Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/261

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0 II E ORE] P4 SF0 RD. Cnet,nsvonn, BARON (Sir Frederic Thesiger, P.C., Iv. Gorge Thicoigtr, major in the army, if. enra. atQnebec, D.C.L., P.11.5.,) of Chelmsford, in the cc. of Essex. 1. Juliana, ci. young. This eminent lawyer and advocate was 6. 15 Joly, Ii. Sophta, 8. 25 Nov. 1773; if. 13 April, 1774. 1794, and entered the royal navy at ass early age as a midshipman. He, however, changed his profession, Crtotioa—1 Starch, 1838. A,-eu----Gu., a gryphon, segreant, and was called to the bar, by the Hon. Soc. or, within an erie of roses, arg.. bar,ad and seeded, ppr. of Gray’s Inn, in Miehaelmas term, 1818, and t’i’t,if—ct cornucopia fesonwist, the horn or, the fruit ppr., having become a leading counsel of the Home thereon a clove hol ling in the leak a oprig of laurel, also Circnit, was made a ICC. in 1834. He was appointed ppr. Sappsrh,’s—Ooeithsrside agryphnn. or, winged. vatrf. Solicitor-General and knighted in 1844, and was named Attorney-General in 1845, and agahc in 1853. He has represented in Parliament, Woodstock, Ahingdon, and Stamford. He n-as made Lord Chancellor and raised to Use peerage the let March, 1858. He resigned the chaneellorslnp in April, 1859, hut resunaed it in 1866, and again retirod in 1865. His lordship en. 9 March, 1822, Anna-Maria, youngest dan. and co-heir of William Tinling,0 Req. of Sonthanapton, and niece of Major Pierson, the heroic defender of Jersey, by which lady he has issne, s. Fnsnr.n,c-Auouveus. 3.35 May, 3827; CE.. A.D.C. to the Qosen, colonel in the army, lient.-col. oath regh, late grenadier guards; ss. 1 Jan. 1667, at ltorraelise, Srindt, Adrta-1°aaey, eldest dan. ef Stajor-Gen. Heath. ii. Charles-Wernyss; 3. 12 Oct. 3131, maj ,r eth dragoons, late aide-de-camp te theLord-Lientenant of Ireland; in. 23 April, 1983, Charlotte-Elteabeth, eldest da’,. of the late Hon. Geergs Handeoek, and has a sen S.c Oct. 1868, and a daa. icc. Geerge-Coehrae, 3. 25 April, 1837: d. 2 April, 1852. sv Alfred-Henry, t. 15 July, 5831, BA., br.-at-law; Ia. 31 Choshacu, in the co. Of Iinekinghnm, 6. 29 Oct. 1815; Bee. 1882, henrietta, 2nd dan. of the late lien. George s. hisfatlaer as 2nd baron Il) Nov. 1863; en. 24 Jnly, Hondeock. v. Edward-Pierson, 8. 18 Dec. 1842. i. Sidney-Louisa, ii. 12 Bee. lt23. it. Augusta, e,e 1 July, 1843, to William-Frederic Higgins Hon. IF-S. Lascelles, and lane had issue, of Chester-plate, Esq., master of the ‘teurt of hankntpt cy, i. Cuaac.s;s-f!oaspToN-WItLIAaI, 8. 1:1 Bec. 1953. eldest son of Ccl. Sir Samuel Gordon Higgins, K.C.H. us. Sidney-Slaria, if. 6 Feb. 1831. iv. J,alia-Selina, so. 19 July, 3851, Siajor-Gen. Sir JohnEardley-Wilmet lv. Edwin-William, 3. 29 Oct. 1963. Inglis, ROB., celai,cl of the 32nd foet, i. Georgiana-Carolino. ii. Mary-Susan-Caroline. oi,d commandant of the British troops ha the henian iolcs; a dtetingnished British efficer, who earned lasting in. Kathtrint-Caretiuo. renown by his gallant defence ef Lncknew against the Indian mutinoei-s in 2857; he if. at Homburg, 27 Sept. TOE lion. CoAaLre-C0MFTON Caveynio,i, 5. 28 Aug. 1793, 1862, leaving issue. v. Mary-Lincoln. 3itl1rac. Josen-kocnaaw Tosecota, Esq. of a family which came tiaron Cbeslaani, IS Jan. 1838. He ci. 15 Juno, 1s14, from Dresden, in Saxony, if. in June. 1733, aged 61; he so. Catherine-Sit an, eldest dan. of George, Stb Marquess of * Thie gentleman’s brother, Lient.-Gen. Sir B. L. Tinling i. WitLcaai-lle0000. preotot peer. Widdringtan IC.C.H.. a distinguished efliccr, assumed the i. Sus:m-S ‘ 12 Jan. 1037, to Thomas, t,erd Bacre. surname ofWiddringten in consequence of hi, marrtagewith ji. Harritt-Elioabttli, ‘ii. 16 Starch, 1549, to George- Miss Sarah Tcesdale, only dan. of Capt. Teesdale, of the to, His lordship it. 13 Nov. is,.;:;, and wae ,. by his shIest coca, of Sussex, and niece and co-heireec ef Nathaniel Widdnington, Seq., the last malt descendant of the old Northuinbrtan WILLIAM-G0000C, late SIP. for Bucks, 2nd acid present family of Widdringten. a branch of which had hicen Ilarons Widdringten of iilankney. co. Lincoln Lient. -Gen. Wtddringteu’e Crtofiaa—19 Jan. 1855. Ar,so—Sa., three stags’ heads tabossed, eldest dan., Loutaa-Georgiana. was the 1st wife of the tote Rev. Rewland-Greve Curtois, B B., tncnmbent of Uannaa,-cnrn-Haynaby, to. Liocol,, and chaplain to H.3l.’e Dexter, a hock, ppr., gorged with a ehaldet of rose,, arg. forces, by whom she had two cone, vie., Captab’ GeorgeCharlec-M and az. ; sinister, a greyhound, arg., gorged with a plain iddringten Curteis, 63rd regiment, who was killed collar, go., thereon three buchlea. or. .Afslbe—Caoeudo at the oattle of Inkernaan, 5 Nev. 1854 ; and Rowland-Latimer-Sidney tntoa. S,al—Laiimera, Chechain, Bucks. Curlois, late captain let Royal,, C. 2 March, 28:16: ci Dec. 1564, Ehieebeth-Beata, only dan. of Edward Brother, Seq. of Tiebury, WOto., and bee had a eon, 3. 13 Oct. 1563, CHESTER, E., ste ROyAL FAMILY, PRINCE OF and a dan., Shaud-Mariau-Widdrington, ‘1. an infant, 14 Nov. 1895. ORE Slice Gibson, of the city of Chester, and by her (who d. May, 13141 had ieaue, i. Sir Frederick Thesiger, captain RN. and knight of the order of St. George of R,,ocia, aide-de-tanip to Lord Nelsen at the attack of Copenhagen ,‘‘l. c.n,o 26 Aug. loe5. ii. Charles Theaiger, collector of enstemo in the ielan,t of St. Vincent, so. Mary-Anne, data, of Thc’’philns Williams, TMoq. of London. Bed. 15 Feb. 1931. She if. 13 Feb. 1796, having had issue, 1 Cliarlee-Tbcopbilns Tbesiger, 3. 9 June, 1786, and if. Sept. 1787. 2 George Thceiger, ‘1. young. 3 Fatneaae, treated Ba non CueLesecoon. I Maria, ‘1. 0001, Feb. 1053. 2 Charlette-Eltca, if. oooi. 30Apr11. 2834. 5 Augusta, in. Dot. 1845, IlaIph Hewett, Esq. of Lincoln 4 tlarriet,,l. an inlhnt. 111. Augustus Tho.oRei-, efWeymonth, to. Surrey, deputysnrveyor-gtneral of customs, 5. 2 Jan. 3767; if. cain, 3 June, 1337. Aug. 1822. iii. Caroline. iv. Marianne. .ll’fells—Spes et fortuna. Foesa Hoeae—7, Eaton Square. CHELSEA, VISCOUNT, .088 (JABOBAN, EARL. OH E S H A P4. CHESBAM, BARON (William-George Cavendiah), of 1819, to Henrietta-Frances, daci, cf the late Right ii. _&lgernon-Wtlliam, 5. 5 May, 1333 ; if. 23 April, 1865. ni. William-Edwin, 8. 18 Slay, 1862. 3L Inrae. 4th son of Geerge-Aut’uotile- Henry, let Earl of Burliugten Qte hear. OF Devononcte), was raised to the peerage, as Iluntly, aaad by her (who i/. 14 Dec. 1866) had issue, Stevens, 2nd and present Earl of Straffi’rd. Loon Cuasoan. org. C,’tsl—A snake cowed, y,r, S’iippsrtera— W’,LEe 211