 lostarus, to he]> er,tern. rector of Ann adnif, ea. 1.eiteim 1 a. 13 Nov. losS. Frances-Flood, dna. of Johnllane’srd ,tesso]i, l’.sq. ‘if 1)0(100 1]itt 00. Lengferd ; and cT. 9 Starch. la4s, leasing issue, 1 Jehn—llarward—,tess p, 8. in 1029 ‘ml. 23 July, 1056 Frari,’es, ‘Isa. of lhc lice. Nicholas Devereux Dl). of hallyranhin a. Plary, n,. 5 Jan, 1500, to Thasnan-Richned Crnnse, Enq., 1 Lotion, Wexfi,rd. 2 Witlians.]°ro,terii.lc_]Olo,id, 8. in loot. 3 tliehnr’t-.r]ltar, ‘,. in 1.536; Ia. 2] Tune, 1065, Ilarriette ii. (‘harlotte. iii. Etla-Sophia. yeangest don, of SI —J. SIaeC,iraiaeh, I.bsq., 31.1). I Fran,’& 5. 2 SInria, it. 1041. 3 Anne- them, a. S Dee. I 55o, to St. Vincent, tan ef Sir iv. Alice Mnude, is. 46 Ja”, 1807, to Edmnnd-Hnntly St. Vincent—il. Whi]sliod, hOot. v. George,.’. If Felt. b44, Elieatieth-,tJtc;a, younger dau. of I;, bert—I lenin’ I’rcncb. L’ut. of I 101dm, and (s,nsin of Lord vi. ltltn’garetta Louisa, sit. 2515cc. 1565, to Capt. Tbomai Tie l’ncyne, and 1. ao Oct. 1 s117, hating had, I ilicliard, ti,’lit. P.S., t. 21,Ian. 1.—la; ,t. 1961. 2 I.nithm’, tc A pril. I sin. 3 I ,a’ergc, t. .tprit, 1017. it. 22 Aug. 1°f 1. I Ctiarlalto.Flicalieoli, ,i . 53 April, 1°f>, to the lIon. His lordship a. hin brother, an 4th earl, 20 Feb. 1857. Ph nli’s—W. Itiest ocr, 2nd n In of hind (‘Oel,nsford. 2 tlenrielta, s,. 3] lice, 19 72, to the lIeu Alfred—henry ‘1 hi sioer, 4th san of Lord Cheloisfoed. 3 Enoly. vi. Iloary-Itebort, lient.-esl, 97th foal, to. 1) Stay, 1534, FIlenGe’’rgina, the ISaridorn of Slenteitli Isy his snaru’iago with ihlargaret, el,lest ,lol. ef Use late’nt.—C,il. lit sir>’ Williams, 1 ‘ousUcss of Slenteitlu ; and aftesw’on,ts sneceoding to the ItS.. asid ssas lUlled nI Sehastopol. 0 Sell. I oa.9. Ills schloss Earldon, of Fife, Isename Earl of Fife and Siersteitti. Thin seas,. 2n,ltv. ti Aug. loS>, to llicltar,l-’,Veilnsley [ieraard,Esq. no),laman, onbseqsiomstly Regent of Scotland, n’ao euis of the I ‘US CAS Daniel Kelly, Esq. of (‘argins, co. itoneomnion, nod hon issue, Slary 1 Anne ; an’] anotlter dan. 11 April, isIs, isahelta-Lenisa, only da,u, of the lute Jainnn IS crOon, Esq., .snd has had lttdtert-(iordon, 0. 23 April, 15491 Stuiaus-ldenry, 0. II April, 1952; Edsoard-Stailley, 8. Aug. 1531 Cliarlos-Willia,u, 8. Aug. 1°34; George-Alexander, Flereace, Annie-F rances-PTosey, 9linna-Gordnn, and Amyft ,‘t’ritis, a. ii Sarah, et. to ttha)or-tton, Christotilior lla,uilton, (‘.14.7 seho if. in 14cc. 1s42. Cli., ssho it. in Feb. 1542. Sho to. 2edly, in 1046, In Ccl. T.—Gere Brosen, 11.8., svliu if. I of I Ci’ottioae—P,areay, 21 Doe. 1912. Visceun]y, 12 Jan. 1822. org., armed, cs’eoled , atitl j elleped. go. f’t’cnl—A demi—liolu, Ptoydruns Castle, Atlilane, cc. W’ostinoath. CASTLEREAI3H, Vu’c’T., eec LONDONDERRT, 111 5. it 14 5.’ EOo. C A ST L E - S T E W A aT.’ of the lato Qisintiss Thonnpsun, Eoq.. niece of the late Sir Thounas-Stamfoed Ihsfhles, the celobrated Nov. 5Sf)], Augusta Le Vieembe Ptnnsy Richardson, widow of Slajor hhngh St’sssy, 85th foot (see pest, 3lAsn’r, B.). and esuly child and heir f the late iltajor Rtehas’dsms Rrady, D.t1.. of Oaklands, no. Tyrene. Viseo,int and Viseountcss Stcsvaet have taben, by royal linenee, dated 11 Play, loft, the snrname of ItxcuAansoo, in a’ldi]ion in and after that of SruAn.x, and the arms of RtcnAonoon and S’rusnr quarterly. eldent son of Thnlnao-Brtght Cocoon, Enq. of bhnw llil1 Lancashire, and has ianuc. tlasper, Esq., only non n the late ltev. EdmnndWestcrten Iloapel’, and han isnue. s-. Lei,nora-Wilhelrnfnsa. Enskilie ltail, 49th regiunent, sun of the late JamniTraill Hall, Esq. vi,. Selina I ‘etavia. Ittiicaqc. RiinraT Svt’.onir, 2nd son cf King Ronnnx II., anqnired