Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/286

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0 L E Frances-. ne, ,o 1st, to the Rev. George Ilamiltin; Henry, 4th Eas-1 Stanhope. I-lie Grace, who hart and 2ndlv, to the Rev. LoftnsGeorge ileade. 4 tlviniutta-Catt erine, us to 11. MeEvati, M.D ,,and le been MI’. for S. Durham and for Hastings, a. his deceased. iv. Gerald, 0, 15 NOV. 1711, appointed Ulster king-of-arms I-fe obtained a r”yal licence dated 18 Nov. 1864, in April, 1787, hut 7. 27 (let, following, leaving, by Rican- beth his wife. dan. if Ahler,o,m Tuw, of Dnl.’iin, graitting to lout ati,1 his issue leave to take the aurnaiiio 1 Tn, ‘u as, late civil eemlniaoi, ,ner :Lt Delhi to. 19 STarch, VANE), am,,] to b, tie tho entire coat of arms of the 185:1, LonisaSiargtoet, sznl don ef the late FrancisIlosoell family of I’owlett. Eagrr, Eoq , no or :ti sr rrgt. I Anne, ‘o. to ‘all - Williaa- Ru-bar’ I ulepktno-Nerthey, of Oviog [louse, Ilueks (o, lion,ei-;’s Loot’ 8 Us “lIp). ,. Elizabeth. e. in ilni,Iin, ii .1 ii,,, 176:], William—John, The fancily of Vare is of ancient Welsh extraction, and 5th Marquis of Ia ‘rhi,,n, [CT., gt-I], in thu army, Ac. Sir- Forteocue 8. at I amIgo’s 10 .1 ulv, 1777, was buried at derives a,, ,inbr,ken male descent from lioweos A? X’Aee, Dci ,a,iakvn, and o. t,y his old,-st so]], Taos, so Fovvr,-vu, -. go,1. ,,f D,-’ooiakon, 9. 1 May, 174-1, U’nqnest. his se], Grilhtt, ap howell, so. Lettyeo, dan. of Si P. for Tel,”. high shvri[f sit,’ ,nth 1771], m. let, a, March, lilv’t,iyu ap Kanvya, Prince ‘f Powio, dem-ive,i from Cad— 1770, tlic’ It’’m,. STory P,,kenhamn, tan. of Tts,eoae, let I .,,r,l ivalla,ler ; and svas f:,ther of Enyon ‘‘ The Faya-e,’’ who ma. L’’ngfor’l. an, I bc lice, o-h, ‘ U. in 1779, had one son ,e,d two An9hara,l, dan. of Given au E,hs-in ST eredith, amid had a dane., e’iz. Chicheoter. it. B ung. Elicit ‘eth, it, unto. Anna-Maria, i,. 10 tics. 1802, to 96.-P. itnaten, Esq. of liosik ‘uoe, e’ ‘. heath, banister-at-law, and SI. F. for Ar’hec isis ,vife, ,iau. and heir ,,f J, ‘limi do Ia Deuce, Rsq., of J ohum, in:’ lb xaa’a ,;t’ ..-1,-ii ‘,h, Le,,,l,,t Unto) lie ,,,. Sully, STory, dan - if E,iwar,I NivhoIson, Req., by Sin henna’ VANE, who was knighted for his valiant tlean-iett,a, lio wifo, do,, of Robert Sandfor,i, Es1. of Gastlerea, avtucvemontsat tlio battle f Peietioro, 19 Sept. 1796. lie c’. K’ ‘000mm’ n, an] gi-anttdam. of William, 3rd Earl si, Grace, dan. anct l,eir cf Si, Stephen tie la I,eke, Knt. , a of Inehiquin, amil [itt f,,,-thvr issue, Goieoesrca, ido heir. lion-let, 12 Nov. 1612, t’’ the Right lien. George Knox, Owen (by the ,lan. of .J,,hn Rova’te), wh,, was 1usd eon and 5th eon of Viocount Northland, an,l d. 21 Jan. 1116, leaving heir (by Elizabeth his wife, tlau. .oid heir of Robert FireEflys, isone. Mr. Forteovue 7. in 1779, an’i iras o’ In’ bte only eon, tie euro-pee F, ,nroevn, Es,1. of Sir, mi-ken, is 12 Ang. eon ‘f Sir J”lsn St. Owen, Ku,t. ,° who was 4tta in descent 1777, St P. for llilisb’’n’ngh, ,uid tic-ut.-n,l. of the Loath frona John St. O,veu, Lord of Rester. By this lady Johai nailitia, high sheriff of that eo. in 1-966, who e- 10 Aug. Vane l,,oi as’’], and heim’, 1909, Slartha-AuJel. ‘i,um. if S,onnel-Sieade Hobs,’n, Esq. Rmenan,, Sine, who, by Eflyn his wife, dams, of Sir John of the city if Wal,-rford. lye-rioter-at-law, an,t ehai,-mar,,,f Penihridge, anil sister of Sir henry Pembm idgo, Not., was the c-u. of C ‘rio, and 7. 79 Nov. 1922, leaving issue by her, father of wi,, is deovaoc’,t, Tnos,as, too 1 dr. created T,,,r,l (lerm’’nt. CHteuEsvea-SAMUrt(i’be itt. lien,), of Re-i Ileue’:, Ardec, ibm, of JoIm P,mrve’s—, no.1 had a ‘lIsli and heir, Gr,,ee, who vo. Lenth. 9. 18 .t,m. 1121, Pt)., SI.?- fr tile e ,. L’’eti,, em. Sir Stv1’hcn htlo]nville, Rut. Ttse t’tbem’ eon, S ‘rmerly nndir-o’evettry of stale I, r the colonies ; and II evmmv V.sno, Req. if I idden, or hietlynden, in Ton— late chief orerotory f,’r Ireland; 71 Jan. 1867, Frances, hri’Jge, co. Kent, tia’iosg ie”p. Stsanv Vt., si. Isabel, dan. tS,00teoo Waltegravo. Sl,u-tha-An’’e. u in 1828 to the Rev. Edward-M.Hamiltoo, anti eo-l,vir if henry Pe,-satl, and by tIns la’ly had three formerly of ltr,,wu Ilali, en. lienegai, eon of s,,m,s mint two clans., viz,, Henry ; Hnm1ibre5-; JOHN, of James Hamilton, Faq., of Thrown IlatI, and the fIn, uRns us treat ; Iiorethy, s. to Thomas Whettenhall, Req. Helen Pakemiham. his svife. The Rev. Edward-SI. flamilton and Ann, so. to John Abych, Roq. of Sale p. The younger son, U. 16 Slay, [$61, having had issue. ltarriett, s,. 1 Sept. 1084, to liavi,t Urqnhart, Esq. of Jons VANE, or F,,nv, Es9. of Tonhridge, and of Tndetey, lhi-aelangwell, Roes-shire, late Ji.P. for Stafford, and has eo. Kent, first atcpred the tatter orthogm’aplmy. tie sa. issue. Ce tioao— of Ii’eland, j052, Peerage of the c. Richard, of Tuiteley, eo. Kent, a. Agnes, dasm. and heir United Kingdom, 3 Slay, 1560. Ar,,,o—Az., a bend engrailed, erg., o,,tioed, or. toni—An heraldic tiger, ppr., supporting with his fto’e-paw a ptain ehield, erg. Asp— Weeta,orlatid (oct ltd bite), of the Fam,es of Slereworth, parlors—Two me,’oe ,teev, p’r., alti,-e,t, or; each gorged ii. Ilenry, sheriff of Kent, 21 tienmuv VII. (1807), and with a collar of trefoils, also t’pr. M,lfa—Forte seulum saino doeum. ,So,io—llremioken. and Rave,aedale Pork, 00. Louth. Y’oeo,t If.,’v—:lS, hull Street, Berkeley Square, W. 0 L K brother, as 4th Duke of Cleveland, 6 Sept. 186-1. of I’owi,g-rs ,,itt3 (instead of the Patl’omG’ mie Luilraur. living in SI’n,nonthohire antecedently to rice timao of the s, in, tom, mo. Givenhyan, ‘lan. of 1ce-nan ap Stem-edith, mud svao father , f henry, wht,oe wife was Jutaau, Gao. of David hl,’y,l, by wh,,na he hail a s,oa, lTen,’y fattier, by Margaret wI,,, ti, the sister of Sir Richard llarley, lint.,. amid waa father of F,-em,el, gentleman, and left a son, Jo,ma Vsao, who ,o. Isabet, dan.and heir of Slartyn St. gm-cat grandson of Sir Rivhac-’t Fitz-Rliys, Kmit., bid of the mnan,’r of I.erheland) of Sir Gilbert St. On-en, KM., livasm V-ins, who so. Elizabeth, dais, e’f j’eter Traf,,r,l, Esq., by wheaa tie had two o,ams. Tie dIce 57. SIai-gacet, Die’othy, dan. of J ho Dareli. Roq. of co. [(emit, and had issue, booi’ies three ,taes., Anne, Alice, and llerey, of Th’’maa Sti’Iolph, an’i sans ancestor of the Earls of ant of the Viscount F’aneo of ireland. 17 Mmmv VIII. (1826); ,e. Elizabeth, dan. and heir of — Brimtgee, Roq., airt hod a son, Ranfe (fir Ralph), Sir, who wao knighted at the siege of Rnlleyco. in 1144; and afterwards, for his great valour at the battle of Sluosslburgb, was made a Knight-Bannoret, lot Rnw. VI. Ho had grants frona Hen. VIII. of the niaoor of Slmipboiame, and fi-om Raw. VI., and purehaaeih fs’em Sir George harper, lint., the manoy of Peasbnrst, Ac. Sir ttalph was attainted 4th Eaw, VI., for hio zealous espousal of the hatereato of the Protector Somerset, ami being found guilty of being his accomplice, was executed on Tower thlt, 26 Feb., 6th Raw, VI. lie U. a. p.; amid his estatee becoming fo,’feito’l to the er,iwcu, avoro conferred by Ibe ki”g on Sir William Shiney, lint,, the distinguished sotlier. mit. Thomas. iv. Jotmn, ,‘f whom we treat. Sir. Fane ha,i a grant c,f the manor of Hadboe, in Kent, 5 loan Sc’. OweN, son and heir of John St. Owen, Lord of hester, om. Slargaret, dan. of Sir John SIeltt,n, l(nt., and wae fathor of John St. Ow-en, who, by Gm-ace his wife, dan. of Sir Richard Clavering, Emit., left a son ai,d heir, Gilbert St. Owen, who om. Isabel Tma,aaell, and was father of John St. Owems, Tint., w’t,o st. Isabel, dan. of Robert do Glare, and CLEVEhAND, BURP. AND MARqUEeS G (Sir Harry- wao fatt,er of Sir Gilbert St. Owon, tint., who ma. Elizabeth, George T’oavlett, KG.), E,n’l of ]larli]ugton, Viscount dau. ,o,d lieu-coo of hloba,’t Fito Rhlys, soil of Henry Fite an d Bar’ in Dam-nar,l, Cf Itartlam’il Caoule, and Baron Ellys, an’t grandson of John Ritz Kliyo, who was son acid heir of Sir Riohar’l fife Ellys, lint,, l,rd of the manor of Baby, of Raby Castle, in the l’ishn1 ,i’ic of I) urbani, Lcct,elan,t. thy the heiress of the Fitz EtlyS, Sir Gilbert Ii. 19 April, 1503; sie. 2 Aug. 1551, Catherine-LucyWflbo]miua., St. Dive,, avis fatbe,- of lTam’tyn St ttaren, whose dan. and 1 il] Dalniomuy, only d:smm. of l’ldlin— heir, Is,,bel, 0,., aa in the text, John Vane. C Ta EVE Ta A N D. 236