Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/262

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CHE C H E S T E It F I E L D. GageTFut’ TELl), EARL OF çGoorge - Philip - Cecil- ings, and granddan. of George, 4th Earl of Hnntingdon, by Arthur St tuhi pe), in tim on. of hen o , and Baron Stanhopo of Sh’iford, in the cit. of N otte late an officer liofal Horse Guards lime, /t. 2’) Sept. 1 83L His lordship, who was Lot no rio’ H.P. for Sooth Nutts, a. his father an 7th earl, 1 J000, 1866. k tungi. Camden, in his account of Nottinghamshire, mentions in. Philip, killed, as stated shove. “Shelford, the seat of the famous family of Stenhope, Ruts., whose state and grandeur in those parts is eminent, and their names renowned.” SIR Rionann Svasoure, lisiog in the times ef HENRY ill, and EDwaRD I. had Loge possessions in the north, and received the hsunnr of leuighthosd. itie sass and heir, Sin RIcHARD STAaIsoPc, lord of Eliswick, co. Northumberland, was father of (34th of Enwann III.) Sin JOHN DR Svareii’.trc, HP. fir Newcastle, osos 1159, na. Elizabeth. dan. anti heir of Stephen 51 onluvel, of Ramp— ton, es. Notthighani and wise. by his eldesteurviving ‘on, SiR RictiAr.n Sraanurr, Rut. of Rampton, who was created a knight ef the liath at the coronation of HENRY IV., and served for the county of Nottingham in parliament repeatedly in the reigns of HENRY IV., HENRY V., and HENRY VI. Sir Richard at. Elizabeth, dan. ef Robert and sister of Ralph de Staveloy, and dying in 1430, was s. by (the sen of his sen Richard) his gnandson, JOHN 5YANHOPE, Esq., of Rampton, who ate. Elizaheth, The earl ot. lndly, Anne, dan. of Sir John Pakington. dan. of Sir Thomas Tallest, lInt, of Baahall, es. York, and KB. of Westwood, co. Worcester, and widow of Sir had a sen and heir, Tuoaixs STANROPE, Esq. of Ranspton, 4th EDwaRD IV., Humphrey Ferrars, of Tamworth Castle, by whom he had who ci. llary, dan. ef Jehn, and sister of Edward Jcromgham, an only eon, ALEXANDER, father of JAMES, let. EARL Esq. of Semer-Layton, en. Soffolk, and had two sons, Svsieonpr. His lerdship d. 15 Sept. 1656, and was s. by EDwARn (Sir), his hair. John, ancestor of the SPENcER-STANnOFEa, sf t’aanoc hail, PHILIP, 2nd earl. This nobleman ci. 1st. Lady Anne Yorkshire (fire BURKE’S Aa,,derl Geahry). His elder soil, Sia EnWARD STaNuorc, who received the honour of Ormonde, by whine he had one surviving dau., Elizabeth, knighthood upon the field of hattie, from hENRY VII., for at, to John, 4th Earl of Stmthmore. Lord Chesterfield ci. his distinguished conduct against the C ,rnish rebels nndez Lerd Andley, ta. let, Avehna. dan. ef Sir Gervase Clift,tn, hID., and bad two eons, Richard and aliehael. lie at. PHILIP, Aord Ho-ahzope. Sndly, Elizabeth, don, of Ponik Bnorehier, Lmd FitzWarine, Charles, who assumed ths surname of WDTTON, and 2.e.p. and by that lady had an sniy dais.,Anne, 2nd wife Mary, at, to Thomas Coke, Esq. of Slelbourne, on. Derby, of the Pt’olerler SoNRnecT. Itieharci Stanhepe, the elder Catherine, ci, to Godfrey Clarke, Esq. of Chileote, Co. eon of Sir Edward. leariiig at his decease, in 1123, a dan. His lordship ii. in 1713, and was a. by his elder son, only, named Sannohia,5 the family was continued by the PHILIP, 3rd. e:erl. This nobleman is. Lady Elizabeth younger son, SIR ShIciiAO-L STANH0I’n, of SnzLvor.n, he Nottingham- Saville, dan. of George, Marqness of Halifax, by whom he shire. Sir Michael, sharing in the ruin ef his brother-in- had, PsslLsr-DORN5cR, his successor, with three other eons, law, the Duke of Somerset, was fnnnd guilty of conspiring the death of Dudley, Duke of Northinoherland. a privy e moe of Rerdisaittl Sba,stope, Req., cad .1/lacy .Phuiipz. rouneillor, and hohoade,l, with Sir Thomas Arnndcl, en s. Jobs, I. in 1744; rear-admiral of the Red; ci. Carolina Tower Hill, 21 F6h. 4532. lie left, with other issue, by his wife, Anne, dais, of Niehidas Rawson, Esq. of Aveley, Bellhense, Essex, two sons, THOMAs. his heir, and John. created Lord Stanhepeof llarrington. The eldest s, ‘n, SIR TneNaa SxANnorR, hInt. efShelferd, SiP. fortheeo Nottingham, imp. EL5zAEr_T51, and three times sheriff 0r that connty, at. Margaret, dan. and re-heir of Sir John Port, of Etwall and Cnbley, ro. lierby; and dying 1596, it. Olichael, I. in 1750; at. 18 Oct. 1790, Hiss Hamilton, was a. by hiseldeet son, C II F S.n Joust STARROPE, lint.; whom. 1st, Cordell, dan. and co-heir of Richard Allingtou, Esq., and by bar had an only eon, PnILIr. lIe sa. Sndly, Catherine, dan. of ThomaoTrentham, Rag. of Rochester Priory, eo. Stafford, and by her had three sons and cix dana. From the eldest eon of the second marriage, Joax, of Elcoslaa, the Earls of Harrington derive. Sir John Stanhope was s. hy his oldest eon, SIR PHILIP SvAstnore, who was elevated to the peerage, 7 Nov. 1616, as Therenflleetspr, sfflhtelfard, me. .Nartheosptee, and advanced to the Eaanness or CnEITEREIELD, 4 Aug. 1622. His lordship was a firm supporter of the royal cause duniag the civil wars. His house at Sholford was a garri. con for the king, nuder the government of his son, Philip, who lost Ins life in its defence, whou stormed and taken by the rebolo, 27 Oct. 1645, and bnrnt to the grnnnd. The earl is. 1st, in 1605, Catherine, dan. of Francis, Lord Ilast. whom he had two dano. and eleven eons, of whom, I. HENRY, Lord Stanhope, RE., m. to Catherine, dan. and co-heir of Thonxaa, Lord Watton; and dying in the life. timo of his father, loft two dano. and a son, PHILIP successor to his grandfather. Lady Stanhope was created by l’nARLzs II., too/rca of Cttobrt9itl’) for life. (He BURKE’S A’.clh,,ct P,eirroe) ii. Ferdinando, col. of horse, fell fighting under the royal banner at Flridgeford, in 164:1. IY. ARTHUR, of Slanslield Woodhonse, co. Nottingham, H. P. for Nottingham in the Bestomtion parhament; is. Anne, dan, of Sir Henry Saluoknry, Dart., and was z. by his only snrvioizg son, CRAm-Es, who at. Frances, only dau. of Sir Francis Topp. Mart, of Tosnarton. Os. Gloucester, and has issue, 1 Hscnars, D.D. S Henry, who left a dan. 3 Charles (He STANnOEE, Baronet). hr. CharlesStaa.hspe was a. by his elder son, MIcHAEl., D.D., Canon of Windsor; who m. Penelope, dan. of Sir Salathiel Level, hint., onoof the barons of the Exchequer; and, dying in 1738, left two eons, Anvnun-CnanLzs. Ferdinand, who left issue by hlary Philips, his wife. * Dr. Michael Stenhope was a. by his elder son, ARYnUR-CHARI.Es, who left by his second wife, Siargaret, dan. and co-heir of Charles Ileadiani, Req. of Kirby, co. York, PosLir, who inherited ao 5th earl of Chesterfield. Margaret, is. to William Smelt, Esq. his grandson, Percy, eldest data, of Algernon, Earl of Northumberland, but of that marriage there was no Surviving issue. He ii. Sndly, Lady Elizabeth Entler, dan. of James, Duke of ardly, Lady Elizabeth Dormer, eldest dan. and co-heir of Charles, Earl of Carnarvon, and had by her, Derby. Dent; and ii. in 1800, leaving by her (who S. in 1630), 3 Philip, lient.-eol., deceased. 5 henry. Admiral RN.. is. 10 April, 1645, Hary, second dan. ci the late Vice-Adm. Sir E.-J. Foote, 11CM., and 1. c p. ii Oct. 1865. 3 Charles-George, capt. in the army; ‘ii. in 1620. Jane, eldest dan. of Sir James Galbraith, Mart, ; and C. in 1833, leaviug an only child, GE0ROE-POILIP, late lient. 29th rogt, 1 Caroline. at. in 1807, lathe Rev. 1.-S. Rssbleigb. 2 Eltzs. is. in 1840, to Gel. Hassell Steer, isi, Arthur, 0, in 1752 ; ci. in 1764, Elizabeth, dan, of the isv, Dr. Thtstlotbwaite, and dying 24 Aug. 1836, left a dan., Elizabeth, ci, to Evelyn-JehD Shirley. Esq. (See BUHKE’e landed Pmalry.) Iv. Level, nodes-secretary of state, S. nest. hit 1763. Batnpton, now, by descent, in the posseesten of the Ease family. 272 •Sanstr.mA, the dan. and heir of Richard Shmhope, ci, John llabiitghOn, Esq., and conveyed to him the estate of